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О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 19.09.2013 пользовательницей Galadriel
Издание 1993 года
Автор: Джанет Оак
Входит в серию: Women of the West books
Размер fb2 файла: 497.06 KB
Объём: 194 страниц
Книгу просматривали 166 раз, оценку поставили 1 читателей


Responding to an Advertisement, She Crossed an Ocean to Meet a Total Stranger and Became a Mail-Order Bride-

Kathleen O'Malley stood on the deck of the Barreth Lily and watched the land she'd called home for more than a dozen years slip from her view. She had thought she would be glad to see the last of it, but she was not. Emotions in turmoil, her whole being yearned to slip from the ship and return to what she knew. Even though Kathleen had not been happy with her situation, it was all she had ever known. As the shoreline faded into the morning mist, her only certainty was that she was bound for America to marry a man whose name she did not even know and whose face she had never seen.

On the other side of the Atlantic, Donnigan Harrison anxiously awaits Kathleen's arrival on a prairie farm far from her port of arrival in Boston. He has known the wonder of a dream fulfilled a snug frame cabin, the sturdy log barn and outbuildings, a fine herd of livestock, and crops in the field that made his eyes sparkle. Yet Donnigan felt a loneliness on the western frontier that pierced his very soul. With so limited opportunities for finding a wife, the notion of ordering a wife that once seemed unthinkable had come to make some sense. Now that the time has come, Donnigan feels like a small boy waiting for Christmas.

She didn't even know his name...but she was about to become his bride.

Standing on the ship's deck, Kathleen O'Malley watches the land she has called home slip from her view. She had thought she would be glad to see it go, but regardless of the unpleasant situation she was leaving, it was at least safe and familiar. America seems so very far away...

At his prairie farm, Donnigan Harrison anxiously awaits his bride's arrival. He has known the wonder of a dreams fulfilled--a snug cabin, a sturdy log barn, a fine herd of livestock, and crops in the field. But even with all that, he is lonely. A notion that once seemed unthinkable had come to make sense, and so he wrote a letter.

But Donnigan's anticipation is overshadowed by terrifying uncertainties: What have I done? And that question is echoed in Kathleen's heart as she nears the port...

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