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О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 16.05.2010 пользовательницей Galadriel
Издание 2007 года
Размер fb2 файла: 594.30 KB
Объём: 267 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя



by Maggie Shayne

For Matt, Christmas has aroused painful memories ever since his father died, leaving his family all but destitute and Matt with far too much responsibility too soon. Holly lost her family in a tragedy—but found solace and strength in the holidays her family loved so much. So when Matt and Holly cross paths, it’s more than fate—it’s a chance for both of them to find the one perfect gift they have both searched for all their lives…


by Erin McCarthy

For the longest time, Charlotte Murphy has burned for Will Thornton. But as far as Charlotte can tell, Will sees her only as a friend. Tired of waiting for Will to recognize her as the sexy, wanton woman she truly is, Charlotte decides to fall back on her genes—and embrace the witch within her. Her newfound powers offer a tempting way to get what she wants out of who she wants. But does she really want a man like Will to love her because of witchcraft—or because he wants to?


by Nalini Singh

Young Tamsyn has always held a special place in her heart for her powerful fellow packmember Nate. But as a dominant male leopard in the pack, the more experienced Nate doesn’t want to trap Tamsyn into the fierce demands of the mating bond—a bond driven by the animal within—when she’s hardly had the chance to grow into a woman. But Tamsyn knows what she wants for Christmas, and she’s going to get it…


by Jean Johnson

Steve Bethel and his fiancée, Rachel, could use a few miracles right about now—the family bed-and-breakfast is mortgaged to the hilt, the biggest blizzard in half a century is ruining the shortest day of the year, and their guests are canceling right and left. Then three strangers show up at what seems like the darkest hour, looking for a place to stay for the holidays…

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Любовный роман «An Enchanted Season», занимающий 267 печатных страниц, подарит вам незабываемый уютный вечер чтения (и может быть даже не один). Выбирайте себе подходящую онлайн читалку по ссылкам под постером. Все варианты позволяют читать в привычной светлой теме, а также в популярной ночной. Ночная тема отлично подойдет для чтения любовного романа в тёмное время суток перед сном, так вы обеспечите себе максимальное погружение в события книги «An Enchanted Season». Если же вы предпочитаете использовать сторонние программы для чтения, то просто скачайте полную версию любовного романа в формате fb2, этот электронный книжный формат полностью совместим с любыми актуальными мобильными читалками. Библиотека желает вам интересного чтения!