Jennifer Greene
Cupid’s Confederates

Dear Reader,

I had so much fun researching this story. I had the chance to work with a beekeeper-and to make “mead” from a recipe I discovered from Shakespeare’s time. Honey is a major thread in this story…the hero and heroine are terrific at making it, in every sense. (!)

Bett is Zach’s sun-kissed golden girl. Zach is Bett’s strength, which is his whole definition of love. Their marriage has been one long honeymoon…until Bett’s widowed mom moves in and brings chaos with her.

Love is so easy-when it’s not tested. You can’t know what you really have-or who you really are as a couple-until you’ve faced real trouble.

I was so happy when Carina Press picked up this book. Romances through the decades change-because they’re always about women’s immediate issues. But this was one of my stories that apply now more than ever. Women are SO tested today. Many are supporting kids on their own; many are trapped in the “sandwich” generation-we have so many changing responsibilities inhibiting our dreams and goals. We all struggle to find the answers that work for us.

This book was so much fun to write-and I hope it brings you an enjoyable read.

I hope you’ll always feel free to contact me, either through my website or Facebook.

Jennifer Greene
