Death, Doom and Detention Darklight 2 by Darynda Jones

For Konner

Red hair, hazel eyes sparkling beneath impossibly long lashes, a killer smile … we are in so much



If the world were a perfect place, I would remember all the people I need to thank when I write these, but alas … Please forgive my absentmindedness.

First and foremost, I have to thank my agent, Alexandra Machinist, and my editor, Jennifer Enderlin.

There just aren’t enough adjectives to describe the depths of my gratitude to you both. I would end up having to throw in adverbs and we all know where that leads. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And thanks so much to everyone at St. Martin’s Press and Macmillan Audio. I’m so proud to be a part of this fantastic family.

Thank you so much to my beta reader for this project, Hayden Casey. Your enthusiasm for this book sparked a fire inside me. I’m forever grateful.

Thank you to the LERA-lites and my Ruby Slippered Sisters who keep me semi-sane, especially

Tammy Baumann, critique goddess extraordinaire. And a special thanks to my assistant, Dana, who keeps me in line and is always ready with a kind word and a virtual cup of coffee. You are the bomb.

And the Grimlets!!! Thank you to the bestest street team ever! Especially you, Mama Grimlet. Just thinking of you makes me smile. You are amazing, one and all.

As always, thank you to my family and friends. You know who you are and you know what you’ve put up with, and for that you have my eternal gratitude. With that in mind, I have to thank Grandma Pat for reminding me there are no fireflies in the Manzano mountains. (Eek!)

If you are reading this, my last and biggest thanks goes to you, the reader who stays up past her bedtime, the lover of words who spends his or her precious free time devouring books one page at a time.

You are the nondairy creamer in my coffee.
