Faro’s Daughter is one of Georgette Heyer’s popular Regency romances. Faro was a popular card-game of the day, and the chief character in the novel is Deborah Grantham, a tall young woman with laughing, dark eyes, who sits all night at the tables in-the polite gaming-house in St James’s Square run by her aunt, Lady Bellingham. Young Lord Mablethorpe has fallen madly in love with Deb and announces that he intends to marry her. His mother, frantic with apprehension, begs her nephew Max Ravenscar (who manages her fortune) to intervene and to try to buy Deb off. Max is a bachelor of middle age, who prefers the pleasures of the cockfight and the racecourse to those of the ballroom and the usual haunts of fashion. He thinks his task is easy. But Deb is as spirited as she is beautiful: boiling with indignation, she refuses to be bribed, and plans revenge on the man who has thus insulted her. So the charming comedy proceeds to its amusing end. The author’s skill in reproducing the gay atmosphere of the Regency years is so great that we feel we are actually living among the elegant, leisured and wealthy denizens of London’s West End at that time.
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