Her Wolf Westervelt Wolves - 1 Rebecca Royce

To Ralph-Words sometimes fail me, but you never do. All my love, always.


Goodness. Nothing ever gets written in a vacuum and there are so many people to acknowledge for the writing of this book.

Thank you to A and S-Mommy appreciates the time to write.

Mom and Dad-for all your help and encouragement of my imagination when I was a child.

Oh heck, this is my first book, I’ll thank all of my friends and family. Thank you for everything. No one could be more blessed than me in the people I’ve gotten to spend my life with.

With a special shout-outs to:

Jessica Shanks-Who believed I could do this when I was twelve.

Sandra Sookoo-A truly talented writer and an amazing CP. Thank you for everything.

Maria Rogers-You took this book and made it shine. Thank you for all of your gifts and your time.

And everyone at Rom-Critters and RomanticatHeart writing critique groups who have helped me more than they can ever imagine.
