Carly Phillips
Hot Property

The fourth book in the Hot Zone series, 2008

Dear Reader,

I love writing, but no series has given me more joy than the Hot Zone, maybe because of the many personal connections for me in these books. Uncle Yank is based on my grandpa Jack, may he rest in peace, and macular degeneration runs in my family. Giving Uncle Yank a love of life despite his limitations has truly been a labor of love. From your many wonderful letters, I sense you have the same warm, fuzzy feeling for the Jordan sisters and the Hot Zone characters as I do. Thank you so much for letting me know!

Thank you, too, for being diligent, intelligent, smart readers. You picked up on inconsistencies in this series that are-frankly-embarrassing for me. As I explained to those of you who wrote me about the errors, I wasn’t trying to see if you were paying attention (although you definitely were!). All I can say is that I’m human. I have tried to address the inconsistencies in this story and have clarified that both Annabelle and Micki have daughters.

Hot Property is the last in the Hot Zone series of books. John Roper (Micki’s best friend and high-maintenance client) and Amy Stone (Riley’s cousin from Florida) are about to meet-and when they do, sparks fly!

So enjoy the heat and the fun, and the next time you write to me, I hope it’s because you miss these characters as much as I will!

Best wishes always and happy reading!


