Ex-supermodel Lola Carlyle depends on publicity to boost her exclusive lingerie business – but the revealing photos her sleazy ex-boyfriend is selling on the Internet are not the sort of publicity she prefers. Seeking privacy to plan her strategy, she treats herself to a vacation at an exclusive resort in the Bahamas, with only her beloved little dog for company. Former Navy SEAL Max Zamora is working for an ultrasecret government organization. He believes in sticking to the shadows, and revealing as little about himself as humanly possible. Though Lola is easy on the eyes, it's little short of disaster for Max to accidentally abduct a public figure like her in the course of commandeering the private yacht he needs to get out of reach of an angry drug lord – and things only get worse from there. When Lola accidentally disables the yacht, leaving them adrift in the Bermuda Triangle, at least they've got all the privacy they could want – but they've also got no way to call for help when they're shipwrecked, shot at, and caught up in a sizzling sexual frenzy. Lola Carlyle Reveals All is fast-paced romantic adventure.
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