Tori Carrington

The second book in the Dangerous Liaisons series, 2006

Dear Reader,

When we first decided to set our DANGEROUS LIAISONS miniseries in New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina wasn’t even a light breeze in the Atlantic. Now, well, after having witnessed the wrath of the storm and its devastating effects on one of our favorite cities and her many denizens, our hearts are filled with sorrow…and hope. Oh, we have no doubt that The Crescent City will rise again like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. Our hope is that the journey toward that end will be quick and as painless as possible.

In Obsession, the second title of three in the series, sexy Josie Villefranche’s French Quarter roots stretch deep into the shadowy past of the infamous area. But when handsome Drew Morrison, aka The Closer, is assigned to force her to sell the hotel and onetime brothel that has been in her family for generations, he has no idea what he’s up against…

We hope Josie and Drew’s story captures a mere fraction of what was-and will someday soon be again-sexy and unique about this wonderful city. We’ve all given to the American Red Cross. Now may we suggest we turn our attentions to Habitat for Humanity to help in the rebuilding efforts? Go to for more info. And keep an eye out for the final book in the series, Submission, in May.

With warmest wishes,

Lori &Tony Karayianni

aka Tori Carrington

P.O. Box 12271

Toledo, Ohio 43612
