Jennifer Greene
Pink Satin

Dear Reader,

I loved creating Greer. Unlike me, she was busty and voluptuous, what some used to call a bombshell. Her appearance gave me the opportunity to work with the unique vulnerabilities and needs of a sensitive woman. Greer developed early, and to protect herself from predator-guys who were only interested in her sexy appearance, she developed a maternal persona. She IS maternal. A soup and cookie maker. A consoler, a source of warm hugs, rather than hot kisses.

She works in the field of sexy lingerie, but her coworkers have stopped thinking of her as particularly female-she’s become that good at hiding her vulnerable, feminine side. Her behavior has encouraged men to treat her as a motherly type, and that’s worked really well for her-until McCullough moves next door.

Carina offered me the chance to bring this story back to readers. I’m so glad to share it with you. It was one of my first books…yet I hope you find the story reflects a core theme in romances. Isn’t it one of our eternal fantasies-for a woman to throw off her inhibitions and fears, and to reach for the woman she really wants to be?

Hope you enjoy the story!

Feel free to contact me at or through my Jennifer Greene author page on Facebook.

Jennifer Greene
