Warsworn Elizabeth Vaughan

To Jane Lackey, friend, neighbor, and sister

Dear Reader,

Here we are, together again. Well, as together as we can be through the written word. Maybe you’re standing in a bookstore, sneaking a peek behind the cover? Or have you just opened that box in your living room after ordering my book online? Perhaps you’re waiting to check out, and browsing before you pay for your purchases?

Whatever way this book came into your hands, once again you’ve allowed me to work my magic spell and attempt to enchant you. For there’s still fantasy in the world, here in my written words and the theater of your mind. You and I can journey to the Kingdom of Xy and the Plains of the Firelanders, to be drawn again into the lives of Lara and Keir.

For the Warlord and his Warprize have taken the first steps down a path that will lead to further adventures and a greater understanding of each other. But there is a saying on the Plains—and it’s a universal truth—if you wish to hear the winds laugh, tell them you plans.

So why are you lingering here? Everyone has gathered to hear the tale. Marcus is waiting, with hot kavage and food. Hurry! I don’t want to be on the wrong side of his tongue. Turn the page, and join us!

