Chapter Nine

Gill kept his face buried in Alicia’s neck, inhaling her sweet, seductive fragrance as he carried her to their room. He no longer thought of it as just hers. He’d put his stamp on the place in the short time he’d been here. Some of his clothes were in the drawers, his shaving kit was in her bathroom, his shirts hung in the closet alongside her blouses and the book he was reading rested on the nightstand. He felt more at home here then he did in the apartment he’d lived in for the past ten years in Alabama.

Alicia signified home.

He kicked the door shut behind him, and made his way quickly to the bed. He had to get her naked, to touch her soft skin, to taste her intoxicating cream, to claim her as his.

She touched his face and tugged lightly on his hair. “Are you okay?”

Was he okay? He was overwhelmed by the emotions churning inside him. He’d never expected to feel this way about anyone, but somehow with Alicia, it was the most natural thing in the world. “Yeah, sugar. Everything is perfect.” Or at least it would be when he buried himself deep in her body.

With more haste than finesse, he placed her on the bed and stripped her jeans from her body. She lifted her butt and wiggled to help him slide the denim down her legs. He yanked off her socks, tossing them aside. Lifting one of her legs, he placed a kiss on the inside of her ankle, against the curve of her knee and then on the inside of her thigh. He inhaled deeply, breathing in her unique scent. She smelled of flowers and honey and hope.

Alicia didn’t wait for him. She yanked her top over her head, and then reached for him. Grabbing him by the shoulders, she pulled him close, plastering her lips against his.

Their tongues entwined, their breath mingled as he tasted the sweetness of her lips.

She pushed him away and started tugging on his sweater. He ripped it over his head, eager to feel his flesh against hers. He couldn’t get enough of her. As always, she wore the most enticing lingerie. This set was a deep purple that made her pale skin glow.

He thumbed her nipples through the stretchy purple lace. The hard tips were outlined against the fragile fabric. She moaned and stretched out on the bed, trailing her fingers down his chest. Her nails gently scraped against his belly as they dipped just inside the waistband of his jeans.

“You have on way too much clothing.” She batted her eyelashes playfully at him, making him laugh. She’d been relaxed in bed before, but never quite this playful. It was as if she’d dropped the final barrier between them and was sharing all of herself with him for the first time.

“Not for long,” he growled as he unsnapped his jeans and skinned them down his legs, taking his underwear at the same time. He made quick work of his socks and then rolled on top of her, covering her with his naked body.

He loved the way she felt beneath him. Her curves conformed to his body, cradling it against her. She parted her legs and his cock nestled perfectly against her panty-clad mound. Propping himself up on his forearms, he stared down at her.

Alicia’s face was flushed, her eyelids partially closed. Her green eyes looked deep and mysterious, filled with womanly secrets. Her lips were slightly parted and damp from their kisses. Unable to resist, he leaned down and traced his tongue across the bottom lip, then the top one. “Delicious.”

“Don’t tease, Gill,” she gasped, hooking her legs around him, pulling him closer into the cradle of her hips. “Not now.”

Gill’s control was precariously balanced at the moment. He wanted to take hours to savor every inch of her, but his body was clamoring for him to claim her. Now. His balls ached they felt so full as they pulled tight to his body. His erection throbbed as blood rushed to that part of his body. But more than that, he needed the emotional bond that existed between them when they made love. “I can’t wait any longer,” he groaned when her nimble fingers sifted through his chest hair and tugged gently on his nipples.

“I don’t want you to wait.”

Gill reared back, grabbed the waistband of her panties and tugged. Alicia pulled her legs up toward her chest, allowing him to strip her underwear away, while giving him an unrestricted view of her slick, pink folds. “You’re so beautiful.” He reached out and stroked his finger over her, capturing some of her cream. He brought his finger to his mouth and sucked.

“Gill.” He could hear the frustration in her voice as she grabbed his arm and dragged him closer.

“Your bra,” he muttered. He found the clasp, thankful it was in the front. One quick twist of his wrist and the cups fell away, leaving her luscious breasts bare. He dipped his head and swiped his tongue over each tight, pink crown before kissing a trail down her soft belly.

He shifted lower, and Alicia spread her legs in silent invitation. Her pubic hair was as black as the hair on her head, and just as soft. He stroked his hand over the springy curls before seeking her heat.

He touched her slick folds and groaned, every muscle in his body tensing in anticipation. She was so wet, so ready for him. Holding her open with one hand, he used his lips and tongue to taste every inch of her. Her clitoris was distended and he lapped at the tiny bud of nerves before flattening his tongue against it.

“Harder,” she groaned as she thumped one foot against the mattress.

Gill felt like his head might explode, he was so intoxicated by her taste and her openness with him. “I want to be inside you.”

“Yes,” she readily agreed, wiggling her hips and digging her nails into his shoulders.

He rolled off her and yanked open the bedside drawer, practically pulling it out of the table. Grabbing one of the condoms he’d stashed there, he ripped open the packet and sheathed himself. The tip of his cock was seeping and it was almost painful to roll the condom down his shaft. When he was done, he flung himself onto his back, reaching for her with both hands. “Ride me.”

Gill’s strong hands wrapped around her hips, urging her to straddle him. Alicia shrugged out of her bra and let it fall away. She didn’t want anything between them. Not anymore.

She couldn’t believe how foolish she’d been to think what they had between them was nothing more than an affair. In truth, she’d been half-afraid to believe it was more.

She’d used her job as an excuse, but she’d actually been protecting herself and her emotions. Yes, she’d probably lose some business over this. Jamesville was a small town, after all, but Gill was more than worth it. What they shared was worth everything.

A lock of his blond hair was stuck to his forehead and his shoulders were slick with sweat. His chest was rising and falling rapidly. She could sense his urgency, but his hands were gentle as he guided her over him. Her heart swelling with emotion, she gripped him in her hand and lowered herself onto his shaft.

As always, she was amazed by how much he stretched her, filling her until she thought she couldn’t take any more, but she always did. Inch by inch, she continued to take him inside her.

They’d made love many times in the past week, in many different ways, but none of those times had felt like this. This was more than just sex. This was making love in the truest sense of the words.

Gill’s hands slid up her torso until they cupped her breasts, his thumbs playing over her swollen nipples. Her inner muscles contracted, taking him even deeper. She paused and stared deep into his amazing steel-blue eyes. “I love you.”

Passion and emotion deepened the color of his eyes. He arched his hips, pushing the last of his cock inside her. “I love you too.”

She braced her hands on his chest and started to move. She started out slow, but gained speed with each downward plunge. She couldn’t wait and she sensed that Gill was on the edge too. He squeezed her breasts, teasing her nipples as she rode him hard, lifting until only the tip of his shaft was inside her before slamming back down again.

He slid one of his hands down between her thighs and found her clitoris, rubbing gently. Her climax struck, fast and furious, and she cried out his name. She arched her back, pushing harder, not wanting to stop. Heat exploded from her core, encompassing her entire body. Her inner muscles trembled before clutching hard around his shaft.

Gill rolled to one side, keeping his arms locked around her. By the time she realized what was happening, she was flat on her back and he had his arms hooked beneath her legs, holding her wide open as he pounded into her.

She cried out again as a second orgasm hit her. She gripped the sheets in her fingers, hanging on for dear life, riding out another wave of pleasure. Gill shouted his release, and she felt his cock rippling inside her. His hips bucked several more times as he emptied himself into the condom. His arms slid away and her legs fell back onto the bed. Gill collapsed on top of her, but managed to shift to one side so he didn’t crush her.

She was content to lie there and let the remnants of pleasure slip through her. Her breathing slowed, gradually going back to normal. She shivered, and only then noticed the cold for the first time. They’d never actually made it into the bed. They were sprawled on top with the comforter and sheets bunched beneath them.

Gill raised his head and smiled at her. He rubbed his nose against hers before planting a quick kiss on the tip. He eased out of her, taking care with the condom. Rolling to his feet, he disappeared in the direction of the bathroom.

Although it took an effort, Alicia managed to wiggle herself beneath the covers, heaving a contented sigh as her chilled skin began to warm again. Gill returned to the room and slipped into bed beside her, pulling her into his arms.

“We need to talk.” He tenderly tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, letting his fingers trail down her neck. The motion relaxed her even as his words made her shoulders tense. She forced herself to relax.

“I thought we’d covered everything.” She didn’t want to talk. Not now. She wanted to just enjoy the glow.

“Not even close.” Gill sat up in bed until his back was resting against the headboard.

Without hesitation, he pulled her into his arms so that she was cradled against his chest.

She toyed with his chest hair. “What is there left to discuss? You love me. I love you. And we’ll see what happens from here.”

He shook his head. “See that’s where we differ. I already know what I want to happen from here.”

It was startling to realize that she wasn’t tense anymore. Whatever happened, she had faith that they’d handle it—together. Such a simple word, but not one she’d ever used before in her personal life. She’d always been alone. “What do you want?” She was truly curious to know.

He continued to stroke the curve of her neck, his fingers playing with the hair at her nape. “I want to move to Jamesville.” He let his hand slide across until he was cupping her cheek. “I want to wake up with you in the morning and go to bed with you each night.”

Her heart leapt with joy. “You’re moving to Jamesville?”


“What will you do? I mean, I know you’re a retired cop. Will you go to work for the Jamesville Sheriff’s department or the State Police?”

Gill shook his head. “I’ve seen enough of the law from that side of things.” He picked up her hand and toyed with her fingers. “You know I’ve got a couple of degrees.”

She nodded. “Patrick told me when I asked him about you.”

“He told me that you’d checked me out.” One corner of his mouth turned up in a grin. “I knew from the start you were smart.”

“What can I say? A girl can’t be too careful.” She batted her eyelashes playfully.

Gill laughed, just as she’d hoped. “Honestly, I’d like to counsel victims of abuse, women and children. Maybe advocate for them in some capacity. I know how the law works and think I can help them. Maybe help out the local shelter, if there is one. Offer self-defense courses to women. That kind of thing.” He twined their fingers together, palm-to-palm, giving a light squeeze before releasing her hand. “I’ve worked hard my entire life, but I’ve never had an extravagant lifestyle. The bulk of my paychecks were banked and invested. Plus, I’ve got a pension after twenty years on the force.” He shrugged. “I’ve got time to figure things out.”

Alicia wrapped her arms around him and hugged him as tight as she could. She didn’t want him to see the tears that filled her eyes. She’d always known he was a very special man, but he continued to surprise her. “You’d be wonderful doing any of those things.”

“Or all of them.”

She laughed and released him. “Or all of them.”

He brought one of her hands to his lips and kissed each finger in turn. “I know this is too soon, but I’m just putting it out there as something for you to think about.” Gill angled her so that she was looking straight at him. “I want to marry you.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “You don’t have to marry me, Gill. My reputation can withstand our being together.” The last reason she wanted to be married was out of a sense of guilt or honor. Gill was an honorable man with his own code of ethics. He wouldn’t worry about himself, but he would worry about her reputation and her livelihood.

He shook his head and gave her a gentle smile. Once again, she was lost. Having him look at her as if she was the center of his world made her insides melt.

“I know I don’t have to marry you, sugar. I want to. I thought you’d take pity on me and make me an honest man. We can have a long engagement if you’re not sure.” He smoothed a lock of damp hair from her forehead. “I don’t mind waiting. I’ve waited for you my entire life, Alicia.” His voice grew huskier with each word he spoke. “I’ll wait for you forever if that’s what it takes.”

“Yes,” she blurted out.

He stilled. “Yes, what?

“Yes, I’ll marry you. Yes, I love you. Just yes.” Flinging her arms, around him, she began to laugh. Gill hugged her so tight, she could barely breathe, but who needed to breathe anyway? She was in love.

Gill met her lips as she reached out to kiss him. Their bodies melded together and he shifted, lowering her to the mattress. She smiled even as they continued to kiss. There were plenty of details to be worked out, but none of that mattered. There would be time enough for that later.

Much later.

Alicia wrapped her arms around him, remembering all the years of loneliness. They were behind her now. They’d been worth it, if only because they’d brought this man to her.

Gill eased his lips from hers. “Do you need to go back to work today?”

She grinned back at him. “The boss gave me the day off.”

“That so?” He felt an answering smile cover his face.

She nodded solemnly. “To celebrate my engagement.”

Gill swore and leaned over the side of the bed, dragging his jeans close. How could he have forgotten? He dug into the pocket and pulled out a small box. “I bought this yesterday just in case.” He felt awkward as he held out the box with the ring. He’d spent hours searching for the perfect ring for Alicia. He was only getting engaged once in his life and wanted to do it right. “If you don’t like it, we can exchange it.”

Nestled inside the box was a brilliant emerald, surrounded by diamonds. Tears welled in her eyes and began to slip down her cheeks.

Immediately concerned, Gill tugged her closer. “It’s okay, sugar. I bought it because it reminded me of your eyes. We can take it back.” He should have known better than to try and pick out the ring without her. That kind of thing was important to a woman.

“Don’t you dare.” She swiped at her eyes and held out her hand. “It’s perfect.”

He eyed her questioningly. “Those are happy tears?”

She nodded and wagged her hand. He pulled the ring out of the box and slipped it over her finger. It fit perfectly.

She held her hand out in front of her, turning it one way and then another, admiring the ring. “I can’t believe you bought a ring. You must have been pretty sure of yourself.”

He shook his head. “No sure. Just hopeful.”

Another tear spilled slowly down her cheek. “Thank you.”

Gill used his thumbs to wipe away her tears. “No, thank you. Thank you for giving me everything I’d ever dreamed for, but never thought I’d find.”

When he’d come to Jamesville, he’d hoped to find some peace of mind. Instead, he’d found so much more. He’d found a home.

Their lips met and he deepened the kiss, determined to love her until she screamed with pleasure. He smiled in anticipation. It was going to be a long afternoon.
