
He was impossible! Arrogant! Rude!

If he’d slapped her, Zach couldn’t have hurt Summer more than he had when he’d turned his back on her and walked out.

Fisting her hands, she got up and ran after him. But with his long legs, the elevator doors were closing before she caught up to him.

“Zach, you’ve got to listen-”

His glare was indifferent and cold as the doors slammed together.

“Well, you’ve sure got him on the run. You must have scared the hell out of him,” Davis said, chuckling behind her. “That’s not so easy to do. Usually he shreds his adversaries.”

Zach’s attorney looked slim and handsome in his tailored Italian suit and prematurely gray hair. He had been a year or two older than she in high school, but she and he had never been close. Davis worked for Zach now, not her.

Her heart swelled with uncertainty. She was afraid to say anything to Davis because whatever she said would be repeated to Zach. She couldn’t risk damaging Tuck’s chances.

“Where do you think he went?” she asked.

“We’ve got a lot of legal work to wrap up, so he’s in town for a few days. He spent his morning at the construction site, and he didn’t mention having any other meetings this afternoon, so maybe he went home. I’d leave him alone for now, let him settle down. Don’t push him into making a rash decision about Tuck. Believe me, he’ll call you when he’s ready.”

But wouldn’t it be better to deal with him now, when he wasn’t ready? Wouldn’t that give her an advantage?

Besides she was under contract to perform in New York, and her calendar was full. She didn’t have a second to waste. No way could she stay here indefinitely without major consequences to her career. Directors, producers and other actors were depending on her.

Acting on a mixture of intuition and desperation, she went out to her rental car and followed the winding bayou road to the old Thibodeaux place.

His pale, beige antebellum-style home had a wide front veranda and ten stately columns. Weeds grew in the flower beds, and the grass was overgrown. Wild passion flowers had taken over the edges of the yard. She rang the bell and nobody answered, making her wonder why he didn’t have adequate staff.

When she began to pace the veranda, she saw it had a few rotten boards and was in need of a thorough sweeping. She peered through the smudged pane of a front window. Inside, she saw stacks of boxes on the dusty, scarred floors of the palatial rooms.

Apparently, his people hadn’t finished moving him in. Was he even here?

When she rang the bell again with no answer, she decided to walk around back by way of a redbrick path that lay in the shade of vast oak trees that needed a good trimming. All the forest-green shutters were peeling, as well.

The mansion had been built a decade before the Civil War and had served as a Yankee headquarters.

Now, the house and yard needed love and lots of money, but with enough of both, it could be a beautiful home for some lucky family. Had Zach bought it because he was thinking of settling down? Marrying and having children? Little dark-haired boys or girls? She imagined them playing out in the yard and hated the way the vision tugged at her heart.

A gleaming silver Mercedes was parked in front of Zach’s three-car garage. His car? How many did the man own?

Seeing the low, white-picket fence, also in need of fresh paint, encircling the pool, she opened the gate and stepped gingerly through the high weeds to let herself inside.

Intending to knock on one of the back doors, she headed toward them only to stop when she saw a half-empty bottle of expensive scotch on a nearby table. At the sound of someone bouncing with a vengeance on the diving board, she turned just as a pair of long, tanned, muscular legs disappeared into the water.


He didn’t answer, of course, because he was underwater and speeding like a dark torpedo toward the shallow end. When she heard more splashing, she walked to the edge where the water lapped against the stairs. Centering her white heels precisely on one of the large navy tiles that bordered the pool, she waited for him to come up for air.

He was fast. Obviously, he’d stayed in shape since he’d been on the swim team in high school.

Oh, my God. He was naked!

Suppressing a cry at that realization, she saw his clothes discarded untidily on the far side of the pool. Still, instead of turning and fleeing, she stopped and stood her ground. Her nervous state was such that she felt it took him forever to surface.

Thankfully, since he was in the water, when he did stand up, she couldn’t see much of his lower body, but his perfect, muscular, wetly gleaming, tanned torso stimulated her overactive imagination anyway.

He shook his wet black head, flinging droplets of water all over her.

“Hey!” she cried, stepping even farther back.

He scowled up at her in shock even as his black eyes greedily raked her with male interest. Grinning, he made no effort to sink lower in the water or cover himself. “Why am I even surprised?”

“I knocked,” she said defensively as hot color rose in her cheeks. “On your front door.”

“Did you really?”

A warm breeze caressed her cheek. She looked anywhere except at his wide, dark chest and muscular arms. Even so, she was aware of his height, of his taut stomach and of that dark strip of hair running down his middle and disappearing into the water.

“You didn’t answer,” she said.

“A lot of women…women who weren’t looking for trouble…would have just left.”

“I…I’m not looking for trouble.”

“Well, you damn sure found it.”

“I have to know what you’re going to do about Tuck.”

“Since you’re obviously determined we’re going to have a chat on that subject, maybe you’d be so kind as to get me a towel out of the bathhouse. Since I thought I was alone, I didn’t think I’d need one. Or… Do I-need one?”

“Yes!” she cried. “You most certainly do!”

He laughed.

Thankful for something to do other than trying to avoid looking at his amused and much-too-sexy face, she all but flew to the bathhouse. Returning quickly, she set the fluffy, folded rectangle on the edge of the pool. Patting it primly, she turned her back on him.

Water splashed as his bare feet thudded across concrete. She felt her body warm as she listened to him towel off, visualizing his tall bronzed body behind her without a stitch on.

He was certainly taking his time. Was he trying to tempt her into turning around? She wanted to turn. Thankfully, she resisted. Surely he’d had time to secure the towel, but another intolerable minute passed.

Finally, as if sensing her impatience and interest in his physique, he chuckled and said, “It’s safe for you to turn around now.”

But it wasn’t. Not when his fierce black eyes devoured her, obviously reading her wicked desires. Not when he wore only that towel and they both knew he was naked and gorgeous and completely male underneath it.

She wished she didn’t feel so keenly alive every time she was anywhere near him. She wished she wasn’t drawn by his tanned arms and bare chest, that she didn’t remember lying with him as a girl after they’d made love and nuzzling that dark strip that vanished beneath the thick folds of his towel.

Oh, how she’d loved him that night after he’d made love to her. Like a foolish child, she’d thought he belonged to her, that he would always be hers.

Maybe he would have-if she’d fought Thurman and the town. Maybe then she wouldn’t feel as she did right now, as if she was starving for love.

“You’ve got guts to come out here all alone. Aren’t you scared of what I might do to you?”

Her heartbeat accelerated. She didn’t fully understand her motives. She’d just known that she couldn’t let him bully her, and that she couldn’t stand by and let Tuck be hurt because of her past sins.

Moving closer to him to prove her bravery, she said, “You ran away. Maybe you’re the one who’s scared of me.”

He flushed darkly. “And then again, sweetheart…maybe not.”

Sweetheart. The word ripped her heart. In the past, he’d always said the endearment so tenderly it took her breath away. Today, his voice was harsh with irony.

Before she knew what was happening, his hand snaked toward her, and he yanked her against his body, which was wet and warm and as hard as steel.

Her heart leaped into her throat as she caught the faint scent of scotch on his breath. Too late, she wondered how much he’d drunk.

“I wasn’t scared of you, you little fool. I was scared of me. Of what I might be tempted to do if I didn’t get away from you. Then you come here…and deliberately invade my privacy. You tempt me…into this, into holding you again. Sweetheart, you’re playing with fire.”

Again too late, she realized he hadn’t had time to swim off any of the liquor he’d drunk.

“Well,” she hedged, “I…I see you were right… And I was wrong. Maybe it would be smarter to set up another meeting tomorrow morning, as you suggested.”

Echoing her thoughts, he said, “It’s too late for such a sensible decision. You came here because you want something from me, and you want it very badly. You saw I was naked. You knew you were alone with me and you stayed. Since I told you I still wanted you, maybe you thought if you excited me again, I’d be easier to deal with.”


“Hey, don’t back down. You were right. It’s good for your cause that you’re here. As it turns out, I know exactly what I want from you. I was just fighting the temptation earlier.”

Oh, God.

“I didn’t stay because you weren’t dressed…and I thought I could manipulate you…or whatever horrible thing you think I was up to.”

His swift grin was savage. “You’ve always been good at pretending. Like back in high school-when your stepfather bullied you into graduating early, you pretended you wanted what he wanted. He wanted you to be a teacher because he thought that was a respectable career for a woman. Did you ever once tell him how important theater was to you before you starred in Grease and made him so angry at the end of your senior year? You dated me behind his back, too, because you knew he wouldn’t approve. And when he hung me out to dry, you lied to everybody in this town about me. Your whole life was a lie. So, you’d damn sure lie now.”


“I think you’ve gone on lying to yourself for years. You know how I know? Because I’ve been doing the same thing. In my arrogance, I thought you’d taught me such a bitter lesson I was immune to women like you…and to you specifically. Until I kissed you…”

She swallowed, suddenly not liking the way he was holding her, or the way he was looking at her with that big-bad-wolf grin.

“I’d better go.”

“You’re so damned beautiful.” He was staring at her as if she were a puzzle. “How can you look so innocent? I have enough money to buy practically anything, anybody, I want and I usually do. I want you. Why should I deny myself?”

Drawing her closer, he reached up and gently brushed away the lock of blond hair that feathered against her skin.

Her tummy flipped. Tenderness from him was the last thing she’d expected, and it caused hot, unwanted excitement to course through her.

He smelled of chlorine and sunlight, scotch and of his own clean male scent, which somehow she’d never forgotten. All of it together intoxicated her.

Her reaction frightened her. When she tried to back away, his grip on her wrist tightened.

“I want you to move in with me for a while. I want to figure out this thing that’s still between us.”

“Impossible!” He wanted sex. He just wasn’t going to say it. “There’s nothing between us.”

Again, she tried to jerk free, but his hand and body were granite hard.

“You’re such a liar. Before we kissed, I would have agreed. I wanted to believe that,” he said. “But unlike you, I’m uncomfortable lying to myself.”

“I’m under contract in New York. I’ve got an opening night in eight weeks. We’re going to be rehearsing, and I have several scenes to shoot for a movie in L.A. My calendar is full. Crammed.”

“So reschedule.”

“I have commitments, a life… Other people are involved. Producers, my director, the rest of the cast.”

“Odd-you failed to mention your movie-star boyfriend… Hugh, I believe?” His eyes darkened.

“Yes! Of course-Hugh. We’re in the same film.”

Zach’s grim smile held no satisfaction. “And you think I don’t have someone special or plenty on my plate?”

Someone special.

The thought of him having a girlfriend he truly cared about tugged painfully at her heart-which was ridiculous!

“Even I, who know next to nothing about the theater world, have heard the term understudy,” he continued. “Reschedule.”

“I hate you.”

“Good. We’re on the same page.” His voice was harsh. “You’ll live here, with me, weekends only-until your opening night. I don’t care how you live the rest of the week. Or with whom. I’ll be commuting here from Houston.”

“I have to know exactly what you want from me,” she whispered.

“I’m a man. You’re a woman. Use your imagination.”

“This is crazy.”

“You forget, I’m a gambler. Ever since you pulled your little stunt and nearly destroyed me, I’ve gotten to where I am by operating on my gut. If I feel like it’s right to go ahead with a deal, I do…whether or not I have all the facts to support my decision. Even if the facts tell me it might be the wrong thing to do-as in your case-I do it. It’s worked for me so far.”

“This isn’t business. I won’t have you gambling with my future, with Tuck’s future.”

“It’s the way I operate. Take it or leave it. Since I hold the winning cards where your brother and his band of merry thieves are concerned, I don’t think you have a better option.”

“Is it sex? Do you want me to sleep with you? If that’s it-just say so.”

“Sex?” His black gaze raked her. “I won’t say that offer doesn’t tempt me. Did you mean tonight?”

When she didn’t deny it, when she bit her lip and said nothing, he cupped her chin. Again, his hold was gentle, only this time it was more intimate as he studied her, his black eyes lingering on her lips before traveling lower. His hand stroked her throat. When his fingers slid briefly beneath the neckline of her dress, causing her skin to burn and her pulse to race even faster, she gasped in anticipation.

“I want you in bed, but it’s not that simple,” he finally murmured, removing his hand.

Only after he stopped touching her could she breathe again.

“I want you in bed, but I want you to be willing. So, this isn’t just about sex. Not by a long shot.”

No, it was about submission, about complete domination and control. She’d read plenty about how ruthless he was. He wanted to humiliate her as thoroughly as he’d humiliated his stepmother.

She shut her eyes because his gaze was too powerful and her own desire was beginning to feel too palpable.

“I loved you,” he whispered. “I trusted you, but you betrayed me.”

“I…I…loved…you, too.”

“Shut up, Summer! You and your stepfather and his cronies nearly sent me to prison. For statutory rape. I was nineteen. Now, any time a reporter shows up here or in Houston to do a new story on me, they dredge up the past. That’s not something I’ll easily forget. Or forgive-ever.”


“Even though my uncle got me out of that mess, even though I’ve made a success of myself, a cloud has hung over my name. For years. No matter how much money I made. Because of you. Do you understand? At the least opportune times, when delicate deals hang in the balance, a belligerent press will hound me about those trumped-up charges, especially because you’re so famous now. No matter how high I climb, somebody’s always there, wanting to throw me back in the gutter where you put me. So, I came back to this town-to set things straight once and for all. I want to bury the past and silence my accusers. If you move in with me, everybody around here will think you approve of me and always have.

So, yes, this is about more than sex or revenge or whatever the hell else you think.”

“You seem to have done okay in Houston.”

“No thanks to you! If you’d had your way, I’d be a registered sex offender today. My uncle was at least able to get that part of my record expunged.” The rough bitterness that edged his low tone made her shiver.

“Despite what you say, your plan sounds like revenge.”

“You owe me,” he muttered. “You don’t want me to press charges and sic the crazy justice system on your brother, the way you stuck it to me. Because we both know how destructive and long-reaching the consequences for that would be.

If you do what I ask, Tuck gets a free ride. My plane and pilot will be at LaGuardia Airport every Friday at 3:00 p.m. to pick you up and fly you here for as long as your companionship amuses me. Be there, or by damn, I’ll forget how beautiful and vulnerable and innocent-looking you are and do as I please with your brother.”

“You wouldn’t-”

“Are you willing to risk Tuck’s future on that assumption? My anger over the way you railroaded me fueled my ambition to achieve all I’ve achieved. I doubt Tuck will be so lucky if you throw him to the wolves.”

She was shuddering violently when he let her go. Still, his burning eyes didn’t release her for another long moment.

“And I have one more condition-you’re not to tell a soul about our little bargain.”

“Don’t do this,” she pleaded softly.

“If it gives you any pleasure, I feel as trapped as you do,” he muttered.

“Then why are you punishing us both?”

“This meeting’s adjourned!” he said in a harder tone. “I intend to finish swimming laps. Naked. You can watch me or join me or leave. Your choice.”

Grinning darkly with cynical, angry amusement that stung her to the quick, his hands moved to his waist to shed his towel. Even though he took his time, and she had plenty of time to turn away, she stood where she was, daring him.

Like a raptor, his black eyes gleamed diamond hard as he ripped the white terry cloth loose. With a shocked gasp she watched, mesmerized, as it fell down his long legs and pooled in an untidy heap beside his bare feet.

His tall legs were planted firmly apart as his hard eyes locked on hers. His full, sensuous mouth smiled wickedly in invitation.

Although she willed herself to turn away, he was so uncompromisingly male, so fully aroused, she was too compelled by him not to look.

“Why don’t you stay and swim, too? We could start your weekends a week early,” he murmured in a low, seductive tone.

Hot color crept into her cheeks. How could just looking at him be so electrifying? If only she could have hidden her admiration. “I…I don’t think that would be wise.”

“We’re way past wisdom,” he murmured drily. “You want to. I want you to. We’re both adults. You start serving your time, maybe I’ll get my fill of you sooner rather than later. I could let you off early…for good behavior.”

Tempted, she trembled as she fought the fierce need to move toward him, to touch him. Her hands clenched. Looking at him took her back to the most glorious, sensual night of her life. He was so virile and handsome she couldn’t think.

She wasn’t that foolish, naive girl any longer. She’d been fiercely independent for years.

But the foolish hopes and dreams of that girl still lurked in her heart, tormenting her. If Summer didn’t turn and walk away, or run-yes, run!-she would do something incredibly stupid, something she would regret for the rest of her life.

Just as she regretted their past love.

Only, she didn’t feel as if she regretted it anymore.

Why not? What was happening to her?

Did some crazy part of her want to try again? Did she really want to risk everything she’d achieved for a second chance with him?

He got you pregnant. When you tried to tell him, he wouldn’t even talk to you.

But how could she blame him for what he hadn’t known?

“I see you’re unsure,” he murmured with a faint, derisive smile.

“I-I’m not unsure,” she said even as the burning desire in his eyes made her feel as if she was melting. “I think you’re a monster, so I-I’m leaving. R-right now. Really.”

He laughed. “Then check with Davis for my phone numbers. Call me if you decide to take my offer so I can tell my pilot and my caretaker. Since I’m a gambling man, I’ll wager that you’ll be here next Friday. We can swim together then. Or do whatever else we feel like. We’ll have the whole weekend to enjoy each other.”

He spoke casually, as if her decision meant little to him. Then he turned and walked away.

Her stomach in knots, she watched him much too hungrily until he vanished behind a wall of shrubbery.
