Chapter 7

Jilly actually felt all the blood drain from her face. Her eyes goggled and she stared at him, horrified, mortified. Oh. My. God.

Clearly he'd overheard at least the tail end of her conversation with Kate. Snatches of Jilly's words reverberated through her brain… the sort of kiss you'd like to have last for three weeks… I want to do a hell of a lot more than just kiss him… we'll satisfy our lust this weekend only, then never speak of this 'at the winery' incident again… I haven't had sex in so long, you could nickname me Rusty.

With a moan, she plopped her elbows on the table, then lowered her face into her hands. She didn't know who the Patron Saint of Potholes was, but she offered up a prayer anyway, begging for a large cavity to yawn open in the floor and swallow her.

"How much did you hear?" she finally asked in a small voice.

He touched his fingertips under her chin until she raised her head to look at him. "Enough to know that you want me, which works out well because I sure as hell want you. And enough to know that it's been a while for you, which again works out well because it's been a while for me, too. I've never been so powerfully attracted to a woman in my life. As far as I'm concerned, there isn't a decision to make. So, it's up to you…"

His words, spoken in that low, husky voice, flicked fire over her, extinguishing her embarrassment. He'd served the ball into her court. He wanted her. Now she needed to decide if she was going to return his serve, or pack up her gear and hit the locker rooms-a decision that took all of five seconds. Actually he was right-there wasn't any decision to make. The whispers of common sense were drowned out by the screams of her body telling her to make love with him.

Nine months, three weeks and nineteen days was enough.

She blew out a long breath. "I'd be willing to wager that my sexual drought has been longer than yours."

"Then let's end the dry spell." He trailed his fingertips along her jaw. A delicate shiver of delight trembled across her shoulders at the touch, and his eyes darkened at her response. "There's definitely a spark between us, Jilly."

"That's my brain shorting out. This proposition of yours-I must admit, you've aroused my interest."

"You've aroused a lot more than that. And just by sitting there."

"Hmmm. Imagine what might happen if I put a little effort into it."

"I have been imagining it. Constantly." His gaze dropped to her mouth and feminine satisfaction surged through her at his low groan. Leaning toward her, he whispered, "I really like your lips."

With the decision made, she didn't attempt to hold back the desire and need and anticipation pumping hot through her veins. She reached out and whispered the tip of her index finger over his mouth. "I really like your lips, too. Would you like me to show you how much?"

The fire in his gaze scorched her. He grasped her hand and pressed a kiss in the center of her palm. "Oh, yeah."

"Let's go."

Since they'd already signed the check, charging their meals to the room, they stood. Matt held out his hand. Without hesitation Jilly entwined her fingers with his, and they left the restaurant.

They crossed the lobby, and it was all Jilly could do not to give in to the urge to run across the pale marble floor, dragging him along in her haste. Her hands positively itched with the need to touch him. Her skin felt tight and hot, and she couldn't wait to get this dress off her. And his hands on her. She toyed with the idea of pulling him into an alcove and kissing him until they couldn't breathe. But she knew that once they started, there'd be no stopping, so starting in a public place was not a good idea.

As they neared the elevators, she asked, "What's our condom situation?"

"Under control."

Thank God. Because at the moment, it was about the only thing that was. She couldn't recall ever feeling so impatient for a man's touch. To feel his skin against hers. Taste his lips.

Just play it cool 'til you get to the room, her inner voice said soothingly. Yeah, she could do that.

The instant the elevator doors enclosed them in privacy, however, he yanked her against him, and all thoughts of cool were incinerated by his fiery kiss. His tongue explored her mouth while his strong hands streaked down her back, molding her closer. She arched into him, reveling in the feel of his erection pressing against her belly. Plunging her fingers through his thick hair, she savored the silky heat of his mouth.

The doors opened, and still wrapped around each other, alternately kissing and laughing, they headed awkwardly down the corridor to their room. Matt reached into his pants pocket and frowned. After a quick pat-down of his other pockets, he said, nipping his way across her jawline, "I don't have my key. Must have forgotten it when I came back for my phone earlier."

"I have mine." At the door Jilly turned away from him and fumbled impatiently in her purse. Standing behind her, Matt wrapped his arms around her waist and gently bit the side of her neck.

Her eyes glazed over. "That's not helping me find my key," she said in a shaky voice.

"You need to be more careful and keep your key at the ready," he whispered against her ear, his warm breath showering shivers of delight through her. "You never know who might be lurking about."

"This seemed like a pretty safe hallway-till now."

"Exactly. What if someone came up behind you?" His arms tightened around her waist, and she leaned back against his long, muscular body, absorbing his heat, reveling in the tensile strength of those arms, and the press of his erection against her buttocks.

Turning her head, she nipped her teeth against his jaw. "I guess they'd get me."

An agonized groan rumbled in his throat. "I can't wait."

"You can't be any more anxious than me. I have nine months, three weeks and nineteen days to make up for."

"You're kidding."

"I'm not."

He nuzzled her neck. "Well, I'm at your disposal and more than happy to help. Have you found the key yet?"

Her fingers closed over the plastic key card. "Got it. Listen, is hard and fast all right with you for the first time?"

He pressed his erection tighter against her buttocks and slid one hand up to cup her breast, eliciting a gasp from her. "You even need to ask? If you don't hurry up and open the door, hard and fast is going to happen right here in the hall."

She yanked the key from her small, beaded bag, then jammed the card into the slot. Matt followed her into the room. The instant the door clicked shut, all bets were off. Splaying her hands against his chest, she backed him against the wall. His mouth came down on hers in a hot, wild, openmouthed kiss at the same time his impatient fingers undid her chignon and then plunged his hands into the loosened locks. She moaned, and arched against him, rubbing her pelvis against his erection while his hands skimmed over her hips, urging her closer.

Impatience and fire raced through her. Feeling like a volcano on the verge of eruption, she shoved her hands under his cashmere sweater, smoothing her palms up his ridged abdomen. Breaking off their kiss, she tugged the soft wool upward. "Off."

While he yanked the sweater over his head, she retreated one step and applied herself to the zipper on the back of her dress.

After he toed off his shoes and yanked off his socks, he set his hands on her shoulders and turned her around. "Let me," he said in a harsh rasp. He lowered the zipper with a quick, fluid tug. Turning her to face him, he slid the material down her body, the sleek texture abrading her oversensitive, aroused skin. Releasing the dress, the silk puddled at her feet, leaving her clad in her lacy black bra, wisp-of-satin black panties, lace-topped thigh-high stockings and her heels. Breathing choppy, heart rapping against her ribs with rapid-fire beats, she reached for his belt.

He turned them so that her back now pressed against the wall. His mouth captured hers in another deep, tongue-dancing, frantic kiss. While she battled his stubborn belt buckle with clumsy, impatient fingers, he flicked open the front clasp of her bra and filled his hands with her aching breasts, teasing her already rigid nipples until she thought she'd scream. He left her lips and blazed hot, openmouthed kisses down her neck, then bent his head to draw her taut nipple into the wet heat of his mouth.

A gasp of delight escaped her, and temporarily abandoning his belt, she dropped her head back against the wall, and tunneled her fingers into his silky hair. Arching upward, she urged him to take more, and he obliged, his tongue and teeth and lips worshiping her breasts until her thighs trembled, and the musky scent of her feminine arousal rose between them from her damp flesh.

With a low, guttural growl his hands skimmed along her sides, pushing her panties down her legs until she impatiently kicked them aside. And then his mouth was again on hers, stealing her breath. She clung to his shoulders, and her need rising to the point of desperation, she lifted one leg and hooked it around his hips. One strong, masculine hand cupped her buttocks while the other slipped between her thighs. When his fingers slid over her aching, wet feminine folds, they both groaned.

"Jilly…" His ragged breaths beat against her lips.

Need-razor sharp and demanding-seized her and she spread her legs wider. "Now," she ground out. "Now."

His fingers slid inside her, and she gasped. Her orgasm rocketed through her, ripping a low, husky oooohhh from her throat. She arched her back, reveling in the knee-weakening shudders consuming her.

When her spasms subsided, she limply clung to him, biting her lip against the pleasurable aftershocks rippling through her as he continued slowly to stroke her.

"Wow." Leaning forward, she lightly nipped the side of his neck. "Thanks, I needed that."

"My pleasure."

"Actually, it was mine. Now it's your turn."

"Can't wait."

With his body on the verge of detonation, Matt scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed where he set her on the comforter with a gentle bounce. She reached up for him, but he backed away, muttering, "Condom," simultaneously blessing the fact that he had some, and cursing the fact that they were in his damn overnight bag. Turning away from her for even an instant required an almost Herculean effort.

Dropping to his knees, he pawed through his bag, heedless of the mess he was making of his clothing. Light suddenly flooded the room and without taking the time to look up, he said, "Thanks."

Damn it, where were the condoms? He tossed underwear, T-shirts, sweaters and socks over his shoulder. Just as panic was about to set in, he located them in a side pocket. He grabbed one and stood, then turned toward the bed. And stilled.

Jilly lay sprawled on the bedspread, her dark hair, mussed from his hands, spread around her head like a halo, an image not at all in keeping with the rest of her, which was the personification of sin. Legs splayed, wearing nothing save those lacy thigh-high sheer black stockings, she leaned up on her elbows and regarded him through smoky eyes.

His gaze wandered downward, taking in her lush mouth, flushed skin, and erect nipples, then lower, over the feminine curve of her hips and the triangle of dark curls at the apex of her shapely legs. He inhaled sharply and the delicate scent of female arousal inundated his senses, spiking his temperature several degrees. She looked like she'd just stepped from the pages of a book entitled Matt's Every Fantasy.

"Listen," she said in a husky rasp, "you took the edge off, and as much as I appreciate it, I still feel like a bottle rocket about to go off. If you're just going to stand there, I might have to go see what the guy in room 311 is doing."

"Like hell," he said with a growl. Tossing the condom onto the bedspread, he applied himself to his belt. "I hope hard and fast is still okay with you 'cause I don't think I'm gonna last much longer."

She shot him a sexy smile that shaved away a few more seconds of whatever time he had left before he exploded. "Hard and fast sounds perfect."

He stripped off his pants and boxers in one swift movement. Unmistakable appreciation gleamed in her eyes as her gaze riveted on his straining erection. He started to reach for the condom, but halted when she crawled to the edge of the bed, like a sleek cat stalking toward a bowl of cream, then rose to her knees in front of him.

She reached out and stroked her fingers down his aroused length, causing him to suck in a sharp breath. His fingers roamed up and down her back while he watched her slide her hands over him, gently cupping and squeezing him. He withstood the sweet torture of her caresses as long as he could, then, with his vision glazed with need, he gently grasped her wrist. "Can't take any more," he rasped, reaching for the condom.

After sheathing himself, he leaned over her, pressing her back into the mattress. Their mouths met in a wild mating of lips and tongues as he sank into her velvety, wet heat. White-hot need pounded through his every nerve ending, stripping him of all semblance of control. His world narrowed to the heated place where his body was intimately joined with hers, stroking, thrusting, at an ever maddening pace. He gritted his teeth and tried to hold off his rapidly approaching orgasm, but when she moaned, "Matt…" against his mouth, the battle was lost. Burying his face against her silky, smooth neck, a long groan rattled in his throat and his release shuddered through him.

He wasn't certain how long he remained still buried in her snug heat, breathing in her delicate scent, his heart rapping against his ribs, his mind fogged over, before she nudge him gently with her hip.

"Can't take a deep breath," she whispered.

He pushed up his torso, propping his weight on his palms, and looked down into her flushed face. Their gazes met. Damn, she looked as blown away as he felt. Two words reverberated through the brain this woman had just turned to mush: Man Overboard!

Brushing a damp curl from her smooth cheek, he said, "I want you to know that I, uh, usually have a little more finesse than that."

"No complaints here," she assured him. A smile tugged up one corner of her delicious mouth and she stretched beneath him like a contented cat. "Although I look forward to you proving that. And thanks for the compliment. Nice to know that I made you lose control."

"Sweetheart, you made me lose my mind." He lowered his head and ran his tongue over her plump lower lip. "Definitely the next time you've gone nine months, three weeks and nineteen days without sex and you're needing a little pick-me-up, I hope you'll call me."

"Well, it's been about five minutes…"

He chuckled. "’Fraid I'm going to need a bit longer to recover."

She tickled her fingers down his back and over his buttocks. "Unless you keep doing that," he amended, nipping and kissing along her jawline. "That will definitely speed up the recovery period."

"Hmmmm," she murmured, continuing her stroking. "Speeding up the recovery period sounds good to me. I have a lot of time to make up for, and now that I know how… enthusiastic you are, I really would hate to have to seek out the guy in room 311."

Matt stilled as an unpleasant sensation that felt distinctly like jealousy washed over him. She was kidding, of course, but the mere thought of another man touching her just flat-out pissed him off. Yo, Matt, buddy, that's not good. 'Cause after this weekend, other guys are gonna be touching her-and you won't be.

He inwardly scowled at his inner voice. Yeah, well, she was his for the rest of the weekend, and he fully intended to make the most of it.

"Now that we've explored the benefits of hard and fast," he said, studying her eyes, "I suggest we move on to slow and easy."

"Put me in, coach. What did you have in mind?"

"You. Me. A shower. Then maybe you'd like a massage?"

"Depends on who's giving the massage-you, or some muscle-bound guy named Sven at the resort's spa?"

He cocked a brow. "Who would you prefer?"

"You," she said without hesitation.

"Then come with me."

She smiled. "That's the best offer I've had in nine months, three weeks and nineteen days."

* * *

Jilly stood in the shower, warm water sluicing over her, and locked her knees to keep her legs from collapsing like overcooked noodles.

"Magic hands," she murmured, as his soapy palms slowly massaged their way down her back. "You have magic, sinful hands."

His arms came around her from behind, and he drew her gently back against him, nestling his erection against her buttocks. While his lips nuzzled the vulnerable spot behind her ear, his hands roamed slowly over her, drawing drugging circles around her nipples, then wandered lower, over her abdomen. When his fingers slid between her thighs and slicked over her sensitive feminine folds, a long, low purr vibrated in her throat.

"I have a confession to make," he whispered against her ear. "I wondered what you looked like under those prim, proper suits you wear."

A zing of feminine satisfaction raced through her. "And now that you know?"

He slipped a finger inside her while his other hand played over her hardened nipples, dragging another long moan from her. "I figured you'd be beautiful. But I hadn't guessed you'd be so… uninhibited."

"Is that a complaint?"

"God, no. I admire a woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to ask for it."



"Well, that's very good news." She turned in his arms, sifted her fingers through his wet hair, and rubbed herself against his erection. "Because I want you to make love to me again. Slow and easy. Right now."

His eyes darkened. Guiding them both fully under the warm spray of water, he rinsed the soap from their bodies, then pressed her back against the tiles. The cool ceramic against her shoulders provided a stunning contrast to the heat coursing through her.

"I have a confession to make as well," she murmured as his hands meandered down her wet body. "This morning, when I saw you draped in a towel, my heart performed these crazy little flip-flops. But now-" she allowed her gaze to linger pointedly on his impressive erection "-my heart is about to call it quits. Seeing you naked definitely dispels the theory that all men are created equal."

He smiled and hooked one hand under her knee, raising her leg to settle over his hip, while the fingers of his other hand slowly caressed between her thighs. "Did you know that your eyes have little green flecks in them?" he asked. "And that they turn this incredible smoky color when you're aroused?"

"I knew about the green flecks, but not about the smokiness." A pleasure-filled moan escaped her. "Guess that means they're smoky right now, huh?"

"Yeah. You ready for slow and easy?"

"Actually, I'm not sure how much more slow and easy I can stand, but bring it on."

"My pleasure." Lowering her leg, he kissed and nuzzled his way with excruciating, maddening leisure down her body. Pressing her palms against the tiles, Jilly simply gave herself over to his slow, deliberate seduction, succumbing to the feel of his strong hands and gentle mouth skimming over her. He sank to his knees, his sorcerer's fingers massaging first one leg, then the other, while his lips and tongue glided over her belly.

Long moans purred in her throat when he replaced his hands with his mouth and slowly licked and kissed his way up her leg, awakening every inch of her skin. Forcing her heavy eyelids open, her avid gaze riveted on the erotic sight of Matt on his knees before her, his dark head between her legs, his tongue tracing a trail up her inner thigh.

At the first touch of his tongue to her feminine folds, she gasped. He slipped his hands beneath her buttocks, urging her closer, his lips and tongue tasting, licking, kissing, making love to her with his mouth until she was mindless with need. Grasping his shoulders, the dam of tension he'd built in her burst, and her orgasm throbbed through her.

Her eyes slid shut, and she pressed back against the tiles in an effort to remain upright, quivering with pleasure, feeling like a bowl of warm, melted chocolate. Her mind registered the familiar sound of a condom wrapper tearing open. Deciding this warranted further investigation, she forced her eyelids open just in time to see Matt slip on a condom. With the warm water bouncing off his broad shoulders, he grasped her hips and lifted her. Clinging to his shoulders, she wrapped her legs around his hips, and with his compelling gaze intent upon hers, he slipped into her body in a single stroke.

"Oh, my," she breathed.

Tangling her hands in his wet hair, she pulled his face to hers for a deep kiss. The taste of her feminine musk, mixed with his own delicious taste, inundated her senses.

He caressed her with long, leisurely, deep strokes, withdrawing nearly all the way from her body, then slowly filling her again. She absorbed every thrust, every exquisite sensation washing through her. The tension coiled within her once again, and her body tightened, a reaction he clearly felt for he whispered against her lips, "Ready for more?"

She arched against him. "Yes. More."

His strokes lengthened, quickened. Harder, faster. Deeper. "Now," he rasped. "Come with me, now."

Her eyes slid shut, and a growl of pure pleasure poured from her lips as her body throbbed in unison with his.

When the tremors finally subsided, a sensation of utter languor stole through her, loosening her limbs.

He gently released her, then after a quick rinse under the soothing, warm spray, he turned off the faucet. Slipping a thick, fluffy white towel from the chrome rack just outside the shower, he dried her with the soft terry cloth, then gently blotted the water from her hair. After scooping her up in his arms-a good thing since someone had stolen the bones from her body-he carried her to the bed where he set her down, then settled himself on his side next to her. Replete, sated, and more relaxed than she could ever before recall feeling, she turned toward him, slipped her leg between his, and snuggled against his chest, experiencing the same delightful cocoon of warmth as she had last night during those brief seconds before she'd fully wakened. His rapid heartbeat thumped intimately against her cheek. She inhaled, and the musky scent they'd created together filled her head.

"You're really good at that," she murmured, her lips brushing against his broad chest.

"Thank you, and right back atcha." He brushed a kiss over her hair. "But here's a little hint for future reference-that compliment would be so much more complimentary if you didn't sound so shocked when you said it."

She chuckled at his use of her earlier words to him. "Not shocked. Actually not even surprised." Yet, no sooner had she said the words, than she realized she had been surprised-though not about Matt's skills in bed. There'd been little doubt in her mind that making love with Matt would be good. But she hadn't expected it to be like… this. So intense. Mind blowing. Hadn't anticipated it making her feel so vulnerable. Hadn't counted on him being so generous. So tender. Hadn't considered that sharing their bodies would result in her feeling anything more than physical release. But the warm fuzzies tapping on her heart made it clear that she should have considered that.

His fingers touched under her chin, and she lifted her face. Their eyes met, and her breath caught at his serious expression. Her common sense demanded that she toss out a flip comment, a lighthearted quip, but no words formed in her mind.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?" he asked softly.

The husky timbre of his voice, the compelling way he was looking at her, the gentle brush of his fingertips against her skin as he tucked a stray curl behind her ear, all conspired to render her speechless.

"The way you look," he continued, his fingers tracing hypnotically over her face, "your scent, the way you taste… all beautiful."

"Th-thank you." Whew. Good thing she was already lying down or she would have slithered to the floor. Forcing a light note into her voice, she said, "You're not so bad yourself."

His serious expression cleared, and he smiled. "I have a confession to make. I'm hungry."

"Already? That was quick."

He laughed. "I mean for food… first. I need some sustenance to refuel before we begin round three."

"Are you thinking room service?"

"Not exactly."

His innocent expression instantly raised her suspicions. She narrowed her eyes at him. "You're angling to get some of my chocolate-covered marshmallows."

She had to press her lips together to contain her amusement at his exaggerated look of shock.

"Moi?" he asked, eyes wide. "I would never stoop so low as to angle. Of course, if you were to offer one-so I shouldn't expire from sex-induced hunger-I probably wouldn't refuse."

"Uh-huh." She tapped her finger against the center of his chest. "You know what I think? I think my chocolate-covered marshmallows are all you're after."

"Wrong. I'm after your chocolate-covered marshmallows and your body." A speculative gleam sparkled in his eyes, and he trailed his index finger slowly down her body, igniting tiny bonfires on her skin. "And if we actually placed the chocolate-covered marshmallows on your body, in a connect-the-dots sort of way… well, no telling what might happen then. Whaddaya say?"

"I say you've got yourself a snack."
