"Are you awake?"
"Did you get what I need?"
"More or less - I dont think this is going to make you very happy."
Blair sighed as she pulled her robe around herself and stumbled toward the kitchen and her first cup of coffee. "Tell me."
"Shes not going to be easy to slip away from. Twelve years in the investigative division. Her specialty was tracking Columbian drugs paid for by counterfeit US dollars. Crooks scamming crooks. Apparently she was very good at it."
Blair watched the coffee drip into the pot, her thoughts swiftly calculating. "Why is she suddenly assigned to protection? What arent you telling me?"
"There are substantial holes in the information on her. As a matter of record, she was involved in a multi-jurisdictional snafu last year. The secret service had surveillance units watching a drug factory on the outskirts of DC. Apparently the ATF was involved because they thought the same guys were trafficking guns as well as phony money. Unbeknownst to either Federal agency, the DC narcotics unit had an agent under cover with the drug boys. Somehow the Colombians got wind of it, the narcotics detectives cover was blown, and she was killed in a shoot out. Cameron Roberts was shot trying to warn her off seconds before the whole place went crazy."
Blairs stomach tightened. "She was shot?"
"In the thigh. Thats not the whole story though."
"What is?"
Her caller hesitated. Even friendship had its limits. "Roberts has a sterling reputation, Blair."
"I dont intend to sully it," Blair snapped.
"There are rumors - not many, and no one will commit to knowing anything for sure. Shes well-liked by her colleagues-"
"Allright! I get your point. You dont want to tell me, but you will. Because if you dont Ill make sure youre never an Assistant Director."
"Im kidding, and you should know that, if you dont after all these years. Tell me who she is, AJ. Shes got control over my life!"
"Deep sources say the narcotics dick who was killed was her lover."
"Christ!" Blair breathed.
"That may explain the change in assignments. A thing like that can ruin you for field work."
Blair pictured the clear-eyed, focused woman who had tracked her down at the bar with seeming ease two nights before. None of the other agents had been able to find her once she'd slipped into the shadows. Or at least none had ever dared to.
"I dont think shes ruined for anything, AJ. Shes ice."
"That would fit."
"What do you mean?"
"Theres one other rumor, buried so deep Im not even sure its her theyre talking about."
Blair sat on the edge of the stool at her breakfast bar, her coffee forgotten. "What is it?"
"Youve heard of the very hush hush escort service that operates on the hill?"
"You mean the one that provides all kinds of companions- boys, girls, either or both - for senators, dignitaries, and supposedly my father?"
"I dont know a thing about your father!"
"It doesnt matter one way or the other to me. He leaves me alone, thats all I care about. Whats this got to do with Roberts? Is she trying to shut it down?"
"Might be shes using it."
Blair caught her breath, then laughed derisively. "Your sources havent seen Cameron Roberts. Believe me, she doesnot have to pay for sex!!"
"Maybe she wants to."
"Come again?"
"No strings - no attachment - nothing to lose."
"I forgot youre a psychologist," Blair commented dryly. She finally sipped her coffee. "So what youre telling me is that my new keeper has no weaknesses I might exploit to make a little breathing room for myself, huh?"
"None that I could find."
Blair gently replaced the receiver, her annoyance warring with her curiosity. Every one had a secret, and everyone had a weakness - even her. She had just been lucky enough to keep hers hidden all her life. So apparently had Cameron Roberts.
At precisely eleven a.m. a knock sounded at the door. Blair answered, knowing whom it was.
"Always punctual, Agent Roberts?" she queried as she turned away, leaving Cam to follow her into the loft. As she walked she caught her wild blond hair back with a headband fashioned from a black bandana. She pushed sweats and other gear into a nondescript gym bag, ignoring Cam as she packed.
"I thought we might go over the plans for the trip to DC, and New Years Eve," Cam suggested, leaning against the back of the couch.
"Whats to review," Blair said dismissively. "Youll escort me to the airport, another hired guard will pick me up at National and deposit me at the White House, where I will play dutiful daughter, pose for a few photos, and celebrate surviving another year." She glanced at Cam with a shrug. "Ill tell you when - you be here."
"I would like to have the itinerary in advance so I can brief my team. Shall we plan on departure at 3pm Wednesday?"
Blair finally faced her fully. "I am in the habit of setting my own schedule."
"Thats why Im here," Cam replied evenly.
"Do you spar, Agent Roberts?" Blair asked suddenly.
"As in hand to hand combat?"
"As in karate?"
Cam hesitated momentarily, at a loss as to where they were headed. Blair Powell did not make casual conversation. "Not exactly. I dont point spar - Im a mat stylist. I -"
"Then lets talk about the travel arrangements after we work out. I was just leaving for the gym. You can use some of my gear."
Cam stared at her. This was not a good idea. She was paid to protect her, not socialize with her. She didnt care how it might look to others, but she was worried about maintaining a professional distance. Blair was hard enough to handle without adding the confusion of any sort of personal relationship.
Stalling she said, "If youre going out I need to alert my people---"
Blair grabbed her bag, brushing past Cam. "Im outta here. You coming or not?"
Cam had no choice. She either went with her or allowed her to leave the building alone and hope one of her agents picked her up before Blair lost them in the crowds on the street. She hurried after her, activating her radio as she went.
"Mac, you there?" she whispered urgently.
"Yeah, boss," Mac answered immediately.
"Egret is flying - get someone downstairs in a car-"
"Roger that - you keeping her company?"
"Affirmative, but I want backup, and make sure everyone is mobile." She shouldered into the elevator just as the doors began to slide closed. Blair leaned against the rear wall watching her with an amused expression on her face. Cam clicked off the radio, clipped it back on her belt and stared at her. She was more annoyed than angry, but she kept her expression neutral.
"You dont like it, do you?" Blair stated.
"Like what?" Cam asked evenly.
"Not being in control- not knowing whats going to happen one moment to the next."
"If were speaking about my work, youre right. Its my job to be in the know - to have control of the situation. Thats what Im paid to do."
Blair studied her, unable to read anything in her smooth even features or her calm modulated tones. The elevator doors opened into the foyer and she saw two agents waiting near the door. She shook her head impatiently.
"Tell them to leave us alone," she said unexpectedly. There was a hint of something desperate in her voice.
"The gym on Seventh Ave?" Cam responded.
Cam spoke into her radio. "Were walking to Soho. Follow us in the car."
Cam and Blair stepped out into a brisk clear morning as the two men moved past them into the car that sat idling at the curb. It slowly drifted through traffic behind them as they turned south toward the gym.
Blair glanced at Cam who walked beside her, constantly scanning the street ahead of them and the cars that passed along side.
"Are you really serious about protecting me?" she asked.
"Of course."
"Because you need it, and because I have been asked to do it."
"Would you actually 'take a bullet' for me, as they say?" Blair said mockingly. A muscle clenched in Cams jaw, and a storm rose in her gray eyes.
"Yes," she answered curtly. She locked eyes with Blair, searching for some hint of what she was after. She had no doubt there was some point to this. Blairs blue eyes were defiant, and just as searching.
"Youve had some practice at that, havent you," Blair probed. Finally a swift intake of breath and a slight falter in Cams step rewarded her as the question struck home.She does have a weak spot, she thought triumphantly. When Cam failed to answer, Blair pushed.
"Its a matter of record, you know."
"Then you know all there is to know," Cam replied stiffly. She fought to keep the image of Janets face from her mind.
"As you said - its a matter of record."
Blair laughed. "We all know how accurate the records are, dont we, Agent Roberts?"
Their destination was not the expected polished urban health club where Blair practiced yoga and aerobics. Blair led them swiftly past the entrance to the gym and turned down an adjacent alley. Cam groaned inwardly when Blair grabbed her arm and directed her up a flight of narrow littered stairs to a huge room on the third floor of a rundown tenement building.
The clientele was mostly male. There were worn punching bags hung from chains scattered about, men in torn tee shirts or no shirts at all pounding at them. Heavily- muscled lifters grunted and sweated at the free weight benches tucked into every conceivable corner. Two elevated boxing rings dominated the center of the space, one currently occupied by a pair of fighters making a serious effort to score off each other. Cam was willing to bet there were half a dozen felons in the room, any one of whom probably knew exactly who Blair Powell was.
"Have you been here before?" she asked as she weaved her way around bodies, following Blair toward the rear.
"Three times a week for eighteen months."
Cam was furious. No one had told her about this place - she had no background on the members, no idea of the physical layout, and no prayer of guarding Blair effectively. How in hell had this been overlooked?
As if reading her mind, Blair commented, "They dont know about it."
Blair grinned, an altogether spontaneous and disarming grin. Or it might have been if Cam hadnt been so angry. "They think Im at my therapists office around the corner most of the time."
"Back door?"
"Uh huh."
Cam didnt ask her why. There was no need to. She knew why. Pointing out the danger would be meaningless. Blair obviously cared less for her safety than for her freedom, and that was probably the result of having people like herself constantly shadowing her for the last fifteen years of her life. What mattered to Cam now was that something similar not happen again.
"Here we are," Blair announced, pulling back the curtain to a small cramped dressing room not much bigger than a walk-in closet. A shower stall and toilet were visible behind a rickety screen in the back. Blair tossed her bag down and in one fluid motion pulled off her shirt. She caught Cam off guard and laughed knowingly as Cams eyes flickered once to her breasts before she quickly looked away.
"You can grab sweats and a tee shirt from my bag. Theres plenty," Blair informed her as she continued to strip. She watched Cam unabashedly as she changed. She knew Cam was aware of her scrutiny, although she gave no sign of it. Cam had the kind of body Blair expected - lean and hard-muscled, a tightly coiled machine. She imagined making those muscles quiver with desire, watching Cam's rigid control break with need. The power of the image stirred a flush of arousal so keen it made her gasp. If Cam heard, she gave no sign of it. She reached for a pair of sweats without hurrying.
Blair looked at the ten inch scar that ran down the outside of Cams right thigh. It was still fresh enough that it hadnt lost the redness. As Cam pulled the pants up, Blair asked, "Is your leg okay?"
"Yes, it is."
Cam pulled on a tee shirt that said 'Ernies Gym'. She faced Blair, who stood appraising her. The Presidents daughter wore a sleeveless tee, torn off a couple of inches below her high firm breasts, and baggy sweats. Sleek well-toned muscles defined her arms and legs. Her exposed midriff was taut, and she sported a small gold ring in her navel. Untamed blond strands escaped from the black headband, wilding around her face. Her blue eyes glinted with brazen sensuality. She was a beautiful animal.
"I take it this is Ernies?" Cam remarked dryly, refusing to be distracted by Blairs open seduction. The time when the promise of a body like that might have interested her was past. The price of possession was too high.
"This is Ernies," Blair rejoined, pushing the curtain aside. She wasnt perturbed by Cams rebuff. She would have been disappointed had it been easy. What bothered her was the undeniable throbbing in her own body. Desire was a weakness, one she exploited in others, but avoided personally. There were too many ways in which other people controlled her. She would not allow another.
Cams head snapped back as a kick landed along her jaw.
"Are you sure you dont want a helmet," Blair called, a hint of laughter in her voice. She moved lightly on the canvas, her gloved hands at chest level. Cam faced her, wearing no gloves or other protective gear.
"No thanks," Cam responded, gauging the reach of Blairs legs with respect. When the next kick came she stepped off the line of the trajectory and deflected it with a forearm. She expected a follow-up punch, and she blocked that as well. She stepped back once again to a middle range, trying to get a feel for Blairs tactics. Blair moved lightly on the canvass, agile and supple. Blair was a kickboxer, and used her feet as weapons in the ring. Cam was trained for the street. Blair attacked relentlessly, mixing kicks, double kicks and strikes with considerable skill. Some scored, although none would have done damage had they been full force.
Cam deflected, blocked and redirected her opponents efforts. She was trained to immobilize and neutralize, and those techniques were not designed for sparring. She knew she couldnt defend this way for long - there was a good chance Blair would make serious contact with one of her kicks. As a sweeping round house kick approached her head, Cam stepped forward into Blairs body, so close to her that the kick lost its force. She trapped Blairs leg with her near arm, grasped the shoulder of Blair's shirt with her other hand, and swept Blairs remaining leg out from under her. Cam held onto her to break her fall, following her down to the mat, and pinned her face down with a shoulder pin.
"Son of a bitch!" Blair muttered as she struggled briefly to lift her torso off the canvass. She stopped when the pressure on her shoulder increased slightly. She wasnt damaged, but she was effectively immobilized.
"If you tap the mat, Ill release you," Cam said softly into her ear. "But you must promise not to punch me as you get up. Rules of war."
Blair laughed as she slapped the mat. She rolled over and found Cam kneeling beside her, a half smile on her face.
"You okay?" Cam asked.
"Dandy. I suppose youll do that again if we start over?"
"I told you I didnt spar," Cam said as they both got to their feet. "Youd annihilate me."
"No, I dont think so," Blair replied softly, stripping off her gloves. "You mind showing me that technique?"
Cam glanced outside the ring, realizing they had drawn quite a crowd. She wasnt sure this was a good time for a lesson, especially when she had no one inside the building. She couldnt very well survey the people around them if she was flat on her back. Blair followed her gaze, her smile disappearing in irritation.
"They dont know me," she said flatly.
Cam saw the resentment in her eyes, and shook her head slightly. "You cant know that."
"I know," Blair insisted. "I always know." She took a deep breath, then added in a whisper, "please."
Cam swept the group leaning on the ropes one more time. "All right."
She demonstrated at half- speed several times while Blair watched intently. Then she launched a kick toward Blairs head, ready to pull back if Blair failed to execute the technique. Blair quickly countered and took Cam down soundly to the cheers of the onlookers. Cam found herself on her back with Blair above her, Blair's bent forearm pressed to Cams neck. Blair pressed her knee between Cams legs and leaned forward until their faces were nearly touching. Her lips were a breath away.
"If you dont slap the mat, I can make this feel a whole lot better," Blair whispered.
Cam gasped as Blair rocked her thigh against Cams pelvis. For a second all she felt was the fire, igniting instantly into a consuming ache. She caught back a moan, shook her head to clear it, and in one upward thrust, dislodged Blair from on top of her. She was on her feet quickly, and in the next instant had vaulted over the ropes and out of the ring.
"Shes too much for you, huh girl?" a burly man next to her said good-naturedly.
"You got that right," Cam responded lightly. She waited as Blair climbed down, then followed her into the dressing room.
"I need to shower," Blair informed her, pulling off her clothes. Cam struggled to quell the remnants of unwanted desire.
"Ill wait outside."
"What are you afraid of, Agent Roberts?" Blair taunted lightly as she stood naked before her. "Ifelt you, you know."
"Take your time," Cam said evenly as she stepped out through the curtain. Blairs laughter followed her even as the throbbing in her pelvis reminded her of her own weakness.