Chapter Fourteen

Sophie pivoted. The shadows sat comfortably across the hard planes of Jake’s face, his back against the porch swing, his long legs extended to cross at booted ankles. He was relaxed, a predator surveying its prey. “I think we should talk, don’t you?

“No, I really don’t think so.” She turned back toward the door and stiffened as the swing moved. Hurt and fury commingled until she wasn’t sure what she’d do. “How did you beat us here?”

“Back roads. My mom drives slowly… I don’t.”

“Whatever. Go away.” She’d kick him in the dick. Yeah, that’s what she’d do.

“It was business.” He stood right behind her, his breath warming the top of her wet head.

“Bullshit.” She didn’t turn around.

“Maybe not completely.”

Her breath fogged the square pane of window. A part of her wanted his reassurance that their night together mattered. “You didn’t have to put me on the spot.”

“No. But I knew you’d tell the truth and that most of the crowd already liked and trusted you.”

An unwelcome warmth spiraled through her. She was such a dope. “Sounds like a calculating, strategic move, Jake.”

“Maybe.” His hand latched on her elbow and swung her around. “But it was the truth.”

“Was it? How about the tribe’s golf course? Afraid of a little competition?” Fury heated her face and cascaded down her spine.

“Not in the slightest.” His calm demeanor was going to get him punched. “I meant what I said. An additional golf course would only draw more tourists to the area. Look at Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. There are at least nine golf courses within fifteen miles of one another; some you can see across the lake from others. I told you our reasons for opposing your project.”

“Why didn’t you tell me the tribe planned a golf course?”

“I am a lawyer, darlin’.”

“Yeah, well, I must have forgotten that.” Sophie jumped as thunder rumbled directly overhead and gusts of wind sprayed rain at them. It matched the fury screaming through her blood. She gestured toward the rainy night while jerking her hand from his grip and stomping a safe distance away. “Even the weather worked to your advantage—I saw your mother home.”

“Thank you. But I believe she was trying to help you.” Rain dripped from the rapidly curling hair across his forehead. The scent of man and musk filled the space. “You think I control the weather now?”

“No. I’m sure you’d like to, but that seems to be out of your reach.” Sophie squeezed the water out of her wet curls.

You’re not,” he said in a low timbre.

“Not what?”

A swift arm grasped her and yanked her into his hard body. “Out of my reach.”

Sophie put both hands on his chest and pushed. Hard.

His only reaction was a slow, dangerous smile that set her heart sputtering. “Brute strength isn’t how you’ll get what you want.”

“Oh, but it is for you?” Her hands clenched with the need to belt him.

A nonchalant shrug and raised eyebrow belied the seriousness of his gaze. “If need be.”

“Meaning what?” His hands burned through her linen jacket and matched the heat flowing through her blood. Her body thrummed to life, her nipples peaking in contrast to the anger rippling through her. What was wrong with her?

“Meaning…” His hands tightened imperceptivity on her upper arms as his face dipped to within an inch of hers. “If Preston puts his mouth on you again, he’ll be gumming his food for the immediate future.”

“Y-you wouldn’t.”

“Wouldn’t I?” His gaze hardened ever further as one hand lifted to tangle in her wet curls.

Erotic tingles cascaded along her scalp. The man was beyond male. Primitive and powerful.

A satisfied glint lit his dark eyes as he gave one short nod. “I don’t share. You would do well to remember that.” Then his mouth was on hers. He wasn’t gentle. And he wasn’t sweet.

The kiss was all fire, depth, and strength. Desire speared directly south through her as one broad hand went to the front of her blouse and snapped the buttons free. She groaned as his mouth abandoned hers to trail hard, sharp kisses along her jawline and down her neck before both hands ripped her shirt apart. He roughly cupped her bra-covered breasts.

One quick flick of a finger and the front clasp opened, spilling her flesh into waiting hands. Into warm hands that instantly, expertly, molded her to him.

This was crazy. The road may be quiet this time of night, but anybody could drive by.

His head dipped. Liquid heat engulfed her nipple, and she cried out. How was his mouth so damn hot? His tongue flicked her even as his hands manacled her hips to hold her in place. Jake was all fire.

Suddenly, she was lifted into the air. Her shoulders smacked against the wall. She wrapped her legs around his hips as the rough wooden planks of the old house scratched her back.

God, she should be hitting him. But need—a dangerous, dark, primal need—had her in its grasp. Or maybe she’d jumped headfirst into desire. Either way, she was tired of thinking. Tired of being alone. Tired of taking the safe route.

She yanked his shirt over his head. Dark smoothness filled her aching palms. She ran them urgently over the tight muscles of his chest. God, he was hard. And strong. Everywhere she was soft. Even with her head spinning, she marveled at the differences between them. Wanted more. Wanted everything.

He’d hurt her at the hearing. A feminine part of her needed reassurance…needed to know she mattered. But even deeper, a hunger uncoiled inside her that only Jake Lodge could appease.

So he damn well would.

She stiffened when he snapped her thong in two. His hand found her, and she bit her lip. He cupped her, his index finger sliding easily into her heat. Mini-explosions rippled through her sex.

A soft gasp escaped her lips to echo in the night. She leaned her head against the ridges of the wall, her eyes fluttering shut. Her hairclip dropped to the floor, and her hair tumbled free. “Don’t stop,” she breathed.

“Didn’t plan on it,” he said, rough and amused.

She almost cried as his hand left her aching, needing more. Then she helped him make short work of his pants and boxers before he shifted and impaled her against the wall.

“Oh God,” Sophie whimpered.

He more than filled her. The vein in his shaft pulsed deep inside her. One hand seized her ass, holding her in place. The other hand threaded through her hair and twisted.

Her neck elongated, while she clawed his rock-hard shoulders.

His broad chest lifted as he inhaled slowly. Nearly nose-to-nose, he caged her in place, his body warming hers. A small scar near his ear gave him an even more dangerous edge. Even his ridiculously long eyelashes only served to enhance the hard angles of his face. The firm set of his jaw matched the determined glint in his midnight eyes.

“Now we talk,” he said very softly.

A shiver wound down her spine. Her sex gripped his cock, and her thighs undulated with the need to move. Fast and hard. “No. No talking.” Not while he was inside her, slowly killing her.

His absolute focus landed on her, gaze piercing hers. “I’m sorry if I upset you at the hearing.”

No way in hell. He did not get to slam inside her, until all she wanted was him to move, and then apologize. “Fuck you, Lodge,” she gasped out.

Amusement creased his cheek. “In a minute.”

She coughed out a laugh. “Don’t be cute.”

“I can’t help it.” He pulled out and then slid back in. Sparks of intense pleasure lit her from inside. “I’m sorry I hurt your feelings.”

“If you truly hurt me, I’ll destroy you.” The damn man had just been doing his job—and he hadn’t really come after her, just the Charlton Group. She squeezed her internal walls around his shaft.

His nostrils flared. “I think that’s fair, sweetheart.” He started to move.

She tightened her hold, lifting her pelvis. Sensation after sensation rammed against her clit. Her eyes closed. Sparks flashed behind her lids.

He increased his speed, easily holding her in place. His strength impressed her; his hands entranced her. But the tension spiraling deep inside stole every thought from her mind. She wanted what he promised. It was the light at the end of a railroad tunnel—the final plunge of a roller coaster—the slash of yellow through deep gray clouds.

And it was so close.

Plunging even harder into her heated core, Jake gave her what she sought when his mouth took her nipple. With a sharp nip of his teeth, Sophie’s world spun away from her. From reality.

She cried out his name as the orgasm beat through her with merciless intensity, as she saw stars. Jake followed her into oblivion with a growl that sounded like her name. His head dropped to the curve of her neck, dripping cool rain down her back in contrast to the heated lips claiming the area between her neck and shoulder.

Sophie came down from bliss to the smell of rain, pine, and man. She lifted heavy eyelids and masculine satisfaction met her gaze without apology.

She shivered as the cold wall along her back and buttocks permeated her fog. Jake lowered her to the floor, then pulled her skirt back into place. Sophie stood motionless as big, gentle hands fixed her bra and straightened her shirt. The sweet kiss he placed on her swollen lips shot tears to her eyes.

“I’m not letting you go, Sophie.”

“Yes, you are.” There was no half loving Jake Lodge. He was an all-or-nothing type of guy. She couldn’t take the risk. She pushed back with both hands.

This time, he moved. “Meaning?”

“This is over.”

A raised eyebrow met her declaration.

“I mean it.” Her mind spun as her heart ached. “I am leaving. We just had sex on a porch, without protection. Again.”

Jake straightened. “We did.”

“At this rate, there’s no way I won’t get pregnant. We’re done. You said it yourself—we’d have some fun until I left.”

“You’re not leaving yet,” he said slowly.

“I don’t care. It’s wild and exciting but…I don’t want to get hurt. I’m not made for this.” It was way past time to protect her heart. Though something told her that it was too late. Way too late.

Jake’s eyes softened in the dim light. “You might be pregnant.”

“I know. But we’ll deal with that if and when.” She felt small and vulnerable in the dark night.

“It’ll be all right, Sunshine.” Promise whispered through his deep voice as he turned her toward the door, shielding her from the storm. “I promise.”
