Alex didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. This was certainly not the first impression she wanted to make on Joshua’s family. She was dirty, bloody, exhausted and she knew she had to stink. And, oh my God, she was half-naked as well. Her muddled mind cleared long enough to remind her that only the thin pink fabric of her bra shielded her breasts. Her coat and shirt were both in shreds.
She didn’t know what to say to these men. She was slightly embarrassed and intimidated by the united picture they made standing with their arms crossed across their massive chests, watching her, judging her and obviously finding her lacking.
She’d raised her arms to cover herself, but dropped them back by her sides, tilted her chin up and glared at them. Who were they to judge her? They hadn’t arrived until the fighting was over. Where were they when their brother was fighting for his life?
The largest one in the front cocked his eyebrow at her, but she didn’t so much as blink. He was even bigger than Joshua and that was saying something. His hair was a deep mahogany brown that hung down around his impossibly wide shoulders. She had a feeling this was the eldest brother.
Joshua gave her a slight squeeze of encouragement. She took a deep breath, hoping no one noticed her hands were shaking, and prepared to meet his family. She opened her mouth to speak, but the men were no longer looking at her. All heads were turned toward the forest and even Alex could feel the surge of power coming toward them.
Her heart leapt with joy as her father stalked back into the clearing. She was so glad he hadn’t left. She automatically took a step toward him, but was unceremoniously hauled back into Joshua’s arms. “It is my duty to comfort you now. Not his.”
Her eyes flew to Joshua’s and she could see that he was deadly serious. All this male posturing was making her head pound. He was her father for heaven’s sake and she hadn’t seen him in several days.
“She’s not yours yet, Striker.” Her father kept coming toward them, ignoring Joshua’s brothers who looked none to happy with this announcement. “There has been no formal ceremony and my daughter is yet unmarked.”
That bit of information made her cheeks heat and she shuffled her feet uncomfortably. She dipped her head down to her chest, wishing her hair was longer so that it would cover her face. Honestly, listening to her father talking about her being marked by some wolf was just too much.
Joshua began to growl as her father stopped in front of them. Her father emitted a sound unlike anything she’d ever heard before. Part growl and all challenge, the two men faced off against each other and she was the prize caught in the middle.
She wrapped her arms around herself. “No more.” She stumbled back and a large hand caught her from behind. Her stomach lurched as she pulled away before Isaiah could get a grip on her. “No more fighting. No more death.” She was finding it harder to breathe now, her chest rising and falling rapidly.
“No more,” her father promised as he took a step toward her. “Come here, Alexandra.” He opened his arms, offering comfort. She glanced at Joshua and then at her father, totally confused, knowing whichever one she went to the other one would be hurt.
Turning her back on all of them, she started toward the trees. All she wanted to do was to curl up somewhere, close her eyes and sleep. Maybe when she woke, she’d be able to think more clearly.
Thick forearms wrapped around her, stopping her in her tracks. She didn’t need to turn around to know whose arms they were. Sighing, she leaned back against Joshua’s chest. He leaned down, his breath brushing across her neck as he whispered in her ear. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you choose between us. That was uncalled for. Unworthy of you after all you’ve sacrificed.” His lips grazed her ear, making her toes curl in her boots. “Your father needs you. Go to him.”
With his hands on her shoulders, he turned her around so that she was facing the group again. She ignored the four brothers who were watching the scene unfold with avid interest. Her only concern was her father. He stood apart from them, his feet braced apart, his hands open by his sides. It was his face that told the tale. His golden brown eyes were filled with such sorrow and pain that her heart began to throb.
Everything she’d been through the past few days rose up to haunt her. She had no idea where her father had been or what he’d had to deal with, but he was here right now. He’d come for her. To protect her as he always had.
Giving a small cry, she ran to him. Her feet tripped on an exposed tree root and she stumbled, but before she could fall, strong arms caught her. The familiar smell of sandalwood washed over her as her father hauled her into his familiar embrace and held her as though he’d never let her go. “My Alexandra. My precious little girl,” he crooned as he rocked her slightly in his strong embrace.
She didn’t mean to cry. Didn’t want to cry. She wanted to be tough and confident. But tears leaked from the corners of her eyes, staining the front of her father’s shirt. She felt a hand on the small of her back and realized that Joshua had come up behind them. Reaching out blindly with her hand, she tugged him closer, needing both of them.
Taking a few deep breaths, she got control of her wayward emotions and raised her head. A shiver shot through her body and goose bumps rose on her arms and chest, reminding her that she was only partially dressed. Her father swore as he stepped back and ripped off his shirt and wrapped it around her. He helped her tuck her arms in the sleeves, being careful of her injuries, and then buttoned it like he had many times when she’d been a child.
He finished slipping the last button through the hole before he looked at her.
“I’m really okay.”
“No you’re not,” he growled. She could hear that anger in his voice and knew he was angry with himself. Her father and Joshua had much in common.
“Yes, I am.” She caught his face in her hands and made him really look at her. “By rights I should be dead, or at the very least captured, and I would have been without Joshua.” Going up on her toes, she kissed her father’s cheek and released him. Taking a step back, she stood at Joshua’s side. “I need to see to your injuries.” She was worried about the long gashes on his chest, back and arms even though they were no longer bleeding.
Joshua twined his fingers with hers, but his gaze was still on her father. The two men stared at one another as the tension rose again. Finally, her father gave a curt nod. Joshua inclined his head and at last gave her his attention. She wanted to be indignant over the fact that the two men had just seemed to have decided her future between them, but she was just so relieved they weren’t going to fight that she couldn’t work up a good mad.
Honestly, the testosterone level was enough to suffocate a woman. They could decide whatever they wanted. She planned to just go ahead and do what she wanted anyway. Let them have their male rituals if it made them feel better.
As if he knew what she was thinking, Joshua released her hand and slung his arm over her shoulder, pulling her closer. She winced at the pressure. Her poor body was protesting all the abuse. Joshua pulled his arm back and swore. “We’ve got to get you back to the compound.” She could see the worry in his eyes, so she patted his chest to try to reassure him.
Someone cleared his throat. “We need to get moving.”
She peeked around Joshua and found all four of his brothers still standing there waiting. Straightening her shoulders, she strode toward the men. Stopping just in front of them, she extended her hand toward the largest. “I’m Alex Riley. Pleased to meet you.”
The corners of his mouth kicked up, but that didn’t make him appear any less scary. His large hand engulfed hers. “Isaiah Striker.” His eyes were as dark as Joshua’s, maybe even darker as they stared down at her. She had a feeling he was trying to see straight to her very soul and that he was succeeding. She wanted to look away, but was ensnared in his gaze. Eventually, he seemed to find whatever it was he was searching for, released her hand and stepped away. Leaving her there with the other three, he strode toward Joshua and her father.
Alex turned back to the remaining brothers. They were all formidable men, but not in the same league as their older brothers. One of the men stepped forward. This one had medium brown hair and chocolate brown eyes that held a hint of mischief. He stuck out his hand. “Micah Striker.” She shook his hand and blinked furiously when another man almost identical to him stepped up beside them.
“Levi Striker.” He elbowed his brother out of the way and took her hand in his.
The last brother stepped forward. His hair was a deep, rich black and his eyes were somber as he gripped her hand. Unlike his brothers, he brought her hand to his lips and placed a tender kiss on the back of her hand. “Simon Striker.” His voice had an almost musical quality about it. She found herself smiling at him.
“Thank you for making Joshua happy.” He gave her hand a squeeze before he released it.
“I’m glad to meet you all.” She glanced around the forest floor and then averted her eyes from the bodies. “I just wish it could be under better circumstances.”
“We’ve got to get moving.” Joshua walked over to stand beside her and she leaned into his side, just wanting to touch him. “There’s trouble back at the compound. I’m not sure what we’re going to find when we get there. Luther said there’d been a change in leadership. I don’t think we’re going to find Ian alive.”
Her father swore and turned away. The man might not be real to her, but he was her uncle and her father’s brother. Her heart ached for him. It would be horrible to come home after all these years just to find his brother dead.
She watched as her father stared off into the distance, wishing she knew what to do to comfort him. The last few days had brought brutality and death into her life, but it had also brought love and hope. So many mixed emotions swirled around inside Alex. Her father seemed so alone, so removed from the rest of them. She wished he had someone to share his life with, especially now that she’d found Joshua.
Joshua released a long, steady sigh. “I hate to break this up, but we need to leave. There are probably others scouring the woods and we’re still about a two- or three-hour hike from the compound.”
Isaiah nodded. “I’ll go on and scout ahead. Not all of the men of the Wolf Creek pack are stupid enough to follow Luther and his ilk. I’m willing to bet that many of them don’t even know what’s happened. I expect the Carlos family didn’t exactly challenge Ian in the traditional manner. Knowing them, they probably attacked Ian when he wasn’t expecting it.”
“I’d say you’re right about that.” Tension flowed from Joshua in waves. “Go.”
Isaiah inclined his head and began to strip off his clothing. When he was naked, he shifted and loped off into the woods. Simon came forward and gathered his brother’s clothing.
Levi and Micah went around the clearing, gathering all the weapons. When they were done the group headed out in the direction that Isaiah had gone.
James’ blood began to boil as the reality of his brother’s death washed over him. He would have his vengeance. Somehow. His gaze landed on Alex and a sense of peace enveloped him. Her presence alone was enough to bring him some comfort. This was why he was here. His daughter would be safe, no matter what the cost to himself. He owed her that much.
As he continued to watch her, Alex reached out and twined her fingers with Joshua’s, following him into the woods. She was limping slightly and he could see blood had seeped through his shirt in several places. Joshua’s back looked much worse, but he ignored it as he leaned down to listen to whatever Alex was saying to him.
They might not be officially bonded, but James could see the connection was there. Alex glanced back over her shoulder then and smiled at him. His little girl was gone forever, replaced by a woman any man would be proud of.
No, his daughter no longer needed him, but his pack did.
It felt strange to be returning home after all these years. But it felt good. The time had come for James LeVeau Riley to reclaim his lost life.