Demon and Deanna

Chapter One

Demon had never thought his life would be filled with so much happiness. He never thought he’d have a good woman by his side, a female he loved so fucking much and would do anything for. And he sure as fuck never thought he’d have a son.

He leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms over his chest as he watchedhis old lady, Deanna hold their son. She fed him, humming softly to Ty and running her fingers through the light tuft of hair on his head. It had been several months since they’d brought him home from the hospital and he was doing so damn well. Every day Demon couldn’t believe what a lucky fucking bastard he was to have Deanna and Ty in his life.

“You going to watch me in silence or come in here and change his poopy diaper?”

He lifted his gaze from Ty and looked at Deanna. She was staring at him, smiling. “What?” he said and straightened.

She was finished feeding him and fixed her shirt before standing and walking toward him. With Ty on her hip, their son smiling a big gummy grin as he looked at Demon, all he felt was love.

“You’re not getting out of changing a poopy diaper again,” she said, chuckling.

“You’re just so much better at it than I am.” He winked at her. “How do you know he even needs changed?”

She snorted, kissed Ty on the head, and handed their son to him. And then the smell hit Demon. “Oh shit.”

“Exactly.” She patted him on the shoudler andmoved past him but stopped before she disappeared down the hallway. “I’d just give him a bath and be done with it all if I were you.”

“You sure you want to go out tonight?”

Deanna just lifted her hand and waved.

He stared at her over his shoulder. She grinned and left him standing there with Ty pulling at his hair and babbling in his ear. Looking back at the baby, he exhaled. “Well buddy, it’s just you and me. Mommy thinks I got this down, but what she doesn’t know is I’m scared shitless sometimes.”

Ty cooed.

He kissed the baby on top of the head. Hell, even the shitty diapers, sleepless nights, and not getting the kind of sex he used to have with Deanna, Demon wouldn’t change this life for anything.

* * *

“You sure you’re up for this?”

Deanna looked over at Eloise and smiled. “Girl, I have been ready for this since we brought Ty home.”

Eloise, Daniella, Elena, and even Amy had come out for a surprise girls’ night out. But Daniella, being pregnant with Shakes’ baby, was due any day now, and she was worried she’d have the baby right here in the middle of the strip club.

“I can’t believe I am actually at a strip club,” Elena said, but her eyes were wide and she had a smile on her face.

“Look at me,” Daniella said, her hand on her oversized belly. “I am about to pop, look like a beached whale, and I’m about to see dicks swinging around.”

All the girls laughed.

They weren’t drinking, and their men knew where they were at—although they had been pretty annoyed over that fact. They were here to let loose and have a good time, and if that meant half naked, buff men in thongs dancing around stage ensured that, well, Deanna was all for it.

The lights dimmed and all the women in the club started to holler, screaming for the guys to come out.

“Oh God, I feel like I’m in Magic Mike,” Eloise said.

Deanna smiled and stared at the stage. She had a sexy man at home, they all did, but this was just exciting. Getting out of the house was good for her too. Since bringing Ty home, and all the stress of him being a premature baby and not knowing how well he would do, Deanna needed this.

The music started playing and the room erupted in even more chaos. The first show was a man dressed as a cowboy, wearing only a thong, leather chaps, a hat, and holding a lasso. He gyrated his hips in tune to the music, and the women held their hands out, dollar bills shaking in front of him.

Deanna laughed and clapped as the song ended and he left the stage.

“And we have a treat for five special ladies tonight,” the announcer said, and the spotlight shined right on Deanna, Amy, Eloise, Daniella, and Elena. Deanna’s heart stopped as she looked around.

“What in the hell is going on?” Eloise asked.

“I don’t know, but I have a funny feeling about this,” Amy said, smiling and shaking her head.

And then the stage lights flashed on, the music started and their men came on stage in only G-strings.

“Oh. My. God,” Daniella said, but all of them pretty much murmured the same thing.

Deanna felt her eyes widen when she saw Demon, Joker, Steel, and Shakes, and Striker start dancing. They thrust their hips out, their cocks barely restrained by the thin material of the thong.

The club was erupted in a chorus of shouts and whistles, and Deanna couldn’t help but feel pride.

“This is unexpected and a little strange,” Eloise said,” but damn do our men look good up there.”

Yeah, they do.

Chapter Two

What the fuck was he doing? Demon swung his hips from side to side, trying to get into the beat of the music. Throughout the whole of his adult life, he’d been feared, respected, and had women panting after him. Deanna comes into his life, and he’s so fucking pussy whipped that he was now flashing his junk for all to see.

None of his boys could stand to see their women watching another man’s dick. He was more than happy with what he had, and he was going to make sure that Deanna was screaming his name. But he wanted Deanna happy, and he’d do anything to ensure that.

Jumping down from the stage, he shoved the table out of the way, grabbing his woman and tugging her up against him. She hadn’t lost all of her baby weight yet, and she was so fucking soft. He wanted to keep her pregnant, wanted her full with his babies.

Deanna had turned into a horny woman, but what he couldn’t stand was living with the fear of what could happen. He almost lost her and Ty. There was no way he’d live with himself.

“What the hell are you doing?” she asked but was giggling.

“I’m giving you the time of your life.” He pressed his thigh between her legs, and started to rub over her crotch. “Are you wet for me?” he whispered against her ear.

“Who is looking after Ty?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”


“Zeke—he stopped by to spend time with Daniella. When he realized she was out, I took advantage, making him take care of Ty. He’s going to be a grandpa soon enough, so I may as well put him to good use.”

She had wide eyes and looked worried, but Demon wouldn’t have left his son with a man he didn’t trust.

Zeke was many things, but a cruel father wasn’t one of them. Over the time they’d known each other, Zeke had shown him as much. Demon had witnessed how much he loved Daniella, his daughter. Zeke was a force to be reckoned with, and yet to his little girl, he was like melted chocolate.

“Come on,” he said.

Demon knew the owner of the strip club, and he’d already arranged it so that he could use the office. Weaving his way around the tables, he pulled Deanne behind him.

Once inside the office, he pressed her up against the door, slamming his lips down on hers. She melted against him, and he shoved his fingers into her hair, holding her tightly in place. Loving her mouth, he listened to her moan, and he plundered her with his tongue.

Sucking her bottom lip into his mouth, he kissed down to her neck, nibbling over her pulse.

“It’s supposed to be girls’ night,” she said, panting.

“It is girls’ night, only you’ve got me to fuck at the end of it.” Releasing her hair, he ran his hands down her body, cupping her tits, which looked ready to explode out of her shirt. Pulling the straps down her body, he flicked the catch of her bra and captured one of her nipples.

There was no milk as she had expressed it earlier for Ty. He didn’t mind. His son needed to be well fed.

Flicking one nipple, he teased the other before leaving them to open the catch of her jeans.

“Your ass looks so fucking good in these pants.” He gripped her hips and turned, pressing her back until her ass hit the desk. Lifting her up onto it, he roughly tugged off her jeans. “Spread those pretty thighs for me.”

“What has come over you, Demon?” she asked, her voice breathy from her pleasure.

It felt like they hadn’t fucked in such a long time. He’d given her time to recover from giving birth to Ty. It had been fucking stressful, and it had made him sick to his stomach and so damn worried. If he was being honest with himself, he was terrified that if he tried to fuck her, he might have hurt her.

“I want you. I can’t wait anymore.”

“I’ve told you it has been safe for weeks.”

“I don’t give a fuck. I’m the judge of what is better for you, not some pansy-ass doctor with a limp-wristed handshake.” The moment the doctor hadn’t given him a firm handshake, Demon had found someone else to assess his woman. The club was part of him, but Deanna was his whole world. He could live without the club, and he’d walk away if ever he had to, but Deanna, she was his for life.

Kneeling down before her, he saw her pretty pink pussy. Her clit was swollen, and she was soaked.

“Have you missed me, baby?” He swiped a finger through her slit, touching her cream. “Fuck, Deanna, you’re dripping wet.” Demon didn’t give her a chance to respond as he flicked his tongue from her cunt up to her clit, circling the hard bud.

She screamed his name, and it was the most precious sound he’d heard in a long time, after his son’s.

“That’s it, baby. Take what you want. Let me see you enjoy me.” He plunged his tongue into her cunt, fucking her.

The taste of her was only heightening his arousal and need for her. His cock already rock-hard and ready. Removing what he wore, he fisted his length. He’d be patient for his own pleasure.

Before he fucked her hard on the desk, he was going to make her come first.

“Feels so good.”

“Do you want my cock?”

“Yes, I want it. I’ve been begging for it.”

She had as well.

It had been hard to refuse her, but he’d done what he had to do.

Now, the reprieve that he’d given her was over. Demon was going to fuck her so damn hard she couldn’t walk for a week. He was going to claim his woman, his old lady, his wife, in every single way that mattered and when he was done, he was going to do it all over again.

Chapter Three

“I want you so fucking badly.” Demon said on a groan and started thrusting against her pussy. The feeling of his hard cock against her slick folds had a moan leaving Deanna. It had been so long since they’d been together, and although it felt like the first time every time with him, even after all these months, right now was explosive.

“Fuck me already. Please.” Deanna emphasized the last word, and he groaned against her mouth.Right now she just wanted to feel him pushing into her, stretching her, and claiming her like she knew he did when with her. The feel of his big erection had her insides clenching and a fresh wave of wetness coming from her pussy. Deanna wanted to feel so incredibly full she couldn’t stand it, couldn’t breathe or wrap her head around it.

And then he was reaching between their bodies, taking hold of his dick, and placing it at her pussy entrance.

“You’re mine, baby.” All she did was nod.

He rubbed his cock along her cleft, up and down, and bumping her clit with every upstroke. “Fuck, you are so wet for me, so primed. You’ve been wanting this, haven’t you?”

“Yes, Demon,” she moaned the words out.

She felt his dick throb between her legs and felt her slickness slip from her pussy and cover his shaft. They held each other’s stares for several long seconds, and then they crashed their mouths together. Hair was pulled, flesh was nipped at, and groans spilled from both of them. Images of them together, skin wet with sweat, muscles stretched and taut from straining, filled Deanna’s head and had her rubbing herself on him. Taking matters into her own hands, she grabbed his cock and shifted so she had his tip angled right at her entrance just right.

“Fuck me,” she said with more demand. Demon chuckled.

“Greedy little thing.”

He lifted her off the ground easily, moved them backward, and she felt the cool wall greet her back. He held her body up with one hand on her ass and placed his other hand on the wall beside her head, his strength immense. The tip of his cock became lodged in her body now, and they both breathed out roughly.

“You feel so fucking good up against me, baby.”

“It’s been too long,” was her reply.

“I’m going to fuck you so good and hard.” When he slid in another inch, stretching her so damn good, he snapped his mouth shut and closed his eyes. Demon groaned and clenched his jaw hard enough she saw the muscles working beneath his stubble-covered skin.

He ground his teeth, and the sound shouldn’t have been as erotic as it was, but it told her he was losing control.

She moaned against his lips and clenched her pussy around his shaft. “You’re making me feel so full, Demon, so stretched.” She panted. “I want you to fuck me hard.”

He rested his forehead against hers, and they breathed heavily against each other’s mouths, both of them so damn lost in this moment. “You feel so fucking good. God, you’re so damn wet and hot.” In one swift move he was buried fully inside of her.

She let her head fall back against the wall behind her and closed her eyes. It felt like she was burning alive, like hewas burning her alive. He started moving in and out of her, faster and harder, and she couldn’t wrap her head around the pleasure of it all.

Christ, Deanna baby it feels so fucking unbelievable.” He pumped into her.

Feelinghim so far inside of her that there was no part of her body that he wasn’t touching stole any coherent words or thoughts from her. He curled his arm around her waist, his biceps flexing from the power he wielded, and she wrapped her legs around his hips tighter, stabilizing herself. With Demon’s hand by her head on the wall, he started moving in and out of her with more fervor.

The sounds of their flesh slapping together, of her wet skin moving along his in a very filthy, erotic way, had her pleasure mounting. The sounds that came from her were loud, clipped. The root of his cock rubbed against her clit every time he slammed into her.

“Yeah, baby, that’s it. Squeeze my cock, make me come while you get off.” He ground the words out and closed his eyes for a second before he opened them again and stared at her. Sweat beaded his brow, and he made this low growly sound when he slammed into her especially hard. Demon kissed her until she felt like her lips would bleed, but Deanna wanted more. She always wanted more from her man. The burn of her back rubbing against the wall heightened her pleasure, and she felt her climax mounting.

“I’m so close,” Deanna gasped out the words.

“Yeah, baby, I want to see you come, want to feel you milking my cock until I fill you with my jizz.” He reached between them and pressed his thumb to her clit. He rubbed the bundle of nerves back and forth, kept that pressure right on her until she was swiveling her hips on him, trying to have him go impossibly deeper into her body. He pressed his mouth to her ear, had his cock deep in her pussy, and had his thumb on her clit. His breathing was short pants, and she could tell he was close to getting off too.

The wet, sloppy sounds of their sex filled the room and aroused her even more, if that were possible.

“You’re mine, Deanna baby. Mine.” He slammed into her twice, applied more pressure to her clit until she was about to come once more.

“Tell me you’re mine.” He was thrusting like a madman now, in and out, faster and harder, and she got so lost in the sensation, and the scent, and power that came from him, that she felt herself falling over the edge once more. She came long and hard, and heard him groan against her neck.

“Demon, yes.”

“Say it.” He growled out the words like a beast set free.

“I’m yours.” She gasped out, and he slammed into her. “I’m only yours, and will only ever be yours, Demon.” Her back scraped up the wall, and the pain made her cry out even harder from the pleasure. The world was falling away, and lights flashed in front of her vision. This was her man, the one person she loved so much it hurt. They’d been through a lot of shit together, but Deanna knew that as time went on their bond would only grow and strengthen.

Chapter Four

“I can’t believe you came to the strip club for me,” Deanna said. Her orgasm slowly ebbed away. Demon didn’t leave her alone, and after his performance not only on the dancefloor but also on the desk, she didn’t want to leave just yet either.

“One day you’ll see that when it comes to you, I’ll do anything. The guys, none of us can stand to see our woman looking at other men.”

Deanna giggled. “If I’d known you were going to show me a good time, I’d have never left the club.”

“You want alone time, all you need to do is ask and I’ll provide it for you.” He kissed the top of her head, which was so touching, he made her ache. “Love you, baby.”

“I love you too.”

She snuggled in close, loving the peace and quiet of being in his arms and not wanting it to end. However, their son was at home with someone she wouldn’t have allowed babysit her baby.

“Don’t worry about Zeke.”

“How did you know that is what I was thinking about?”

“I know you. You tensed up in my arms and the only reason you do that is if you’re not happy. I’d never put our son in danger. You’ve got to believe that.”

She sighed. “I do.”

“Then what’s the matter?”

Looking up at him, she pursed her lips. “It’s Zeke. He threated my life and Ty’s life.”

“I know—he didn’t follow through with it. We’ve all come to an understanding. The Soldiers and Zeke.”

“It still sucks though.” She blew a raspberry. “I’m ready to go home.”

“Come on, let’s go and see what everyone else is doing.”

Demon helped her get dressed, kissing her, touching her. Each little caress only served to make her more aroused. She wanted him so much again. This was one of the many things she loved about being married to Demon. He was such a loving person, at least to her he was. If anyone was to call him out on his love, he’d hurt them.

Once they were both dressed, and she noticed there was a change of clothes in the office for Demon. He must have already planned ahead to make sure there was some clothes for her.

“You really didn’t like me going out?”

“It wasn’t that. If you were going to be looking at any guy’s dick, it was going to be mine.” He grabbed her hand, tugging her back against him. “Love you, Deanna. It’s never going to change.”

Together they made their way out toward the main part of the strip club, only to find all of their friends gone.

“Well I guess they had plans of their own. Come on, let’s head home.”

* * *

“Thanks for watching him,” Demon said, seeing Zeke out. Alessandria was already in the car, waiting.

“It was my pleasure. I’m going to need all the help I can get. Everything is okay with you and Deanna?”

Demon chuckled. “Besides her being nervous about the guy who threatened to kill her watching our son, everything is fine.”

Zeke nodded. “I’m not going to be threatening to kill.”

“Alessandria keeping you tame?”

“You could say that. Good night, Demon. Enjoy the rest of your night.”

Closing his front door, he flicked the locks and made his way up toward the nursery. He found Ty being fed, and he leaned against the doorframe, waiting for her attention.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“Ty’s alive and well, so I guess I overreacted.”

“Only overreacted?”

“I don’t know. It’s hard to trust a man who is happy to kill whenever the mood takes him. I’m surprised Steel isn’t sleeping with a gun.”

“Daniella would never kill Steel. She’s not like her father. Time changes people, baby. People change. Look at me, I’m faithful, settled, and have a son. I can tell you, without you, I wouldn’t be the same person.”

“No, you wouldn’t.”

“Should you be feeding him?”

“I didn’t have any alcohol—I’m fine. He woke up, and I changed his diaper. Zeke wasn’t too bad.”

“Should we make him a regular babysitter? He needs the practice.” Demon winked.

Deanna laughed. “That would be kind of funny to watch, the great and powerful Zeke caught feeding, changing, and burping babies. It would be so funny.”

“You’re a vixen.”

“You love me like that, admit it.”

“I can’t deny that you turn me on.”

“I love tonight,” Deanna said.

“You don’t think I barged in on girls’ night? Pissed you off.”

“Oh you barged in, without a doubt. I can’t complain though, I liked it. Besides, there’s no one else’s dick I’d rather see than yours. I think you’re kind of hot.”

“Only kind of hot? Woman, do you want me to show you right now how hot I am?”

“No, come here,” she said, holding her hand out for him to take. He made his way into the room and moved behind her. Looking down, he watched his son getting fed, feeling so damn proud and full of love.

“I couldn’t live without either of you,” Deanna said.

Stroking Ty’s head, Demon knew exactly what she meant. “I made a vow to love and protect you for the rest of our lives, and that is exactly what I’m going to do.”

After Deanna finished feeding their son, Demon took him. Resting him against his shoulder, he rubbed his back.

“I love our family, Demon.”

He reached down, cupping her cheek. “Anything you want from me, Deanna, you only need to ask. I will go to the ends of the earth to get you what you want.”

She rubbed her cheek against his hand and sighed. “Just be you, Demon, love me, and I’ll want nothing else.”

“So damn easy to do.”

He went to lean down to kiss her, but Ty rewarded him with a burp and a little vomit, cutting the kissing short.

“You’ve have to take a raincheck on that kiss.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve got it stored with many things you’ve not been doing lately.” She gave him a wink and handed him a towel. “I intend to collect all of them at once.”

In that moment, Demon knew Zeke was going to be babysitting a hell of a lot more.

The End