
Ah, so many people have helped me along the way, how do I possibly mention them all?

First off, a big thanks to the Probst Posse team—I have loved getting to know all of you, mingling on our secret group page, and sharing the ups and downs of my writing journey. Readers are the backbone of everything I do, so I simply would not have been successful without you. Cyber hugs!

Second, thanks to Lisa Hamel-Soldano, my dear childhood friend, who has helped me manage many details to keep things running smoothly. It’s fun to share this with you.

To my fab agent, Kevan Lyons, who holds my hand along the way and gives wonderful advice. I’m so glad we hooked up!

To Liz Pelletier, Libby Murphy, and the Entangled team that is growing by leaps and bounds. It’s wonderful to continue working with you and this awesome company.

Finally, to my wonderful family who make this journey ever sweeter. Ray, Jake, Josh, Mom, Dad, Steve, Taylor, Katie, Amanda, Dana, Anna, Enzo, Aunt Roe and Uncle Bill, Aunt Betty and Uncle Eddie, Aunt Mary and Uncle Al, Cousins Ed, Ann Marie, Lisa, Tara, Michael, Christina—your support is always appreciated!
