Chapter 18: Destiny


Four weeks of camp. Almost a month away from the real world. No email. No IMing. Probably not any phone calls. No more seeing Megan, Cassidy, and Adrienne on a daily basis to remind me how much I’d sabotaged my own happiness. No seeing Abbie and Allie to remind me that this wasn’t just a game and how close I’d come to ruining my life. Sure, I’d miss my friends. But I needed a break.

Last year, I couldn’t read in the family van while we cruised up Highway 5 towards Northern California. My growth spurt was wreaking havoc on my sense of balance and after a while, even reading street signs was making me queasy. But this year was no problem, and I happily settled in to read. With an eleven-hour drive, I had plenty of time and nothing better to do and I settled into my chair with Goblet of Fire.

Brooke and the twins were finally letting me read it, after they’d read it and re-read it a hundred times in the past year or so. I was just happy that the Potter books were starting to grow up and get darker. And the simple peace of reading a book did wonders for my overly cluttered mind.

Speaking of the girls, the twins were chatting amongst themselves in the back bench seat. And Brooke was presently conked out in the bucket seat to my right, the spot usually occupied by Brandi, who was still at Berkeley for her internship and wouldn’t be joining us.

I sighed at the thought of not seeing Brandi again for a while. She planned to make one weekend visit at least during the summer, so we’d reconnect for a bit. But I HAD been looking forward to a chance to reconnect our sexual organs at some point during camp. The idea of a repeat foursome with Dawn, Dayna, and Brandi had me hard for hours when I first thought of it back in February.

But even with Brandi and Dayna not attending camp, I still had Dawn. My Dawn. Of all the people in the world, I knew she would understand and forgive. I had a clean slate with her. I could be the man I truly wanted to be with her, without the baggage of my past mistakes. And I felt my heart overflowing with sunshine at the mere thought of seeing my Dawn again.

And then there was Brooke. In the few days since the near-rape by her boyfriend Perry, my 15-year-old little sister had clung to my side like a second skin. On the couch, she displaced one of the twins to lean against me while watching a movie. We played more video games and board games together in three days than we had in the previous three months. And when I had to drive out to fill up my mom’s car with gas, Brooke even volunteered to give me some company just to stay in my orbit.

There wasn’t anything sexual about it, but the entire family could tell that we were somehow closer. And when our parents questioned her about it, Brooke just explained that she’d broken up with her boyfriend and that I was helping to talk her through it.

Mom made a smart-alecky remark, “Well if anyone knows breakups, it’s Ben.”

Brooke had just giggled and slid herself under my arm, not so easy now that her growth spurt had pushed her up to 5’7”.

Now that we were on our way to camp, I wondered how much she would still be around me. In the past, Brooke had immediately paired up with DJ and the two would run off to do whatever young teenage girls did while I did my own thing with Dawn. Most summers, I felt like I saw even less of Brooke at camp than I did at home. But lately, I’d gotten used to having her around me, and as I looked at my pretty sister sleeping peacefully in the chair nearby, I found myself hoping we’d find away to hang out together for a change.

Given that I also wanted to spend as much time as possible fucking Dawn’s lights out, I wasn’t quite sure how the logistics would work out, but I did have a craving to be near Brooke.

I was stirred from my thoughts when we stopped for gas and my dad took over the driving for the final leg. He was a bit grumpy from not having a pleasant enough nap, and before he shifted the car into gear, he turned around and looked right at me. “Ben, next year, you’re taking a driving leg.”

I grinned. My parents may have seen driving as a chore, but to a 17-year-old like me, getting new responsibilities is always a little thrill. And if it were up to me, I’d floor the van and do 100 miles an hour until I got to see Dawn again.

* * *

I started to get nervous as we approached the camp. So much had happened to me in the past year. So much about me had changed. How much had Dawn changed? Yeah, I got the occasional email or phone call, but I really didn’t know what was going on in her life.

Had she gone off the deep-end like me and screwed a dozen guys? Had she fallen in love with Mark or some other boyfriend and wanted to remain faithful to him? Had her personality just changed so much that she no longer wanted to hang out with me for four weeks, or even be my friend?

I tossed aside the extreme thoughts. After all, she HAD called me for Christmas and in April. Everything seemed normal. But even if she hadn’t radically changed, it was always possible that she’d changed just enough for things to no longer be the way they used to be. And I’d done so many things I wasn’t proud of, I wasn’t sure if she’d still want to be around me if she found out.

Brooke, awake now, caught me biting my lip and reached over to squeeze my hand. Without having to ask, she said sweetly, “Relax, Ben. I’m sure Dawn will be happy to see you.”

I gave a tight smile to my sister, and then we arrived.

As usual, the Evanses were there before us. Their cabin right next to ours was already adorned with hanging towels and various equipment propped against the wall on the porch. And the minute our van pulled up outside our cabin, I glanced out the window and saw the Evans’ front door opening.

Jack and Deanna Evans were the first ones out the door, waving while my dad parked the van. Brooke was quick to pop the double-doors and hop out, and I followed soon after.

I turned back to look at the cabin porch just in time to see Dawn come out. She looked EXACTLY like I remembered her. I had a clear image in my head of her svelte body, her slightly overdeveloped breasts on top of the Evans family natural slenderness. Her fine blonde hair cascaded around her cheeks as she hustled down the stairs, and my heart leaped as I realized how eager she was to reunite with me.

But instead of heading for me by the van, she made a beeline for Brooke who was hustling up to her. And just then, her hair bounced back away from her face and I realized it was DJ, and my eyes popped open in surprise. Hell, the youngest Evans daughter had certainly grown up.

A musical giggle caught my attention from the porch and I turned to see Dawn smiling at me. Her face was just as gorgeous as ever, and the rest of her body was growing into the very full curves of a young woman. Just a few days away from her 17th birthday, Dawn’s tits had certainly grown to where they were stretching her light summer dress to the limits. They weren’t Dayna’s double-D’s yet, but they WERE much bigger than I remembered them, and I felt my shorts tightening in response. The hem of the dress was short, showing off her long, tanned legs. Her hips were flared just a bit more, and she seemed to have picked up another couple of inches in height, although that may have been because she was elevated on the porch.

I’d had a clear image of what she looked like in my mind. The memory didn’t do her justice. Dawn was breathtakingly beautiful now. And I merely blinked as if her radiance blinded me while my jaw dropped wide open.

Deanna Evans, Dawn’s mother, looked over at her daughter and said, “I TOLD you he’d like that dress.”

Dawn didn’t respond verbally, her gaze locked onto me. I said nothing either, and time seemed to slow down around us.

The treeline behind the cabins went out of focus and became a fuzzy green. The cabin itself washed out, and everything else in my field of vision melted away to leave nothing but Dawn in front of me. She glowed like an angel descended from heaven. And in her crystal clear blue eyes I felt like I could lose myself to the delirium of pure bliss, free from the troubles and worries of the real world I wanted so desperately to leave behind.

I moved forward. Each step felt like an eternity as I approached her, and I had time to study every little detail about her on the way. I noticed the teasing curve of her eyebrows, lightly rounded to highlight the pleased expression in her eyes. I noticed the crinkle of her lips, turned upwards with just the hint of a smile. I noticed the swell of her large breasts, pushed up and curving as they were stuffed into the woefully insufficient top of her dress. And I noticed the gentle curving lines of her torso as her body pinched in at the waist before flaring out over the tight teenage hips that made grown women jealous.

If Dawn Evans were ever to stand next to Adrienne Dennis, I might just have a heart attack. And by the time I finally got to the radiant young blonde, my chest was thumping so much I thought I WAS having a heart attack.

Last year, Dawn and I stared eagerly at each other for a few minutes before she shyly asked if she could kiss me. This time, she just barely managed to say, “Hi, Ben” before I swept her into my arms, bent her over, and planted one of the firmest, juiciest kisses of my life. Sparkles went off behind my eyes. My stomach flipped and then flipped a few more times. And an excited, warm flush went through my whole body. It was a wonderful kiss. It was like we were picking up exactly where we’d left off eleven months ago.

We kissed for what felt like an hour, and I was out of breath by the time I stood her up and looked into her eyes. She panted and her eyes twinkled at me. We were oblivious to the rest of our families, who had literally formed a semi-circle around us as they looked on in awe. There was a crackle of electricity in the air that everyone felt, and a hushed silence as they all waited to see what Dawn and I did next.

“Hey,” I said softly while looking through her eyes and into her soul.

“Hey,” she replied, her gaze darting back and forth through my eyes. “I missed you, Ben.”

I missed her too. I hadn’t realized it, given all my distractions and romantic complications back in Orange County, but I felt a blanket of peace settle over me just being with my childhood friend again. But it was more than that.

Keira had once told me that I was too young to really understand love. I was either too clouded by orgasms and lust or just wrapped up in the thrill of puppy love to really and truly LOVE someone. I was comfortable with girls, like Megan and Cassidy. I had passionate lust for girls, like Adrienne. I even had emotional concern for girls, like Summer. But only one person had ever embodied ALL of that, and she was standing right in front of me. Some people talk about love at first sight. Well, I certainly had seen Dawn many, many times, so maybe this was love at 13,942nd sight.

When you know it, you know it. And I KNEW it.

In the past, I might have just blurted out the three-word phrase. Girls love to hear the L-word and I’d certainly told Dawn I loved her many times last year. But this year would be different. I’d be a little more careful, a little more realistic. I certainly FELT in love, but I had to face that I was just now seeing Dawn after an 11-month layoff. Rationally, I understood that the time apart heightened my emotions. So I simply smiled and told her, “I missed you, too.”

I didn’t verbalize the L-word, but I think Dawn saw it in my eyes anyways.

It was going to be a GREAT summer.

* * *

As much as I wanted to, we didn’t jump each other’s bones right away. After the long drive, relaxing on lounge chairs by the lake sounded like a good idea and we changed into our swimsuits.

Being a dude, I was the first one out, quickly followed by Brooke, who blushed when I gave her a wolf whistle and then sternly ordered her back inside to put more clothes on. My little sister giggled and ignored my command, posing to show off her developing curves in her black bikini.

DJ hopped out next, wearing quite the attention-getter in red. It had extra laces, bowties, and metal circles joining the bottoms at her hips, looking more like a bikini for lounging than actual water activity. Her larger breasts dented out the cups nicely, and I raised my eyebrows in some surprise and appreciation. “You’re looking very lovely, DJ.”

The cute blonde 15-year-old beamed at me and leaned forward to show me even more cleavage. “Glad you like the suit, Ben,” she giggled and then turned her face into the perfect image of a naughty schoolgirl, complete with one finger in the corner of her mouth and her fine blonde hair now braided into twin pigtails. “Want a closer look?”

Brooke just slapped my shoulder and folded her arms over her chest grumpily. “Boys and boobs.”

“Aww, you’ve got quite the nice pair too, Brooke,” DJ said sweetly. “I KNOW I’m gonna like them.”

Brooke’s eyes popped open and she blushed, averting her gaze. I was going to come up with a most inappropriate comment, but then Dawn emerged and took my breath away.

What felt like an hour later, my best friend said, “Ben, you can close your mouth now.”

I blinked and realized that Dawn was now standing right in front of me. I must have blacked out for a few seconds, and my mouth stayed open. Her pastel blue bikini was woefully inadequate at covering up her naked skin, and if I thought Dawn was gorgeous in the summer dress, she was awe-inspiring in that bikini.

“Show off,” DJ deadpanned.

“Hey, if you’ve got it, flaunt it,” Dawn remarked, cupping her own tits and hoisting them upwards. “Still, I don’t think I’ll ever get Dayna’s Double-D’s.”

“34D is nothing to sneeze at, Dawn,” DJ shook her head.

“You can talk. Couple more years and you’ll catch Dayna,” Dawn shrugged.

“Yeah, but she does nothing but complain about backaches and boys never looking her in the face,” DJ giggled.

“That’s because Dayna always wears shirts that show off her cleavage. Her own damn fault,” Dawn shook her head.

“What, you mean like you’re doing to Ben right now?” DJ smiled.

Dawn turned to me with a grin on her face. “Yeah, but I WANT him staring.” And with that, my lifelong long distance best friend walked over to the bench I was sitting on and shoved her tits into my face, rubbing my nose down her cleavage. And then she tugged on the back of my head to press me even deeper. I was in heaven.

Dawn giggled and then bent to kiss my lips. Then she stood up straight and held a hand out to me. “Come on, let’s go.”

* * *

By the lake, the three girls in their bikinis attracted boys like honeybees. Dawn flirted for five minutes, then started to get annoyed. She wound up just joining me on my lounge chair, pillowing her head on my chest and holding me lovingly. The boys stopped bothering her then and concentrated their attention on Brooke and DJ, who soaked it all up like sponges.

It felt completely natural to cuddle with Dawn this way. I’d gotten a lot of practice with different women in the past year, and between that understanding of the physics involved and my innate, natural comfort with my long-time best friend, I started to doze off while happily wrapped up in the intimate embrace. The sound of the younger girls flirting just faded into the background noise.

But Dawn’s voice woke me back up. “So, Ben… how are things with… Adrienne? Right?”

My eyes were closed as I lay back, and they stayed closed. I shrugged lightly. “We broke up. Still friends… I think… Didn’t you and Mark break up?”

She humphed. “I knew he wasn’t the guy for me forever.”

“So…” I began hesitantly, afraid of the possible answer. “Are you seeing anybody right now?”

“No,” Dawn murmured softly as she moved her head up towards my face. “Are you?”

I shook my head. “No.”

“Good,” Dawn smiled and then she bent her lips to mine, giving me a soft, tender kiss.

“Mmm…” I moaned when she pulled away. Dawn had the softest lips of any girl I’d ever kissed. She was my first kiss, and in this moment I hoped she would be my last kiss eighty years from now. “Any particular reason why that’s good? Shouldn’t I be saying, ‘Oh, I’m sorry things didn’t work out and I’m sorry you haven’t found someone else just yet.’?”

Dawn shook her head. “I’m not looking for someone else. I was just waiting for you.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Why?”

“Isn’t it obvious, Ben?” Dawn smirked and did a good approximation of my arched eyebrow. “I love you. I loved you last summer and I still love you now. We may have been apart for a long time but that doesn’t mean my feelings have changed.”

I smiled, but didn’t immediately say the phrase back to her. Dawn let the first uncertain expression cross her face and she got up on one elbow. “Ben? Don’t you still love me?”

I poured out my love through my eyes, willing her to recognize it. But I sighed regretfully as I said, “Yes, I do. But…”

Dawn winced at the ‘but’ and I bit my lip. “But…” I began again. “I’m trying to make sure of my emotions. This past year has been crazy for me and I’ve done some things you might not have expected from me. You once told me that if we were together, you would be getting really, really mad at me for all the stupid things I did until the time I finally matured. I’m getting there, but I’m not sure I’ve matured enough yet.”

She frowned and brushed some of her fine blonde hair back behind her ear. The hand she used made me see she was wearing a thin metal bracelet which highlighted her slender wrist. And I noticed an engraving on it that for some reason captured my attention. I reached over, turned her wrist around, and read “Ben Forever” stenciled into the thin, silver metal.

“I wondered how long it would be before you noticed that,” she said quietly.

My eyes went wide and I noticed that Dawn was very intently looking for my reaction. I’m afraid to say that fear was the first thing that crossed my mind.

Dawn loved me. Dawn was wearing a freaking “Ben Forever” bracelet on her wrist. I should have been thrilled beyond belief.

But I was scared shitless.

Megan loved me. Cassidy loved me. But I’d betrayed them and even though we’d gotten back to the point where we were talking again, our friendships weren’t as close as they’d been before.

Adrienne had shared with me her darkest secret. She trusted me, needed my comfort and support, and let herself fall in love with me. But I’d betrayed her and even now things were still a little awkward between us.

My life after that was a string of meaningless sexual encounters plus one teen pregnancy and abortion. I was a colossal failure of sexual relationships, and the only one that had come out better than it began was with Summer, with whom I’d never STARTED a relationship.

I could handle my reduced closeness with Megan and Cassidy. At least we could be in the same circle of friends together. I could handle the awkwardness with Adrienne. We’d never been close in the first place. And I could live with never seeing Donna Kincaid or Stacey Whitehouse ever again. But not Dawn. I couldn’t live without Dawn. She was my Siamese twin until we were ten. She was my partner in exploration every summer since then. And I absolutely COULDN’T live without her in my life. I LOVED her.

But what if I fucked it up?

“Ben?” Dawn asked with deep concern in her voice. Clearly, I wasn’t having the reaction she’d been expecting. “Are you okay?”

“I can’t,” I croaked.


“I can’t be with you,” I nearly started crying.

Dawn’s face fell and her lower jaw immediately started quivering. “Why not?”

“Because… I’ll screw it up… Always have…” I stammered and looked away, the tears bubbling out of my eyes as I simultaneously wanted to push myself away from Dawn and yet clutched her even more tightly to my body.

“Ben, Ben,” Dawn soothed and stroked my head. “Do you love me?”

Sniffling already, I winced and managed to croak, “I shouldn’t.”

“But do you?”

“Yes…” I could feel my heart cracking. “Always have. Always will. But I’ll still betray you. The same… weakness… I had with Dayna last summer… I’ve still got it.”

Dawn bypassed and further conversation and grabbed my head, tilting to her and then covering my mouth with her own. The kiss she gave me felt like a volcanic explosion of passion and emotion, and I found myself whimpering into it as she took me away to a height of bliss and ecstasy I didn’t know was possible, and when she pulled away I was left in a daze with a completely empty head.

“Do you want to be with me, Ben?”

Cleared of all thought, I went with what I felt inside. “More than anything.”

“Then believe in us, Ben,” Dawn said earnestly. “You’re not just another guy. I’m not just another girl. We’re Ben and Dawn and we’ve been destined from birth to get married and have kids and unite our two families together. Okay? We’ll make it work.”

She wiped away my tears, I looked up into her eyes, and I stared right into her soul. And then with every ounce of feeling in my heart, I said, “Dawn, I love you.”

* * *

After such an emotional moment, there was only one thing Dawn and I wanted to do. Her irises glowed bright blue as she got up and held her hand out to me. We hurriedly grabbed our things and sprinted off hand-in-hand.

Brooke and DJ were oblivious as they chatted with the five guys. We knew they’d be occupied for quite a while. I knew Eden and Emma were down by the lake as well, mingling with their other pre-teen friends. And my sincerest hope was that at least one set of our parents, if not both, had left the cabins behind to go socialize with other adults.

I got my wish. Dawn’s cabin was empty, and no sooner did we pass through the door than Dawn leaped into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my shoulders while she did her best to permanently imbed her tongue down my throat.

My fingers were already opening the hook on her bikini top, and I managed to stagger us into the main bunkroom. I started to lose my balance when I tried to get her top off and see for myself just how much bigger her boobs had gotten, but fortunately I made it to her bed and dropped Dawn unceremoniously onto the mattress, rather than onto the floor. At least I managed to remain standing upright, holding her pastel blue bikini top in my hand.

Dawn giggled and immediately started wriggling out of her bottoms. I tossed the top to the side and then quickly dropped my trunks down to my ankles. And then I had to stop and admire the gorgeous young creature on the bed before me.

A little over a week shy of her seventeenth birthday, Dawn was the definition of female perfection. Her fine blonde hair haloed behind her head, drawing one’s attention to the pure white of her face and her piercing blue eyes. Michelangelo could not have sculpted a finer face. Delicate shoulders and prominent collarbones framed a slender torso, where the firm mounds of her large breasts remained firm and upright with minimal support, and they were all real. I could see the hint of her ribcage before Dawn’s taut tummy took over with just the delicate ripples of her abs. Her hips perfectly circled around a pretty pussy, her shaven labia surrounding the moist, pink center. And her legs seemed long enough to drape off the bed and wrap around me even though I was several feet away. She was exquisite.

Lying flat on her back while sideways on the bed, Dawn beckoned me to her with both arms outstretched. My cock was rock hard and bouncing off my own belly as I clambered onto the mattress and moved myself on top of her. She reached to my face and cradled my cheeks as I bent to kiss her, Dawn responding with another one of those volcanic kisses that exploded inside my brain.

Actually, that kiss practically melted my brain. It sucked all the oxygen out of me, sucked my awareness, and took a part of my soul with it. I lost myself to the euphoria and dimly felt myself rolling over and over, flopping onto my back and then finding myself on top and then rolling again while Dawn and I played tonsil hockey.

I blinked, and then I felt the sudden warmth and pleasure of being inside a tight pussy, and belatedly realized that somewhere along the way our loins had joined together. Only then did Dawn break away to gasp for air and immediately groan in excitement as my cock started moving inside of her of its own accord.

When my senses came back to me, I realized that I was actually on my side, spooning Dawn while my dick had slipped into her sodden pussy from behind. I held a firm tit in my left hand as my arm was snaked beneath her neck, and my right hand was on her hip as leverage while I thrust myself in and out of her clasping tunnel on autopilot.

Dawn had twisted her head around to french kiss me, her right arm wrapped behind my head while we made love in her bed. And all I could do was moan and groan and kiss some more while the rest of our bodies moved together in a horizontal-sideways-lambada that shot bolts of pleasure through the both of us.

The next time I tore my head away to breathe, Dawn turned her torso away from me, dropping her right arm to the mattress and scrunching up the bedsheets in her hand while she concentrated on fucking her hips back at me. She looked unbelievably sexy in that moment, her naked spine twisting away, her hair pulled over one shoulder, and her head bent as she moaned an erotic litany of, “Fuck me, Ben! Fuck me! Gimme your cock! Oh, yes! Yes! Unnnnnghhh! Just FUCK ME!”

A spike of adrenaline shot through me as she ordered me to fuck her, and I decided to shift away from my spooned position and instead, raised her right leg so that I could pivot under it, straddling Dawn’s left leg as I began thrusting into her from the new oblique angle. Our asses formed a plus sign should anyone be behind us, my butt parallel to the bed as I manically thrust in and out of my best friend and lover. Dawn’s body was sideways, her right cheek on top as I elevated her right leg up and over my shoulder, spreading her even wider.

I wasn’t thinking totally straight at that point, my brain long ago subsumed by pleasure. I’d forgotten the old concerns Dawn had with her ass, forgotten her order never to put anything inside it. So it was on impulse that while my right hand diddled her clit and stroked Dawn right up the brink of orgasm, my left hand abruptly let go of her buttcheeks and I sank my middle finger through her clenched anus.

Perhaps Dawn had also forgotten her squeamishness surrounding her ass, because her reaction was immediate. She locked up, her body went rigid, and then she screamed in ecstasy loud enough to call our parents home as she climaxed with intense ferocity.

“AAAAAHHHHH!” The blonde 16-year-old shrieked. “Fuuuuuuuck!!!”

Quite pleased with myself, I drilled my left middle finger deeper, setting off all those tight nerve bundles she had in there. I continued thumbing her clit with my right hand while driving my cock forwards a few more times. And then holding myself in the very depths of Dawn’s pussy, my cockhead expanded right up against her cervix and began spitting out wad after wad of scalding hot cum.

“Cumming!” Dawn announced while her whole body continued to vibrate. “I’m cumming, Ben! You’re cumming in me! We’re cumming together!”

There was no doubt about that, and long past the duration I would have believed, Dawn was still trembling in the aftershocks of orgasm while I squeezed out the final few drops of jism into the back of my lover’s womb.

In that contorted position with her right leg over my shoulder, we stayed and panted for a minute or two. Eventually, Dawn dropped her leg off my shoulder, which rotated her forwards so that she was facedown on the mattress, her hips half suspended over my knees while my cock was still buried in her pussy.

Gently, I pulled myself out of her, her snatch quickly dribbling out a veritable river of mingled cum onto the bed. And then crawling over her prone body, I lay myself down half on the bed and half on her back, kissing her shoulder before kissing her cheek and then whispering sincerely, “Dawn, I love you.”

She hummed happily and turned her face so that her lips could meet mine. And then smiling she replied back, “I love you too, Ben. Always and forever.”

* * *

Dawn and I both passed out and went to sleep like that, lying naked and on top of each other, evidence of our fornication dribbling out of her lewdly stretched pussy and puddling on the bed.

That was how Mr. and Mrs. Evans found us when they returned to the cabin. But rather than yell at us, Mrs. Evans simply moved over and pulled a blanket over our two bodies, which woke me up for a brief moment as I felt the fabric stretching across my naked bottom.

It hit me about five seconds after they left that I’d just gotten caught post-coital with Dawn in their cabin. And I was suddenly wide awake in panic. After all, isn’t “getting caught by parents” genetically ingrained as a panic-response by every teenager?

But clearly, the Evanses didn’t mind. And as I calmed down and listened, I realized that I could hear low moans and wet kisses emanating out from the Master bedroom. My eyes popped open wide as I realized that Dawn’s parents were having sex, perhaps inspired by finding their middle daughter and me naked and fucked to exhaustion.

And to the gentle rhythm of lightly squeaking camp bedsprings, I dozed and went back to sleep.


“So when’s the wedding?” DJ asked when she returned to the cabin the next morning. It turned out, while I was staying over at the Evans cabin, DJ had taken my bed and slept over in the big bunkroom with Brooke, Eden, and Emma. Everyone was happy, but it also meant EVERYONE knew I’d slept overnight with Dawn.

I was still amazed how everyone just accepted it as normal. It was as if everyone believed it was destiny for Dawn and I to be together and unite our two families. Personally, I wasn’t sure just yet; the idea of destiny was a lot to wrap my head around. Yeah, I loved Dawn and I wanted it to be true, but I was still just seventeen and knew that just because something seemed to fit didn’t make it right. Just because Dawn and I were childhood friends didn’t mean we were meant to live our lives together.

But I could still hope. I wanted it to be true, and for now, it seemed I had carte blanche to do whatever the heck I wanted with a gorgeous young girl, and with no interference or concern from her parents. THAT part I could certainly wrap my head around.

Dawn and I were at least dressed (that is, I’d pulled my swim trunks back on while Dawn was showered and in her outfit for the new day) when DJ traipsed in and walked over to us. I arched an eyebrow at DJ’s question and glanced over at Dawn.

My best friend and apparent fiancée smiled demurely and then confidently stated, “The wedding will be the summer of 2006. Right after we both graduate from Berkeley.”

I arched my eyebrow at Dawn. “You got the place picked out yet?”

“Not yet. But as long as I’ve got the groom picked out right, I’ll be happy,” Dawn smiled and walked over, holding my face in her hands and planting a soft kiss on my lips.

DJ rolled her eyes and said, “Get a room.” There was no heat in her voice. In fact, there was more than a trace of envy.

“We’re in a room. So maybe I should ask you to get out,” Dawn retorted.

DJ laughed and said, “Sure. After I get my clothes. Or maybe I should just permanently move my stuff into their cabin while Ben moves his gear in here.”

“Oh no,” Deanna Evans was walking by the door and she poked her head in. “Last night was one thing. I get that you two missed each other. But let’s not get carried away just yet. You two are still teenagers.”

Dawn frowned and pouted at her mom, but shrugged in acceptance. I wasn’t expecting to get ANY overnights with Dawn, so I wasn’t about to complain, lest I jeopardize any future opportunities. Mrs. Evans left, and then Dawn turned to me. “Go get changed… boyfriend.” She added the last word with enough emphasis to make my bones tingle, and she leaned over to kiss me again.

I grinned. I’d been without emotional companionship for long enough to crave it, and not only was I finding it again, I was finding it with someone truly special. “I love you, girlfriend.”

Dawn beamed. “I love you, too. Now hurry up. I’m hungry.”

* * *

“Ooh, hey there, handsome.”

The flirty comment got my attention, momentarily breaking my stride as I turned to look at the cabin where the voice came from. A tall, slender brunette with streaks of blonde in her hair reclined in a chair, her long, lithe legs propped up on the rail.

I arched an eyebrow as I realized it was Felicia Clarkson, the widely-accepted “babe” of the camp. I was just about to nod hello and continue on my way when she suddenly sat up straighter and peered at me intently. “Ben?” she asked, as if only now recognizing me.

Something in her voice made me come to a halt, and I shrugged and replied. “Yeah, I’m Ben.”

Felicia dropped her feet to the deck and stood up. I felt a twinge in my loins as I watched the grace of her movements. The flex of her legs was somehow sexual even though she was only standing upright, and my eyes drank in her lovely form as she descended the porch steps.

The 21-year-old was a model. No literally, she was a model by profession, part-time at least since she was attending college. Standing almost my height at 5’11”, she had a picture-perfect face that was dominated by big, expressive eyes with irises such a pale blue that every shot of her made her eyes look a steely grey. Her narrow face with high cheekbones made her a natural beauty for still photography. And her willowy body with well-proportioned measurements kept her in demand for anything from department store catalogs to runway shows.

Her tits weren’t the biggest, but they were still good handfuls; and she had such a firm and toned body that the mere sight of Felicia in a bikini made every dick within a hundred yards hard with desire. And what really made her the “babe” of the camp was an exquisite face with pouty lips that seemed made to be wrapped around a cock.

Those lips were currently pursed as Felicia Clarkson gave me more than a once over. “Wow, Ben,” she mused. “You’ve really grown up.”

“Well, I actually sprouted last summer,” I blushed.

“Maybe. But you’ve filled out since then.” Her eyes lingered appreciatively on my chest, which believe it or not had great definition both from exercise push-ups as well as push-ups done in the frequent act of holding myself over a girl while thrusting away at her pussy.

Being ogled like a piece of meat, now I knew better how a girl with big tits must have felt. I shrugged and looked for a new conversation. “I’m heading down to breakfast. You going down soon?”

Felicia grinned at the unspoken invite and my lack of nervousness around her. I wasn’t intimidated anymore. Felicia was a babe, true enough. But I’d been around goddesses such as Adrienne Dennis, Elyse Laughton, and even my own Dawn Evans. While certainly alluring, female beauty no longer scared me.

“I’ll go with you right now,” Felicia smiled. She bored those mesmerizing grey eyes into the back of my skull as she took a few steps to come alongside me, and then together we cruised towards the lodge, chatting aimlessly.

I got in a few words edgewise, but for the most part, Felicia talked about herself. She complained about school and marveled at all the wonderful places modeling had taken her and how once she got her degree like her parents had demanded, she would go into modeling full-time and jet-set around the world.

I smiled and nodded and ogled her body. I got to see lots of T&A in Felicia’s skimpy halter and short-shorts, and she got to talk about herself to a captive audience. We were both happy with the situation, and we smiled and flirted with each other quite pleasantly.

I also noticed one specific thing about Felicia, a subtle thing that somehow made her even more alluring to me: she didn’t walk like most of the girls I knew. That’s not to say that the way Felicia walked was strange or any way less efficient. But there was a gentle sway in her hips and a smooth grace in the way Felicia walked, as if she were gliding on ice instead of thumping down the road like I was. And her rhythmic hip movements somehow made my shorts tighter.

Once we arrived at the dining hall, Felicia quickly looked around to see how much male attention she had attracted. She got several appraising glances immediately, more than a few from lecherous middle-aged men. She soaked up the ogling with a dazzling smile on her face, but then her face quickly fell.

I looked over where Felicia was staring, and both our moods soured. My mood soured because Dawn Evans was surrounded by four cute guys who were trying to hit on her, one of whom was 22-year-old Greg Kinomoto. I felt more than a pang of jealousy hit me, and I was almost surprised to find just how jealous I really was. Seeing Megan, Cassidy, or Adrienne flirting had never really bothered me before. But this was DAWN. MY DAWN.

Felicia’s mood soured because Dawn Evans was surrounded by four cute guys who were trying to hit on her, one of whom was 22-year-old Greg Kinomoto. Now Felicia and Greg had broken up after camp last year, going their separate ways. But the beautiful girl may have been angling to reunite for the new year and clearly didn’t like to see any significant competition. And then I remembered how much Felicia and Dayna Evans had hated each other, being rivals the previous summer. Felicia would not be positively pre-disposed to Dayna’s younger sister.

Quickly, Felicia stomped over to the group and actually grabbed Greg’s elbow, tugging the larger man away. “The fuck are you doing, Greg? The girl’s sixteen!”

He screwed up his face and looked at his ex-girlfriend incredulously. “For like another week! And what do you care?” Greg nodded his head at me and asked Felicia, “You boinking this little kid yet?”

Felicia turned red and glared at her onetime boyfriend. “Ben just walked me down to breakfast. There’s nothing—”

She was cut off when Dawn separated herself from the other three amorous males and quickly wrapped herself around me. “Hey, boyfriend,” she said quickly before gripping my head in her hands and planting a juicy kiss right on my lips.

That pretty much shut up everyone around us. When Dawn pulled back, she took my hand and started tugging me away. Dazed, I offered a weak, “See ya later, Felicia.” Then I nodded to the handsome, exotic hunk. “Greg.”

Once we got out of earshot, Dawn sighed and said, “Thanks for the rescue.”

“Rescue? What’d I do?” I wondered.

“Just showing up. Gawd! I’ve had guys hitting on me all morning!”

I grinned. “That’s because you’re the most gorgeous girl in the room.”

Dawn blushed. “Stop that. Besides, YOU arrived with Felicia Clarkson.”

“You’re prettier than her now,” I said sincerely.

“Now? I’m prettier than her now?” She didn’t have to follow up with ‘What about before?’ I already knew.

“Uh, well…” I stumbled for a second.

Dawn held her false glare for another three seconds before breaking into a fit of laughter. “Just kidding, Ben. Thanks for the compliment.”

I whistled. “You don’t need compliments from me. I think having every guy between 15 and 50 staring at you is compliment enough.”

She smiled. “Well, I’ll admit it’s nice to get the attention.” Then Dawn stopped us and pulled me into her arms. “But the only man I want staring at me is you.” And then she gave me another one of those volcanic kisses.

“Get a room, you two,” Brooke grumbled from three feet away. I hadn’t noticed we’d arrived at the long table our two families shared.

Dawn and I both blushed, and then we took our seats to join them.

* * *

“Oh, Ben! Unnngh! Oh, yes! Deeper, Ben! Deeper! I’m gonna cum, Ben! You’re gonna make me cum again! Yes! Yes! Oh, harder! Ungh! I’m cumming! Yes! Yes! YES!!!”

Dawn’s fingers dug into my shoulder blades, pulling me tightly against her chest while her legs hooked around the back of my thighs and tugged me all the way into her. And as I felt her pussy spasming around my shaft, I let myself go and poured out a river of cum deep into her body.

“Ohh, Dawnnn…” I groaned, feeling the sweet release.

She cradled my head and kissed me while I continued filling her pussy with my cock cream. And only when my hips gave their last involuntary spasm did she finally release me and let me rest my forehead on the ground just past her shoulder.

Dawn sighed happily while my weight pressed down on her. She patted my back and murmured, “I love this. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I breathed, then turned my head to tenderly kiss her cheek. The air was filled with the sounds of the babbling creek and the light breeze rustling through the trees and bushes all around us. This first morning, after breakfast Dawn and I had made a beeline for our hiking gear and on to our special clearing. Almost immediately we were rolling around making out and we’d eagerly begun making love.

“I love this place,” I continued while nuzzling my nose against her cheek. “When we’re gray and old, I hope we come back here to make love.”

Dawn giggled. “I dunno. After my second hip operation this hard ground might be a little uncomfortable.” She patted the blankets next to us, feeling the unyielding earth beneath them.

I chuckled. “Just keep me loaded with Viagra and we’ll make it work. You can be on top.” I reached a hand up and started rubbing Dawn’s big tits. “As long as I can play with these puppies. I’ll love them even when they sag to your navel.”

Dawn laughed again and squirmed when I pinched her nipple. “That tickles!” And when I released her, she rolled us over so that I was on my back, pulling her sodden pussy off my deflating cock while she lay on her side next to me. “So you like the view when I’m on top?”

I grinned and felt a twitch in my prick as I dropped my gaze to Dawn’s tits. “Yes. Yes, I do.”

She grinned. “Want to see it right now?”

I exhaled and glanced down at my mostly limp dick. “Uh, gimme a minute.”

Dawn gave me a Cheshire grin and started sliding her body down towards my hips. “Oh, this won’t even take a minute.” And then she opened her mouth to slurp me inside. And as her hot tongue and lips worked their magic, I let my head rest back and I sighed happily.

She was right. I was ready in less than a minute. But she stayed down there and had some fun with me anyways. But before she made me pop, Dawn followed through on her promise and mounted me so I could enjoy the view.

* * *

“Oh, Ben! Oh, I’m so close! I’m so close! Unnngh! Unngh! Uh, OH, SHIT BEN! Oh, I’m cumming! You’re making me cum! UNNNNGHHH!!!”

I stared up at the gorgeous teenager humping herself up and down my shaft, writhing in what looked like agony but felt like so much bliss. Dawn threw her head back, tossing her fine blonde hair behind her as her chin jutted out and her mouth gaped wide open. My left hand squeezed down on her right tit as she arched her back above me, and I drove the middle finger of my right hand even deeper into her anus.

Her pussy muscles clamped down so tightly that even when I relaxed myself to let myself cum, the semen had nowhere to go, constricted as it was by Dawn’s incredibly tight tunnel. And when her next spasm came, loosening those muscles for just a brief moment, I grunted in relief as I felt a built-up wad of spunk fly up and out of me to splatter all over Dawn’s vaginal cavity.

Together we came, screaming and moaning and thrashing away to our heart’s content. There was no one around for miles, so we just let loose with all the passion and volume we desired.

Eventually, we both returned to earth and Dawn hunched forward, planting her hands on the blankets to either side of me, hanging her head to gasp for oxygen. This also put her tits within easy reach of my mouth, and as exhausted as I felt, I wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to take a few more tastes of her ripe titflesh.

“You did it again,” Dawn wheezed.

“Did what?” I mumbled around her nipple.

“Put your finger in my ass. I distinctly remember making you promise to never do that last summer,” She panted.

I froze and just managed not to bite her nipple. My cheeks tightened and I looked up at her apologetically before pulling my mouth off her teat. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be,” Dawn sighed, still breathing heavily. “I loved it. I guess Dayna was right. It CAN feel really good. When you popped your finger in there it made me cum so HARD.” And with that, my lover bent down and sealed her lips over mine, thundering down that volcanic kiss.

When she pulled away, Dawn brushed a lock of hair out of her face and back behind her ear while sitting up straight, my erection still embedded inside her pussy. She made no move to dismount me, and the tightness of her pussy lips kept my shrinking cock inside her. “You’ve gotten better, Ben.”

I smiled. “At sex? Thanks.”

She arched an eyebrow at me. “Had a lot of practice?”

At first I smiled while my ego puffed, but then the guilt set in and I blushed. “Uh, some.”

“Some, huh?” Dawn didn’t quite believe me. “You said you broke up with Adrienne. I’m assuming you’ve had other girlfriends?”

“A couple,” I shrugged and looked away. Dawn immediately got curious when even her nubile, naked body wasn’t holding my attention.

“A couple? How many, Ben?”

I set my lips into a hard line and looked away, clearly uncomfortable with the subject.

“C’mon Ben, I won’t judge.”

I frowned and complained, “It’s not a choice. You can say you won’t judge, but sometimes people just can’t help it. It’s like asking someone not to laugh and then you tell them something so embarrassing they just can’t help laughing.”

“C’mon. I’ll tell you how many boys I slept with.”

I made a face and felt that jealousy flare up inside me again. “I don’t want to know,” I growled. “Don’t want to think about it, Dawn.”

“Just you, Ben.”

My eyes went wide. She gave me a firm look and nodded fractionally to confirm I’d heard what I thought I heard. And arching an eyebrow I asked, “But… what about Mark?”

She shook her head. “Couldn’t do it. I didn’t love him. I don’t love him. And if I had done it I’d regret it.” She smiled then and bent to kiss me. “Gawd, Ben. When I first saw you a couple days ago I was sooo horny. Vibrators just don’t cut it.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard that before,” I stalled.

But Dawn wasn’t letting it drop. “C’mon, Ben. How many?”

“Well I’m not going to tell you NOW.”

“Why not? Are you embarrassed the number is too low?”

Ooh, a blow to my male ego. Automatically, I defended myself by blurting, “Of course not. I’ve had three.”

“Okay, three girlfriends. I can handle that,” Dawn nodded. “Now… how many other girls did you sleep with?”

I winced and looked away. Belatedly, I tried to stammer, “And, uh, why would I sleep with anyone who wasn’t my girlfriend?”

“You HAVE, haven’t you?” Dawn’s eyebrows went up with only mild surprise. “How many others? One? Two?”

My grimace became worse.

“No way. Three girlfriends plus others… Ben, you really get around, don’t you?” Dawn chuckled.

Sensing that she wouldn’t press TOO hard, I finally met her gaze and shrugged. “Well, yeah. But now I feel guilty because you’ve been saving yourself for me or something.”

Dawn clucked and shook her head, which made her boobies jiggle as well, drawing my attention downwards. “I never asked you to save yourself. You’re a guy, Ben, and you’re my friend. I know how your mind works and I knew you’d be led around by your dick quite a bit. After all, I saw how easily you got wrapped around Dayna’s little finger.”

I winced at the memory and then Dawn frowned, looking at me a little harder. “Ben, you said before that you were afraid of being with me because you’d screw it up. That you’d screwed it up before. You weren’t just talking about Dayna, were you?”

I shut my eyes and winced, nodding my head ‘no’. The subject had now gotten so painful for me that my cock completely went limp and managed to slip out of Dawn’s pussy, followed by a puddle of mingled cum that ran out and began to dry in our crotches.

Dawn got up and moved to the side, a serious look on her face as she stared down at me. “Ben, did you cheat on one of your girlfriends?”

My wince and the way I dropped my head back against the blanket was all the answer she needed.

She arched an eyebrow. “More than one of them?”

I grimaced and nodded.

She looked at me dubiously, “All three of them?”

I bit my lip and Dawn just stared in disbelief at me. “Three times? You didn’t learn from your mistakes and you did it three times?”

“Well, in my defense,” I sputtered. “It was only twice.”

“Then how do you cheat on three girlfriends?”

“I was dating two of them at the same time,” I gave her a helpless look. Then I quickly added for clarification, “They both knew about it. They were best friends who wanted to share me.”

“Okay Ben, I’m serious now,” Dawn looked at me. “Tell me everything.” She slid across the blankets, grabbing a hand towel to wipe herself up and then started cleaning me as well.

I winced and turned my eyes away, searching for something to say, but Dawn grabbed my head and turned it towards her. “Come on, Ben. This is me, Dawn. We’ve never had secrets from each other and I don’t want to start now. I LOVE you. I truly believe that nothing you can say to me will ever change that. Look, you’re embarrassed because you cheated. I can handle that. Hey, I had sex with you when we both were dating other people. You at least seem remorseful about it and that’s a start. What’s past is past. Work with me, Ben. Tell me everything and I promise I’ll still love you in the end.”

I exhaled, feeling all the fight in me evaporating away. This was Dawn. I did love her, and she deserved to know everything about me. I sighed and said, “Okay. But no names, remember?”

She nodded. I’d kept Keira a secret and Dawn had never pressed me. I’d tell Dawn my history, but I wouldn’t say anything that might come back to haunt one of my past lovers. It just wasn’t in me to do so.

“Okay. Now how many girls have you had sex with?”

I raised my eyebrows. “Uh, gimme a second.” I didn’t have the exact number readily available, and I’d have to think back and count. “And, well… it sort of depends on how you count.” For example, I had girls give me blowjobs without getting to full intercourse. Those didn’t really count, did they?

Dawn rolled her eyes at me, so I just shut up and did the math for full intercourse: Keira, Megan, Cassidy, Brandi, Adrienne, Mizuho, Donna, Stacey, Mandy, Abbie, Allie, and Summer. Blushing, I said, “Twelve.”

“Twelve???” Dawn looked incredulous.

“Well, not including you and Dayna. That’d be fourteen,” I stammered.

Impossibly, Dawn’s eyes got even bigger. “Fourteen???”

And then I thought of Elyse, Candy, Lynne, and even Brooke. If I was really going to be honest, then yes, they counted. “And technically, if you count oral, then it’s eighteen.”

Dawn’s jaw dropped. “Ben. It’s been less than a year since I last saw you. How the FUCK did you do all that?”

I blushed. “It’s been an interesting year.”

* * *

We didn’t quite get through everything. Dawn kept asking questions and we kept getting side-tracked; but by the time we needed to start heading back, I’d spilled much of my sexual history.

I’d also started to relax my fears of losing Dawn over the mistakes of my past. She’d said she wouldn’t judge and while I could see her jaw clenching when I detailed some of my transgressions, she did seem to accept them as foibles from my past and her love for me still shone through.

For example, one of the first things I explained was Adrienne’s initial seduction after she trapped me in her garage. Without going into detail, I explained how the hottest girl in school pretty much stripped naked and threw herself at me, looking for nothing more than a lusty fuck and a few orgasms. Dawn rolled her eyes at how easily I was seduced despite having two happy girlfriends, but she didn’t get upset with me.

I suppose that was what made Dawn so much different from any other possible girlfriends. We knew each other so intimately already and this one situation from my past was just a drop in the ocean of experiences we’d already had together. Yeah, it caused ripples, but the bulk of Dawn’s opinion of me had already been formed.

Conversely, if I ever told that story to a girl I barely knew, or even a girl I was getting close to but didn’t know very well just yet, I would soon find myself staring at her back as she stomped away from me in disgust.

As time went on, going through my history with Dawn, I got more and more comfortable with her. I was less hesitant and less embarrassed about the things I’d done. Originally, I planned to feed my sexual past to her in small doses. I wouldn’t hide anything from Dawn, but I didn’t intend to give it to her all at once either, stretching out the different tidbits over the next month or so. But we kept going and going and I even told her about my winter break affair with Brandi.

“Wow…” Dawn said in amazement. “I mean, I’ve no grounds to say anything since I was having sex with my older sister long before you, but… wow… You actually had sex with Brandi?”

Wincing and peeking at Dawn with one eye, I hesitantly wondered, “You’re not disgusted?”

“Not at all,” Dawn blushed and smiled. “Actually, it’s kind of a turn-on to picture it.”

I knew how she felt. Talking so much about getting laid had given me a new erection. But we were still in the conversation, so I kept going. We chatted on and got through some of Brandi’s post-shower stripteases. By now, I was no longer in confession mode. I was just telling stories with an old friend about some humorous and sensual episodes.

I was in the middle of telling Dawn about how one night, Brandi just hopped onto the kitchen counter while everyone was asleep and ordered me to eat her. I thought it was hilarious that my sister kept drinking her coffee while I tongued her slit, but it just made Dawn horny and she finally grabbed my head and planted one of those volcanic kisses on me.

Then, there were no more words as Dawn rolled onto her back and ordered me to fuck the shit out of her. I quickly slotted my cock, ramming forward. And we rutted violently like wild animals until we both came to screaming orgasms.

After that, the two of us lay side-by-side, panting while staring skywards. “Someday Ben, you’re gonna have to tell me about all eighteen.”

I chuckled. “Wait until I tell you about the time Brooke snuck into my bedroom.”

“Brooke?” Dawn’s head popped up, and our conversation took off again.

* * *

After lunch, we headed down to the lake for some swimming and sunning. Dawn lay on her belly, undoing the strings of her bikini top to avoid a tan line, and asked me to put lotion on her back. I did her back, then I did her legs, and my hand snuck under the back of her suit bottoms more than once as well.

We vegged out and let our meals digest for a bit before Dawn’s tomboy instincts kicked in and we made several runs down the waterslide and rope swing. Then she nearly lost her top on the waterslide and my beautiful girlfriend decided not to tempt fate any longer.

Alex Regan, Mr. Volleyball at camp, came by to invite us to join his game. He seemed quite disappointed that Dayna wasn’t coming to camp this year. I know from personal experience that the guy REALLY loved to zone out while staring at Dayna’s gyrating big tits, even mid-game. But he seemed perfectly happy to ogle Dawn until I obviously slipped my arm around her and glared at him to back off.

Dawn and I then had a good laugh about all the male attention she was getting these first couple days at camp, even though she was still a week away from her seventeenth birthday.

“What can I say, Dawn? You’ve grown up into quite the hottie. You’re even more attractive to guys than Dayna.”

She smirked. “Really? My tits aren’t as big.”

“Tits aren’t everything,” I shrugged.

Dawn just gave me a look.

“OK, OK, so I like big tits. But you’ve got a much prettier face, your body is smokin’ hot, and you KNOW I love your personality. Guys can tell. I’m just glad someone as hot as you is with a guy like me. You’re out of my league.”

“Well, if I’m out of your league, then maybe I settled too quickly,” Dawn frowned. “I guess I’ll just have to dump you for a more handsome, older man.”

I growled and tossed a handful of sand at Dawn, forcing her twist her head away and complain, “Hey!” But she came back giggling. “Besides Ben, eighteen girls? With a track record like that, I don’t think any girl is out of your league.”

I blushed, guiltily embarrassed and proud of myself at the same time.

After another few minutes, we saw Alex setting up by the sand volleyball courts along with a few other young adults, and Dawn and I picked ourselves up to go join them. As we arrived, there were already three guys and three girls, all between the ages of 18 and 22. Greg Kinomoto was chatting up two hot 20-year-olds who were wearing the skimpiest of string bikinis. Their buttcheeks were completely exposed in the thong bottoms, and I constantly found my gaze being drawn downwards whenever one of them would turn around.

But very quickly, Greg moved away from the two hotties and came over to me and Dawn. “Heyyy, Dawn,” Greg grinned while oozing charm, his smile dazzling white as he leaned in to flirt with my girlfriend. What was that Dawn said about handsome, older men?

Even though I knew Dawn loved me, she was not immune to Greg’s charms. Like all the Evans sisters, she’d thought the exotically mixed young man was sooo dreamy from the time she hit puberty. I even remember playing a truth game with her when we were thirteen, Dawn admitting that she thought the then-18-year-old was the cutest boy in camp.

Now since Greg was more than five years older than her, Dawn had never been taken seriously by the handsome, older man before. But now that she’d really grown into her body and passed into the realm of “late” teenagers, apparently she was now on his radar. And basking in his attention, Dawn blushed and giggled quite easily.

That spark of jealousy was starting to burn inside me. I was getting annoyed with Greg’s witty remarks and flirtatious comments that somehow set Dawn’s heart atwitter, but just as I was about to say something, movement to my right caught my eye.

It was Felicia, also arriving to join the volleyball game. Man… I loved how that girl walked. There was something about it that just invited me to start thinking of sex. Anyways, she cruised up and immediately went to the two hotties who’d been ditched by Greg, quickly exchanging greetings and launching into their conversation.

I zoned out while ogling Felicia’s body for a minute before I realized the trio was staring in my direction. Or rather, with a closer look, they were staring at Greg and Dawn. One of the hotties frowned and nodded towards my girlfriend, and Felicia started steaming. But rather than march up to Greg like she had during Sunday’s breakfast, the gorgeous brunette instead sauntered over to me.

“Heyyy, Ben,” Felicia grinned while oozing sensuality, her smile dazzling white. “I seem to remember you being quite the volleyball pro.”

I blushed but kept my posture. I was too used to being around beautiful girls to get all bashful. And with a casual air, I replied, “I do okay. I enjoy the game.”

“You do better than okay. You’re what, seventeen? You’re two, three, five years younger than some of these guys,” she nodded to Greg. “But you’ll still kick their butt. What are you now, six feet?”

“Just about,” I said proudly. Not that six feet was huge or anything, but after a lifetime being one of shortest kids in school, it felt pretty good.

Felicia giggled, “Maybe one day when we’re both free you can give me some pointers. Every time I play this game all I end up with is sore forearms.”

“Sure thing, anytime,” I smiled.

“Aww, thanks Ben,” Felicia grinned and ran her hand down my arm, causing me to shiver despite the warm heat. She spun then and I now saw that Felicia was wearing a thong-backed bikini bottom as well, and I actually felt some spittle drool out the corner of my mouth as I stared at an ass so tight you couldn’t even dent it with your fingers.

I was still staring when I felt a slap hit the side of my shoulder. “What?” I turned around to find Dawn rolling her eyes at me, Greg long gone.

“Thought you were going be a good boy from now on?” My girlfriend raised her eyebrows at me.

“That? That was nothing.” I shrugged. “She just wanted to make Greg jealous because he was talking to YOU.”

“And I was completely shutting Greg down,” Dawn insisted.

I arched an eyebrow skeptically. “And all that giggling was part of your put-down?”

Dawn blushed and turned half-away, knowing she’d been caught. “Relax Ben. It’s harmless. Now come on. Let’s play.”

* * *

One day, my parents asked me to escort Eden and Emma to the Garden of Eden. At 11, the girls were old enough to scamper about the camp on their own and even take short hikes, say the distance of mine and Dawn’s special clearing if they’d known where it was. But the girls still weren’t old enough to go as far out as the Garden. Two of their friends, Jenny Wong and Ana Ramirez, were going along, and this year Dawn agreed to accompany me.

An hour-and-a-half hike away from camp, I was quite happy with the opportunity to ogle Dawn all by myself without worrying about other males around. And one time at the pool, we violated our standing orders, slipping away for a five-minute quickie. It turned out alright. None of our four charges drowned and Dawn ended up sliding into the water to try and wash away the evidence of our fornication from her crotch.

The girls DID notice our absence, though. And they also noticed the just-fucked expressions on both our faces, although I sincerely hope they didn’t understand exactly what our faces meant. Afterwards, the four young ones huddled together, giggling and pointing at us as if we weren’t even there.

Perhaps fifteen minutes later, Eden was elected spokesman of the group and the four swam over to us. My baby sister promptly stood up with fists on her hips and declared, “Okay, we won’t blab that you two snuck away for a few minutes if you two show us a real kiss.”

Dawn immediately burst into laughter, covering her mouth. “Eden, sweetie. You don’t have to try and blackmail us. I’d kiss Ben anyways.”

Ana looked up at us with a nervous expression on her face. “Is it really that nice? Because I’ve been kissed once and it was just slimy.”

Dawn chuckled. “Wait till you get hormones. It feels so much different.” And with that, Dawn slid into my arms with a big smile on her face. “Make it a good one, boyfriend.”

My eyes went up in anxiousness as Dawn descended. Three seconds later she pulled back and slapped me on the chest. “Relax. It’s just a kiss.”

“Well, you put a lot of pressure on me!” I complained.

“Not my fault if you can’t handle the— URP!”

I had rolled my eyes and then attacked Dawn, seizing her head in my hands and laying a fat kiss on her lips, diving my tongue inside her mouth and spearing it around until she met me and moaned audibly into our liplock. My left hand slid lower down her back as I dipped Dawn backwards, and she swooned happily as I carried her over into loving ecstasy, making love to her with my mouth and expressing all my heart’s feelings into that kiss.

When I pulled away, I stared adoringly into Dawn’s clear blue eyes and smiled. She was still in the romantic dip position, and we heard the breathless “Whoa…” of all four 11-year-olds gasping at the sight of us.

“I want a boyfriend now,” Jenny whined.

That got all six of us laughing.

* * *

One night, an unusual cold spell settled in after dinner and as dusk fell, Brooke and I went back to the cabin to retrieve sweatshirts for everyone. Rather casually, she hooked her arm through mine as we hiked up the hill.

“You seem a lot happier, Ben,” Brooke commented.

I smiled. “I am. I love this camp.”

“You love Dawn. You’re always happier when you’re around her,” Brooke smiled radiantly at me. She was right. Just a week after arrival I felt like all my real world problems had gone away.

I shrugged. “Dawn’s like slipping into my favorite T-shirt, familiar and comfortable and yet stimulating at the same time. Sometimes I don’t know how we go eleven months without seeing each other.”

“Yeah, same with me and DJ,” Brooke nodded. “She’s like my missing half. I’ve got my friends at school and all, but there’s no one like her.”

I nodded and we continued walking. But then Brooke squeezed my arm and said slyly, “Of course, DJ and I don’t quite have sex like you and Dawn.”

I arched an eyebrow. Brooke’s comment was simultaneously jealous and sad and sensual. And I got the impression that while she and DJ weren’t ‘quite’ like me and Dawn, the two 15-year-olds were indeed having sex with each other, much like Brandi and Dayna before them. “What do you mean?” I asked cautiously.

Brooke blushed deep enough that I could see it even in the greying twilight. “Well, DJ and I have gotten pretty good at giving each other orgasms. Dayna started doing it with Dawn and Dawn started doing it with DJ. And then DJ started doing it with me. I’m not lesbian or anything. I haven’t had any interest in sex with any other girls except her. But even though DJ and I have fun together… there’s just something missing.”

I gulped as the image of Brooke and DJ sixty-nining brought instant wood into my shorts. “What?” I croaked, selfishly hoping she would answer ‘Your cock, Ben.’

But Brooke just sighed forlornly and her next words took all the stiffness out of my penis. “I miss Perry. I know he got out of control and I don’t think I can ever forgive him for trying to force himself on me. But I miss having a boyfriend. I miss feeling like I have a partner for my future. Yeah, we probably weren’t going to get married or anything. But it was nice to pretend for a little bit.”

I reached over and squeezed my sister’s shoulder. “There will be other boys, Brooke.”

She sighed again. “But not like you and Dawn. She’s like your soulmate or something Ben. Everyone can see it. Mom, Dad, the Evanses. Even the twins want to start calling her Auntie Dawn.”

There was a bitterness in Brooke’s voice that I didn’t understand. “You sound a little jealous, Brooke. You wishing DJ was a boy?”

She snorted, “No.” And then she went silent for a moment, lost into thoughts I couldn’t comprehend.

By now, we’d reached the cabin and went inside to hunt down everyone’s sweatshirt. Brooke went into the bunkroom to grab hers, mine, and the twins’. And I was in Mom and Dad’s bedroom grabbing their sweatshirts out of the drawers when suddenly I felt arms slide around my torso.

I spun around in surprise, only to find Brooke pressed up against me. Her hands yanked down on the back of my head, pulling me down as she planted a searing kiss on my lips.

I stiffened in shock but Brooke’s lips kept massaging mine, and after another moment instinct kicked in and I was returning my little sister’s kiss with all the passion she was giving me.

But three seconds later I yanked my head away. “Brooke, Brooke, no.”

She pouted. “Why not? You did it with Brandi. And it’s not like we’re five seconds removed from Perry trying to rape me anymore.”

My eyebrows furrowed and I looked bewildered at my little sister. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because I want you. I love you, Ben. You’re my big brother, you’re a hunk, and you’ve always looked out for me. I see the glowing looks on all those girls you’ve been with and I have this craving seven inches inside of me that only you can fill,” Brooke husked, her dark eyes flashing. “Come on, Ben. I’m cashing in all those favors. You always promised to tell me and teach me. Teach me now, Ben. Teach me about sex.”

“I promised Dawn I wouldn’t with anyone else. I promised myself.” I looked at the pretty 15-year-old, torn between my lust and my conscience. “I’m trying to be good and loyal, Brooke.”

“I’m your sister. It wouldn’t count. Ask her.”

“I don’t know that.” I shook my head. “Maybe it would count.”

Brooke’s pleading expression turned into a malevolent glare, that evil look back in her eye. “I could screw things up for you and her. I know all your secrets and I could blab. I know about your cheating and hooking up with all those girls, Ben. I even know about Miss McNeil.”

My eyes flew open and suddenly I was gripping Brooke’s biceps, holding her so firmly that she winced and squealed in pain before I let go and pushed her away. “That’s NOT going to put me in the mood, Brooke,” I said heatedly. Sure enough, my erection was already subsiding.

My little sister whimpered and looked away. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be an evil bitch. I’m just jealous, Ben,” she started babbling. “I thought we were getting closer and you came and rescued me from Perry and I was thinking that camp would be perfect for you and me to spend more time together and I could get you to show me what sex is all about and take my virginity but then Dawn was there and even though I knew she’d be here I thought it would be like always where you two were best friends but still had time for the rest of us but you’ve been glued to her side and calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend and I never get to SEE YOU!”

Brooke had to pause and gasp for oxygen. I reached out and hugged her. “Brooke…” I shushed soothingly.

She shuddered in my embrace for a few extra seconds, breathing hard and still gasping for oxygen. But once she got herself under control, the tears began rolling down her cheeks and she buried her face against my chest. “I’m not a little kid anymore, Ben. You and Brandi keep saying I’m too young but I have hormones and urges. I’ve already had oral sex, both ways. And I’m going to lose my virginity soon, one way or another. But you won’t even talk to me about it. You promise you’ll answer my questions but I already KNOW all the technical stuff. I need you to SHOW me now. But you won’t even touch me! Like I’ve got some funky skin condition or something.”

“You’re my little sister,” I pinched my eyebrows in and tried to reason with her.

“And you were Brandi’s little brother.”

“But you should learn that kind of stuff with a boy your own age,” I sighed.

“Did you?” Brooke’s eyes bored into my skull. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you learned everything you know from Miss McNeil: an older, wiser woman. Your relationship with her was ‘wrong’ too, but it was right for you.”

I grimaced, fishing around for a defense and not finding one.

“Why can’t I learn from you, Ben? I love you, I trust you. I compare every potential boy to you, and none of them measure up. How could I possibly think of learning and fumbling around with some 15-year-old acne-ridden dweeb when you and your wealth of experience and love for me is right in the next bedroom? Or would you rather I just hit up some jock on the football team and have him deflower me?”

“No!” I shouted at the very thought.

“Well that’s what’s gonna happen if you keep waiting for me to grow up, Ben. I AM grown up. I told you last Winter that I wanted you. I promised I’d wait. But I’m tired of waiting now. It’s time.” There was a fire in Brooke’s eyes that told me she was dead serious. This was her ultimatum and nothing I could say would change her mind.

I sighed. “Lemme think about it, okay?”

Brooke visibly sagged, looking both relieved and apologetic. “Look Ben. I’m really not trying to force you. I just want you to understand where I’m coming from. I’m scared of all this. I’m scared of sex. But I’m not scared when I’m with you. Please? Can’t you do this for me?”

I nodded. “Okay.”

I’d meant it as “okay, I understand” but Brooke may have taken it as “Okay, I’ll do it”.

“When?” She asked, suddenly excited again.

“I don’t know yet. I gotta talk to Dawn.” I hoisted the sweatshirts. “We should get back.”

Brooke darted forward and hugged me. “I love you, Ben.”

I patted her on the back. “Love you too, sis.”

* * *

Brooke and I hadn’t been gone that long, but apparently we’d been gone long enough for Greg Kinomoto to make his move. As we approached the bonfire I could see that the hunky Eurasian had his arms wrapped around Dawn, my girlfriend giggling as together they held a long stick with two marshmallows into the fire.

Presently, Dawn shivered and Greg leaned in to whisper something in her ear. She giggled and then turned her head to him, nodding. He said something else and the pair moved away from the fire, going around behind some bushes and out of sight.

I felt my blood beginning to boil. I was sure it was harmless; sure that Dawn wasn’t doing anything more than flirting. I’d seen Adrienne do FAR more with other guys without letting it get out of hand.

But then, Adrienne had always been the one in control, only offering small nuggets to her would-be suitors while saving all the goodies for me. Dawn, on the other hand, was the not-yet-17 blushing girl being seduced by the 22-year-old hunk. Wordlessly, I thrust Mom and Dad’s sweatshirts at them and then hurried around the perimeter of the bonfire while Brooke went to give the twins their warm clothes.

Dawn was nowhere in sight by the time I circled around. I headed for the bushes and as I approached, I heard her musical giggling. With a nagging sense of dread at the back of my neck, I decided to tiptoe my approach and peer around the bushes surreptitiously. And then my blood stopped boiling.

Instead, it ran icy cold.

Greg had his jacket wrapped around Dawn’s shoulders, his hands on her arms rubbing gently for extra heat. That scene in and of itself would have made me pretty upset. But also, at that very moment, Greg was pressed up right in Dawn’s face, the back of his head obscuring it. And yet from the short, nodding movements, it was clear he was kissing her.

I only needed to see this for half a second before I instantly turned away and stomped none-too-quietly back around the bonfire. Fucking Bitch!

I heard Dawn’s words in my head. ‘Relax, Ben. It’s harmless, Ben.’ Yeah, right. I was angry and I was pissed off. For a brief moment, I contemplated dragging Brooke back to our cabin and fucking the shit out of her. I knew my little sister wanted it and I would give her the fucking of her young life. She would be forever ruined for other men by the time I was through with her.

And yet, the instant I had that thought I dashed it away. No, Brooke deserved better. I still wasn’t sold on the idea of doing anything sexual with a younger sibling. Older, yeah. Brandi was old enough to know what she was getting into and to deal with the consequences. But a virgin little sister? And especially in the mental state I was in? No, an angry revenge fuck was NOT what Brooke needed to be a part of.

Angry, I simply stomped away and headed for… wherever.

Aimlessly, I walked around in the semi-darkness. I had a flashlight in my pocket, but for the moment I was content to meander without it. Maybe if I was lucky I’d hit my head on a low tree branch and render myself unconscious.

Only one voice stopped me dead in my tracks. “Hey there, handsome.”

I turned to look at the cabin where the voice came from. A tall, slender brunette with streaks of blonde in her hair reclined in a chair, her long, lithe legs propped up on the rail. Felicia held a steaming mug in her hands, and her smile was bright ivory in the twilight.

“A little tense, are we, Ben? You look like someone who could use a good backrub.” Felicia’s smoky, seductive voice simultaneously set my blood on fire once again and reignited that naughty, amoral part inside of me.

And with an evil little grin, I nodded and went up to the house.

* * *

Felicia was deceptively strong for her slight frame. All slender limbs without any obvious musculature, she certainly knew what she was doing with her hands. I was putty on the bed, feeling quite good, and when she began to slide my shirt up to expose my back, I gave her no resistance.

Soon, I was topless and resettling onto my stomach while Felicia stroked my spine with long, rhythmic movements. I sighed happily and didn’t even flinch when I felt the soft touch of her lips between my shoulder blades. “What’s bugging you, Ben?”

I growled in response and tensed up again, causing her to resume rubbing concentric circles over my shoulders.

“Girl trouble?”

I shrugged.

“So what’s bothering you right now?”

“Greg,” I grunted, and immediately I felt the tension in Felicia’s hands. As far as I knew, the pair had been broken up since last summer and had not reconnected, but clearly Felicia was just as bothered by her ex’s dalliance with Dawn as I was.

“What about him?” she asked in a strained voice.

“I found them kissing,” I sighed in vexation.

Felicia was quiet for a long moment. But then she resumed rubbing my naked back and said quietly, “I see.”

“I’m sure it’ll all work out, Ben. I’ve seen you two together ever since I started coming here six years ago. You’re best friends and that sort of thing will last forever, no matter what little things happen here and there.”

“Right,” I mumbled.

“Then again,” Felicia’s voice dropped to a seductive purr, layered with honey. “It depends on what kind of kiss.”

I picked my head up at that and the gorgeous brunette took the opportunity to roll me over onto my back, quickly straddling my midsection. I felt both heat and moisture where her crotch rubbed against my naked abdomen.

“I mean,” Felicia began. “Were they kissing like this?” She bent down and pecked my lips, quickly darting away with a flirty twinkle in her eye and a little seductive smile.

I shook my head no.

“Then they were kissing like this?” She bent again and pressed her lips firmly to me, her mouth closed but her puffy pads molding themselves against me, pushing and pulling and gently nibbling as Felicia gave me the hottest closed-mouth kiss of my life.

I was slightly dazed when she pulled back, and apparently she took my non-response as a negative answer.

“Well then, I guess if they must have been kissing like this.” Seriously, Felicia must have taken nuclear kissing lessons from Adrienne. The instant her tongue entered my mouth, a bomb went off in my head as she sucked me in with vacuum force and simultaneously exploded a riot of sensations in my brain. And for a few seconds, I thought she might inhale me inside of her.

The kiss went on and on and on. There were no more silly questions of comparison. I was just kissing Felicia and she was kissing me. I was seeing red, fueled by hurt and anger at Dawn as well as my own pure lust for the hot 21-year-old. And whatever reasons Felicia had for making out with me, she had just as much energy and passion as I did.

Suitable for the cold weather, Felicia had been wearing a baggy, hooded UCLA sweatshirt. The minute my hands dug underneath it and found nothing but bare skin, she abruptly lifted off me and flung the heavy cotton over her head, just narrowly missing the half-empty coffee mug she’d set down on the table. Her nice tits were wonderfully supported by her bra, an expensive and lacey design better suited to a luxurious penthouse than a cabin in the woods. Not that I minded at all.

With a burst of energy I rolled us over so that I was on top and began kissing my way down her chest. Felicia moaned in amazement, “Damn you’re a good kisser!”

I filed away the praise for later ego boosting and concentrated on the silky smooth skin I was gliding over, my lips running over the swells of her breasts before I came to the front clasp of her bra. Deftly unhooking it with expert skill (Stacey Whitehouse had favored the same style), I flung the cups away and quickly fastened myself around a perky nipple while Felicia clutched my head to her bosom. But almost as quickly, she started tugging me upwards by my arms, clearly directing my face back to hers so that we could once again lock lips. And this time, Felicia slid her hand into the waistband of my cargo pants, quickly searching out my cock in my boxers and wrapping her hand around my thick erection.

“Ooh, you really ARE Big Ben, aren’t you?” Felicia grinned. “Nice and thick and juicy!”

I grinned right back and resumed kissing her before she tilted her head to plant her pecks along my neck while I maneuvered myself until I was on my knees between her legs.

She let go of my cock and pulled her hands out, moving them around to begin working the clasp of my pants. “Fuck me now, Ben. I’m dying to feel your hot, throbbing cock deep in my cunny. I haven’t been properly fucked since I got here and I need you. Fuck Greg, the jerk-off male whore. His dick isn’t even as big as yours. And screw your little slut Dawn. I’ll bet she puts out for just any piece of trash who comes on to her.”

Felicia had worked my pants down my thighs by this point while I nursed her tits again. I was rock-hard and ready to go, but hearing the gorgeous brunette disparage Dawn set off a riot of alarm bells in my head. I went rigid, and I pulled my head back. “She’s not a slut,” I informed Felicia coldly.

Already flush with arousal, Felicia just shrugged off my comment while she shrugged out of her sweat pants and panties. “Whatever, Ben. She’s not here. She’s with GREG. I’M here with you. My cunny is wet and begging for your dick.”

I wanted in that cunny. I glanced down and saw the pink lips inviting me inside. I saw my long dick aiming into position, just inches away from her heavenly gates. But then my gaze flicked back up into Felicia’s bewitching grey eyes. She was still aroused and angry and wired up with too much energy, but my comment clearly hadn’t sunk in. I felt it was very important that no matter what she and I did, no matter what faults I may have had, that she understand Dawn’s true nature. “She’s not a slut,” I repeated. “She hasn’t have sex with anyone but me. And I’m pretty sure she hasn’t had sex with Greg.”

“You sure?” Felicia growled. “You sure she’s not fucking him right now?”

Blinking in surprise, I realized that I WAS. I was sure. I LOVED Dawn. And I knew she loved me. Yeah, her flirting with Greg made me a little jealous. The guy was better looking and taller and older and clearly more charming socially. True, Felicia claimed I had a bigger dick (which yes, made up for a lot), but she might have just been blowing sunshine up my ass.

But the fact was, Dawn had resisted temptation for so long, not even having sex with Mark. And I believed her. If either of us was fallible, it was ME. I was the one who had a track record of just falling into bed whenever my emotions got the best of me… like right now.

True, I thought I’d seen Greg and Dawn making out. Maybe she had a good reason and maybe she didn’t. But I didn’t have a good reason for what I was doing with Felicia. It wasn’t right. At the very least, I had to talk it out with her before I made rash judgments. She had never betrayed me before. I owed it to her to find out the truth now.

And I owed it to ME. The first time I’d cheated had just been pure hormones. Adrienne was fucking hot and I couldn’t resist. Yeah, she was threatening me with Keira’s exposure, but I’d let my dick answer for me. The second time I’d imagined Adrienne’s flirting had gone past the line into sex with Jake. I’d convinced myself that people at that social elite level cheated as a matter of course. But really, I’d missed Cassidy and my driving goal had been my own selfish desire to have sex with her. And even when Adrienne had forgiven me and wanted to make up, I’d already thrown away any restraint and boned Donna Kincaid.

Not again.


Do SOMETHING mature, Ben. Think before you screw. What would I get out of this with Felicia? A hot body and a good memory, but nothing lasting. I’d had enough of those, hadn’t I? Felicia was probably just using me out of a vindictive desire to lash out at Greg anyways. And even if Dawn had slipped and was making out with Greg, maybe even if she was fucking him right now, she meant so much more to me than Felicia. If I could just think past the next thirty minutes of selfish pleasure, what I could possibly have with Dawn far outweighed anything I could have with Felicia.

Which meant I couldn’t do this. I LOVED Dawn. And I owed it to myself to honor that. And so sighing in frustration while my cock angrily throbbed just inches away from its goal, I suddenly rolled off of the naked model and started hoisting my cargo pants back up to my waist.

“The fuck are you going?” Felicia barked in surprise.

“Back,” I stated gruffly. “To Dawn.”


“I gotta talk to her. I gotta make this work out.”

“What? What about me?” The gorgeous brunette squealed.

“You’ll be fine,” I assured her.

“You can’t leave me like this! You DON’T leave me like this! I wanna fuck! Come ON, Ben. Don’t you want to get back at Greg and Dawn for what they’re doing to us?”

“We’re not gonna happen, Felicia. Not tonight. Maybe never. I don’t know. But I’ve gotta talk to Dawn.”

WHY? She’s a slut you caught making out with MY fucking ex-boyfriend! The fuck is wrong with you guys at camp? First, Greg had the nerve to dump ME last year. Now this? THIS does NOT happen to ME!!!” Felicia shrieked.

I looked around, spotting my exit. “Well… it just did.” I pulled my sweatshirt over my head and headed out the door. “Say ‘hi’ to your parents for me, Felicia.”

And then I was gone.

* * *

Dawn was waiting for me as I approached my cabin. She stood up from the steps where she’d been sitting, hugging herself tightly in her own sweatshirt. “Ben! Where’d you go? I’ve been looking for you! Brooke said you took off angry.”

I was glad to see her, happy that I wasn’t catching her naked and writhing beneath Greg’s sweaty body. But I still wasn’t thrilled with her at that moment. I stomped up and asked coldly. “What the hell were you doing with Greg Kinomoto?”

She paled in the porch light and a worried expression came on her face. “Nothing.” Her tone was that of a 6-year-old caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

“Dawn, don’t fucking lie to me. I SAW you,” I growled.

“Nothing! Really. I mean… it wasn’t MUCH.”

“But it was still SOMETHING. Not nothing,” I accused, pointing a finger at her. “I SAW you kissing him!”

“No!” A look of horror crossed Dawn’s face. “I didn’t kiss him!”

“Don’t fucking LIE to me, Dawn. I SAW you.”

“NO,” Dawn said coldly. “I didn’t kiss him. He kissed me and I slapped him for it.”

“Huh?” My face scrunched up in half-surprise and half-disbelief. “What the hell were you doing hiding in the bushes with him?”

“I was cold. He offered me his jacket.”

“Then why didn’t he just go and get it for you? Why’d you have to go back there for it?”

“Well, uh, uh,” Dawn stammered. “I wasn’t thinking. He just said, ‘Come on’ and I went with him to get it. And then he wrapped it around me and then he was putting it on me…”

“And then you kissed him!”

“No, Ben!” Dawn protested. “I told you. He kissed ME!”

“And how long was it before you slapped him?” Both my eyebrows popped up. “Hmm?”

“Uh… well… I…” Dawn stammered again.

“One minute? Two? Five?” I growled, not letting her off.

At that point, my girlfriend burst into tears. “I’m SORRY, Ben. I didn’t mean it. All I had racing through my head was that Dayna was going to be sooo jealous when I told her Greg kissed me. He’s cute. He gets my heart racing. But I don’t have feelings for him at all. And I knew it wasn’t right. So I broke it off and slapped him.”

“Then what?” I challenged.

“I handed him his jacket and ran away,” Dawn pleaded. “I came to find you!”

I sighed, upset. But if we were talking no more than a kiss that she enjoyed for a little while, I could live with it. I knew Greg was a hunk and the Evans girls all thought he was dreamy. But in the end, she’d slapped him and left. Besides, I knew I’d been guilty of much worse. Frowning, my eyes narrowed as I coolly evaluated my girlfriend. “That’s it?”

“That’s it. I swear, Ben. I’ll never let him near me again,” Dawn promised and stepped towards me, clearly looking for forgiveness and eager to hug me.

“Okay,” I sighed. “Okay. It’s okay.”

“Really?” Dawn’s heart seemed to mend in a half-second. A hopeful, happy expression crossed her face, and when I opened my arms, she eagerly leaped at me.

Gawd damn it felt good to have Dawn in my arms. I LOVED her. I had that deep emotional connection with her, and feeling the physical touch of her body against me amplified all those pleasant emotions

But just when I was starting to relax and breathe easier, Dawn tensed. Her hands gripped a little tighter and after another slow second, she pulled her head back and stared accusingly into my eyes.

One sniff. Then two. I watched the light wrinkle of Dawn’s petite nose before she leaned forward again and fixed her brilliant blue gaze right on me. And in a cutting voice that would have sliced through glaciers, Dawn spat, “Who the FUCK were YOU with, Ben?”

I gulped.

Her eyebrows went up and it was clear I wasn’t getting out of this without coughing up a name. I blanched and then managed to spit out, “Felicia.”

She didn’t hit me. She didn’t even grip me any harder. Dawn just let her head tilt to the side in a look of utter disappointment and it seemed like all the air went out of her. She released me almost immediately and turned away, stomping off three steps before turning back to me.

Shaking her head in disgust, my girlfriend looked at the floor and muttered, “You always said you’d screw things up… ‘Don’t get close, Dawn. I’m a stupid, stupid boy and I’ll screw things up.’” Then she picked her head up and gave me that glaring blue gaze. “Did you fuck her?”

Thank God I hadn’t. “No, I didn’t,” I said honestly.

“Then why is her smell all over you?” Dawn’s eyes were still accusatory.

I sighed. “I was angry Dawn. You were kissing Greg.”

“And that makes it right?”

“What?” I barked defensively. “YOU can have a momentary lapse and I can’t?”

I’m not the one with the shitty track record here,” Dawn reminded me.

“What happened to ‘I won’t judge and what’s past is past’?” I shot back. “I made a mistake and if it makes you feel any better, yeah, Felicia wanted to fuck!”

“How is THAT supposed to make me feel better?” Dawn retorted shrilly.

“Because I didn’t!” I reached forward and grabbed Dawn’s arms. “Don’t you get it? I LOVE you, Dawn Evans. I’ve loved you since our moms washed us side-by-side in the sink as infants. I’ve loved you since I scraped my knee and you kissed it to make it all better when we were five. And I’ve loved you every second we’ve been together since then. Don’t you understand? I fuck up every relationship I’m ever a part of. A hot chick throws herself at me and my dick takes over my thinking for me.”

I sighed. “But not you. I couldn’t do it to you. I walked away from Felicia. I SAW you making out with Greg Kinomoto. I had every reason to just say the hell with it and get my revenge fuck from Felicia. But I didn’t. I don’t know how better to prove my love to you, Dawn. I CAN’T lose you.”

Dawn steamed but ground her teeth together. “So you didn’t fuck her?”


“Did she go down on you?”

I pulled my head back. “No.”

“You go down on her?”

“No!” I insisted, shaking my head.

“You kiss her?”

I bit my lip, wincing and nodding.

“You do some petting?”

I groaned and grudgingly admitted. “Yeah, did YOU?”

Dawn paled, looking away. I wondered just how far Greg had gotten before she stopped him. I steamed inside, but I kept my temper in check.

“Look,” I began. “We both made mistakes. But I learned something from this Dawn. I love you. I’m jealous of you. And I don’t want to do anything to screw this up. I’m committed to making this work. It’s a DANGEROUS thing. It could ruin our friendship if it doesn’t work out, and given the way our families are connected, that could be really, really awkward down the line.”

I took a deep breath. “But this is us, Dawn. You said it yourself. I’m not just another guy. You’re not just another girl. We’re Ben and Dawn and we’ve been destined from birth to get married and have kids and unite our two families together. Okay? We’ll make it work.”

Dawn managed a little smile. “We’ll make it work.”

I opened my arms again and we came together for a fierce hug. Dawn whimpered and fought back tears, clutching me so tightly that she elevated one leg to wrap it behind mine.

“Eww, get a room.”

Dawn picked her head up in surprise and I twisted around to see the twins walking up to us, followed closely by Brooke and DJ and then both sets of our parents.

“Stop teasing them, Emma,” Mom warned sternly.

“But Brooke says it all the time!” Emma whined.

I just chuckled while Dawn laughed, and we felt all the tension leave the both of us. I sighed and then held Dawn’s head in my hands, planting a firm kiss on her lips and willing myself to replace all trace of Felicia’s taste with the flavor of Dawn.

“See you tomorrow,” I sighed when we were done.

“Count on it,” Dawn smiled, a twinkle in her eye.

* * *

“Be careful guys,” Mom called out to the twins, who were making a beeline for their friends.

“It’s frisbee golf, Mom,” Eden rolled her eyes. “How dangerous can it be?”

“I just worry,” Mom replied and folded her arms across her chest as the twins raced across the field.

“Laters,” Brooke and DJ hoisted their hiking gear, the multi-colored prints of their bikini tops showing through their T-shirts which were cinched by hair clips in the back to better hug their torsos and reveal their tight bellies. “And don’t forget what I asked, Ben,” Brooke reminded me with a hard look over at Dawn.

I nodded and waved her off, lest our parents get suspicious. The cute 15-year-olds set off. Dawn then came over and slipped her hand into mine. “See you guys at lunch,” I called to my parents, and hand-in-hand my girlfriend and I started the hike to our special spot.

“Be back on time,” Mrs. Evans reminded us. “We’ve got plans for you at lunch.”

“Of course, Mom,” Dawn replied. And then silently, Dawn squeezed my hands three times in a subtle, “I. Love. You.” I squeezed back and felt my spirits lifting.

Last night, while not earth-shattering, had been a turning point in our relationship. Neither of us had ever been heavily pursued by a member of the opposite sex at camp before. And now we’d both been hit on by two of the most beautiful people within a hundred miles.

And we’d still chosen each other.

Minutes after we arrived, Dawn’s back hit the blankets on top of the ground mat, her arms wrapped behind my head as our faces pressed tightly together, our tongues intertwining in each other’s mouth. A gentle breeze came down the canyon and across the creek, blowing cool air across my naked back as I centered my body over hers. The same breeze rustled the bushes, partially masking the sound of Dawn’s sigh as she felt my cockhead separating her moist labia. And then nothing would stifle the sound of her happy moan at feeling my thick shaft burrowing ever deeper into the core of her body.

Dawn was still incredibly tight, her vaginal walls hugging close to my penetrating rod, providing exquisite friction with every surrendered millimeter. And she did surrender them. Every part of her was welcoming and inviting, urging me deeper with her pants and breathy moans.

And through it all, our eyes stayed locked together. By keeping that visual focus, we could feel the bonds of love and affection and see them in each other’s eyes. Strengthened by a lifetime of partnership, we let our friendship and trust grow until it filled every fiber of our beings, so that every twitch and caress was a physical manifestation of our emergent unity.

Dawn and I were truly making love. My thrusts were slow and full. Her hips rolled to meet me, but we never came together with heavy force nor meaty thumps. We simply stroked together. We didn’t even kiss. We didn’t need to. So much more was expressed in our eyes and in the way our noses rubbed together.

The books say girls have two types of orgasms: clitoral and vaginal. Even a girl’s anal orgasms are usually a combination of those anal nerves plus rubbing at the clit to push them over the edge. But Dawn definitely had a third-type. An orgasm of love. An orgasm of feeling so intimately connected to your partner that your body literally has no choice but to explode in ecstasy, lest the overabundance of emotions simply overwhelm your senses.

I lost track of how many time Dawn writhed with one of those; but there was no mistaking when the vaginal orgasm came. It was preceded by shortened gasps for air, little squeaks accelerating in pace and in pitch. Her eyes tightened as the rush of feeling rolled down her spine and caused her to arch her chest against me. And as the pleasure swept through her insides, her mouth gaped open to scream.

But instead of crying out in sheer bliss, Dawn merely grasped my head and stared deep into my eyes. Sweat was dripping off her brow, her face a mask of pleasure and her irises alight with brilliant blue fire. And with her last burst of oxygen, she moaned, “I love you, Ben. I always loved you. And I will always love you.”

I’d said the phrase ‘I love you’ to many girls in my life. Sometimes I felt like I meant it. To others I just said it because it was what they wanted to hear. But not this time. Today, I had three words that were far more special, because exactly one year ago today Dawn and I had truly begun this journey to become more than just childhood friends.

So I replied, “Happy birthday, Dawn,” and my own orgasm ignited. And together, we let our pleasure carry us away.
