
Special, special thanks from the bottom of my heart, once again, to my Executive Editing Committee, Angela Smith and Larissa Kahle. I appreciate you both for making sure my grammar is clean and my words are spelled correctly, but more than anything, I appreciate the fact that two people who know my heart are editing my work. You understand better than anyone what I am trying to say and where I've inserted myself into the story. That is an immeasurable gift, and I'd like to think that my characters are stronger, my story clearer and what I have to offer of myself is conveyed. I am also lucky enough to have an amazing group of beta readers who were not only tough, but were thoughtful and connected to Bree and Archer's story, and gave invaluable advice, commentary and cheerleading when I needed it most; Elena Eckmeyer, Cat Bracht, Kim Parr, and Nikki Larazo–huge gratitude! Love, endless and forever, to my husband–my best friend, my muse, the man who has the biggest heart of anyone I know. Thank you for supporting me through this process and picking up all the slack around our home while I disappeared into my writing cave. You make everything possible.
