
Samantha stared around the room, amazed at the pack’s response to her mating with Jason. She had expected some resentment, especially from the females, and cautious acceptance from everyone else. She’d been nervous about her reception to the pack since Jason first told her about the function his parents were throwing for them. Yet she was pleasantly surprised to discover everyone accepted her with open arms. Even the females, who had given her a hard time when she first arrived in town, treated her with a newfound respect.

It certainly hadn’t hurt that Jason stood beside her ready to glare down anyone who disrespected her. His parents and siblings had strongly supported her as well. Jason’s parents welcomed her into their family wholeheartedly, thrilled that Jason had found his one true mate.

Jason was overly protective but Samantha didn’t mind. It was a nice change from having no one to look out for her. Now it seemed she had a whole family, a whole pack.

The single females of the pack immediately switched their attention from Jason to Ethan, as if they never had designs on her mate. Samantha giggled against Jason’s arm as she watched Ethan dodge another female attempting to rub up against him.

“Jesus,” he exclaimed, coming over to where Samantha stood with Jason. He handed her a glass of champagne and placed a quick kiss against her cheek. “Vultures, every last one of them. I never understood how difficult it was for you until tonight. I can’t even turn around without one of them humping my leg.”

Samantha choked on a laugh.

“It wouldn’t be so bad if I wasn’t so aware that every one of them is after a mate. I’m thinking of getting out of town for a short vacation. I won’t be gone more than a couple weeks, at most. If you think you can spare me, I think the sooner I leave the better. Maybe the scavengers will move on to Danny while I’m gone.”

“I thought you would’ve been happy with all the female attention. You always used to tease me about it.” Jason grinned.

Ethan made a disgusted face. “It’s the ulterior motive behind it. I’m not looking for a mate anytime soon.”

“Now you know how I always felt,” Jason said. Samantha elbowed him in his side. “Until I met the woman meant for me, of course,” Jason soothed. “Take as much time as you need. Just don’t miss the wedding. It won’t be for another couple months, but you’ll need to get fitted for a tux and everything else that goes with being one of my best men.”

“Ooh, bachelor party!”

“As long as there’s only looking and no touching.” Samantha laughed. “If he remembers he’s mine, I don’t care what you all do.” She ended on a grunt as Jason pulled her roughly into his arms.

“Always and forever,” Jason whispered against her lips before claiming them in a passionate kiss.
