Chapter Five

Shane kissed Akane’s cheek, eager for his woman to wake up. He had something he wanted to give her, and he was tired of waiting.

One bleary gold eye opened before Akane groaned out a laugh. “Most people kiss the facial cheek.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Shane plopped down next to her, the puzzle box cupped in his hand. He held out the glittery object. “Happy birthday.”

He’d never seen a woman snatch something from him so fast before in his life. “For me?” Those amazing eyes blinked coquettishly, a roguish grin on her lips.

“Yup. Made with my own two hands.”

The playfulness departed to be replaced with puzzlement. “You made this? It doesn’t look like anything else you’ve made before.” She turned it in her hands. “The line carvings are nice, though.”

Damn, she sounded like someone desperately trying to say something nice. “It’s a puzzle box.”

She stiffened beside him. Her wings fluttered rapidly. “Puzzle box?” She eyed him warily. “Made by you?”

He nodded. “It’s pretty intricate. If you like, I can show you how to open it.”

She scrambled away from him, puzzle box clenched in her fist. “Mine!”

“Okay.” He lay back and put his arms behind his head. “But you need any help, Miz Akane, you come fetch me, y’hear?”

She growled low in her throat. “I think I can figure out a simple puzzle box.”

Shane shrugged. “If you say so.”

“Shove it, Jethro.”

“Name the place, a ghrá.” He patted his stomach, just above his erection. “I’ll shove it wherever you like.”


His brows rose. “That’s Lord Pig, thank you.”

She huffed out a laugh. “Did you know your brother said almost the exact the same thing to Ruby once?”

“How did you…? No, never mind. Don’t tell me.” Her laughter was music to his ears. “Great minds and all that.” He sat up, letting her get a good look at his morning wood. “Wanna go for a ride, little girl?” He waggled his brows, delighted when she laughed.

“Well—” Her cell phone rang, ending any hopes that he’d be getting his preferred breakfast. “Hello?”

Shane lay back on the bed with a sigh. “Tell Robin I said hi.”

“Shane says hi.”

He grinned ruefully. It looked like his dragon had to go back to work. He watched, fascinated, as her wings disappeared in a golden shower of sparks. Her skin turned creamy, her horns disappearing below her hair. When she turned around, her human Seeming rested on her skin, dazzling but mundane now that he’d seen what she really looked like.

He blew her a kiss and wrapped himself in his own Seeming, loving the moue of disappointment on her face. Apparently he wasn’t the only one who liked the truth better than the fiction.

She hung up the phone and he realized he hadn’t caught a word she’d said. “When do you go?”

“I have to meet with Etienne, Jaden and Robin in an hour.” She shrugged. “Robin promised pastries if I made it in forty-five minutes.”

“Damn.” He stood and stretched, aware of her eyes drinking him in. He scratched his belly. “I’d ask for a good-bye kiss, but that might lead to you getting in trouble with your boss.”

She shook her head. “I’d risk it.”

Shane closed the distance between them and cupped her face. “Have a good day at work, a ghrá.” He poured all of his love into the kiss, hoping she felt even a fraction of what he did. He could work with fractions.

He’d always been good at math.

When he lifted his mouth from hers her eyes were dazed, her lips swollen. Her nipples poked his chest, begging for his touch. Instead, he stroked her cheek before pulling away. He couldn’t interfere in her work. She’d never allow him to. They’d both wind up miserable, and the distraction could cause her death.

Besides, it was hot as hell knowing his mate could kick serious ass.

“Shower here. It’ll be faster. I’ll go back to the main house and grab you some clothes.”

“And makeup.”

He nodded, dragging on his jeans.

“And my shampoo and conditioner, because I’m not using anything in a man’s shower.”

His brows rose, but he pulled on his sweater anyway.

“And my soap.”

“Anything else, Princess?”

“My brown boots with the gold buckles, my skinny jeans, underwear because I’m not going commando and my gold Michael Kors sweater. Oh, and my black overcoat, the one with all the pockets.” She turned to the bathroom but turned back again almost immediately. “And I need the black box under my bed, and the—eep!”

He’d flung her naked over his shoulder. There was no way in hell he’d remember that list. A gold Michael Kors sweater? She had to be kidding him. “Might as well cart you back to the house rather than cart all that stuff here.”

“I’m naked, Shane.”

He opened the door to the outside, her shriek of outrage as the cold blasted her naked flesh making him laugh. “So I noticed.”

She transformed in his arms to her full dragon form. Claws shredded the jeans covering his ass before she took off, pulling free as he instinctively covered his nakedness. “Asshole.”

“I love you too!” He blew her a kiss before entering the studio once more. He hoped he had another pair of jeans, or his butt would be a frozen block before he got to the house.

Shane eyed the flying form of his mate as she landed on the roof of the house with a triumphant yell. Maybe he should have asked for a ride.

Jaden was too busy laughing his ass off to hear her low growls of warning. Robin merely looked amused, Etienne disturbed at the vampire’s antics. “Goldschschläger,” Jaden gasped. “Oh god, that’s rich.” Jaden wiped tears of mirth from his eyes before straightening up in his chair. His black eyes twinkled, an echo of Robin’s eerie green flashing through them announcing their shared blood. “So. Were you well and truly fucked?”

Robin chuckled. Etienne looked pained.

Akane kept her expression deadpan. Toying with Jaden was fun, but only if he didn’t catch on. “Shane did an adequate job.”

Jaden’s gaze roamed over her, but whatever he was looking for he didn’t seem to find. “Remind me to have a little chat with him.”

“Remind me to kill Tristan when I see him again.” No one poisoned her with gold and got away with it.

“Any idea why he wanted us gone?” Etienne was frowning, ignoring the antics of Jaden, who’d picked up one of Duncan’s pens and begun twirling it between his fingers. It appeared he’d taken a severe dislike to the vampire, much to Jaden’s amusement.

They’d decided to hold this meeting at Jaden’s home. Moira and Duncan had graciously agreed to stay out of the way, but Akane wouldn’t be surprised if Jaden wasn’t mentally keeping them in the loop. They’d agreed way too easily for it to be any other way.

“He probably believed the two of you would be an obstacle to completing his mission.” Robin sat, one leg crossed over the other, and swung his foot lazily. He perched on the edge of Duncan’s desk and watched them indulgently. He seemed highly amused by the fact that Etienne stayed as far as he could from Jaden. The Gray Court Sidhe had a reputation for avoiding the vampires of Oberon’s court. Being forced into the position of working with one, and worse, one who held a higher rank than he did, had to be sticking in his upper-crust craw.

“If he really is Glorianna’s agent it would be better to get him to work with us rather than against us.” Jaden held up his hand to forestall Etienne’s instant rejection of the idea. “Look, don’t make me sing the Barney theme song. Moira hates it when I do that.” He leaned back in his chair, balancing on two legs. “I know you don’t love me, and I sure as hell don’t love you, okay?” Jaden grinned at Robin. “We could always have Akane try again to seduce Tristan to the dark side.”

“Won’t work. He said any Sidhe could tell I’d been Claimed.”

Jaden’s chair hit the carpet. “Ow.” He pushed up on his elbows, his brows in his hairline. “You mentioned sexual spelunking had happened. You left out the part about the fireworks. Hell, I wasn’t sure Shane was capable of fireworks.”

She shrugged and kept her voice even. “He took advantage of my weakened state.” She blinked slowly. “As I said, he was adequate.”

Jaden’s lips twitched. “Welcome to the family.” He leered at her. “You realize mating Shane puts you in my clan, under my rule, right?”

Shit. No, she hadn’t thought of that. She wrinkled her nose and dropped the Vulcan act. “I want a divorce.”

Robin threw his head back and laughed.

Etienne waved impatiently. “This is irrelevant. We have more important things to worry about than whose clan Akane belongs to.”

Considering she’d avoided joining a clan like the plague, Akane felt it was very relevant. Thanks to who her mother was, Clan Blackthorn might now be perceived as having an advantage most other clans would kill to have: unlimited access to the Seer. But Etienne had a point. She could hash out the details with Jaden later.

Besides, if she absolutely had to belong to a clan, Clan Blackthorn was the one she’d pick anyway. “There has to be another way to get Tristan to work with us.”

Jaden got up off the floor and righted his chair. “Maybe we can have Duncan talk to him? As former head of Clan Malmayne, he might be able to persuade him.”

Akane bit her lip. “Unless he feels the same way toward Duncan and his bond with you that most of the White Court Sidhe feel.”

Jaden growled. “Stuck-up, prickless bastards.” His head tilted, his expression distant, His mates had to be speaking to him. A shy smile crossed his lips before he snapped back into the present. “He’s willing, but he’s not sure it will work.”

Would she share the same kind of mental link with Shane? Was it a Sidhe thing or a vampire thing? Dragons didn’t share that sort of mental bond, and Seers… Well, her mother said she’d always known her love would be brief, but the love the Seer held for her fallen mate couldn’t be denied. Akane’s father had been killed by a member of the Black Court a long time ago, leaving his mate and infant daughter to the tender mercies of the Courts. She stared into Jaden’s eyes, that quirky little something that made them such good partners kicking in. “We could just break into his room—”

Jaden began to pace. “Have Red go through his computer files—”

“Sack the place—”

“Maybe even leave a little present for Henri.” Jaden rubbed his hands together gleefully. “Daddy likey.”

“It’s too risky. If Henri or Tristan discover what you’ve done they could move on Ruby before we’re ready, or worse, come up with a completely different plan.”

“Tristan is Glorianna’s agent, I’m almost positive of it.”

Etienne glared at Akane. “I’m not.” He turned to Robin. “I would suggest further investigation into Tristan’s background. Perhaps there’s something there that we can use against him or, even better, Henri.”

Robin hopped off the table, light as a cat. “You do that.” He turned to Jaden. “Are you ready to get back to work, Jaden?”

Jaden cracked his knuckles with an evil laugh.

Robin smiled serenely. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He turned to Akane. “You’ll be working with Jaden on this from here on out.” He patted her cheek, then Jaden’s. “Make me proud, children.”

With that Robin was gone in a swirl of wind and blowing papers.

“Shit.” Jaden sighed, his hands on his hips. “Duncan’s going to be pissed.”

“Over being assigned this job?” Akane reached down and picked up one of the papers Robin had accidentally blown to the floor.

“Nope. He’ll have to go through all that paperwork again.” Jaden scratched his chin thoughtfully. “Oh wait. That was my paperwork. Guess my mate will have to lend me a hand since I have to work for the foreseeable future.”

“Why does Robin place such trust in a vampire?” Etienne was glaring at them both.

Akane almost laughed in his face. “You weren’t there when Clan Blackthorn was formed, were you?”

Etienne shook his head.

Jaden merely smiled, but that echo of Robin’s green light flashed once more through his eyes, there and gone again.

“Jaden shares blood with Robin, confirmed by both Robin and Oberon himself. Robin claims him as blood of his blood.” Where was this animosity was coming from? Etienne was Gray Court; he should have gotten used to the vampires in the Court by now. “That means Robin Goodfellow considers Jaden family.”

Etienne paled. “Ah.” He stood and bowed. “I will get to work gathering the background information we need.”

“Something that should have been done before you two even started. Seriously, Akane, where was your head? Up Shane’s ass?”

She growled at Jaden. “Shut up. My primary objective was to protect Shane. My secondary objective was to fuck with Tristan Malmayne.”

“You might want to discuss that last one with Shane. He might have an objection.”

She let the star in the center of her eye grow, looking for Shane. His incandescent power danced across her senses, warming her. “Two completely different kinds of fucking.” She grinned. “Trust me. I know the difference.”

“Freaky dragon bitch.”

Akane tilted her head. “Remind me some day to tell you how you got Robin’s blood in you.”

Jaden shuddered. “Please don’t.”

They barely acknowledged Etienne leaving the room. “You know?”

“I have…nightmares. Duncan tried to help me see what had happened, but when we were done he was… Gods, he was destroyed, and I still didn’t know for certain what Robin did to me.”

“Meaning Duncan turned around and re-blocked the memory.” It was Akane’s turn to shudder. “Jade, remember when you kidnapped Shane?”

“How could I forget? I still taste Kaitlynn occasionally when I burp. Blech.”

Akane resisted rolling her eyes, barely. “Robin knew you’d taken Shane and, to get you to tell him where Shane was, he hurt you. When he realized you were trying to keep things together until Duncan got home he fixed you the only way he could.”

Jaden nodded. “I kind of figured it was something like that.” He ran his hand through his hair. “What bothers me is that Duncan is having a hard time letting it go. You and I, we know the risks of working for Robin. If he thinks we’ve betrayed him, we’re toast.”

“And you walked that fine line during Shane’s abduction, praying you wouldn’t cross it before it was too late.”

Jaden nodded. “I love Duncan. Watching him suffer sucks. But this is one of the reasons I was worried they’d never accept me. I can’t stop being a Blade, no matter how many times it hurts my bondmates. I can’t let someone else get tortured or die just because Duncan and Moira might worry about me.”

“I think they know that, Jade.” She pointed toward the door, where Jaden’s mates stood. Moira had her arms crossed over her chest, scowling at them both equally. Duncan had his arms around her waist, but his gaze was glued to Jaden’s face.

“Oh goody. It’s lecture time.” Jaden dropped back into his chair and waved his mates into the room. “C’mon in, guys!” He started to tilt his chair back again.

Moira stopped him by dropping into his lap. “Idiot man.”

Jaden pointed to himself. “Me?”

“Yes, you.” Duncan’s fingers buried themselves in Jaden’s dark hair as he perched on the arm of Jaden’s chair. “Of course we’re going to worry, but we’re not going to stop you from being a Blade. Just as we have to put up with your work, you’ll have to learn to live with your family worrying about you.”

Jaden’s cheeks flushed. “I know that. But what happened with Robin could happen again.”

Duncan shivered. “No. It won’t.” He pressed his fingers against Jaden’s lips when the vampire started to protest. “Those were very special circumstances. You were trying to protect me in a strange sort of way. You were afraid killing Kaitlynn would make me hate you, so you played along, hoping I’d get here in time to save you all. Blame my father and Kaitlynn for that mess, not yourself. You kidnapped Shane on their orders, then kidnapped Ruby when you realized there wasn’t anything else you could do to stop them short of revealing you were a Blade. If Kaitlynn or Cullen had figured it out they might have killed you before you could find out what was really going on in the clan.”

“Killing Cullen and Kaitlynn without Robin or Oberon’s consent could have resulted in Jaden not only being stripped of his Knighthood but also his life. So don’t blame Robin either. Killing Kaitlynn on your orders, as head of his clan, was just fine.” Akane shrugged when the trio’s attention turned to her. “Besides, in a strange sort of way, if Robin hadn’t done what he’d done Jaden might not have survived what West did to him.” Another vampire had been working with Duncan’s sister Kaitlynn to take Leo Dunne by force. He’d been promised Jaden’s death in return for doing what Kaitlynn wanted. He might have succeeded if Robin hadn’t already fed Jaden enough blood to change the vampire, making him stronger, faster and a lot less vulnerable.

The arrested expression on Duncan’s face was priceless.

Moira frowned and tapped Jaden’s chin. “I think Shane let Jaden take him.”

Akane stared at Moira. “I think so too.”

Jaden’s hand flew into the air. “Ditto.” He frowned, absently allowing his hand to be captured by Duncan. “But the question is, why?”

“It might have something to do with a vision he had.” Once again, Akane had the trio’s undivided attention. “What? You didn’t know?”

Jaden started to laugh. He patted Moira’s bottom with his free hand. “Gods, I love your family, sweetheart.”

Moira rolled her eyes and got off Jaden’s lap. “Shane’s always been different, known things others didn’t, but I’ve watched you. He doesn’t show any of the signs you do when you’re using your powers.”

“His are completely different. I see the now. Shane sees the future.”

Jaden jumped up, knocking Duncan to the floor. “Wait right here.” He ran out of the room, only to return a few seconds later carrying a metal sculpture. Three figures entwined, two hovering protectively over one, encased in swirling green, gold and gray. He set the statue on Duncan’s desk. “Do you know when he made this?”

“That’s us, isn’t it?” Moira touched the smallest figure. All of them were androgynous in their features, but something about the way that figure stood screamed female.

Duncan got up off the floor and dusted off his ass. “I’m inclined to believe so.” He studied the figures, smiling slightly. “I know who the middle figure is, too.”

Jaden rolled his eyes. “You, obviously.”

Duncan snorted. “If believing that makes you sleep better at night, so be it.”

Akane took the statue and tilted it up. “Look at the bottom.”

Moira gasped. Jaden grinned, but his eyes looked a bit wild. Duncan merely nodded, as if he’d known what he’d see all along.

Shane had marked the date he’d created the statue on the bottom. It was dated precisely one year before Shane’s abduction. “He made a similar one of Ruby and Leo.”

“Has he made one of you?”

Akane avoided Duncan’s knowing eyes. “There are two others he’s made, and they scare even him.” She described both the Robin figure and the one she assumed was Oberon, the one Shane hadn’t been able to finish yet.

“Holy fuck.” Jaden stared at the statue of the three mates. “Does he know what they mean?”

“I think he gets flashes, little glimpses, but until certain things happen they’re mysteries to him. He must have known Moira was the female in this statue, but until he met you two he might not have known who you were.”

“Damn. He has no idea who Robin’s female is then, does he?”

Akane shook her head. It was obvious Jaden was thinking the same thing she was. “Or what’s missing from Oberon’s.”

Jaden stood, suddenly every inch the Blade he was. “We need to find out.”

“Before it’s too late.”

“Deal with the Malmaynes first.” Duncan rubbed his hand down Jaden’s back. “Robin’s woman will show up. We just need to keep an eye out for her. We’ll protect her so she doesn’t fall.”

Moira leaned back against the edge of Duncan’s desk. “What about the vision of Oberon?”

“Shane says it’s incomplete. He doesn’t know yet what is supposed to be in the center of the sculpture.”

Duncan wrapped his arms around his mates. “I think I do.” He kissed each one on the cheek, his expression full of love for them. “Perhaps it’s time for Oberon’s heart to open up once more.”

Akane stared at the three of them and decided Duncan might be right.

“Are you sure about this?” Shane watched Leo pace his office. He’d snuck out once he was sure Akane was gone. His brother was planning something, and Shane wanted in on it.

“As sure as I can be.” Leo stopped and stared blankly at the wall. “Ruby and I have been over this again and again. Until I get the Malmaynes to realize they’ll never have me this will just keep going on and on.”

“The Energizer bunny of fuck-ups.” Shane nodded. “Count me in.”

Leo’s smile was more of a grimace. “Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it. I mean that. If Akane finds out about this my ass is toast.” Shane stood. “Where’s Ruby?”

“Here.” The little redhead swept into the room and curled up against her spouse. “Just finishing up some work before we face off with the Dork Brigade.”

Shane grinned. “You’ve been hanging out with Jaden again.”

She grinned back. “Nah. Robin’s been by a few times.” She tilted her head. “I think he’s lonely.”

Shane hid his shock. She’d seen below the surface Robin showed the world to find the desperately lonely fae beneath. “Yeah. I think so too.”

“I think you’re both insane, but okay.” Leo jolted at the sound of the doorbell, betraying his nervousness. “Okay. It’ll be okay.”

“You want me to get the door?” Shane was already out of the office when his brother’s soft consent reached his ears. Really, Leo wasn’t made for this sort of fight. He was a wheeler, dealer and dreamer, running Fantasy Inc., a high-end party planning business used by corporations and politicians nationwide. Shane wasn’t much better off, his artistic endeavors leaving little time to learn to fight. But he and Leo had the Blackthorns, Robin Goodfellow and Akane on their side.

They’d be just fine.

Shane opened Leo’s front door to find Constance, Cecelia and Henri Malmayne on the other side. Cecelia was once again hanging all over Henri, while Constance had a coldly blank look on her face. “Hey, Leo!” He bellowed at the top of his lungs, making sure he sounded as rube as he could. “You’ve got Malmaynes at your door!”

“Let them in, Shane.”

“Butlering for your brother now, Shane?” Cecelia sneered and sauntered past him. “Careful with my coat. It’s Dior.”

Shane took their coats, nodding back at Henri, who gave him a semi-civil nod and ignoring Constance the way she ignored him. “Leo’s in the office, third door on the right.”

The Malmaynes went past like a cold breeze. Shane scrunched their coats up into a ball and dropped them on the closet floor before joining his brother in the office.

The women had taken seats around Leo’s desk, Henri standing behind Cecelia with one hand on her shoulder. Ruby was at Leo’s right hand, the wedding ring she wore flashing as they clasped hands. Shane went to stand on his brother’s left and let his visions flow over him.

He couldn’t see what was about to happen; it was too close. This was where Akane’s talent was most useful, and he wished his dragoness were here by his side. He did his best, but the visions he was getting were about things that were coming.

And both Malmayne sisters were at the heart of it.

He listened with half an ear as Leo explained, yet again, that he and Ruby did not wish for a third in their marriage. The visions surrounding Cecelia Malmayne were…disturbing. Some were of what looked like torture. Others showed her having a relatively happy life with the man at her side. But in both cases a black pall hung over everything she did.

Constance, on the other hand, looked like she was sleeping with the devil. Who the hell was that in the vision? The man had horns and fangs, but Shane couldn’t quite get a glimpse of his face. There was something familiar about him, about the way he moved, but no matter how hard Shane concentrated he couldn’t get anything on him. If the man had been in the room Shane might have gotten a better read on him.

Should he warn her of the devil, or leave her to her fate?

“I’m telling you, Leo and I are fine the way things are. We don’t want you here! The contract has been fulfilled. We know why you want a Child of Dunne and we’re sick of dealing with this shit!” Ruby’s rarely roused temper flared as she squared off with the Malmaynes, effectively dragging Shane back into the present. The vision of the devil man faded, and Shane decided to remain silent. Whatever Constance Malmayne was courting he had no doubt she deserved it. The aura surrounding her actions in his visions was black as pitch.

Constance stood. “There are ways to bear a child that don’t involve sex, Ruby. If we could get Leo to donate his seed–”

“Fuck. You.” Ruby pointed toward the door. “Out.”

Leo stood. “We’ve given you the meeting you requested. You’ve heard my wife’s response. The final answer is no. Have a nice life.”

The Malmaynes stood. “You’re going to regret this,” Cecelia hissed on her way out. She ignored the way Henri tried to soothe her, clinging to her anger like a fiery cloak.

Constance shook her head. “We’re sorry, Leo.”

Shane’s brows drew together. Oh, this sounded ominous. “Sorry for what?”

She just shook her head and left the office, closing the door quietly behind her.


“On it.” Shane followed the Malmaynes out the door, just in time to hear Cecelia’s outraged squawk. He grinned back at his brother. “I see they found their coats.”

He watched them drive off and returned to his brother. “So. Thoughts?”

“They’re fucking nuts.”

“And dangerous.” Ruby went to the chaise and lay down on it. “I swear, if it weren’t for Duncan I’d vote the whole clan off the island.”

Leo snorted and joined his wife on the chaise. Shane was amused to note it was built for one person, but Leo got around that by placing his small bondmate on top of him. “It never ends, Shane. Shit.”

Shane shuddered. “It’s almost over, Leo.”

Leo frowned. “How do you know?”

He grimaced. “I know.” He shivered and threw off the vision. “Listen, I have to get back. Akane’s going to be there soon and she can’t know I left the farm without back-up.”

“Got it. Thanks, Shane.”

“Anytime, bro.”

Shane waved good-bye and managed to get back to the farm before Akane arrived. He was in his workshop when she came in, the cold air flowing in behind her in an arctic blast. “Hey, Akane.”

“Can you read my mind?”

His hands paused on the metal he’d been slowly bending. “Pardon?”

“Can. You. Read. My. Mind?”

Shane stared at Akane and tried to ignore the slow way she’d drawled that, like he was unable to comprehend single-syllable words. His lips quirked as he realized why she was probably worried about something so trivial. “You want to know if I can read your mind.”

Akane glared at him. “Don’t make fun of me.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He tilted his head. “I’m not sure that’s something I’m capable of.” The relief on her face was grating. “But I’m willing to try if you are.”

“Oh no. That’s okay. I like my thoughts to stay in my own head.”

He damn near chuckled at her badly hidden panic. “Still, it might come in handy if you’re on an assignment and want to tell me you’ll be late for dinner.”

“Oh yeah. About that.” Akane began backing toward the door of his studio. Her black trench coat was still on.

“Do I want to know where you’re going?” Shane grabbed hold of the tie of her coat and pulled her in close, dropping a kiss on her nose.

“Probably not.”

“Will Etienne be with you?” He resisted the urge to wrinkle his nose. The Sidhe Blade had been, at best, cool toward him. He didn’t understand why, but if Etienne had plans concerning Shane’s mate he’d better think twice. Unlike his sister, Shane wasn’t into sharing.

“Nope. Robin reassigned him. I’m working with Jaden again.”

Shane picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. He ignored her struggles and carted her back to the bedroom attached to his studio. “You know, if you’re not careful I might drop you on your head. These floors are concrete.”


“So I hate repairing concrete.” He tossed her on the bed. “Where are you going and how long do you think you’ll be?”

“Why were you okay with this before I mentioned Jaden?”

“Because I’ve heard horror stories from Moira about how he operates. Spill.”

She rolled her eyes. “We’re breaking into the Malmayne estate and stealing Tristan’s underwear.”

“Oh, a fairy panty raid.” He dropped on top of her, caging her in his arms. “I want you to promise you’ll be careful.”

She held up her hand. “I promise.”

“Is Henri home?” He had no idea where the new head of the Malmayne clan had gone after the meeting with Leo.

Her star expanded as she looked for the man who’d plotted against Duncan. “Oh gods, yes. He’s in bed with Cecelia, doing truly nasty things.” She shuddered. “Sometimes I hate my talent.”

“Do I want descriptions? Pictures? How-to manuals?” He laughed when she growled. “Where’s Tristan?”

The star twitched. “He’s currently in Henri’s office, going through his files.” She frowned. “He seems very excited by something.”

“Then you’ll just have to find out what that something is and take it from him.”

She blinked, the star shrinking down to its normal size. “In order to do that, you have to get off.” She punched him in the stomach when he laughed again. “Not that way, you goob.”

“Was that love tap supposed to hurt?” He rolled off her, still chuckling.

She growled and swiped at him, but he noticed her claws didn’t really come close to him. “I hate you.”

“I’d believe that if you hadn’t been screaming my name last night.” He helped her to her feet. “Come back here when you’re done with work.”

“Aileen will have hot chocolate waiting for me. What are you offering?”

He bent down and kissed her, telling her without words exactly what he was offering.

“Mmm.” She licked her lips. “You’d better be awake when I get back.”

He pulled her hips close to his body, letting his erection brush her stomach. Gods, she was so tiny compared to him. It amazed him how much strength was packed into that little package. “Maybe I’ll have a thermos of hot chocolate waiting too.”

She cupped his cheek. “I need you to do something for me while I work.”

“Hmm?” He bent his head and kissed her palm, gratified to see the flush on her cheeks.

“Call my mother.”

He immediately looked up.


“Just checking. Yup, sky’s still there.”

“Look, Farm Boy, for once in your life, do what I asked without making smart-ass comments, okay? This is serious.”

He bent once more and kissed her, but this time he kept it short and infinitely sweet. “As you wish.”

She bit her lip. “We need to know two things, and only my mother can help.” He nodded and waited for her to continue. “Who is the woman in Robin’s statue, and who is missing from Oberon’s.”

“I can find out the one, but it’s the other that’s giving me fits.”

She blinked. “Huh?”

He sighed. Sometimes explaining how his visions worked was more difficult than making the piece. Very few people seemed to understand that there were times when he just didn’t understand what he was seeing. “Not all of the pieces are in place, or something else needs to happen before I can finish it, before it makes sense.”

“Ah.” She patted his chest. “In that case, perhaps that’s the one you need to concentrate on.”

He should have known the daughter of the Seer would understand. “I think Oberon’s unfinished statue might have something to do with the whole child of Dunne thing.” Akane was the only one he was willing to tell that to. Not even the Seer. It seemed wrong somehow. Every instinct he had told him that Oberon’s unfinished statue was pivotal somehow. The missing piece had to have something to do with the prophecy. He just didn’t know what. He wasn’t even certain if it was a person, place or thing, and it was driving him insane.

“Should we warn the rest of your family?”

“Only if Jaden promises to keep quiet. This…there’s something about that statue that tells me too many people who know could seriously screw things up.”

“Robin will have to know, but if we keep it to only him, would that be all right?”

Shane nodded reluctantly. “I trust Robin.”

“Thank you.”

Shane was getting tired of the Hob popping in and out as he damn well pleased. “Can’t you knock or something?”

A knocking sound drummed through the building, but Shane couldn’t tell where it was coming from.

“Smart ass.”

Robin’s blue eyes appeared before the Hob did, much like the Cheshire Cat’s grin. He bowed once he was fully in the room. “I try my best.”

Shane couldn’t stop himself. Robin just made him smile. “You heard us?”

“Yes.” He stared through the wall, and damn if he wasn’t looking right where Oberon’s statue was sitting, even though it was on the other side. “I will keep silent on your vision of Oberon’s future until I am forced to speak of it.”

“Thank you.” Relief washed through him. One of the possible blocks to Oberon’s future had been removed. The Hob always kept his word. “Once I see more I promise I’ll tell you, but it’s still very murky.” He shook his head. “I just know a Dunne has a hand in it.”

“Could it be one of your future nieces or nephews will fulfill the prophecy?”

“A child of Dunne will change the world as we know it.” Robin began to fade from view. “I’m beginning to agree more and more with Jaden. Be careful, children. More is at stake than you could possibly understand.” The Hob disappeared, but Shane was certain he’d soon reappear again.

“What does Jaden think?” Shane cradled Akane close, hoping to delay her departure a little bit. He’d missed her badly during the day.

“That the Child is either you, Leo or Moira.”

Shane nodded. He’d already known that. “I think he’s right.”
