Chapter Twenty-Four

A sharp bark of laughter detonated from me. “You want me to kill Dragos? Maybe you’ve had one too many martinis. Have you looked at me? I can barely row a boat.”

“Yes, your lack of physical prowess has crossed my mind.” Tane stood and gestured me to sit with him on one of the white leather couches. “Fortunately, this doesn’t require skill or I would have done it myself. My plan needs bait, someone who meets Dragos ’ tastes.”

“Someone who broadcasts like me, you mean.”

“It’s why Rurik chose you at the club. Dragos expressed an interest in you when he’d seen you at the hot springs. We needed someone he wanted to feed on.”

One shock after another, Tane didn’t hold back on his info punches. “You were both working together to kill him then?”

“We’ve been allies in this for decades. Killing such a powerful Nosferatu takes careful planning. I’ve walked a fine line to remain close to our Magistrate for a long time and it’s grown thinner since the party.”

“But Rurik drugged me before he even asked me to the party, never even gave me a chance to refuse to accompany him. Why? How would that become an assassination attempt?”

“The drug in your system interrupts psychic abilities, both human and vampire. It decreases response time and thought processes, then the victim is easy pickings. The key is to get him to ingest it.”

“So you want Dragos to feed from me. Why not spike his drink?”

“He doesn’t indulge, not with drinks anyway.” The way he trailed his eyes down my body explained what Dragos might want from me.

“Rurik made a deal with me at the party. If I allowed Dragos to feed he’d protect me from him drawing too much. Can you offer the same?”

Tane scratched his chin. “I don’t see how. The party was a unique opportunity. There was a lot of public feeding. Who knew Colby’s team would be so resourceful and almost kill Rurik instead. I could have staked myself. We were so close and I screwed up by hiring competent slayers.” His fist hit the table and rattled the pitcher, it echoed over the water. “Then he falls in love with you, the imbecile. This time there can be no mistakes. You’ll have to take the chance he won’t bleed you out on his first bite. If you fail, not only do you die, but Rurik too.”

He retrieved the drug vial from the table.

“You want me to drug myself and let Dragos feed from me.” I’d felt terror before, especially these last few days, but not this bone-deep knowledge that I wouldn’t live through this. “Then what?”

“You will need to free Rurik first. Then once Dragos is incapacitated, he has to kill him. It’s the only way I can envision either of you making it out of there alive.”

“That’s a horrible plan. I wouldn’t know where to find him or how to free him. Do I look like James Bond?”

Tane held out a key with the vial. “I will give you instructions on what to do and where to go.”

I stared at what he held. Risk my life for Rurik’s? He did it for me when he knocked me out and hid me in his trunk. I took both items from Tane. “Fine. Now, where’s Colby?”

A crooked grin matched the amusement in his expression. “Below deck, watching Eric for me.” He stood and strode barefoot across the deck, to a door leading into the heart of the yacht, before I could ask why. As he opened it he bowed. “Ladies first.”

“I don’t think so.” Tane gained nothing by hurting me but I didn’t need to take any unnecessary gambles. I followed him across a room that held a sitting area and books then down a spiral staircase to a large bedroom.

Eric laid on his stomach in the center of a king sized water bed unmoving. Tane paused to touch his short salt and pepper hair.

I came around the corner of the stairs to view the rest of the room.

Colby drew my attention straight away. He was chained upright to the far wall and watched Tane with dead eyes until they glanced at me. A light of hope sprung to life in them. “Connie?”

Tane twisted to face me. “Connie.” My name rolled off his tongue as if to savor it.

“You didn’t think my real name was Rabbit, did you?” I crossed the room to Colby, passing both Tane and the unresponsive Eric.

“I never gave it a thought.”

Colby looked feverish as I drew closer. Sweat beaded on his forehead and trickled down the sides. His pale skin felt hot and clammy. I gave him a quick once over but couldn’t see any injuries.

The quiet noise of weight being shifted on the bed caught my attention. Tane sat next to Eric, he stroked a broad hand down his pet’s back. “I’ve decided to use you as a bargaining chip instead of keeping you since Eric still lives, Colby. You’re very lucky he’s strong enough to endure my trials. I think you would not have survived long with me.”

A shiver ran through Colby’s shoulder where my hand rested.

I examined Eric closer. He appeared paler than Colby. Sets of bite marks in different stages of healing decorated his skin all over his exposed body. A fresh set, still oozing, proclaimed themselves above the others. They rested on his neck, right by his jugular.

Another shiver shook Colby. “Tane thought we should play a game of chance.”

“It wouldn’t be fair for me to keep you both. The conflict would have been too much for me to bear. Eric’s been a good companion, he deserved the opportunity to fight for his position.” Tane continued to pet the silent Eric before meeting my stare. “If Eric proved strong enough to live through a deep and long feed then he could remain with me. If not, then Colby would replace him.”

Colby growled before he shouted. “I never wanted to be your pet.” The volume hurt my ears.

“That’s inconsequential.” The slight touch of disappointment in his voice surprised me. His desire to get rid of Dragos outweighed his yearning for Colby.

It was my turn to shiver.

“I’m letting you go. If you wish to return, my invitation will stand.”

Colby spit on the floor.

“Tane,” I pointed to the manacles. I wanted to get out before Colby gave Tane a reason to change his mind. We were just a few steps from freedom and he was going to blow it. I’d never seen this side of Colby. The uncontrolled, passionate man chained to wall must hide deep inside the cold, calculating one who sends me broadcasting my pain to vampire dens. I had to get him out of here before I changed my mind.

Tane opened a drawer in the bedside table and retrieved a set of keys. He tossed them to me.

I cupped Colby’s face in my hand to draw his attention. “When I release you, behave. I need you. Focus.” Our eyes met and an understanding passed.

He nodded. Once released from his bindings Colby staggered from the wall and almost fell but Tane, using his immortal powers of speed, caught him. He reacted as if touched by a hot iron and squirmed out of Tane’s hands. I didn’t want to think about what hardships Colby experienced on this yacht. He didn’t have any injuries but not all wounds were physical.

Colby caught both of us by surprise when he threw a punch.

Tane took it in the chin and stumbled back. His knee caught on the corner of the bed and it tripped him. The fall turned into a roll. When he rose in a cat-like twist a serrated knife appeared in his hand from God knows where.

“Colby stop.” I tried to grab his arm but he swatted me behind him like a gnat. “He’s letting us go,” I pleaded.

“He lies. This is just another fantasy he’s created. You’re not even real.”

“I’m not? Tane, what is he talking about?”

“We shared a few dreams. I am very proficient at entering minds.”

Before I could try to convince Colby of my existence, he launched himself at Tane and grappled for the knife. His momentum drove them over the bed and Eric to fall onto the other side out of my view.

“Stop! Stop! Stop!.” I sounded like a deranged cheerleader. Most men would already be dead, but Colby had fought vampires for years and was strong with crazed rage. I ran to other side of the bed.

Tane lay under Colby. They both faced the ceiling and the sharp blade pressed against Colby’s throat yet he still struggled. Tane appeared to not want to hurt him, just defend himself.

Colby jabbed his elbow into Tane’s side causing the grip on the knife to waiver. He rolled off toward the knife arm and pulled the blade from Tane’s hand.

Like an idiot, I jumped between them, a piece of tissue paper between two bulls.

The knife flashed and sliced across my upper arm. I cried out and pressed the wound with my hand. Blood seeped through my fingers.

Colby stared at the knife with my blood on it then back at me. “Connie?”

“Dumbass, look what you did. If I need stitches I’m going to get Red to give you an atomic wedgie.” It burned like a son of a bitch. Stupid ass men thinking they could solve their issues with knives.

Tane tore at the white cotton bed sheets. He examined the wound. “It’s just a graze. Stitches are unnecessary.” With the strips of cloth he made a quick tight bandage around my arm. He sucked my blood off his fingers and shrugged at my horrified expression. “You have a mild flavor.”

The blood oozed through the bandage. I covered it with my hand. “You don’t get seconds.”

Colby had stuck the knife in his waistband. He stared at Tane. “This isn’t a dream?”

“Nothing I say will convince you.”

I stepped to Colby and pressed myself against his bare chest. The physical contact did the trick as he hugged me tight for moment before my boss ’ persona returned and he pushed me away.

I tried to aim him to the staircase.

“Why would he let me go?”

I glared back at Tane. “Is this permanent?”

“No, once he sleeps and eats he should return to normal. Not all our fantasies were bad. You enjoyed some of them, Colby.”

“Stop taunting him.” I pushed Colby harder. “Go up the stairs, I’ve got a row boat. Red’s waiting for us.”

At the mention of Red’s name he straightened up. “You didn’t answer my question, Tane.”

“Connie is willing to trade a service for your life. I think it’s profitable enough of a deal.”

“No, I won’t allow her to do anything for you. I’ll stay.”

I paused in my pushing efforts, not believing my ears. “Are you nuts?”

He gazed into my eyes. “I won’t have you making deals with this bastard.”

“Well, well, all my dreams have come true. I guess our deal is off then Rabbit. You’ll have to figure out how to save Rurik on your own.” Tane stood and sauntered toward Colby.

I felt him stiffen next to me.

“Enough. Colby, listen to me. I have to do this.” I pointed at Tane with my uninjured arm. “Stop playing games. You want this more than I do.”

A small smile played on Tane’s lips.

Colby’s arm snaked around my waist and lifted me in a fireman’s lift then carried me up the stairs.

“What are you doing? I can walk.”

He carried me to the back of the yacht where the rowboat waited and stepped into it before setting me onto a bench.

I looked over his shoulder to the deck but Tane didn’t follow us.

“Take the boat back to Red. I can’t believe he let you do this. I’ll be all right, I can take care of myself.”

“Sure you can.” I tried to smile. “But they need you. Dragos is taking over the city. He knows about us, he’s the one who told Tane to hire our team. They’ll be dead soon, if not already, without you.”

His eyebrows shot up.

“Dragos has Rurik prisoner. I love him. Tane is willing to help me with a rescue if I poison Dragos.” I left out the details on how. “You’re a bonus. Even if you stay, I’ll still do this. Go help Red.”

“How do you plan to poison a Nosferatu Prime?”

“Easy, do what I do best. Be bait.” Before I climbed out of the boat I stopped and whispered in his ear. “Follow my chip.”

His sharp stare told me he understood. They would track my signal and help out.

I climbed the ladder to the deck and watched Colby row away with much more skill than I had.

Tane stepped up next to me, a long range rifle in his hands.

“What’s that for?”

“Just in case he left with you, I can’t have loose ends.” He turned to me. “Let’s go save your boyfriend.”
