Chapter Seven

“There’s no change.”

Tabby collapsed against the door, watching Alex visit his cousin. Chloe still hadn’t moved.

He sat by Chloe’s side and picked up her hand. He watched his cousin, his expression so full of sorrow Tabby’s eyes filled with tears. The shades in the room were drawn, hiding them from the night. They’d stayed longer than planned at the Cannon’s house, and visiting hours were almost over.

“Where is her supposed mate?”

“No clue. Last I heard, he wasn’t in town yet. Gabe told me his plane got delayed.”

She watched him run his hand over his bald head. “The longer she’s in a coma, the worse off she’s going to be.”

Chloe’s mother stifled a sob. “She’s going to be all right.”

“I know she will, Aunt Laura.”

A hand landed on Tabby’s shoulder. She turned to find Julian standing behind her. His eyes showed the strain of being in the hospital, even though his lips smiled. “Hey, girlfriend. Long time no see.”

She poked him in the side, knowing how ticklish he was. She’d left him twenty minutes ago sitting on the Cannon’s couch, arguing with Emma about which reality TV show was better, America’s Next Top Model or American Idol. She wasn’t certain which one he’d been for, only that he and Emma seemed to be having a really good time. He’d refused to discuss Cyn, giving the Pumas that weird, secretive smile of his and changing the topic. Not even Max had been able to get him to talk about his would-be mate.

Julian jumped and shimmied away, batting at her hand. “I have an idea, but I need to talk it over with Chloe’s family before I try.”

Tabby stopped poking. Julian had his serious face on.

Alex stood. “What have you got?”

Julian tugged his braid. It was a nervous habit and told her just how much he really didn’t want to be doing whatever it was he was about to propose. “I might know a way to wake her up, but if it works, it will change her profoundly.”

“Do it.” Chloe’s father, Steven, didn’t even blink.

“She’ll still be Chloe, but might also be something more. Are you willing to risk that?”

Steven’s mouth opened, but he stopped at a touch from his wife. “Changed how?”

Julian shook his head. “I don’t know. What I do know is she and I will be connected in some very strange ways.” He stepped into the room, lowering his voice. “What I’m discussing is not done lightly, and can only be done by the Kermode. Are you willing to risk having your daughter’s life tied to mine?”

Alex frowned. “She has a mate.”

“This won’t be a mate bond. This will be something a great deal more…spiritual.

I’m not sure I can adequately explain it.” Julian looked frustrated. “There’s so much that you can’t see or feel. It’s like trying to explain red to a blind man.”

“It’s hot.” Tabby shrugged her shoulders when everyone turned to her. “What?”

Julian rolled his eyes. “You watch way too much TV, Tabby. What movie was that from?”

“Does it matter? Is she going to wake up all Freddy Krueger?”

Julian snorted. “Hardly.”

“Is she going to become a Stepford Wife, all cheerful and homicidally creepy?”


“Will she still be Chloe?”

“Of course!”

Tabby didn’t understand. “Then what’s the problem?”

Julian tilted his head. “She could become more in tune with the spirit world than other shifters. I’ve heard of ones who were awakened this way who could talk to the dead, or see into other people’s dreams.”

Tabby waited. “That’s it?”

Julian growled.

“No, she’s right. I’d rather have a psychic daughter than no daughter.” Steven held out his hand. “Please. Wake my girl.”

Julian smiled grimly. “I’ll do everything in my power.”

Tabby pulled out her phone. “Should I call Cyn and let her know what’s going on?”

The look Julian shot Tabby was lethal. “Do it and you’ll regret it.” His grin showed way too many teeth. “You’d look really cute with brown hair.”

“Don’t you dare.” Tabby glared at him. She hated her brown hair, always had. “I’d rather be b—” she glanced at Alex “—blonde.”

“Nice save.” Alex winked at her and the others chuckled, easing the tension somewhat. “Julian, what do you need to wake Chloe up?”

“Privacy, and lots of it.” He headed for the door. “I’ll start tonight.”

“How will we know it worked?” Laura Williams stood, her gaze anxious as she watched Julian leave her daughter’s room.

“Trust me, you’ll know.” Julian left, leaving behind a group of very confused, very hopeful shifters.

“We need to get going too.” Alex hugged both his uncle and his aunt before taking hold of her arm. “We’ll stop by again tomorrow after we go house hunting. Let us know if you need anything.”

House hunting?

“Sure thing, Bunny.” His uncle pounded his back. “We’ll call you if anything changes before then.”

“With luck, her mate will be here when she wakes up.” His aunt gave him a peck on the cheek. Almost immediately, her eyes went back to her daughter. “Love you, Bunny.”

“Love you too, Aunt Laura. Uncle Steven.”

“Bye, Tabby.” Tabby flinched as Bunny’s uncle gave her a hug.

“Um. Bye.” She wasn’t used to this family stuff. She had no idea what had happened to her own family and, frankly, she really didn’t care. But watching Chloe’s parents watch over their child had her longing for something she’d never had. She wondered how she would she feel if it were her daughter lying on that bed?

Alex’s hand landed on her stomach, his fingers caressing her through her shirt. A sudden thought hit her.

Holy shit! They hadn’t used condoms at least once that she remembered. What if she was pregnant? She gulped, suddenly terrified. What the fuck had they been thinking? Her hand moved to rest over Alex’s. She looked up at him and saw the way he was watching her, his gaze full of affection. She knew how he’d react if they were pregnant.

She blinked. If they were pregnant. She had a sudden vision of Alex sitting in a chair, their child resting in his arms. And the vision didn’t scare her at all. He’d be an amazing father. Alex would never kick his child out of his home. He’d be more likely to kick the ass of anyone who tried to hurt his baby.

“Take care.” Laura offered her a hug as well. “Bunny, your parents said they’d sit with Chloe for a little while tonight while Steven and I get some rest, so if you need them, call here.”

“Will do. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

Alex took hold of her arm and led her out the door. “Ready to do my ink, baby?”

Tabby smiled. She might not know families, but she knew her art. “Sure thing.”

They headed for her Jeep. “Shop’s closed, but I’m pretty sure Cyn won’t mind me working on you after hours. Do you have any idea what Julian’s planning on doing?”

Alex shook his head and drove for the shop. “Not a clue. Think we should tell Cyn anyway?”

“And risk that sneaky bastard figuring out a way to dye my hair brown again? No way.”

They passed Frank’s diner, drove through the nicer shopping district that contained Emma’s shop, Wallflowers, and finally arrived at the little cluster of shops and convenience stores nearer the campus. Alex pulled around back and got out of the car. She settled back down when he waved to her, letting him check the area out with eyes and nose. He came around to the passenger side and helped her out, ignoring her grin. “You have someone watching the shop during the day, don’t you?”

He shrugged, not even bothering to deny it. She bet he’d had Gabe recruit some Pumas for the job. She hadn’t scented any Bears and the scent of Puma was much more common than any other shifter.

Tabby dug her keys out of her purse and led the way to the back door. “So, do you have an idea of what you want?” Tabby clicked on the lights only in the back of Living Art. No sense advertising that someone was here when they weren’t supposed to be.

“Other than the bear and wolf? No.”

She led him into her workspace. “So, I get creative license, huh?” He just grinned at her and settled into the chair. “Cool. What kind of bear?”

“A grizzly.”

She plopped down on her stool, stunned. “Grizzly?”

He nodded, watching her closely.

“You’re a grizzly?” Wow. That explains a lot. He said he had anger management issues? Talk about an understatement. Grizzlies were considered the most aggressive of all the Bears. Some would say they were the most aggressive of all the shifters. She whistled. “Okay. Feel free to protect me from, y’know, anything you feel I need protection from.” It wasn’t like she’d be able to stop him. Grizzlies could, and would, face down entire Packs. Those confrontations usually ended in the Bear’s favor, unless the Pack was particularly large or themselves extremely aggressive.

He chuckled. “Have any ideas what you’d like to do?”

She leaned back and studied him. “Where would you like the tattoo? And what size?” A glimmer of an idea was building inside her. Watching Alex with his family had made her long for things she’d thought she’d never have. She’d dreamed of a roof over her head, food on the table, cubs at her feet and a man by her side who’d love her forever when she ran as a Wolf. Now Alex was offering her everything she’d ever wanted on a silver platter.

Yeah. She had an idea of what she’d ink onto him. Their hopes and dreams, permanently on his flesh.

He sat up and pulled off his shirt. He pointed to his chest. “Here, and whatever size you’d like.”

She ran her hand over the smooth skin, felt his muscles ripple under her hand.

Oh, he’d look so good with her ink right there, her signature for anyone to see. “I know what I’m going to do.” She handed him a magazine. “Give me about twenty minutes, okay?”

He nodded. “Mind if I put on the radio?”

“Nah, go ahead. Just stay out of the front of the shop. We don’t want anyone thinking we’re open or wondering if we’re being robbed.” She grinned at him and headed back through the curtain. She smiled to herself. Cyn obviously hadn’t found the ladder yet; the sign she’d tacked up was still there. She sat down at the desk and began drawing.

She drew the outline of her Wolf. The darker and lighter browns would blend together, the colors of her fur melding with his skin. The Wolf would stare out at the viewer with golden brown eyes. She was lying on her side, her expression serene. Behind the Wolf sat Alex’s Bear, its massive head dwarfing her Wolf’s. The Bear gazed down at the Wolf, his body hovering protectively over hers. Behind them a Wolf cub and a Bear cub frolicked in the mouth of a cave, a den for all of them.

Family. Home. Dreams etched into flesh.

Alex was going to love it.

She took the sketch to him and showed it to him. “What do you think?” He stared at it so long she started to get worried. “Well?”

“I want it in color.” His voice was reverent, his finger tracing over first the Wolf cub, then the Bear cub.

Like she would ink it any other way. It was going to look magnificent in full color.

“I just need you to do one more thing for me.”


The ease with which he said that had her smiling like a love-struck groupie.

“Take all your clothes off.”

His lips curved up into a wicked smile. “Going to have your way with me?”

Now there’s a thought. She shivered. The thought of riding him while he sat in her chair had her nipples hard in seconds. “Maybe, afterwards. But first I need to know what you look like.”

One eyebrow rose. “I’d think by now you’d be intimately acquainted with how I look.”

She giggled. “I want to see your Bear, you perv.”

“Oh,” he drawled. He looked up at the ceiling and sighed. “Okay. You asked for it.”

She watched him undress, amazed anew at how lucky she’d been in the mate lottery. Alex truly was stunning when naked, all rippling muscle under smooth brown skin. Her fingers twitched. God, he had the best ass.


She nodded. She was eager to see him, draw him. She wanted them on the tattoo, not two random animals.

Alex began to shift. Her eyes grew wide as his body grew, and grew. His head easily hit the height of the eight-foot ceiling and he bowed down, landing on his front paws. She figured he had to break the ten-foot mark when upright. As it was, his head was still above her own. “Um. Big.”

His head dipped, brushing against her chest. She took the hint and rubbed his massive head. His eyes closed, his chest rumbling, the Bear equivalent of a purr.

“Damn, Alex.” His eyes opened and he stared at her. It was hard to read his expression. “You’re beautiful.” His eyes closed on a sigh. She suspected it was relief.

She ran her hands all over him. She fingered the lethal five-inch claws, giggled at the huge hump of muscle on his back. He sat down, watching her move around him. When she reached his face again, his tongue reached out and ran up the side of her face.

“Blech.” She wiped away the Bear drool and picked up her digital camera. She snapped off a shot of him sitting there. The tattoo would show him from the front.

“Change back, smart-ass. I have a tattoo to do.”

He shifted. “So?”

She frowned absently and used the USB cable to plug the camera into the photo printer. She pressed the button to print out the picture of her Bear. So what? Ah, there we go. The picture was almost done. She’d have to make sure no one else saw the image of her Bear sitting in the middle of the tattoo parlor. Well, maybe I’ll show Cyn and Glory. They’d get a huge kick out of it. “Almost done. Let me make some adjustments to the sketch, make the transfer and we’ll get started.”

He settled back into her chair, still naked, and watched her while she cleaned off his chest. She shaved off any stray hairs, making sure there was nothing that would interfere with the clarity of the design. She transferred the image to his chest, smiling at the sight. It looked perfect. Tabby mixed her inks and snapped on her rubber gloves. “Ready?”

“C’mere.” Alex pulled her down, kissing her so sweetly she damn near melted at his feet. “Mark me, Tabby. Make me yours.”

She shivered. She kissed the center of the tattoo. She’d lined it up so that his Bear rested at his heart. “Mine.”

He settled back down with a smile and closed his eyes. “Yours.”

Tabby picked up her gun, dipped it in the ink, and began to draw.

She hadn’t freaked. She’d seen his Bear and, instead of being terrified, she’d been fascinated.

He was such a goner. If he hadn’t fallen for her before, he certainly was in love now. She’d reacted with joy, told him he was beautiful, played with his claws. No one ever played with his claws.

She’d touched him like he was a treasure. She’d made him hers more thoroughly than any mating mark could.

He’d almost had her move the image so that her Wolf rested over his heart, but changed his mind at the last minute. Bear had led him to his mate. She was healing his heart, and that heart would protect his Wolf with everything in him.

Having her image there, below his Bear and his heart, forever protected and loved, was just right.

She was so close to him, her thigh brushed his leg. She hovered over him, her gaze intent on the art she was creating. The sting of the needle was nothing. He watched her etch their love, their life, into his skin and smiled. This was what he wanted, his Wolf, his family, and a home of their own. His cock hardened at the thought of Tabby round with his cubs.

“What are you thinking about?”

He wondered if she’d freak if he told her. “My new ink.”

“Which part?”

“The cubs.”

The needle didn’t stutter. “You’re okay with pups?”


She looked up at him through her lashes. “Pubs?”

He tried not to laugh. “Cups?”

She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think so.”

He moved his hand, let his fingers brush her thigh. “Children?”

The needle lifted. Her fingers shook. “Yeah. Children.”

For a second, she sounded breathless. He nodded. “I’m okay with it.”

“Good.” She took a deep breath, her expression once more intent. The needle hit his flesh, the ink sinking into his skin. A deep peace settled over him. Funny.

Usually he had to do an hour of yoga and mediation to achieve this level of just…

being. He knew it had nothing to do with the tattoo and everything to do with the artist.

For hours, he lay there, watching his mate, his lover, mark their future, the figures taking shape under her skillful hands. Every now and then, he’d smile, visions of what they both needed dancing in his head. He could picture the house he wanted for them, the way he’d come home after a long day and find his mate, all green hair and big sparkling eyes, waiting for him. A warm, loving smile would be on those full pink lips. Maybe they’d both get more ink, maybe they wouldn’t.

And sometimes he’d be the one standing at the door, waiting for his love, their cubs safely tucked in bed.

It was after midnight by the time she was done. She sat up, set the gun down and stretched. He heard popping noises. She’d been bent over so long her back crackled. “Take a look.”

He sat up and stared at himself in the big mirror over her counter. He kept his hands away, knowing he couldn’t touch, but damn if he didn’t want to. Her Wolf’s eyes practically jumped off his chest. “It’s perfect.”

He heard her snap off her gloves. “Let’s get you covered so we can get out of here.”

He turned, smiling when her gaze drifted down to his cock. “See something you want?”

She rolled her eyes but he could see the flush working its way into her cheeks.

“You’re going to have to be careful with your tattoo. You can’t really work up too much of a sweat for at least a few hours. You need to give it time to heal.” She frowned. “Wait. Can you heal it?”

He shook his head. “Nope. If I’m not careful, I could cause scarring. I have to let it heal naturally.”


He reached down and stroked his erection, loving the way her eyes locked on his hand. “You know, we could always turn up the air conditioning.”

“Lie down so I can bandage you, horn dog.”

He chuckled and got back into the chair. His erection bobbed against his stomach. “Like this?” He raised his hands up until they clasped the headrest. He spread his thighs and waited to see what she’d do.

“I should have had you put your clothes back on first.” She rubbed the ointment into the tattoo with gentle hands, bandaging him up carefully. “You know the drill. You’ve gotten ink before. No soaking the bandages, mild antibacterial soap for washing, use A&D ointment. No Neosporin or it’ll scar.”

He nodded. He knew what to do, and if he fouled up, his own little artist would kick his ass to remind him.

“Are you just going to leave me like this?” He waved at his erection.

She folded her arms over her chest. “What will I get out of it?”

He grinned. “Orgasms. Lots of them.”

She bit her lip, looking like a naughty little girl. “If Cyn finds out about this, I’m in so much trouble.”

His hips jerked. “We’ll clean the place up when we’re done.” He hadn’t actually thought she’d go for it. He figured she’d argue, he’d get dressed and he’d take her back to the hotel room. Having sex in her chair? Talk about a fantasy come true!

Her smile was slow and languid, her eyes heavy with passion. She leaned down and took the head of his cock into her hot, wet mouth. “Oh, fuck.” He reached for her head, eager to guide her rhythm just the way they both liked.

“Nuh-uh. Keep those hands up, mister, or this stops.”

His hands latched onto the headrest. As far as he was concerned, they were chained there.

“Good boy.” She patted his hip and swallowed him down, taking him to the root.

“Oh, shit.” He fought to keep still. He didn’t want to choke her, but damn that felt incredible. He’d never had anyone take him the way she did.

Her head began to bob, her tongue playing his cock like a fucking virtuoso. He lost himself in the sensation of his mate pleasuring him. God, he’d never felt anything quite so good. The cool air of the tattoo parlor blew over him, the pictures on the wall reminding him of the art she’d done on other people. He’d have to get her to take a picture of his new work, add it to the gallery on the wall of her station.

Oh. Oh hell. That tongue of hers was a lethal weapon. She lapped at the head of his cock, long, languid strokes, tasting the drops of precome that dripped from him. He clamped down on the headrest, desperate to grab hold of her head and force her to take him all in.

This time it was her space, her show, and he’d be damned if he didn’t let her have that.

Tabby sucked him down again, watching his face through the fall of her bangs.

He looked so gorgeous with his head thrown back. He was staring at the ceiling, his lips pursed. She wondered if he was doing something to hold himself back, prolong the pleasure. Counting ceiling tiles, maybe?

She wasn’t sure if she wanted him to come now or if she wanted him to fuck her.

Her hands ran along the insides of his thighs, came to rest at the juncture of his groin. Her fingertips grazed over her mating mark.

She did her best not to give away what she was about to do. He looked so ready to blow. And he was being such a good boy.

She lifted her head and, before he could react, bit down on the mating mark.

He roared and practically levitated off the tattoo chair. Startled, she pulled back.

Bear looked out of Alex’s eyes. “Uh-oh.” The last time she’d seen that look, he’d bent her over the bed and claimed her most thoroughly. Her pussy clenched in anticipation.

This was going to be fun.

She found herself off the floor and screeched. Alex had her on the counter so fast it was dizzying. Her head hit the mirror, her legs were spread wide and he was ripping at her jeans.

“No! No shredding!” He paused. She had maybe two seconds to come up with something to save her jeans. “You want everyone seeing me bare-assed?”

He growled, the sound low and threatening. She hadn’t known it was possible to get even more turned on, but fuck that possessiveness of his was hot.

He undid her jeans and slid them down her legs. When he reached her boots he paused, the heat in his expression intensifying. “I love these boots.”

Before she could ask what he meant, he was lifting her again. She found herself on her feet, her back to him, her hands clenching the edge of the countertop. Her panties were pulled down, exposing exactly how wet she was. He nipped her ass cheek with sharp teeth before licking a long line between her cheeks. “No lube, so this will have to wait.”

She thought about the A&D ointment, but decided against it. She didn’t know if it would work or not, and the way he was acting, she’d rather be lubed for the pounding she expected to get.

“God, I love your ass.” His hands kneaded the globes. Little nibbling kisses peppered her cheeks. “So beautiful.” He gave it one last lick before reaching under the edge of her shirt. “Your back is gorgeous too.”

My back? She giggled. No one had ever called her back gorgeous.

He slapped one of her ass cheeks.

“Ow! What was that for?” She scowled at him over her shoulder.

“When I say you’re gorgeous, you don’t laugh.”

He looked dead serious. “Why not?”

He leaned over her, caging her against the countertop, one arm on either side of her. “Because you are.”

She shrugged. She knew she was cute on her good days, but gorgeous?

“Are you calling me a liar?”

She blinked. He sounded almost pissed. “Um. No?”

“Good.” He yanked her shirt off, his fingers going to her bra clasp before she could take a breath. “Your back is lean and strong, capable of carrying any burden. Just like you.” He undid the clasp and stroked the bra away, his hands hot on her skin. “Your arms can wrap themselves around a Bear most find terrifying and love him until he can’t breathe without filling himself with you.”

She met his gaze in the mirror. His eyes dared her to lie to him, to tell him it wasn’t love.

She nodded. She wouldn’t lie to him. Not ever to him.

Some of the anger leached away, warming the dark brown eyes of his Bear. He rested his palm against her chest, nestling it between her breasts. “You’ve got the most loving heart I’ve ever been privileged to know. So don’t tell me you aren’t gorgeous. Everything about you is beautiful.”

Damn. He was going to make her cry. “I’m not perfect.” She’d screw up, she always did, and if he put her on a pedestal, she’d destroy them both when she fell off of it.

He smiled. “I never said you were. I said you were beautiful. I know the difference.” He slid his cock between the folds of her pussy, getting the tip nice and damp. “You’re stubborn, but you’ve had to be to survive. You’ve got a smart mouth. Sometimes I don’t know whether to laugh or fill it full so you’ll shut up.”


He laughed softly and began to slide into her, filling her up. His scent surrounded her, making her feel safe and loved. “And I’ve told you not to wear these boots to work. They scream ‘Fuck me’.”

“You did not, and they do not.” He was all the way inside her now. She bit her lip and moaned at the fullness.

“I want to bend you over every time I see you in them.”

She shot him a sultry look in the mirror. He brushed her hair way from her neck and nibbled, his gaze locked on hers. His tongue snaked out and stroked the mating mark.

“I thought I had everything necessary to make me happy. I had a good job, a family who loved me and accepted me. I could go out on my Harley and see the world, and they’d be waiting for me with open arms.”

She raised a brow. She had a pretty good idea what he was leaving out. “And all the action you could handle?”

He shrugged. “What do you want me to say?” He thrust, jarring her forward.

“Once I saw you, none of it mattered.” He thrust again, driving his point home.

“Without you, I have nothing.”

She reached back and stroked his cheek, smiling when he kissed her palm. “Not true. You have everything I lost.”

He began to finger her clit, driving her toward the edge. “Remember explaining red to a blind man? Explain what a mate means to someone who has never had one. Then explain to your mate why you cherish every breath she takes.” He licked his mating mark again. “Now explain to your very stubborn mate that she is your necessity. Nothing else is worth shit without her.”

“Alex.” She sighed. She knew what he meant. He was her home, her heart. Her necessity. “I know. Believe me, I know.”

He smiled. He understood what she was, and wasn’t, saying. He bit down, throwing her over the edge into orgasm.

Her head flew back, her hands clenched the countertop. She groaned, long and low, the orgasm rippling through her. If he hadn’t clamped his hands on her hips at the last moment, she would have hit the floor.

He used that grip to begin truly pounding into her, his point finally made. He hammered her relentlessly, driving her through the orgasm and to the brink of another one.

Holy shit. The man was a machine. How did he keep doing this to her? She’d just had an orgasm so intense she thought her brain might explode, and here he was, pushing her toward another one that felt like it would shatter her world. He kept her pinned in place, his teeth sunk into her neck, his hands dug into her flesh.

One of his hands lifted from her hips to tangle in her hair, keeping her head up.

She could read what she could see of his face. He wanted her to watch what they did to each other, even if she could only see it from the stomach up.

She didn’t need to see much more than that, she could feel it. And oh, how good it felt. She reached down and began to strum her clit, chasing after the orgasm his body promised her. He moaned against her neck, his face grimacing. His fangs sank even deeper into her. She felt the tug on her hair, the pleasure/pain at her throat and exploded around him. It robbed her of breath, her mouth opening on a silent scream, the sensation so intense she almost blacked out.

He lifted his head and groaned. “More.”

Oh fuck no. More might kill her.

He licked the blood dripping from her mark. His power filled her, healing the puncture wounds instantly. “Hold on tight.”

Hold on? “Whoa!” He lifted her again, keeping her seated on his cock. He managed to get them to her tattoo chair, draping her over it. His hands landed on the padded armrests, using them for leverage.

Gonna have to disinfect the cha-air… He began to fuck her hard, groaning behind her. Her flesh slid on the slick vinyl.

“Come for me.”

Nuh-uh. No way. Too much more and she’d pass out for real.

“C’mon, baby. I know you’ve got it in you.” Flesh slapped against flesh, the sound so erotic she could feel her body beginning to respond. “God, I love fucking you.

So hot and wet, so tight. Gonna make me come, baby.”

Good idea. Tabby hid her face in the chair clenched her muscles, squeezing his cock as hard as she could.

“Oh, shit!” Bunny slammed into her and came. His arms strained against the chair. She thought she could hear the sound of metal bending and hoped they weren’t about to break anything.

He damn near sobbed as his orgasm drew to an end. “God. Love you, baby.”

She smiled. “I know.”

He kissed the spot between her shoulder blades. “And?”

“You’re not so bad yourself.”


She could hear the uncertainty in his voice. Even after everything they’d shared tonight, he still doubted? “Love you too.”

He sighed. “Thank you. Stubborn woman.”

She peeked through the small space where the armrest joined the rest of the chair. “We still need to clean up.”

He moved his hips, his cock flexing inside her. “One more for the road?”

She turned her head as much as her position would allow her and glared up at him.

He lifted off of her. “Fine. But your ass is mine when we get home.”

She couldn’t stop the stupid, silly grin that crossed her face.

Home. She loved the sound of that, even if home right now was a hotel room. And she loved the man who’d given it back to her.

The phone rang at four in the morning. Bunny opened one bleary eye and glared at the nightstand where he’d dropped his cell before collapsing into bed.


“Shh.” He rubbed Tabby’s back with one hand and snagged his phone with the other. “Go back to sleep, baby.”

“’Kay.” She squirmed, settling back down.

He didn’t even check the caller ID before answering. “’Lo?”

“Alex? It’s Dad.”

“Mm-hmm.” Wait. Wasn’t he supposed to be with Chloe tonight? Heart pounding, Bunny sat up. “Chloe?”

“She’s awake, son.”

Yes! “Then it worked?”

“Yup. We owe Julian more than ever.” William chuckled. “Your uncle is considering adoption. Your aunt says it’s a done deal.”

Bunny chuckled. “I wonder how Julian will feel about that.”

“Speaking of which, we tried calling him to make sure he was all right and didn’t get an answer. You mind going to his place and checking on him?”

How the hell had they gotten Julian’s number? Bunny shook his head. His family had ways of finding things out he still didn’t get. “Yeah, no problem. And let Chloe know I’ll be there first thing in the morning.”

“Will do. Thanks, son.”

“Night, dad.” Bunny hung up and rubbed his eyes. He’d gotten maybe three hours of sleep, but getting up now would be worth it. Julian had just become a Bunsun-Williams, whether he knew it or not, and the family took care of its own.

He got out of bed and reached for his jeans, wincing slightly at the pull of his tattoo.


Damn. He hadn’t meant to wake Tabby. “Go back to sleep, baby.”

“Everything okay?”

“Chloe woke up.”

Tabby sat halfway up, propping herself on her arms. “Really?”

He nodded and pulled on his pants. “I’m heading out for a little bit. If I’m not back in time for you to head to work, I’ll see you at lunch, okay?”

“Will the hospital let you in at this time of night?”

He thought for all of a second about lying to her. “I’m not going to the hospital.

The family wants me to check on Julian, make sure he’s okay.”

She sat up fully. “I’ll go with you.”

He shook his head. “You have work tomorrow. Besides, if something is wrong I’m a Bear. I can try to heal anything that might be wrong with him.”

“He’s my friend, I need to be there.”

He put his hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her back down. “He’s family, and I’ll take care of it. If I’m out later than planned, I can always sleep. You have to turn people into living art, remember? You can’t do that if you’re exhausted.”

She blew her bangs out of her eyes. “You’ll call me if anything’s wrong.”

It wasn’t a question, but a demand. He nodded. She’d want to know if Julian was all right. “I promise I’ll call if I find anything more than Julian sleeping.”

She bit her lip and nodded reluctantly. “Okay. Be careful. Whoever attacked Chloe is still out there.”

He raised one brow at her.

“I don’t care if you are a fucking grizzly. Even you can be taken down with the right hit to the head.”

“Yes, Mama.” He wondered if she knew that small-caliber bullets would literally bounce off his skull when he was in Bear form?

She shook her head and settled back down. “Please. Take care. For all we know, whoever attacked her is going after your family.”

He paused. That thought hadn’t occurred to him. He figured it had something to do with Chloe being alone, or being a Fox. Why would anyone go after her for being a Williams? “That makes no sense.”

“Your family is well-off. It could have been a kidnapping plot gone wrong.”

He shook his head. “No. She was beaten, remember? That speaks of anger.” He sat on the edge of the bed.

“You think whoever beat her knew her?”

“Maybe.” He rubbed his face. It was too damn early to think, but he had to. If Tabby was endangered because of what had happened with Chloe, he’d never forgive himself. “I’ll find out if she remembers anything when I see her later.” He pressed a soft kiss to Tabby’s forehead. “You go back to sleep. I’m going to finish dressing and get out of here.”

“Okay. Take care, sugar.”

“Love you, baby.”

She smiled sweetly. “Ditto.”

He chuckled and stood, buttoning his jeans. “Brat.”

“Your brat.”

He grinned. He loved the warm feeling he got whenever he realized that, yes, she was his. “Damn straight.”

He finished dressing as quietly as he could. He pocketed his keys and phone, threw on his jacket and boots and headed for the door. The fall air would be cold this time of morning. He listened for a moment, reassuring himself that Tabby had gone back to sleep before slipping out of the hotel room. He made his way to the parking lot and started his bike.

It didn’t take long to get to Julian’s apartment. He wasn’t surprised when, at this hour, there was barely any traffic. He pulled into the parking lot and headed for Julian’s door.

He reached the door and pulled out his cell phone. He was starting to wake up, thanks to the brisk air. He dialed Julian’s number and listened to it ring.

No answer. Shit. He rang the doorbell.

Then he rang it again.

He knocked. Then he pounded. “Shit.” Something was wrong.

He called Gabe. The man answered on the second ring, sounding wide awake. He didn’t bother with a greeting. “Julian isn’t answering his door or his phone. He used his abilities to wake Chloe up, and now I think he’s in trouble.”

Gabe didn’t even hesitate. “I’m on my way.”

“I’m breaking in. Don’t arrest me.”

“You have reason to believe he’s in distress. Break away.”

Bunny hung up the phone, reared back, and kicked Julian’s door in. He found the Bear passed out on the floor.

His hair was completely white.

Bunny ran his hands over his bald head. What the fuck did this mean? Julian’s hair should have gone back to black by now. “Shit.” He picked Julian up and put him on the sofa. He summoned Bear and settled into the healing spiral. Down he went, deep into Julian’s body, looking for any signs of trauma. A side effect would be the partial healing of his own tattoo, but that couldn’t be helped. He could only hope that it didn’t scar and ruin his mate’s beautiful work.

Nothing. Julian was completely healthy and thoroughly unconscious.

He pulled himself back up the healing path, wondering what the hell he should do now. Wait. He peered closer at Julian’s head and huffed out a relieved breath.

Black strands were slowly appearing among the white. The Spirit Bear would be fine.

He sat back and waited for Gabe to arrive.

“Hell. What did you do, rip the door of the hinges?”

Speak of the devil. Bunny grimaced. “Dude in distress, remember? I kicked it in.”

Gabe whistled. “I didn’t think Bears were that strong.”

“Black Bears aren’t,” Bunny muttered. Were Julian’s lashes fluttering?

“Right. Grizzly. I keep forgetting that.” Gabe propped the broken door in the opening and made his way to the sofa. “How is he?”

“Waking up, I think.”

“Why is his hair white?”

“He’s Kermode, remember? Their hair does this when they’re healing.”

“Or spirit-walking,” Julian groaned. His eyes opened and Bunny gasped. The man’s normally deep brown eyes were a steely gray. “Chloe’s awake.”

“Yeah. I got the call. The family asked me to come check on you when you didn’t answer your phone.”

Julian grimaced. “Told them I needed lots of privacy.”

“In this family? You’ll be lucky if you get to take a piss alone from now on.”

Julian frowned. “I’m not family.”

Gabe began to laugh. “That’s what you think. I just came from the hospital. Trust me, you’ve been informally adopted. By a bunch of grizzlies, no less.”

Julian’s eyes went wide. “Grizzlies? ” He stared at Bunny, his expression a mixture of shock and wicked amusement. “Does Gary know you’re a grizzly?”

Bunny smirked. “Not yet.”

“Besides, the ones you really need to worry about are the Foxes,” Gabe added.

“They’re sneaky. You’ll never see them coming.”

Now it was Bunny’s turn to laugh. Foxes were notoriously good at hiding their scent. Gabe was right. Julian wouldn’t know what hit him if that half of the family decided to show up on his doorstep. Uncle Ray, Aunt Laura, Chloe, Tiffany and Heather could be formidable when they banded together. God help him if those four decided Julian needed nursing.

Julian shivered. “Why is it so cold in here?” He looked over at his door and frowned. “What the hell happened to my door?”

Bunny rolled his eyes. Gabe really needed to stop laughing.

“So she’s awake?”


“Julian woke her?”

Tabby sighed. Cyn had been up her ass all morning. “Yup.”

“And Bunny said he’s fine?”

She eyed her boss. “Julian’s fine, just very tired.” And what an understatement that was. Alex told her that whatever Julian had done to help his cousin had taken a lot out of her friend. He’d stayed awake long enough to “come back completely” (whatever the hell that meant) before sleeping again. Alex figured he’d sleep for at least twenty-four hours.

“She. I meant she. Chloe’s fine, right?”

Tabby hid her face and groaned. “Chloe’s awake but she’s not fine. She doesn’t remember who attacked her.”

“Crap.” Cyn leaned against the countertop. “What does she remember?”

“She says she thinks she got a phone call from a friend. She was walking to meet the person when bam. Lights out. She woke up in the hospital last night, wondering what the hell happened.”

“Shit. So it could have been Gary?”

Tabby shook her head. “I don’t think so. Gary hasn’t made a move toward anyone but me. He’d have no reason to go after her.”

“Does he need one?” Tabby lifted her head, ready to argue the point. Cyn held up her hand, stopping her. “Hear me out. He’s an asshat. He doesn’t need a reason to go after someone he sees as weaker.”

“How would Chloe be weaker?”

“She’s unprotected, right? Not part of a Pack?”

Tabby snorted. “No Fox is part of a Pack. They live in family groups, remember?”

“No, because, duh, I’m not a member of the furry set. Remember?”

“What happened, couldn’t find someone to give you a bite?”

Cyn glowered. “Julian got to them before I did. I went to talk to Chloe’s aunt like you told me to. She turned me down.”

“Oh.” Tabby hid her face again. It wouldn’t do to laugh in Cyn’s face.

“She told me her adopted son would take care of it when the time was right.”

Tabby’s shoulders shook. She hoped her arms were muffling her laughter.

“What the hell? She told me it wasn’t her place to change me and that the honor belonged to my mate.”

“He’d probably prefer it that way, actually.”

Cyn growled.

“Seriously.” Tabby lifted her head again and let Cyn see the evil grin on her face.

“If it’s anything like a mating bite then you’ll want him to do it.” She waggled her eyebrows at her friend and waited for the explosion.

“In his dreams!” Cyn stomped toward the back of the shop. “Don’t think I won’t find a way around this. Fucking asshole. Thinks he can stop me, does he?” She eyed Tabby speculatively. “So. Does your offer still stand?”

Tabby groaned. “Julian said if you become Wolf or Puma, your life will be in danger. I can’t.”

Cyn growled.

“Believe me, if I could, I would in a heartbeat. But I’m not willing to risk your life.

If Julian’s right, you could die, Cyn.” Tabby shook her head. Julian was in for an interesting time of it. Cyn had taken it into her head that Julian was holding out on her for no good reason.

“Fine,” Cyn ground out between her teeth. “I’ll be in the back doing paperwork.”

She stormed off, and Tabby knew it wouldn’t be long before Cyn took matters into her own hands.

Truthfully, Tabby didn’t know why Julian was waiting to mark Cyn. Cyn was his mate. He had to have known it for some time. So why was he insisting that they needed to wait? Tabby had wanted to mark Alex the moment she saw him. She couldn’t imagine leaving either one of them hanging, especially now that she’d gotten a taste of him.

The bell over the front door jingled. Tabby got off her stool and turned to greet the new customer. Hopefully the customer would take Cyn’s mind off becoming a shifter, at least until she could get Julian to explain things to Cyn personally.

“Hello, Outcast.”

“Gary.” She stepped away from the countertop, her back hitting the wall. Gary was flanked by his two idiot bits of muscle. Fuck. He had a baseball bat in his hands.

“C’mon out, Tabby. You know what we want. Give it to us and no one will get hurt.” He grinned, his fangs showing. “Especially that pussy mate of yours.”

She shuddered. No way was she letting Gary get his hands on her.

“Tabby?” Aw hell. Before Tabby could stop her, Glory stepped out from behind the curtain. “Um. Gary. What can we do for you?”

She’d said it just a little too loudly. Gary scowled at her before gesturing to one of his minions. “Get Cyn. I bet she’s in the back.”

Tabby scooted out from behind the counter. “Leave them alone, Gary.”

He smiled, his expression cold. “Now why would I want to do that?”

The two goons laughed. One of them pushed past Glory and headed into the back.

“Get your hands off me!”

Tabby stiffened at the dull sound of a fist landing on flesh. She didn’t know if it was Cyn or the goon who’d landed a blow. She hoped it was Cyn. If Cyn got hurt, she had no idea what Julian would do.

Cyn was shoved through the open curtain. Gary’s friend took his place next to Gary. Tabby risked looking back. Hell, Cyn had a big red mark on her cheek.

Julian was going to flip out.

Glass shattered. Glory shrieked. Tabby turned back to Gary to find him standing over the broken remains of their glass counter, the baseball bat stuck through the metal shell. “Pay attention, bitch!”

Tabby held up her hands. She moved in front of Cyn and Glory, protecting them from the three Wolves menacing them. “You really don’t want to do this.”

Gary smirked. “You’re Outcast. I can do whatever the fuck I want to you.” He tilted his head. “We don’t want to hurt the little humans too much, though.” His grin turned mean. “We don’t want to cause trouble.”

“I hate to tell you this, son, but you’re already in trouble.” Gabe stepped into the shop followed by a tall, golden-haired man in a suit. Max Cannon glowered at the three wolves, his gaze raking across the women’s faces, assessing the damage.

Oh, thank God, the cavalry is here.

Gabe’s hand rested on the gun at his hip. He was in full uniform. “Put the bat down. Now.”

Gary glared at Tabby. “I’m Wolf. I have the right to lay claim to the Outcast.”

Max chuckled, but there was nothing of amusement in the sound. “In your dreams.” He straightened. “You’re on my territory, asshole, threatening one of mine. Back off.” An invisible wave of power flowed from the man. The strength of the Alpha who stood in the doorway was subtle, but strong, a lot stronger than Tabby’s old Alpha. “You don’t really want to piss me off, do you?”

Gary’s packmates cringed and backed away from the women. Gary merely sneered. “You can’t claim the bitch as one of yours. She’s a Wolf and an Outcast.”

Max Cannon merely lifted one golden brow. “Oh? Why not?”

Gary turned to face the Puma Alpha. “It’s against Protocol!”

Max grinned. “In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m not a Wolf.” He pointed to Tabby, Glory, and Cyn, his gesture encompassing all three of them. “And these ladies are under my protection.”

Tabby shivered. Something shifted deep within her soul, her Wolf reacting with a mix of confusion and happiness. She’d never felt anything like it before.

Max took a step forward, menace dripping off of him, an Alpha defending his territory. “Do you want to go a few rounds and see which one of us wins?” His eyes had turned from pure crystalline blue to molten gold. Puma eyes. His hands flexed, his claws coming out. “I guarantee you don’t.”

Gary shook his head, his expression full of disbelief. “You can’t do that.”

Max cocked his head, his golden eyes narrowed “She’s proven herself to me and, more importantly, to my Second. Who, by the way, happens to be a Hunter.”

Gary paled.

Gabe’s deep blue eyes had also turned gold. He winked at Tabby over Max’s shoulder. “Welcome to the Pride.”

She gaped at Max, who nodded, his gaze never leaving the stunned, furious Wolf in front of him. She hadn’t even realized what had been missing until Max accepted her. She was part of something again, even if it wasn’t a Pack. The deep burden of loneliness that had dogged her steps for years was finally gone. “Thank you.”

“You can’t. You’re not a Wolf. You don’t have the right to take her in.”

Max grinned. His fangs were showing. “You’ve already pointed out she’s Outcast.

That means she’d have to prove herself in order to join a Pack. In case you missed it, I just happen to be an Alpha. She’s proven herself to me, and now I’ve chosen to take her in. That makes her mine.” In the blink of an eye, Max moved, wrapping his hand around Gary’s throat. Tabby could see the little dents in Gary’s skin where Max’s claws pressed hard enough to leave a mark, but not hard enough to draw blood. “Are we clear?”

Gary gulped. “Yes.”

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, Alpha,” Gary whimpered.

“Good. Now. If I find out you’re harassing my Pridemate again, I will kick your ass so hard you’ll be eating through your sphincter. Do you understand me?” Max shook him lightly.

“Yes, Alpha Cannon,” Gary gritted out through clenched teeth. He’d just acknowledged Max’s right to protect Tabby and he didn’t look very happy about it.

“And you’re paying for the damages to this shop and Cyn’s face. Understand, pup?” Mist swirled around Max’s feet, almost invisible, but incredibly powerful.

Tabby trembled. Her shoulders bowed and her head dropped, Max’s power pulling her to her knees. Behind her, Glory and Cyn both groaned, obviously feeling the same effects.

Gary’s eyes changed, turning deep brown. Wolf’s eyes. He stayed on his feet; he had no choice. Max’s claws were still digging into his neck. “Yes, Alpha Cannon.”

Max let go slowly, drawing his claws across the outside of Gary’s neck. “Now, get out of here before I have Gabe arrest you. Or worse.” He tilted his head, his gaze never leaving Gary’s face. “What happens to Hunted shifters, Gabe?”

“I’m not Outcast!” Gary’s face turned beet red.

“No, but you’re bordering on rogue, boy.” Gabe took a stance to Max’s left, placing himself between the girls and the Wolves. “And rogues are my specialty.”

“Go back to school, little boy. If you grow up to be a real Alpha, you’ll understand what I’m doing here. Until then? Stay out of town. You’re not welcome here anymore.”

“You might want to consider going to another school. Maybe one closer to home?”

Gabe frowned. “Who is your Alpha, anyway?”

Gary gulped. “We’re leaving.” He scrambled out the door, dragging his friends with him.

Gabe shook his head, glaring at the trio rushing down the street. “What the hell is going on?”

“I have no idea, but I plan on finding out.” They exchanged a look before Max turned to the girls. “You three okay?”

“One of them hit Cyn.” Tabby lifted her head and took her first real breath since Gary had entered Living Art. Max had reined in his power. She could stand again.

She rose, grimacing at the sounds of broken glass underfoot.

Glory groaned, staring at the shattered glass counter. “Hell. We can’t open for business like this. Somebody will get hurt.”

“How did you know that you could make me Pride?” Tabby was still stunned. She was part of something again. She hadn’t even realized how tense she’d been until Max accepted her into his Pride. She felt so loose, so relieved, she was dizzy with it.

Max shrugged. “I didn’t. I just know Rick’s Luna is a Puma, and she’s now part of his Pack. I was hoping you wouldn’t need a Puma mate for it to work.”

Tabby paled. “What would have happened if it hadn’t worked?”

Max grinned. “You’d still be under my protection until Rick arrives.”

Arrives? “Um. The Poconos Alpha is coming?” Tabby backed away, bumping into Cyn and Glory.

“Ow. Shit. I can’t believe that asshole punched me.”

Tabby turned, thoughts of the scary Wolf Alpha driven from her mind. “Oh crap.

Cyn, you okay?”

“Let me see.” Max walked around her to help Cyn and Glory to their feet. His fingers lightly stroked the red, swollen flesh. “You’ve got one hell of a bruise.”

“Ow.” Cyn winced, pulling away from Max’s fingers. “That mutt is going to pay for this.”

“Let us deal with it.” Gabe picked up a piece of art, placing it on a stool near the shattered counter.

“Change me so I can deal with it myself! I’m sick and tired of the Fuzzy Club traipsing in and out of my place and wrecking my life!”

Max chuckled. “I heard that a certain Bear had it in mind to take care of that himself.”

Cyn screamed. Everyone stared at her, shocked. “Does everyone know about this but me?”

Max backed up, his eyes wide. “Maybe we should just go now.”

Gabe backed up right along with his Alpha. “Good idea.” The two men fled, heading in the opposite direction from Gary.

“Cowards!” Cyn shouted after them.

Glory giggled. “You just scared off one of the most powerful men in town.”

Cyn wrinkled her nose. “He may be an Alpha, and he may be powerful, but deep down inside? He’s still a man.” She kicked a piece of glass across the floor. “Put a pissed-off woman in front of him and he runs like the yellow-bellied coward he is.”

Tabby’s jaw dropped. “You have met Max’s wife, right?”

Glory was laughing so hard Tabby wasn’t certain she was breathing.

Cyn rolled her eyes. “C’mon, let’s get this cleaned up before The Three Bears show up. God knows which of us will have to play Goldilocks if they do.”

“Want me to have Julian look at that bruise?”

The glare Cyn shot at her should have turned her into a pile of ash.

Watching her two friends get mated was going to be so much fun!

She took the broom Cyn handed her and sighed.

Yeah. Fun.
