Sherry Thomas Beguiling the Beauty Fitzhugh Trilogy - 1

For my agent, Kristin Nelson, who makes everything possible


Wendy McCurdy, for her exceptional instincts and abundant patience.

Kristin Nelson, for an invaluable last-minute consultation. And for her yummy crème brûlée.

Kris Alice Hohls, for correcting all the German phrases in the manuscript—and for being wonderful.

Maili Ryan, for being the bottomless fount of knowledge she is and for her help in eradicating Americanisms from my writing. Responsibility for those that remain is solely mine for not asking her.

Joanna Chambers, for stepping in to answer questions for Maili.

Judith Ivory, whose novel Beast inspired this novel.

Janine, for always being there, ready to help.

Ivy Adams, for being endlessly entertaining.

Tiffany Yates Martin of Fox Print Editorial, who was accidentally left out of the acknowledgment page of His at Night.

Google Books, the best friend I’ve ever had on the research front. How did I ever live without you? Google Maps, my other indispensable buddy. Together you make every day a fun threesome.

My readers, for their interest and support during my gap year from the shelves.

My truly wonderful family.

Deadlines being what they are, acknowledgments are always written when I’m bleary-eyed and underslept, my heart full of gratitude but my three remaining brain cells flopping about uselessly. If I’ve forgotten anyone, it is not from a lack of appreciation, but only a temporary absence of gray matter.

As always, if you are reading this, thank you. Thank you for everything.
