Chapter Four

Rex couldn’t help it. He thoroughly enjoyed himself. After her magnificent put-down aimed at Darcy’s fat head, Nat continued to entertain the table with her acerbic wit and spot-on accuracy when commenting on those around them.

She knew most of the guests in attendance and spoke honestly about what she knew. Nothing mean spirited, nothing false, but nothing sugar coated, either. The others sitting with them seemed to like her well enough. A good thing the men were all in relationships, because Rex had decided he wanted Nat as more than a sexual partner, but as a companion as well.

Hell, commitment seemed to work for Brian. He and Faith looked like halves of the same whole every time he saw them sitting hand in hand, laughing and talking. Why couldn’t he have the same with Nat? Especially when he knew she liked the same things in bed that he did.

But a smart man set the stage for seduction. She’d flat out said she didn’t do office relationships or involve herself in office politics, and unfortunately, his tie to the mayor was biting him in the ass. He had a feeling he wouldn’t change her mind with a smile and a wink.

Despite how hot she’d been at the club, he had a feeling she separated that Natalie from the office wunderkind. Going too fast with her would be a mistake. She organized her books by size and color, for God’s sake. He hadn’t seen a piece of dust in her homey little house.

And he knew for a fact her employment came with a mandated decency clause. Visiting Freddy’s club and playing sexual games with Rex wouldn’t do any wonders for her job. Seeing her tonight, in her element, he didn’t think she’d ever do anything to jeopardize her position.

Unless he could seduce her into a yes.

The evening wore on, and they enjoyed a pleasant meal, fine company, and finally some dancing.

He pulled her with him onto the dance floor and held her close, ecstatic to inhale the scent of her, committing it to memory. Oh yeah. He wanted this woman.

“Um, a little room to breathe would be nice,” she murmured against his chest.

“Why? You can share breaths with me.” He looked down, and this close, their lips almost touched.

“Sorry, but that flashlight in your pants is rubbing me the wrong way. Remember, this is work—this isn’t really a date.”

“It’s your fault. If you weren’t so damn sexy, I wouldn’t be so…excited to be with you.” He pulled back a pace and did his best to give his brain a cold shower. The mayor and his wife passed by with a smile. That did the trick.

Nat gave a deep throated chuckle that turned his arousal on once more.

“Cut it out,” he said. “You’ll embarrass me in front of these people.”

“Tell you what, Reginald—”

“Low blow, Nat.”

“—I’ll be nice if you follow through on your end of the bargain.”

“What’s that?”

“Tell me the secrets of the rich and obnoxious.”

He smiled. “My pleasure.”

They whirled around while he spoke about those he knew whom he couldn’t stand. Pretentious assholes who only liked him and his parents because they had money. He figured Nat should be forewarned to be forearmed if she ever had to deal with any of them. He also told her about the standup folks in the city she could probably trust, some of whom had genuinely surprised him.

They danced and spoke for two more songs before the band took a break.

“Wow. I hadn’t realized how late it is.” Nat blinked. “Did they just say they’d be back at midnight?”

Rex shrugged. “I guess.”

“I have to work tomorrow. Time for me to go.”

The Warrens continued to dance, but Brian and Faith had disappeared an hour ago. Probably to go home and fuck like bunnies. With a sigh, he stopped that train of thought right there.

“Rex, honey. Where have you been all night?”

Perfect. He turned to see his mother and father smiling expectantly at both him and Nat. “Hey, Momma. Daddy.”

Next to him, Nat smiled back. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Samson. I’m Natalie Wielder. Your son bamboozled me into a date this evening. But despite that, I’m having a good time.”

His father laughed, took Nat’s hand and kissed the back of it. “Enchanted, Ms. Wielder.”

Nat flushed. His freakin’ father had made another conquest. Stupid to feel jealous of the old man.

“Call me Nat,” she said, including his mother in the smile.

“I’m Sue, and this is Harry.” His mother took Nat’s hand in a firm shake. “You look lovely, dear. Rex, handsome as always. Anyway, we just wanted to say hello, not to interrupt.”

“It’s nice to meet you. I have to be going anyway. Work tomorrow.”

“I know that feeling.” His father sighed. “Time we were off as well. Must be nice to set your own hours.” He slapped Rex on the back, then tugged his wife away. “See you tomorrow, boy.”

“See you.” Rex watched them leave, pleased his parents had behaved themselves…for once.

“Nice people.” Nat stared at him, and that hint of snark that turned him on so much returned.

“What’s that look?” he wanted to know. They walked back to their table, collected her wrap and purse, and left the dining hall.

“Momma? Daddy? What a cute little Southern boy you are.” She laughed.

“Hey, don’t knock it. This charming boy still gets the first slice of Momma’s red velvet cake. And the first peaches of the season.”

They walked outside, and he handed the valet his ticket.

“I’m not making fun. Well, I am a bit. But I like your closeness to your parents.” Nat let him tuck her wrap around her tighter when the wind picked up. Not that the weather could get too cool in June, but for once, they had a nice breeze.

“How about your folks?”

“My parents are divorced. Have been since I was a kid. But we all still get along, mostly. I love my family. I think it’s great you obviously love yours.”

He nodded. “Blood’s thicker than water, politics and sweet tea down here.”

She grinned, and it was all he could do not to lean closer and kiss those luscious lips. Instead, he smiled, glanced at the coming car and helped her inside after the valet parked. He slid the kid a few bills, then drove them back to her house.

“I had a nice time, Nat.” He drove slower than he normally would, wanting to stretch out their time together.

“I had fun too. Shocker.”

He liked her attitude. Too much. He’d learned so much about her this evening and had liked all of it. He could fairly call his feelings a crush, edged with huge amounts of animal attraction, and growing toward true affection.

God, he had to have this woman.

They pulled into her driveway, in an older but nicer section of town. “So how about tomorrow night? Got anything planned?” he asked as he cracked open his door. The lights in the car turned on, and she faced him, her eyes a fathomless pool of mystery.

Don’t I sound all schmaltzy thinking poetic-like.

“What’s that smile for?” she asked.


“Yeah. You look like you want to eat me up.” Even as she said it, she flushed.

“It’s like you want me to say terrible things,” he teased. “I can’t help it. You’re as sweet as sugar. So yeah, sugar, I want to eat you up.”

“And that’s my cue to leave.”

Before she could, he put a hand on her arm. “Wait a minute.” He hurried out of the car and circled to open her door. “After you.” He assisted her out, then walked her to her door.

She paused with her key in the lock. “I had a nice time, Rex.”

“I wish you’d stop acting so surprised by it.”

She laughed. “Sorry. It was fun.”

“So we’ll do this again?”

“Surprisingly, I’d like to. But no. I’m not looking to start a relationship with the mayor’s pal. I don’t mix business and pleasure. Ever. My job is important to me. You can understand that.”

“You know, just because my folks happen to be friendly with Mrs. Jessup, and I was talking to the mayor yesterday, doesn’t mean we’re tight.”

“It doesn’t help.”

Hell. He tried again. “Look, we’re both mature enough adults that we can enjoy each other’s company without being all weird about it. So the idea of a ‘connected’ boyfriend turns you off. How about if I promise not to lure you into my bedroom? Can’t we just hang out as friends?”

She blinked. “Friends? As in talk and spend time together—nonsexual time together?”

“Yeah.” Until I trick you into letting me blow your mind.

“Well… Why?” She was wavering. He could tell.

“It’s not that easy to hang with women who don’t expect anything from me. I like you, Nat. You’re honest and hard working. You don’t take anyone’s nonsense. And it’s nice to go to dinner with someone who’s not my buddy Brian.”

She grinned.

“Why can’t we be friends, at least? I won’t push you for anything you don’t want. I’m a standup guy. Ask around.”

Her shy smile socked him, right in the heart. “You really want to be friends?”

“Did I stutter?”

She paused, and he felt on the verge of losing something important. “You’re going to be a huge pain in my ass, I can tell.” Then she nodded. “Sure, why not? But don’t think I can’t end this anytime you get pushy.”

“I said I won’t.” I so will, but not until you’re ready, my pretty mistress. “So how about another date that isn’t a date?”


“Please, don’t hold back your enthusiasm.”

She chuckled. “Sorry. I’m still not sold on us being friends, but I have to admit you were fun tonight.”

“Yep. That’s me. Fun Rex Samson. So tomorrow night?”

“Sorry, no. I have plans.”


“You know, until recently, I never had much of a social life. But it just happens that I have plans for dinner with a friend tomorrow night. Freddy Thompson—my assistant’s girlfriend. Do you know her?”

“I do. She’s a peach.” She was hanging with Freddy? Could he impose on Brian’s sister to hook him up with Nat again? Excitement thrummed through him, and he did his best to appear cool. “You’ll have fun with Freddy. So, Saturday? We could do dinner and a movie, nothing fancy or too date-like for you.” Or whips and chains. Some hot wax…

“Saturday then. As friends. Okay.”

He smiled. Then, before she could dart into her home and disappear, he tugged her into his arms. His mouth found hers before she could protest, and he put his all into the kiss. Not a hardship, considering how badly he wanted inside her.

Jesus, the woman turned him inside out. He kept remembering her bossiness at the club. Saw her wide smile as she danced with him at the gala.

He slid his mouth over hers, tasting the hints of cherry from her wine. But the sweetness that was all Natalie arrowed to the spot between his legs needing ease. He swallowed her moan, gratified he wasn’t the only one affected. Her tongue glided over his, and when she sucked him deeper into her mouth, he tightened his hold on her. Somehow his hands had slid to her hips, and he gripped her, wanting so much more than a quick fuck.

She had to remember him, to want him again when it was all over. And no vanilla one-night stand would do that. If she did sleep with him, she’d end things right away. He was still in the enemy camp. She needed to trust him…with all of her.

“Unfortunately, my past partners have all tended to tell me what do to. It’s frustrating,” she’d said. Definitely not the time to show her that he could do all kinds of talented things in bed. While he enjoyed submitting to a more dominant partner, he was no pushover. He intended to manipulate this particular woman until he had her where he wanted her. And he wouldn’t feel bad about it at all.

He found the strength to pull back, even when her nails gripped his shoulders. “Damn, honey. You are sweet.”


“That was a one-time kiss. Just because I had to know how you’d taste. Now we’ll forget all about it and be friends.” Like hell. He winked. “I’ll swing by Saturday night to pick you up. Seven all right?” He took a healthy step back, wishing the night could have ended differently.

“Seven is fine.” She cleared her throat. “I meant what I said about keeping things between us platonic.”

“Well, I’ll miss never having a kiss like that again, but you’re worth it.”

She frowned, then smoothed out the expression into a reluctant smile. “Tricky guy. So. Friends.”


“Then I’ll see you Saturday.”

“Have fun tomorrow night.” He took another step back, then gave her his best grin. “But be thinking of me.”

She rolled her eyes. “Gee, Rex. I’ve had nothing but thoughts of you since we first met.”

“All X-rated, I bet.” He wiggled his brows, glad of her amusement. This softening showed another side to the woman, and knowing she had plenty of depth, knowing there was more than her work persona or the sexy vixen he’d played with at the club, intrigued him to learn more. “See you soon, sugar.”

He had just reached his car before he heard behind him, “The name’s Nat, in case you forgot.”

He chuckled as he drove away, then made a quick call to Freddy. “Need another favor, dear girl. And yes, I’m aware of how much I owe you. But hey, I’m sad and single. Have pity on me.”

He laughed at her response, then tried to figure out the best way to get sexy, domineering Nat to open up. And lose some clothes in the process.

Nat didn’t know what she’d been thinking to agree to meet Freddy at the club again. She’d been sure she’d seen the last of the place. Her job depended on her being morally upright, at least in public. More like morally uptight.

She blamed Rex for her troubles. Besides being so charming, fun and intelligent, he was far sexier than any man had a right to be. Dangerous to her state of mind. That stupid, mind-blowing, panty-melting kiss. Oh, he knew what he was about. But he’d been so much fun. She wanted to see him again. As friends, girl. Just friends.

Yet had he given the slightest inclination to go further last night, she would have taken him inside and ridden him ’til dawn. Even vanilla sex with Rex promised pleasure. Then she could safely never see him again, protecting her heart and her job.

But no, he had to be a gentleman, which made her want him even more. She found his restraint, his confidence, hell, even his shoe-size sexy. Nat had a crush for the first time in years. Despite Rex’s insistence he and the mayor were only casual acquaintances, she could see that they moved in the same circles. Too close for her comfort. She’d learned her lesson the hard way years ago, watching her then boss and mentor get fired for sleeping with a subordinate. So no office romances. Period. Nat’s rules, Nat’s flourishing career.

But that didn’t mean they couldn’t be friends. Friends were safe, and she admitted she’d enjoyed his company more than she’d thought she would. Especially now that she’d be able to satisfy her raging libido with a random hookup tonight, courtesy of Freddy’s many contacts.

“I must be crazy agreeing to this,” she muttered by a door in a private hall upstairs.

Next to her, Freddy laughed. “Trust me. I know crazy, and you aren’t it. Behind this door, now that’s crazy.” She handed Nat a harlequin mask. “Everyone who plays at my club indulges in safe sex. We don’t compromise on physical or emotional safety. So you want secrecy, you got it. The masks will keep all of you anonymous. Plus, the lights are dim. It’s romantic and helps hide you even more.”

“Nice.” Nat’s palms were sweating. For four months she’d been celibate and, if not happy, at least okay with being alone. But since meeting Rex, she’d wanted more.

“So, you like to be in charge, and you like watching men play. It feels good to be honest, doesn’t it?”

“It does,” she admitted.

Nat must have been delirious opening up to Freddy over cocktails. But it felt good to have a friend she didn’t have to lie to. Someone she could be herself with. She’d only just gotten to know Freddy, but already she trusted her. The woman loved Harper, and Nat had never had a better work partner in all her years. Someone she could trust, someone participating in an alternative relationship himself.

“You said you’re into light play, so you don’t need to worry about safewords and real lifestyle stuff. At least, they won’t be expecting it tonight.”

“Wait. They?

“You just tell them what to do and they’ll do it. No pain, only obeisance to your orders. Mistress.” Freddy winked. “Now you’re all free to have fun.” Freddy stepped away.

“They?” Nat asked again. “We’re all free to have fun? What we?” Nat had expected a single man to play with, and that was pushing things as it was.

“Go get ’em, tiger. Lighten up, get laid and enjoy life.” Freddy turned and left.

Lighten up, get laid and enjoy life—a mantra Nat could get behind, especially because Freddy had promised no recriminations after. No townsfolk with pitchforks and fire ready to roast the kinky urban planner. No morality police pointing fingers and making fun. The club catered to honest desire. No hang-ups and no judgments.

Just what she needed to unwind. Some free time not devoted to chores or errands, but to pleasure. With more than one man. Oh my God. She felt giddy just thinking about it. Giddy and nervous.

After putting on her mask, she took a deep breath, opened the door and entered, closing the door behind her.

As promised, the room sat in shadow. Flickering candles lit the space and made it difficult to see the occupants—plural, with an S. Near the king-size bed, lovingly adorned with restraints for wrists and ankles, two muscular men wearing only boxer briefs embraced.

Oh, wow.

They were already kissing. Her entrance didn’t put a halt on anything. One of them had short dark hair, half his face hidden in a black eye mask. The other also wore a half mask, had shoulder length blond hair, and had his hand down the front of the briefs of the man he was currently kissing.

Holy hell, this was something out of one of her favorite fantasies.

The blond pulled back his kiss and continued to stroke his friend, his hand moving busily under those black boxers. “Sorry, Mistress. We meant to wait, but this one’s so much fun to play with.”

Had they been playmates before? So pretty together. Both men had intimidating builds, their frames not overly huge, but strong. Tanned bodies that looked good writhing together. And from the bulges in those shorts, impressive erections straining to get free.

“Fuck, J. You don’t stop, I’ll come,” the dark-haired man whispered. His deep voice struck her, the impact all the more startling because he sounded like…

She looked closer but in the shadow, saw only dark eyes staring back at her. Could it be him? No. No way. Ignoring the hum of disappointment in her belly, she focused on the present. “Well, gentlemen.” She stood with her hands on her hips, wearing a short black skirt, heels and a cropped red tank—sans bra—leaving little to the imagination. “I’m here, and it’s time to play my way.”

The blond nodded. “Yes, Mistress.”

His dark lover seemed to ignore her. A bratty boy. God, it was like Freddy had read her mind and put everything she’d ever wanted in this room. Even a Rex look-alike.

“Is there a problem…sub?” she prodded.

He jerked into the blond’s grip, moaning. “N-no problem. Fuck. I need to come.”

“Let him go,” she said to J. Then she took J’s place, staring up into those hooded eyes. He looked so much like Rex with that jaw line, that build… She wanted desperately for his eyes to be brown. “Call me Mistress. I’ll call you…R.” Might as well go with the fantasy.

“Yes, Mistress.”

She glanced down and saw a wet spot on his underwear. Talk about needing release like yesterday—and she didn’t mean him. “I want you and J to get naked. Now.”

She stepped back to the side, assuming her role. That of the orchestrator, the conductor, the one in control. The heady rush lit her from the inside out. She cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples, and had the satisfaction of seeing her subs glued to the play.

They dropped their clothing to the ground. She studied them, loving the look of them both. J had little body hair. He must have shaved it, making his balls and cock look bigger. R, on the other hand, had a natural look. A light sprinkle of manly chest hair and a nice thatch ringing his privates, which needed no adornment to impress her.

“Do you two like to play with boys and girls?”

“Yes, Mistress,” they said as one.

J grinned, but R just watched her, like a cat sizing up prey. He had to be Rex. No. Not him, not here. But still… In the shadows, his eyes seemed darker than Rex’s. Yet how could she really tell?

Either way, he had a challenging vibe about him. She wondered how submissive he truly was.

“Condoms and lube are on the table, Mistress,” J informed her, sounding eager.

“Good. You’re going to need one. Put it on and get slick.”

J hurried to comply while R stood, his chest heaving, and watched her in silence.

“You seem to have a problem with discipline,” she said to him.

“How so, Mistress?”

God, that voice killed her. So like Rex, yet with a subtle difference she couldn’t place. And that’s what stopped her from asking him to unmask. If he didn’t mind sharing his secrets, he’d want to see her face too, and she was nowhere near ready for that. Plus, if he wasn’t Rex, she’d be showing someone else her identity.

“You have a tone I’m not sure I like, boy. J, come here.” He obeyed without pause. “On your knees, sweetie.”

He knelt before her, and she pulled up her skirt. She hadn’t worn panties either.

“Yes, Mistress,” J said on a sigh. “So pretty.”

“And so needy.” She kept her gaze on R while J breathed over her mound. The hunger on R’s face pleased her. Those lips looked so familiar. Firm, yet full. Would he taste the same as he had last night? “Lick me, J. Nice and slow.”

R clenched his hands into fists but didn’t speak while she watched him watching her. His gaze on the back of J’s head was intense. And that attention turned her on, big time.

“Good boy.” She stroked J’s hair, surprised to find herself so wet already. These two—well, R if she wanted to be honest with herself—aroused her more than she might have imagined. Nearing orgasm, she touched J on the shoulder, and he stopped. She didn’t want to come too quickly. “That’s it. Back on your feet.”

He stood, his lips shiny, and nodded. “Yes, Mistress.”

He looked huge and hard, his dick encased by a condom covered in lube.

“I think it’s time we showed R who’s really in charge. What do you say, J?”

“Yes, Mistress.” The streak of sensual cruelty in his eyes pleased her, but not more than the sight of R bowing his head and acceding to her demands.

“Yes, Mistress. I’m yours.”
