Chapter 32

Max and Jack were back a half hour later.

“What have you got?” Shane asked as they came in carrying a desktop computer and a laptop.

“Weller’s records.”

Elena’s eyes widened. “Is that legal?”

“Well, you hired us to help your brother, didn’t you?” Max said.

“Did I?”

“Yeah. We’ll postdate an agreement. We were trying to extricate him from a dangerous situation and ran across a lot of other information. Unfortunately, when we tried to rescue Alesandro, he was killed.”

She stared at the Rockfort men. “You can do all that?”

“Yes,” Max answered. “And if we all agree on what happened and keep our stories straight, we’ll be fine.”

“I don’t like being dishonest,” she whispered.

“In this case, you can think of it as protecting your ass,” Max said. “Plus, what would be gained by dragging your brother into a media exposé? Weller’s dead. And they can’t prosecute him for anything he’s done.”

She thought about that for a few moments, then nodded.

“But I have to tell my parents what happened. And I need to get there before the police do.”

“And I’m going with you,” Shane said.

She stared at him. “Why?”

“Because I know how hard it’s going to be for you, and there’s no way I’d let you go there alone.”

He called for the car, and then they went down to the lobby. When the SUV arrived, they got in and he drove away. After turning up Wisconsin Avenue, he took a side street, where he pulled into a parking space.

Elena looked at him questioningly. “What are you doing?”

“I know you need to go to your parents’, but there’s something I want to talk to you about first.”

The way he said it made her chest tighten, but she only answered with a little nod.

The look on his face turned the breath in her lungs shallow.

“What is it?”

“After everything that’s happened, would you consider marrying me?”

The words stunned her. “Did I hear that right? You want to marry me?”

“Yes. But if I’ve been too big a jerk, I’ll understand…”

She stopped him before he could go any further. “You haven’t been a jerk.”

“I kept finding reasons to mistrust you.”

“And I kept giving you reasons why you should. I should have gone to you in the first place.”

Before he could answer that, she reached for him. He reached at the same time, and they came into each other’s arms, holding on tightly.

“Elena, I love you. I had a hard time admitting that to myself. And it was hard to say it.”

“Oh, Shane, I knew I was falling in love with you, and I felt like I was messing it up.”

“Not anymore.”

She raised her head, and their lips met in a long, emotional kiss.

“I’d take you back to the hotel,” he said in a thick voice. “But that will have to wait.”

“Yes.” She turned toward him. “You know where my parents live?”

“I looked it up. But you can give me directions.”

She leaned toward him and put her hand over his for a moment as he started the car again and drove toward Germantown.

They pulled up in front of the modest ranch house and both got out.

“Watch for my mother pulling the curtains aside and checking us out,” Elena murmured as they started up the walk.

When the curtains shifted, she cut Shane a glance.

They both walked inside and stood awkwardly by the front door.

Her father eyed her and Shane. “Who is this man, and why are you here? You look like you’re on your way to a funeral.”

,” Elena whispered. “In a way we are. I came to give you some bad news. I’m sorry, but there’s no easy way to say it. Alesandro is dead.”

Her mother gasped. “No.”

“I’m sorry.”

Her father looked like he didn’t believe her. “How? Why? How do you know?” he demanded.

Shane spoke. “Elena and I almost got killed tonight trying to save her brother’s life. He was being stalked by a man who had given him some illegal jobs.”

“No,” her mother protested again. “He wouldn’t do that.”

“I’m afraid he did,” Shane answered.

Elena went to her mother and held out her arms. “I’m so sorry.”

Momma backed away. “Don’t.”

Shane strode to Elena’s side. “She came to tell you because she wanted to help you through it. But I see you don’t need her.”

Anger flashed in her father’s eyes. “And who are you to meddle in our family business?” His gaze drilled into Shane. “Wait a minute. I know who you are. You’re the man from the TV news. You were at that hostage thing with Elena.”

“Yes. I’m Shane Gallagher. And I’m your daughter’s fiancé.”

Both parents gaped at him.

Papa folded his arms across his chest. “Her fiancé? Since when? How long have you known her?”

“A few months.”

Her father snorted. “Not very long. We don’t even know you. She didn’t ask our permission to marry.”

“She doesn’t have to,” Shane said. “I wanted you to know about us, but I think you probably want to be alone now.”

He slung his arm around Elena, and she leaned into him.

“If you need me, call me,” she said.

Neither of her parents answered, and Shane ushered her out of the house.

She turned to him with tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“For the way they acted.”

“They had a bad shock.”

“Don’t make excuses for them.”

“Okay. But I’m not going to let them hurt you anymore.”

“They didn’t…”

“I can see how they are with you.”

“I could never please them.” She kept her gaze on him. “I went out on my own as soon as I could. And I dreamed of finding a man who would be on my side. A man I could trust. Then I met you…and I hoped.”

“I met you, and I knew you were the right woman for me. It took me a couple of months to admit it to myself. Before that, I kept coming up with excuses to be with you.”

They climbed back into his car, and he pulled her to him, holding her for a long moment before easing away.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

“Better than all right.”

“I think you said that once before.”

She grinned at him. “I remember. I didn’t know how true it was going to be.”

He started the engine and drove away. Into a future Elena had hoped for but had secretly thought she would never find.
