Chapter Six

Dez had gone straight to my father when we arrived home, and I had gone in the opposite direction. As much as I wanted to hear what my father had to say about the Terriers coming out in the daylight, I didn’t want to be present if Dez decided to tell him I’d gotten out of the car.

And if Dez did tell him that, there was a good chance that my father would put a stop to my conditions.

I paced the length of my room, unable to sit for longer than a minute, it seemed. It had been this way since dinner. I hadn’t seen my father or Dez there.

Sprawled across my bed, Danika was... what exactly was she doing? Back against the mattress, arms flattened at her sides, she pressed her thighs together and lifted her legs straight into the air, holding still about six inches off the comforter. After a few seconds, she moved her legs up about a foot. Then she repeated the whole process.

“God, we need hobbies,” I muttered.

She laughed. “I’m working my stomach muscles.”

“Like I said, we need hobbies.”

Dropping her legs down, she sat up. Two thick braids bounced off her shoulders. “At least I’m being productive. You’re just walking back and forth.”

I stuck my tongue out at her and started pacing again.

A bright smile plastered itself across her face. “So what condition are you tackling next?”

I’d filled Danika in on everything—what happened today and my conditions, with the exception of the skinny-dipping, because I wasn’t sure I’d even been serious about that. “If Dez tells Dad about me being with him, there won’t be any conditions.”

“He’s smart enough to keep quiet.” She twirled the edge of a braid. “And Father is going to let you go with him. He’s always wanted you and Dez to mate. I’m so jealous. You’ll be traveling while I’m stuck here, wanting to claw out my eyeballs.”

“I don’t know,” I whispered. Mulling it over, I couldn’t imagine my father being okay with me traveling all the way to DC without a small army.

Danika flopped onto her back, sighing. “You’re going to get to see Zayne. I hate you.”

“You have such a crush on him.”

“I do,” she admitted, unashamed. “I hope he visits again with his father. That would make my year.”

I grinned. “It wouldn’t take much to make your year.”

She snorted. “True.”

Zayne was seventeen, Danika’s age, and extraordinarily handsome, even for a Warden. Danika had made no attempt at hiding her attraction when it came to the blond Warden, following him around like I’d done with Dez for many years, and Zayne had always been kind to Danika. If she had annoyed him, he’d never let it show. His father was the head of the DC clan, and it was rumored that in their household, there was a child that was both Warden and demon. I didn’t believe it. No clan would keep such an... an atrocity among them.

“So, did you kiss him?” Danika asked, interrupting my thoughts.

“What?” My cheeks heated. “No.”

Danika giggled. “Then your condition is not over.”

I opened my mouth and then snapped it shut. Dez hadn’t fulfilled his end of the condition with the driving, but fighting the Terriers hadn’t counted. We hadn’t been hunting for demons when they’d found us.

“You looked like you really enjoyed it when he kissed you last night,” she pointed out. “Brilliant idea, by the way, using your seven days as an opportunity to get out of the house, but you’re not going to tell him no in the end.”

My eyes narrowed on her. “I’m not telling him yes.”

“Whatever.” She rolled her eyes. “You’re mad. I totally get that, and you have every reason to be, but you haven’t looked at one guy since he left and you’ve definitely been looking at Dez.”

“Who wouldn’t look at Dez?”

She giggled and then her eyes darted to my door at the sound of a throat clearing. Oh, no. I scrunched up my nose, and Danika winced.

Dez, I mouthed.

She slid off the bed, and that was answer enough. As she hurried across the room, I turned. Dez stood in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest, looking entirely too pleased with himself.

Danika gave him a quick wave as she all but bounced out of my room. He nodded and then stepped inside, closing the door behind him. He was in my bedroom. Again. He’d been in here many times in the past, but that was before, and everything was different now.

“So...” He drew the word out, chin tipped down as he stopped by the desk that was covered in books, magazines and maps. “Who wouldn’t look at me?”

My lips pursed. “Is there a reason why you’re here?”


I waited.

And then I waited some more. “Anytime now.”

Dez’s gaze moved from the top of my head to the tips of my neon-purple toenails. “I like what you’re wearing.”

Frowning, I glanced down at myself. I had on a camisole covered by a cardigan and a pair of god-awful sleep shorts Danika had bought me for my birthday. They were covered with teddy bears. Not the best fashion choice.

“Gets me in the mood for cuddling,” he murmured lazily.

“And that gets me right out of the mood,” I replied tartly.

“You lie.” He flashed a quick grin as he reached out, tugging on the edges of my cardigan. “It’s cute.”

Feeling like I’d lost my ability to communicate, I took a step back. He held on for a second and then let go. I folded my arms around myself, figuring he wasn’t going to leave any time soon, and I wasn’t sure I wanted him to. I sat in my desk chair. “Are you hunting with the clan tonight?”

He nodded. “I’ll be leaving in about an hour.”

I lowered my gaze. “Are you going into the city?”

“Yes. Are you worried about me?”

“That’s a stupid question. Of course I’m worried.” The cities were especially dangerous. The more populated they were, the more demons targeted them. “Shouldn’t you be resting then? You’ve spent all day with me.”

“I want to spend this time with you before I leave. Is that okay?”

I looked up sharply. “Yes,” I said quickly, maybe too quickly, but I didn’t want to take it back. I took a deep breath. “Stay.”

“Thank you.” He walked to where I sat and then wrapped his fingers around the edges of my seat. A mischievous glint filled his eyes. “Hold on to me.”

Having no idea what he was up to, I gripped his arms. Meeting my eyes, he winked and then started to pull the chair and me across the floor. It was silly, but a grin stretched my lips.

Dez sat on the edge of my bed and then pulled me into the vee of his legs. My knees pressed against the insides of his thighs. “Ah, much better.”

“You know, I could’ve just sat beside you.”

“That wouldn’t have been as fun.” He dropped his hands to his knees.

My gaze fell to where his fingers rested close to my bare legs. “How’s... how’s your leg?”

“Already healed. Told you it was nothing to worry about.” He paused. “I talked to your father.”

I cringed. “Did you tell him I was with you?”

“No. I should have, but I didn’t.” Dez leaned forward slightly. “I did tell him about your conditions.”

My eyes widened. “Even the skinny-dipping?”

Dez laughed loudly. “I kept that little detail to myself, but I told him that this was something we needed to do, that I owed it to you.”

Owed it to me. What could I say to that? I pulled my ponytail over my shoulder, twisting the ends. “What did he say?”

“He wasn’t too thrilled about it and he listed, in detail, all the reasons why traveling to DC wasn’t safe, but in the end he agreed.”

“He did?”

One side of his lips curved up. “Only after promising to rip me limb from limb if anything happens to you.”

I smiled widely.

He frowned. “I hope you’re smiling about him agreeing and not the ripping-me apart.”

“Definitely him agreeing.” I laughed, dropping my hair and punching him in the arm. “And maybe a little bit of him ripping you apart.”

He caught my hand. “That’s not very nice.”

I gave him a cheeky grin. “Sorry?”

“And I don’t think that’s a genuine apology.” He tilted his head to the side slyly and held my arm between us. “Your father is very frightening. I put my arms, my legs and my balls out on the—”

“Oh, my God.” I laughed. “Unnecessary information, Dez.”

“Look, you just need to know what’s at stake.” He tugged my arm, scooting me forward. “I have a feeling I’m going to need my—”

I swung at him with my other hand, but he caught that too. “You are definitely not going to be needing them any time soon.”

“I strongly disagree.” A wicked look flickered in his eyes a second before he tugged me out of my chair and into his lap. He clamped his arms around my waist as I started to wriggle away. “Jas,” he said, his voice dropping low. “You should stop squirming.” Then he paused. “Or not. I’m kind of partial to it, honestly.”

I froze, hands planted on his shoulders. Warmth crept over my cheeks. “You’re terrible.”

“I’m a lot of things right now.” He lowered his head to mine and inhaled deeply. “I bet you can figure out one or two of those things.”

My mouth went dry, and I didn’t dare move. Bad thing was that I wanted to, and the knowledge made my skin stretch too tight. “How can you be gone for so long and act like you haven’t been? Like this was the way it always was between us?”

“How can I not?” he said, and then shook his head a little. “That answer probably doesn’t make sense to you.”

“It doesn’t.”

He smiled slightly as he ran a hand up my arm and then back down. “When your dad announced that he wanted us to mate, I was happy, Jas.”

So happy that he’d promptly disappeared for three years? I kept my lips sealed shut.

His hand slid up again, but this time he guided my head to his shoulder as he spoke. “You were too young then, but I... well, I knew you wanted this and so did I.”

“You have a strange way of showing that,” I muttered, but in spite of my words, I relaxed into his embrace.

“I know. I messed up when I left.” His other hand settled over mine. Slowly, he lifted my hand and threaded his fingers between mine, squeezing gently. “I should’ve said something to you and I didn’t. I can’t change that.”

I wanted to ask him why he hadn’t, but Dez had always been evasive, even when he was younger, so I went a different route. “Where did you go?”

Dez shifted, settling me in his lap so that my legs dangled off his. “Many places.”


His chest rose against my arm. “I went south—to Florida and then to Texas, up the Midwest and finally to California.”

The significance of the last location didn’t pass me by. “You went home?”

He hesitated and then said, “Yes.”

A sharp pang hit my chest. “You went to the house?”

“It still stands, but it should be... torn down,” he said, and I peeked up. His gaze was fixed on the darkness outside my bedroom window. “The place is just a burnt-out shell. Couldn’t even go to the second floor.”

My father had told me what had happened to Dez’s clan. The demons had set fire to their home after the attack, leaving Dez for dead. It was a miracle he’d made it out alive. He never should’ve gone back there alone.

“The cities out West are teeming with demons, so I hunted.”

He continued, telling me about the cities he’d been to, but he never once told me why he left. I wasn’t sure he would ever willingly divulge that information. And while I knew that one day I could forgive him for leaving, I also knew I wouldn’t forget and I wasn’t certain that was something either of us could truly get past. For that reason, I couldn’t accept his claim. If I did, our relationship would become a bitter, sad thing.

But I couldn’t deny the rightness of being in his arms. I wasn’t naive enough to believe in soul mates or any of that childish nonsense that I had once clung to, but there had always been something tangible between Dez and me, and even after his absence, it was still there, stronger than before.

“I could hold you for a lifetime,” he said, so low, so quick I wasn’t sure I’d heard him right. “But I’ve got to go.” He sighed, sliding his hand back down my arm. “There’s one last thing, though.”

Lifting my head, I met his gaze. “What?”

His lashes lowered, hiding the sudden vibrancy in his blue eyes. “We haven’t completed your condition.”

I tensed. “You’re talking about your condition.”

“I am.” His hand moved from my arm to my cheek, and my heart jumped, betraying how badly I was looking forward to his condition. “Just a kiss.”

“Just a kiss?”

He nodded, smiling slightly.

A tremor coursed through me when he bent his head and his lips grazed my temple, then followed the curve of my cheekbone. “That’s not a kiss,” I whispered.

“Yes, it is.”

Even with my limited experience, I knew better. “No, it’s not.”

“It’s the beginning of a kiss,” he explained, spreading his hand behind the nape of my neck.

“The beginning?” My eyes fluttered shut as my anticipation rose in spite of the resolution to end these seven days with a resounding no.

His lips pressed down on my jaw, a tiny, hot little brand. He moved to one corner of my lips and then the other. Air caught in my throat as he slanted his mouth over mine, kissing me softly. It was such a sweet, tender kiss, little more than a brush of his lips. Still, the contact sent a rush of fire through my veins, and then the kiss deepened, as it had when he’d returned. The pressure of his mouth increased, and he flicked his tongue along the seam of my lips, causing me to gasp. He was quick to take advantage of the opening, kissing me in a way I’d only dreamed of. His tongue slid over mine, patient and coaxing; a slow seduction that demanded a response. A soft sound rose in my throat and the kiss captured it, but somehow he sensed it.

Dez’s hand moved from my neck to my waist, pulling until I was flush with his chest. I wanted to be closer, but the position made it impossible. The kiss lingered until he retreated, nipping at my lower lip.

I swayed when he drew away—swayed like a damn reed in a windstorm—and probably would’ve toppled right out of his lap if he hadn’t tightened his arms around me.

The male pride in his face was so evident when I opened my eyes that I wanted to pick up something heavy and smack him upside the head with it.

“Don’t even say it,” I warned, flushing.

“What?” An infuriating half grin appeared on his lips. “I wasn’t going to say a damn thing.”
