Part Three

I wanted the gold, and I sought it,

I scrabbled and mucked like a slave.

Was it famine or scurvy—I fought it;

I hurled my youth into a grave.

I wanted the gold, and I got it—

Came out with a fortune last fall,—

Yet somehow life’s not what I thought it,

And somehow the gold isn’t all.

“The Spell of the Yukon”—Robert Service

Chapter Eleven

There were aches on his pains when Shaun woke, but the physical ailments weren’t the first things to catch his attention.

Nope, it was the way Gem was all snuggled up tight against him, her cheek resting on his chest. One hand wrapped around his biceps as if she was never letting him go. The list of shit to figure out remained huge, but the list of things he liked about the mating deal grew bigger all the time.

He kissed the top of her head and eased himself away. She wiggled and sighed drowsily, burrowing back into the blankets. He didn’t have the heart to wake her since this would be her last day in civilization for a while. She refused to abandon her research project.

No matter how much he’d come to admire her, ensuring she knew the realities involved in their upcoming trip was going to be nasty.

Shaun stretched one arm, then the other, pleased with the result. The damage was minor relative to how he could have felt. He had been beat up, torn up and kicked around a lot worse before. If he had taken the time last night to change into his wolf and back he would have been less stiff this morning, but Gem hadn’t wanted to shift, and she’d been far too enticing in her human form to leave for long.

The sex had done wonders for making him feel better.

Add in the fact the pains were from performing a totally unselfish act of kindness—he was still grinning when he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He’d done something because it was the right thing to do. Not to screw anyone, or get screwed, even though that had been a bonus side effect. Yup, the fight had been pretty damn cool.

There was just one cloud hanging over his head. Somehow in the next couple days, he needed to decide both the best time and the best way to double-check that Gem understood the road was about to get a lot rougher.

He chose wrong.

“What do you mean ‘if I want to cancel the trip’?”

Shaun cringed, glancing around the hangar to see if anyone else had heard the outburst. So she did have a volume other than soft and gentle. “Gem, we can’t disturb the caribou. There’s a minimum fly-by radius we aren’t allowed to break—the cows are more susceptible to loud noises when they’re pregnant, so the government increased the permissible space between any public disturbances and the animals.”

Gem stepped back, crossed her arms and glared at him. “I’m not an idiot. I’m well aware of the rules regarding the herd. Research paper, remember?”

“Right. Then you know that while we can approach the birthing grounds ahead of time to get your information, we need to retreat to a protected location to make further observations. We can’t take the chopper. We have to land and hike in.”

Her eyes narrowed to evil slits. “Are you deliberately trying to be offensive, or is this just coming naturally to you?”

Shaun studied the ceiling in the hope inspiration would strike. He thought through all his words, attempting to figure out what he’d done to piss her off this thoroughly.

Nope. Nada.

“I can honestly say I don’t have a freaking clue what you’re so upset about.”

Gem gave her head a violent shake. “You basically told me that after being in the north for nearly two weeks, you don’t want me to complete the research I came to do. At least, that’s what I heard.”

“Wait, no, I just wanted to be positive you know the specifics. This isn’t going to be a one-day stroll in the park.”

“Shaun, I’m well aware the only way in and out of the area is on foot. Why do you think I brought hiking boots? Why I’ve been training for the distances we’ll need to travel?”

She had? “Really?”

“Why is that so impossible to believe?” Gem crossed her arms and glared at him. “Just because I don’t cuss and slouch all over the place doesn’t mean I’m not an intelligent, capable woman.”

“I never said you—”

“Asking me if I want to bow out at this point is like saying it.”

“But I—”

“And assuming because I have soft hands that automatically means I’m a spoiled, lazy creature is insanity on your part, not mine.”

“Right, and I’m sorry—”

“Plus, you did agree to guide me. If you had an issue there should have been a formal complaint made way back even before I arrived.”

“Yes, although—”


Shaun couldn’t take it any longer. He picked her up and slammed his mouth over hers and kissed her. Hard. Gem stood motionless for a moment before she relented, her arms rising to wrap around his neck. Their lips remained in contact as he smoothed his hands up her back, grapping hold of her ponytail so that eventually he could pull her away gently.

He didn’t separate them for a good long time.

When he did, they stared into each other’s eyes, and that deep sensation of being one person in two bodies hit again. Upsetting her made him ache inside. Happy and content was what he wanted, not this frustrated, volatile creature.

Shaun cleared his throat. “I assume you’d like me on my knees to grovel and ask for forgiveness?”

Gem fought from smiling. He saw it, the corner of her mouth twitched. Twice. “You are good in that position.”

He snickered. “Dirty girl.”

She let go of a little more of her rigid control. “I’m still mad at you.”

Shaun fell to his knees. She shrieked as he clasped her hips and hauled her close. He buried his face against her belly, rubbing from side to side. “I was terribly mistaken. Forgive me.”

A tug on his hair brought his gaze up to meet hers. “I don’t want teriyaki muffins. Not even fluffy ones.”

What the…?

She grinned outright. “Whatever you just said was muffled. I doubt you were really talking about indigestible breakfast food.”

Shaun grabbed her hand and yanked, catching her by surprise. She fell without a sound and he caught her on his lap. He kissed her cheek then nuzzled the side of her face. “I’m sorry. Really. The only thing I have in my defense is that long line of southern bookings who freaked when they couldn’t see an outhouse for miles.”

“Ick. Okay, I kind of sympathize with them regarding that issue, but Shaun? I’m not everybody.”

“You’re right. You’re not.”

Gem tapped her long fingers on his arm. “If that’s the usual you get, then I understand the whole ‘insane’ thing you were talking about better. I’m sorry I snapped at you, but really, I understood this project would take physical work.”

Pride swelled inside him. “And I’m sorry I ever doubted you. We’re going to work together, right?”

She nodded rapidly. “It’s just another example, though, of me not feeling in control of my own life. I’m getting tired of it, Shaun.”

“You stepped forward and took control damn well the day of the fight.” He rearranged her so he could kiss her more easily, enjoying having her rest on his thighs.

The smile on her face lit the area. “I did, didn’t I?”

He chuckled, and she hit her fists against his chest in mock anger. He caught her hands and kissed her fingers, making sure they made eye contact. He wanted the words to sink in deep. “Listen. I want you to do this. I know you can do this. I’m going to help you any way I can, and in the end you’ll have everything you need to finish your research.”

Gem smiled before eyeing him with suspicion. “Why did you decide to wait until now to have this discussion?”

Oops. “I didn’t say anything before because…”

“You hoped I would give up, right?”

Busted. “Honest truth? At first, when we were back in Whitehorse, and even in Dawson? Yes, but for the last few days, no. I’ve discovered you’re more than capable, but…” He stroked her fingers, sighing lightly. “I guess I’m guilty of wanting to protect you, when you don’t really need it.”

Comprehension lit her eyes. “That’s what you were doing the other day, isn’t it? You were keeping secrets about northern politics to protect me?”

Damn, she was good. Full-out confession seemed the only way to redeem himself. Shaun nodded slowly. “There is so much about the north that’s wild and out of control—I was trying to make sure you saw the positive parts.”

Gem wrinkled her nose. “Like bloody brawls in the streets?”

Shaun snorted. “I’m obviously not a very good spin doctor. In some cases, what you see is what you get.”

She wiggled, and he set her free, rising to his feet as she paced over to the pile of camping equipment he had laid out. She stared at it for the longest time before turning. Her beautiful face was smooth, but there was a fire in her eyes he was coming to love. The stubborn determination that made his body squirm with desire as she made a decision that was all hers.

“Teach me.”

He nodded as he stepped forward. “I can pack for us—”

“No, teach me.” Gem caught him by the arm, and this time she pulled him against her body. “If I don’t know how to do a task, I’m more than capable of learning how, but only if you trust me enough to let me try.”

Something inside him got up on its feet and cheered. “I trust you.”

She tugged off her sweater and folded it over the back of the chair. “So, what’s the best way to get all our gear into the pack?”

A trickle of sweat ran down her back. How could it be this warm? They were in the north—the barren land should be cold, challenging. If they actually held a true Survivor contest somewhere other than where the women could wander beaches nearly naked, Gem had always imagined the event would take place in the north.

She really didn’t want to be the one voted off the island today.

In front of her, Shaun slowed, waving a hand. She waved back and motioned him on.

Yesterday he’d given her lessons on packing. When he’d snuck the extra heavy objects into his own pack, she hadn’t said a word. That kind of help she would accept, for a few days at least. No matter how many Pilates classes and P90X workouts she’d done, it wasn’t the same as carrying all her possessions on her back.

Her boots were killing her.

There was no way she was going to tell him that.

Instead, she looked over the terrain, taking deep breaths of the clean air, following the narrow game trail Shaun had found that led in the direction of the birthing grounds. They had a week to get in and out. Plenty of time for her to take soil samples and gather all the other data she needed before they retreated to a distance to make observations while not disturbing the herd.

A week of camping out under a sky that remained light after midnight. Every step of the experience was a new adventure. Would the stars even appear? Would she be able to keep up physically?

Would she survive without running water and a flush toilet?

Shaun whistled, and she snapped her attention up to see him lower his pack and stretch his back. Another rest break—every one felt wonderful and every time it was a little more agonizing to pick up the pack again and start all over.

She pasted a smile on her face and focused on the things she was enjoying.

I will not whine. I will not whine.

“That’s it for the day.” Shaun reached to help her, dropping her pack to the ground and lowering his hands to her shoulders. The quick massage he gave felt so incredible it hurt.

“Really? No more hiking? It’s still early.” Idiot! What was she saying? Stopping now was a wonderful idea.

Shaun twisted her toward him, a wide grin splitting his face. “We need to set up camp, and the first couple days that will take longer.”

Gem nodded. Logical, and a great excuse to boot. She leapt at it. “Tell me what to do.”

She had practiced back home, but every tent was different. Shaun’s was dome-shaped with long poles that arched and crisscrossed, and by the time they had three of them inserted in the straps of the main frame, she was totally confused as to which way she was supposed to turn and ended up zigging when she should have zagged. His solid torso connected with hers, and she teetered precariously before he grabbed on and held her upright.

Shaun didn’t seem to mind she was a klutz. “We must stop meeting like this.”

She attempted to untangle herself, but he trapped her, leaning down to press their lips together and kiss her tenderly. Warmth poured from him, and for a minute she forgot all about trying to make a good impression.

Kissing was so much fun. At least, with Shaun it was.

He licked her lower lip, tugged it lightly between his teeth before dipping back into her mouth with his tongue. Gem let go of the straps she’d been clinging to, instead, catching hold of his shoulders and keeping her balance by using his strength.

They would have continued for a lot longer if the wind hadn’t chosen that moment to pick up and flap the loose edge of the tent.

Shaun slipped away. “Whoa, I’m not being a very good teacher. Make camp first, fool around second.”

“Is that in the official rule book?” Gem followed his pointing finger and tugged the fabric until it settled into its proper place.

He laughed out loud. “Oh, darling, you can’t ask me about anything official. I’m afraid the only reason I ever found out the rules was so I could break them.”

Now that was just silly. “That’s not true.”

Shaun paused in the middle of unzipping the tent flaps. “Sure it is.”

Men. Gem raised a brow. “So you didn’t register our flight? And you don’t do safety inspections on the helicopter?”

He sat back on his heels. “Of course not. I mean, of course I did. I mean…”

She giggled and he smiled sheepishly.

“See? Rules aren’t all bad.”

Shaun nodded. “I guess. I usually just do what I think is right. It’s not always what others have in mind.”

Gem settled on the rock he’d brought over for her. That sentiment wasn’t as foreign an idea to her as he imagined. “I know you might not believe it, but I agree with you. At home when I disagreed, there were occasionally better ways to get what I wanted than out-and-out rebellion.”

Shaun pulled out the rolled-up mattresses and set them to inflate on the floor of the tent. “You said your father wasn’t pleased with you taking the trip north.”

Gem sighed. “No.”

“Then how did you manage to get the project approved?”

“Signed up without him knowing.”

He squeezed her shoulder, approval in his tone. “Sneaky.”

Guilt mixed with satisfaction. She was glad she’d done it, but… “Devious. Deceitful—”

“I like sneaky. Sneaky has its place.” Shaun patted the ground beside him. “Come on, I’ll show you how to link together our Therm-a-Rests and our sleeping bags. Then from now on that will be one of your chores when we make camp.”

A burst of spontaneous joy hit. Gem wrapped her arms around him and squeezed as tight as she could. Her off-balance hug forced the two of them to tumble to the surface of the still uninflated mattresses.

Shaun laughed and kissed her nose. “What’s that all about? Can’t wait to jump me?”

Hmm, yes. But the sexual heat rolling through her veins was less intoxicating than the happiness spreading tiny tendrils that tangled all around her.

She did like learning new things, and trying new adventures, even if her feet throbbed like crazy. She rolled up on an elbow and smiled at him. “Thank you for escorting me on the trip. I’m glad I get to do this with you. Very glad.”

His cheeky grin lit the whole tent.

The flames crackled, and Shaun added another branch, pushing the glowing embers together to make the coals flare upward with the extra fuel. The air around them was full of soft noises—the shifting of birds and small animals in the scattered brush. The gentle trickle of the creek running along the perimeter of the rise behind them.

The sound of a contented sigh as Gem relaxed at his side.

“You okay?” He’d been impressed. The entire hike she’d never once complained, even though he knew she had to be dying.

His princess had more steel in her spine than he’d ever expected.

Gem rested against him as they stared into the fire. “I’ve never done this before.”

Shaun chuckled. “Not many people have. Which particular new experience is catching your attention?”

She tilted her head back, and the dark stars in her eyes twinkled. “It’s bright daylight out and yet we’re sitting by a fire. I always associate fires with darkness. Something to look at and fill your senses.”

“Ahhh, but you’re talking about southern fires. Here in the north, our fires are multisensory.”

Gem wrinkled her nose. “Go on.”

“Don’t look with just your eyes. Look with all your senses. Then it won’t matter that the sun is shining, you’ll have the whole picture.”

He settled her against the backrest he’d made, then reached to unlace her boots.

“What are you doing?” Light suspicion hovered in her eyes.

“Just relax. Check out the fire. I’m fixing your feet.”

She leaned back, and as he pulled off the boot she groaned, a pure unadulterated sound of pleasure.

He worked the massage, pressing his thumbs into the arch of her foot, smoothing the cream he’d grabbed over the places where her footwear had rubbed. She had fewer hot spots than he’d expected. He lifted her foot and examined it closer. A newbie hiker and no blisters? Impossible—the boots had to be more than two days old.

“You said you’d worn these boots around Whitehorse.”

Gem cracked open an eye. “I did.”

“These boots were broken in more than that.”

She waved a hand in the air. “I just meant I’d worn them recently. Ever since I got approval for the project, I’ve been all over the estate grounds to do conditioning walks. I went out first thing in the morning before my father got up.”

“Sneaky again. Well, you did great.”

Her pleased expression warmed him. She relaxed and let him take care of her, and he enjoyed every second. Watching her face, seeing the minute responses to his touch. Then she took a big breath, staring up into the still-light sky.

“There are strange things done under the midnight sun…” she recited. “The poems make a lot more sense, having seen how light it really is.”

Shaun grinned. “Robert Service. Now there was a man I could relate to.”

She wiggled upright, wrapping her arms around her legs. “I read a bunch of his work in preparation for this trip. I enjoyed some of it, but the occasional bit that—”

A shiver shook her whole frame, and Shaun laughed. “Didn’t like the part with the sizzling bonfire?”

She poked him. “No. Definitely not.”

Shaun stared at her. The fire was dying down, but he didn’t want to go to bed yet. She had to be sore, and there was one sure way to cure some of those aches.

His wolf pranced with excitement, nudging closer to the surface. Gem’s smile faded slightly, changing to awe. He sensed her wolf wanted to come out as well. Wanted to meet his. They’d been denied for long enough.


She swallowed hard. “I…I don’t know why I’m feeling like this.”

“It’s our wolves. Don’t you think it’s time that they got to meet? Got some time to play?”

She nodded slowly.

“Changing will make your feet feel better. A couple shifts can help cure the little things like rising blisters and muscle aches.” And he’d get to see her. See the colour of her fur and the way she moved—to appreciate how her human dignity and power would adapt as she shifted into her animal form.

He didn’t want to wait any longer.

He rose, tugging her by the hand.

“Shaun—I don’t know about this. I mean, yes, I know it would help, but…”

“What’s wrong?”

“We don’t shift very often back home. Special occasions only.”

Shock socked him in the gut. “You’re shitting me.”


He was too surprised to apologize for his language. “Special occasions? I can understand not shifting outside where you could get shot, but really? Are you talking like once a month or only in formal settings? That’s insane.”

She tossed him a dirty look. “I thought we agreed that word was not allowed into this relationship.”

“Gem, no matter what else we have to deal with, our wolves are the pair that need to be free, not formal.”

She shook her hands in frustration. “I know that, but it’s tough, okay? Changing on a casual basis is not what I’m used to.”

He held her tight, resting his forehead against hers. They breathed slowly for a few minutes, the embers of the fire giving a final last gasp before fading away to nothing. Shaun didn’t want to push, but damn it, this was not an issue he was willing to give on.

They were wolves. He would not deny that, and she shouldn’t either.

Still, in the interest of attempting to not caveman her, he offered an out. “If you really don’t want to, we can wait.” He stroked her fingers lightly, thrilling at the smoothness under his fingertips. “But, Gem, I want to see your wolf. I want a chance to admire and run with you. To show you the north through your other eyes.”

She clung to him for another moment before stepping back and squaring her shoulders. “I want that as well. To run with you.”

He stripped, the entire time watching her take off her own clothing. It wasn’t an erotic striptease, but every article she removed, folded and placed on the blanket added to the pressure building in his body.

His wolf snapped at him, reminding him sex would have to wait.

She was beautiful, standing naked in the twilight of the midnight sun. Then she shifted, and he smiled even harder. She was so tiny compared to the wolves of the north. Dainty, delicate.

So Gem.

He squatted and held out his arms. “You’re just as beautiful as I thought you’d be.”

She strolled over slowly, her nose wiggling like crazy. All the different scents of the north—it must be like a smorgasbord to her. His hand brushed her head, and she stilled, letting him stroke her from nose to back.

When he tugged at her front paw, she sat, head tilted to the side as he caressed her.

“So elegant, fragile almost—”

Gem leaned against him, hard, until she’d pushed him to the ground. She planted both front paws on his chest and growled as she stared into his eyes.

Okay, ix-nay on the fragile bit. He laughed, wiggling to free himself and cursed instead as a twig dug into his bare backside. “Hey, no fair. Fine, you’re not delicate. You’re a Viking. An Amazon. The most incredible example—oof.”

She lay on top of him, her meager weight still enough to make him feel each and every rock poking into his back.

Gem lowered her nose to the crook of his neck and sniffed, her teasing growl changing to one of satisfaction. Shaun trembled as he fought to maintain control, but he couldn’t hold back his wolf any longer.

He rolled as he changed, the sensation of limbs and bones transitioning from human to wolf in one easy flow. There was an almost erotic pleasure in the shift, and as he came up on his feet, knowing his mate waited for him made it even better.

She’d rolled with him, finding a safe spot to rest as he stood and took a deep breath in through his nose. If he’d thought she smelled good before, the aroma was nothing compared to now. The extra strength of his wolf nose not only thrilled at their connection, but was ecstatic to find they shared a scent. Shaun threw back his head and howled in delight.

From a distance, a series of long and short yips answered him, and he grinned. Those weren’t shifters—just natural wolves, but it was always exciting to be able to appreciate a good songfest.

Gem sat silently, staring at him.

Was it too much? The unfamiliarity of the change now, or was it that this was the first time their wolves had met? He walked over and nudged her, stroking her side. Silky soft, there was no other way to describe her. Shaun wrapped himself around her and finished by resting his head along her back, the wolf equivalent of a hug.

She wiggled, and he rose to allow her freedom. Once she was on her feet, she shook then walked up to the highest ridge overlooking their camp. She waited, one paw landing on the trail, before pulling back.

Shaun understood. He stepped past her, making sure to brush her as he went by. Then he picked up the pace and ran. It wasn’t a race, but it was far quicker than they’d traveled in human form. The intriguing scents of the night crossed and crisscrossed their path. A covey of ptarmigan. The trickle of the stream much louder as they approached. There had been arctic hare in the area not even an hour ago by their lingering scent signature, and for a moment he considered tracking one down just for the fun of seeing what Gem would do when they spooked it up.

No, no threatening to do something bloody just to freak her out. That was totally immature and not how he was to treat his mate.

There was a crash behind him, and Shaun spun in time to see Gem’s backside disappear between two low bushes. He followed, paws light on the spongy turf of the tundra, scattered rocks lying in flat slabs below bushes that would be waist high on him in human form.

It made a dandy maze for his wolf, so he ignored everything but Gem’s scent.

A scream rang out, and he doubled his speed, bursting into a clearing in time to see Gem holding down a rather bloody hare.

She licked her muzzle then swiped it clean with her free paw, pushing a few strands of fur back into place.

Shaun chuckled and paced forward. The tilt to her head said it all. She totally expected him to be shocked she’d made a kill.

Well, he was. But that was beside the point. He was also tickled that she’d proven to be far more than a princess in lilywhite gloves.

He crouched in front of Gem, his tail doing all kinds of doglike things. Letting it pound into the dirt was undignified, but he simply couldn’t help it. And when she nosed the carcass in his direction, gifting him with the bunny, he sang again with satisfaction.

While the whole mystical wolf-mate thing might be out of his hands, it was good to discover that his wolf was one hundred and fifty percent in love.

And his human side? Not that far behind.

The Moonshine Pub remained crowded, minutes away from closing. Caroline knew all of them were wolves. They would simply take the party over to the pack house, and keep drinking and fooling around until the wee hours of the night.

One of Evan’s more persistent admirers was hanging all over him again. The outfit covering the woman was strategically arranged to ensure maximum legal exposure. A sour taste slicked Caroline’s tongue—the bitch was one of the pack who enjoyed making trouble and watching others clean it up.

The perfect opportunity had finally arrived. Evan wanted to know if she could handle being linked with him? Sex, along with the rest of it?

She’d start with the rest of it—and it appeared a little violence was on the agenda. Fine. All those years of training hadn’t been for nothing. She might lack wolf reflexes, but a third-level black belt and her stepfather’s instruction counted for a lot when facing someone who only had being a wolf on her side.

Caroline removed her jacket to cut down on loose objects for the other woman to grab. She tossed it over a nearby chair and shook her hands to loosen up.

It took a minute to weave her way through the crowd to the main bar. Evan sat on a tall stool, his back to the counter. He spotted her, his gaze following her approach. There was a bit of a challenge on his face. A dare. He was looking forward to her attempt, was he?

He’d better be damn well prepared for what she had on the agenda for later.

She lost sight of him as Ms. Trouble crawled between them, pressing her overflowing bosom tight to Evan’s chest. Caroline shouldered past the groupies clustered around Evan and the bar. The fact she was totally surrounded by people who could change into wolves barely made her pause.

This had to be done.

She reached out and tapped the woman’s bare shoulder. “You mind getting your paws off him?”

The heavy dye job in front of her—covering blonde, perhaps?—rotated oh-so-slowly as the brunette eased off Evan’s lap. Caroline caught a quick glimpse of Evan’s face, then he was blocked from sight again.

Bastard was enjoying this.

The theatrical posturing of the woman was for effect—only the intimidation factor was short-circuited by her rapid glances around the room to see if anyone was paying attention.

Buzzzz. Mistake number one. Don’t take your eyes off the enemy.

Caroline considered giving a second warning, but since her opponent was a wolf, having the upper hand could be the deciding factor in the fight. She snatched a thick handful of the woman’s hair and yanked. At the same time, Caroline slammed an arm forward, smacking the other woman’s shoulder.

The brunette spun in a half-circle before throwing out her hands to catch her balance. The bar cleared around them. Caroline used her free hand to catch hold of one wrist and shove it behind the wolf’s back. Using her full body weight, Caroline smashed them both forward against the suddenly empty counter.

Her opponent was pinned in one place, crying out in pain.

“I don’t think you heard me. I would very much appreciate if you’d not drool all over Evan in the future.” Caroline tightened her hold, all her attention on the woman. Waiting for her response.

When it came, she was ready. The brunette rocked her head back, attempting a head butt. Caroline ducked to the side and pushed the other woman’s arm as high as possible without breaking it.

If Caroline had been watching the wolves circling them, she would have been knocked unconscious. Mistake number two on dye-job’s part—Caroline knew protocol. No one would dream of interrupting this kind of dominance fight without backlash from the entire pack. Until the brunette was incapacitated on the floor, or Caroline was, this was between the two of them.

When her head failed to connect, the brunette snarled in frustration. “Pitiful little human. You can’t be serious. He needs a wolf like me to be satisfied.”

Caroline mock gasped. “Oh, you’re a wolf? Sorry, I totally missed that. You being so weak and all.”

A sudden burst of energy freed the woman, and Caroline found herself facing a very pissed-off opponent. The brunette flipped her hair back, seemingly ignorant her breasts were one millimeter away from bursting free from her low-slung top. “Don’t make me laugh. You can’t expect to win a fight against me. You’re ugly too.”

Caroline snorted her disbelief. “Ugly? That’s as good as you can give? Chemically enhanced, silicon-stuffed, socially inept Luddite.”

The brunette’s jaw hung open. Then she moved.

It was scary exactly how quick wolves were. Caroline was ready, but not fast enough, and the woman’s first blow landed. Wincing in pain, Caroline ducked, swinging out her leg to kick the other woman’s knees. As she fell, Caroline rose to come crashing down on top, adding her weight to the full-body slam. The woman went wild, elbows flailing, hands moving constantly. One blow smacked into Caroline’s eye, one landed on her chest just below her neck.

If the fight went on too long, Caroline knew she’d be out of luck. She had to end it quickly or all her plans would be shot.

So she fought dirty. Grabbed the woman’s hair and slammed her head against the ground. When the body under her bucked hard enough to nearly throw her off, Caroline hooked her legs around the brunette’s waist and wrestled that arm back up again.

She didn’t stop pushing this time until she heard a sharp crack.

A sudden scream of pain cut through the noise and the entire bar went silent. The cheers and catcalls of encouragement faded as a pair of dusty-coloured shoes appeared in Caroline’s peripheral vision.


His hand touched her shoulder. “Let her go.”

The woman sniffled softly as her friends helped her up. There were no heated glances backward, no veiled threats. Instead, the brunette shuffled away, cradling her injured arm. Caroline had won the fight fair and square, and there was only one thing left to do.

Evan held her elbow and lifted her to her feet. She kept her head high, making eye contact with as many of the pack as she could. Some faces showed admiration, some confusion. Curiosity grew by the second as Caroline finished her slow pivot to come face to face with their Alpha.

His dark eyes twinkled. “Don’t like her touching me?”

Final test. “I don’t share.”

Her words triggered an explosion of sound as all the voices swelled again with questions. Shouts. Then the noise disappeared, drowned in the rush of blood in her ears as Evan tugged her against him and took her lips. Right there in front of the entire pack, his warmer-than-human body pressed tight to hers. He lifted one hand to support her head, the other planted in the scoop of her back to control her.

It wasn’t just the heat, it was his kiss. The kiss she’d dreamed about ever since setting eyes on the shifter. There was only physical attraction between them, but only was pretty damn incredible. With their mouths fused together, his tongue explored and teased. Demanded a response, and, oh man, she gave it. She clung to his shoulders, buried both hands in his hair. Things grew a little foggy, but she might have lifted one leg and wrapped it around the back of his thigh. The reaction of his body was very clear, and very solid, and she canted her hips to make sure she stayed in contact with the bit of solid because it felt So. Damn. Good.

That’s about when she remembered they were still in the bar. Surrounded by the pack. Who had once again fallen silent.

She was really messing with their wolfie minds tonight, wasn’t she?

Evan eased off the kiss, his left hand smoothing over her leg, her ass, then back to cradle her thigh. He slowly lowered the limb, keeping them in close contact until she stood before him again. Only now her lips were swollen, her heart racing more than when she’d been in the midst of the fight.

He stared at her, approval the clearest emotion. Desire right behind it. He dug in his back pocket for keys, tossing them to someone without losing eye contact with her.

“Bar is closed. Everyone, have a great evening. I know I’m going to.”

Then he scooped her into his arms and carried her out.

Chapter Twelve

“Think you’ll be finished today?”

Gem laid the final vial in the padded carrying case and closed it carefully. “Definitely. I’ve taken my last set of samples, and if you give me a little more time for a few more pictures, we’re done.”

Shaun nodded, squeezed her shoulder and headed back toward their campsite.

She turned to watch him.

The past week had been incredible. Three easy days of hiking had brought them to the birthing grounds, and every step of the way Shaun had taught her something new. Dealing with experiences in the wilds had been night and day different than her practice runs back in the lab, but he’d been patient and playful all at the same time.

Gem packed away the last of her supplies and tucked them into the small bag that attached to her main pack. Wandering back to the campsite, she took pictures. Not ones for her studies, more to help her remember the time she’d spent with Shaun. A shot of where he’d taught her how to light the tiny white gas stove. They’d cooked supper using a dehydrated meal pack, and it had actually been edible. Another of the once-again pristine spot where he’d demonstrated how to build a small fire and leave no trace.

Where she’d made a primitive latrine—okay, that one she didn’t take a picture of. Some things were better left to the imagination.

She made the final approach to their campsite to discover him lying flat out in the tent, his feet sticking through the open flaps of the door.

“Lazybones.” Gem gave his ankle a gentle kick. She lowered her bag to the ground as she squatted to peek in at him.

“Hmm, you called?” His boots rotated, and she squeaked as he shot out a hand and pulled her on top of him. “You want to be lazy with me?”

Gem wiggled, widening her knees to get comfortable. “I’m ready to break camp when you are.”

“That’s not relaxing.”

She placed her hands on top of his chest and arranged herself so she could stare into his eyes. He was laughing again, but she didn’t feel as if she were being insulted anymore. “I’m sorry, Mr. Stevens, were you saying that you’d like to stay out here longer? Did you miss the part of the contract that said you were required to not only get me into the wilderness, but out?”

He raised a brow. “That wasn’t in the contract I read.”

Gem punched him lightly. “You.”

“But just think about the possibilities.” Shaun crossed his arms behind his head and let out a huge sigh. Contentment rolled off him. “I think we should go back to the land. Go bush. You want to give up civilization and just move into the wilderness? I know this great—”

She slapped a hand over his mouth, blocking the words. “Thank you, no. I’ve enjoyed the trip, but I’m not quite ready for this as a permanent state of affairs.”

Shaun licked her palm, and she sat up with a grimace. He smiled. “You make the best faces. And I mean that as a compliment. I know exactly if I’m in shit or deep shit when I look at you.”

Fighting to keep from smiling, Gem folded her arms and considered how incredible she felt—far more relaxed than expected. Even his swearing seemed normal and nothing to fuss over.

She wasn’t sure that was a good thing or not.

“Then what does my face tell you right now?” She imagined sitting in the Jacuzzi tub on the balcony of her bedroom back home, with Shaun at her side. Warm water surrounding them, icy cold drinks in their hands—the sound of the river as it swept against the shore a rumble in the background.

Shaun froze, lifting one finger against her lips. He whispered, “Do you hear that?”

Impossible. Had he really connected with her vision? “You heard the river?”

He shook his head, the words a hint above a whisper. “More like a waterfall.”

Shaun twisted, pointing toward the side of the tent and Gem cocked her head to listen better. Oh my, he was right. There was a steady ribbon of water pouring out to the north. Only, there were no water sources that direction, and there was the distinct smell of…urine?

Ugh. What?

A snort sounded from the east, and Shaun swore. “This is not good. This is so not good.”

It took a minute to untangle themselves, both trying to remain as silent as possible. Gem wiggled as he sat up until finally they faced the front of the tent.

“Do you see anything?” she asked. Talking in hushed tones just seemed proper.


Gem took a deep breath through her nose and recognition hit. While the first and strongest scent was her and Shaun, the biggest one after that was something she hadn’t expected. Through the narrow gap in the unzipped fly, she watched in horror as the hairy but slender legs of a caribou wandered past.

They were here? Already?

“Shaun. Oh…drat.” Gem shuffled forward to take a cautious peek. The herd had arrived. “They aren’t supposed to be here. And they shouldn’t be anywhere near this far north for a week.”

“Something sped them up?”

She blew out a long slow breath. “We have to leave, now.”

Shaun touched her arm lightly. “If you didn’t notice, we’re trapped. You really think leaving is a good idea?”

Gem held out a hand toward him. “Let me take a better look, okay? If this is the leading edge, we might have a chance.”


Ignoring his grip on her arm, Gem slipped through the tent fly and stood as slowly as she could.

Caribou surrounded them as far as the eye could see. The pregnant females, the yearling calves following their dames. An ear twitched in her direction, a couple of heads swiveled. Silence hung in the air for a moment until it was broken by the buzz of a fly and the call of a bird.

Then the entire herd ignored her as the animals went back to nibbling on the sparse June growth.

There was a gentle tug on her pant leg. “I swore I wouldn’t use the word insane again, but I’m very, very tempted.”

Gem twisted slowly to smile down at him. “Trust me, it’s okay. Are you hungry?”

His grimace was hilarious. “Um, Gem, protected animal. You want to go hunting again, I’ll take you out for more bunnies later, okay?”

“Silly. Are you hungry, as in—if you’re not we can get out of this. We’ll have to abandon the tent.”

Complete concentration replaced his earlier concern. “You’re talking about shifting?”

Gem nodded. “We can walk amongst the caribou in our wolf forms. As long as we’re not hunting, they won’t care. It will spook them less than if we make the attempt as humans.”

“Even with the pregnant cows?”

There was a risk. “They’re a lot more skittish right now, yes, but I still think our wolves would be the best.”

He was already removing his boots. “Then get naked, woman.”

She took another slow glance around as she lowered herself back into the protection of the tent. The herd had come in on a more northern route than she’d expected. Shaun was right. Something must have spooked them to make them go off course this far, but then animals’ movements never were completely predictable. It wasn’t as if the yearly migration followed a set road.

As she shrugged off her coat, Shaun reached to help her. His touch distracted her more than simple assistance required. She wiggled in protest. “Timing is everything.”

Warmth crowded against her back as he snuck her shirt from her shoulders and cuddled up close, their naked torsos in contact. “I agree. We don’t really have to leave this exact moment, do we?”

Tempting, but no. Gem mustered her meager reserves and twisted away. “We do. Because the goal is to not rile up the herd any more than necessary. If we start fooling around, they’ll be traumatized for sure by your screaming.”

She tugged off her pants and folded them out of habit before she realized he’d gone dead quiet. Turned to stare into a very wide smile.

“Why, Ms. Jacobs, I do believe you just suggested offering me sex scandalous enough to cause me to scream.”

She kept her gaze fixed on his. “I believe, sir, what I insinuated is that was the status quo…”

Their whole conversation was held at a mere whisper, but the sense of joy spilling through her was powerful enough to make her feel as if they’d been shouting at the top of their voices. They grinned at each, and satisfaction rose higher.

“Thank you.”

He lifted a brow. “For screaming?”

“For believing me. For trusting me about the caribou.”

Even naked, when Shaun tipped his head, he was as elegant as any of the suitors she’d had back home during formal regattas and society dinners. “Your lead, my lady.”

Shifting was always miraculous. Erotic sensations trickled through her, powerful and strong. Not only her limbs changed, but her thoughts, as her wolf rose closer to the surface. She was still Gem, but more. The wolf was real, and honest. Painfully honest—her other half wondered when they were going to get around to the marking business. She wanted permanent proof of her mate.

Gem ignored the canine hussy’s questions and rolled to her feet. She bumped against Shaun’s larger body as he completed his shift. They stroked each other with chin and cheeks for a moment, enjoying the contact between their furry forms.

Then she stuck her nose out the tent flaps again, sniffing lightly. She wanted to let her new, more wolfish scent slowly carry on the air as a warning. That would be the least intrusive method to announce their presence.

Shaun sneezed and the herd swiveled their focus.

Fudge. So much for waiting. Gem took a cautious step forward. Then another. Head held high, body erect.

This wasn’t a hunting gait, she was taking a simple stroll through the tundra. A half-dozen paces brought her within lunging distance of one of the huge caribou. These weren’t the smaller southern herbivores that lived in Georgia. Like all northern animals, these were larger, bulkier. Built for the cold and danger of the north.

The creature could kick her brains out with one well-executed thrust. Gem stood motionless for a long time.

The caribou transferred its weight, then went back to grazing.

She breathed a sign of relief before heading up the trail toward the helicopter. They would have to stay in wolf for a while. Wait for the herd to finish moving past.

They’d been in the wrong place at the wrong time, but as she worked her way slowly through the now-crowded landscape, Shaun beside her, Gem took in everything she could. The data might not be able to be reported and documented the same as if she were in human form, but talk about first-hand information. She counted pregnant cows, made a close-up inspection of the animals’ coats after the long winter.

There were no words to describe her emotions. This was the pinnacle of her research, albeit not how she’d envisioned it. In wolf form, with a mate by her side?

She couldn’t imagine how her life could get any better. Shaun nudged her lightly, his furry shoulder far higher than hers.

They moved together away from the herd.

Shaun had seen a lot of things during his years in the north, many awe-inspiring. Standing on the summit of a mountain, staring over the tips of the neighbouring peaks as the sun painted the crags with gold and crimson. The skies over Haines filled with enormous bald eagles as they congregated each November. He’d experienced heart-pounding excitement as they’d shot the Tatashini River in kayaks, marveled at the moon-like landscape at the top of White Pass.

None of those situations had ever made him feel like he did right now. Because even with friends along, they’d been a side component to the event. This, being with Gem, was the event. It was so much richer and more—real.

As if he’d been dreaming all his life, but now that she’d woken him up he could truly live.

It took only a few minutes to leave the main mass of the pack. There were stragglers ranging farther out though, so Gem led them until they were far downwind. Her path brought them upward, where they could look back over where they’d come. She sat, staring for a minute then shifted. He followed her lead, the cool breeze carrying the scent of the herd straight toward them.

“I think we’re okay.” Gem pointed to the side where their tent was surrounded. “But we might not be able to get back to our gear for a day or two. They’ve settled in—there’s no telling if they will move on as quickly or sit here for a bit before they decide it’s time to make another push.”

“They don’t smell as if they’re upset.”

She nodded, crossing her arms over her chest as she shivered lightly. “We got out in time.”

Shaun tucked her into his embrace. Hmm, it felt marvelous to have her there. He nuzzled her hairline. “We’re going to have to share body heat.”

An extremely un-Gemlike response escaped her.

He twisted her to face him and gave her a mock dirty look. “Did you just snort at me?”

Gem planted her fists on her hips. Naked, that looked good on her. Come to think of it, everything looked good on her, especially while naked.

“Shaun, did you miss the part that we’re now stranded on the side of a hill, no clothes, no food. No idea when we’re going to be able to get back to our supplies. And you want to have sex?”

He thought real hard. Was this a trick question? “Yup, that about covers it.”

The sound started deep inside her before rumbling upward. A snort? A giggle? It soon changed into rolling laughter, quiet enough to not disturb the herd, but unmistakable and unstoppable.

And contagious. He couldn’t resist joining her, amusement bubbling up and making his heart light. They could make it through this, and more than simply come out okay, they would rock it. No matter what had to happen down the road, they were meant to be together.

He checked a grassy spot on the ground, moving aside pokey objects before he sat on his bare butt. Then he pulled her into his lap and cradled her close until her body stopped shaking.

She wiped tears from her eyes, her dazzling smile making him happy inside. “Thank you.”

“Anytime. You gonna share what set you off, love?”

Gem used his shoulders to brace herself, lifting and rearranging until she straddled him. “Just you being you. Sincere, but blunt. I find I like that, Shaun Stevens. I like you, a lot.”

She snuck in closer, pressing her naked breasts to his chest. Her fingers slipped into his hair, and she brought their mouths together for a long, slow kiss, fires rising between them in an instant.

That wasn’t the only thing rapidly rising.

He tore himself away, hating to leave the warmth of her lips but needing to before things got out of hand. “Gem, if you don’t want to have sex, we need to stop—holy crap, woman.”

She’d lifted her hips and rubbed the thickening length of his erection with her sex. Moisture and heat coated him. He cupped her ass in his hands and helped her make another pass.

“Did I answer your question?” she whispered in his ear a second before she nipped the tip of his earlobe.

Shaun’s heart pounded, each pulse echoed at the base of his spine. His cock was harder than he’d remembered, wanting more than just the tease of her body.

Down, boy, not yet.

He hoisted her far enough her breasts were presented like beautiful gifts for him to savour. A gentle lick to prime the tip before he wrapped his lips around one peak and sucked hard, pulling a gasp from Gem. Her hips pulsed against his belly, the crown of his erection feeling the heat of her core like a treasure. Lowering her an inch let him slip his cock head between her wet folds, and still maintain mouth contact with her nipples.

Almost perfect. He let go of her hips to cup her breasts more easily, alternating sides with kisses and attention until her wiggling became too much and he couldn’t wait any longer.

She pulled back and stared into his eyes as she lowered herself onto his shaft, sinking to the root.

His brain went ninety-nine percent numb. The last tiny portion still working lit celebratory firecrackers.

Incredible sensations floated over him. The pleasure of her body wrapped tight around his, the heat radiating form her torso, heavy breasts filling his hands. She moved, undulating up and down in a slow, steady rhythm as he fought to keep from coming in three seconds flat.

Then she brought their mouths together again, and her tongue danced against his, shaking him to the core. It was more than a kiss. More than sex. Much more than simply another incredible experience in the wilderness.

It was heaven on earth, and he’d found the secret entrance.

Gem nipped at his bottom lip, and he smiled. Hands tight on her hips, he picked up the pace. “You looking for some biting, sweetheart?”

Another nip, this time to his ear again. He’d never been one for letting the girls play with his ears before, and now he knew why.

He’d been saving them for Gem, because holy fucking moly, did it ever feel good.

She sucked the tingling lobe into her mouth and slammed their hips together harder. “I’m not ready to mark you, but damn if I don’t want to nibble you all over.”

Sadness crept in, just a tiny bit. She was right though. They’d agreed to wait until they had all their cards lined up. “Okay. Biting is fine. No marking, just—shit!”

She dragged her teeth down his neck and his cock grew two inches. Or more.

“Hmm, you like that, do you?”

“Didn’t think my southern lady had teeth.”

She nipped again, and he wasn’t able to stop himself. He pounded into her, cock driving hard. Fastened his mouth on her neck and sucked for all he was worth. If he couldn’t officially mark her, he was damn well going to leave his signature another way.

She canted her hips slightly, and his groin rubbed across her mound. With a twist, he slipped his hand between their bodies and pressed on her clit. She threw back her head and screamed, choking off in mid-cry.

He would have laughed in delight if at that moment the freight train hadn’t hit him as well, release exploding out as his cock jerked deep inside her. Pleasure rose in waves that blurred his vision and drained all logic from his brain.

Fuck, fuck. Wowity fuck.

Sweaty and sticky and happy and mind-fuddled, they clung together, kissing and caressing until the heat of their joining cooled enough they could both sit upright without using each other as a brace.

“I think you just killed me.” Shaun nuzzled the side of her neck where there was a nice big hickey.

His wolf gloated with happiness.

“You talk pretty good for a dead guy.”

“You know if I’m dead, you have to haul my carcass with you to the shores of Lake Laberge and cremate me.” Shaun grinned as she slipped her hands around his neck and gave him one final kiss.

She pulled back and batted her lashes. “No. I’m not going to listen to you sizzle as you burn, thank you. Instead, I will be forced to weep copious amounts of tears while I pile rocks on your body and leave you here where the little animals will chew on your remains and continue the circle of life.”

Impressive. “Is that your sweet innocent role-play persona? Because, like, I totally thought you meant that.”

“I did mean it.” Gem patted his cheek then rose off him, her warmth disappearing far too quickly and making him sad. She stretched and his mouth watered again. Hmm, how long was it possible to survive naked in the Alaskan wilderness if they had sex non-stop?

She was a researcher. Maybe she’d go for finding out.

Shaun glanced around. Below them, the herd had settled in, and he doubted there was any way they could get back to the tent for at least a day.

“Okay, love. Time to make a decision. You want to hang out for the next few days in our wolf skins?” She rotated to face him, the sky-blue background a stark contract with her dark skin. He dragged his gaze off her full breasts, forcing himself to focus on the current discussion. “Food and shelter would be a snap—it’s not a bad solution. We can keep track of the beasts and gather our things as soon as they leave.”

Gem hesitated. “Is there another option? I enjoyed my time as a wolf, but…I’m not sure I’m ready for more.”

Shaun stood to take her hand. “How about this? We shift to run back to the chopper. In our wolves it should be around four hours. I’ve got an emergency stash there—everything we need to return to civilization for a few days. Once my sources tell us the herd has moved on, we’ll come back and retrieve our things.”

Gem gazed at their campsite. “You’re not worried about abandoning our supplies?”

“Nah. The only thing that could cause a mess is the food, and it’s all tucked away in bear-proof containers. What about your notes and research?”

“All safely packed up.” She brought his hand to her mouth and kissed his knuckles. “I’d feel more comfortable with that plan. If you don’t mind.”

Shaun hurried to reassure her. “Don’t feel bad you don’t want to live wild for a few days. There are a lot of wolves who grew up in the Yukon who have never done an extended trip in wolf form.”

Gem nodded. “May…maybe someday. I’m not sure, but I think I’d like to. Someday.”

The fluttering sensation in his heart—was that a heart attack about to happen? Or the realization she had just implied they’d be together for long enough for there to be a someday? Even staying in the north?

Shaun tugged her to face him. He had to say it. “Gem—I want you to know…”

“We need to be going, right?” Gem stepped back, antsy. Nervousness surrounded her. “I’m starting to get hungry, and we need to be far away from the herd when that happens. I mean, if the wind changed right now, it would be terrible. You lead the way, okay?”

She shifted before he could respond. Before he could find out why all of a sudden she’d gone from sounding as if she had offered him the moon to shaking the dust from her feet as she fled.

She waited in wolf, tail twitching. Body shivering. He would go insane wondering what was wrong. Nothing physically had changed in the last few minutes. He must have said something to offend her, and the idea stabbed him in two.


He thought at her as hard as possible. Nothing.

He shifted to wolf, moved to her side and held himself still. Breathing slowly, willing her to calm down. In spite of what he’d done to upset her, he wanted her to know how much he cared.

When she finally relaxed and licked his muzzle once, a tentative touch, he blew out a long breath. Whatever bullet had just passed, he was going to be very careful until he knew what was going on in that complicated head of hers.

They headed toward the chopper, two-plus days of hiking as humans eaten up under their much faster wolf gait. After two hours of travel, they’d already covered more than half the distance back. The still-illuminated sky helped as well, and other than the occasional side trip to nab a snack, they made good time.

Somewhere in the middle of the night they arrived. They were both tired, turning the corner into the clearing where they’d left the helicopter. Shaun was sure sleep was Gem’s only focus. It was pretty much the only thing on his mind as well.

Which was why he didn’t see the trap until it was too late.

Chapter Thirteen

A sudden snap rang out, followed by the scream of a rope through a pulley. Gem’s eyes, which had been closing in near sleep, flew open. Her hind left paw lifted in the air, caught in something, and she scrambled away, rolling to the right as hard as she could, all her senses waking up in a hurry.

The wolf that was Shaun howled, and she glanced upward to see him wrapped in a net like a fly in a spider’s web. He warned her to hide, the simple communication they used in their wolf forms enough to get that message across loud and clear. She didn’t bolt into the cover of the low-lying brush, instead dropping to her belly and lowering her head.

The scents on the air and the sounds reaching her ears told the story. There were bear shifters in the area. Their aroma seemed vaguely familiar as their human voices drew closer. She scrambled back, staying low to the ground, hiding where she could keep an eye on Shaun.

“Yoo-hoo, sweet lady. Lovely to finally meet you in person. You’ve led us on quite the trip.” A voice rang out from the right as one of the shifters came into view. A Coleman lantern hung from his hand, brightening the twilight until he and his two companions were easily visible. “You may as well change, Gem. You’re going to be with us for a while, and you’ll be much more comfy in your human form.”

“Didn’t expect she’d travel in her wolf, Bruce. That’s not what the report suggested.”

“Where’s the guide?”

“The guide is right here, you asshats.” Shaun shifted, clutching the netting to pull himself to vertical in the wiggling trap. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Let me down.”

“Shit, caught the wrong one.” The skinniest of the three bear shifters came over to stand beside the net, his head level with Shaun’s butt.

“Don’t worry about it, Vince, she wouldn’t go anywhere without him.” Bruce stared at the scrub, his gaze passing within a few feet of where Gem lay hidden. “And we’re not leaving without her.”

“So we’re at an impasse?” the third bear asked.

Bruce turned, his voice lowering. “You’re not going to start that business again, are you? I thought I told you two no more quoting from The Princess Bride or I’d rip your fucking ears off.”

“It’s not my fault this time,” Vince whined. “Norm started it.”

“Sorry, Bruce.” Norm crossed his hand over his heart then pressed a finger to his lips. “Not another word.”

Gem locked her jaw together to stop from whimpering in fear. Shaun spun in a slow circle, the net he was caught in suspended from a cross post that had been attached to the airstrip’s wind-kite tower. The bears had set a trap?

Bruce paced a step closer to Shaun. “Where’s the lady?”

“I killed her and left her body for the crows.” Shaun jerked the ropes harder.


“Idiot! You know how the hell much she was worth?” Norm smacked a fist into Shaun’s back. A harsh grunt escaped Shaun as he attempted to twist away.

“Stop it, he’s bullshitting us.” Vince blocked another kidney punch from landing. “There’s no reason for him to kill her.”

“That’s what you think,” Shaun growled. “You didn’t have to deal with her highness in the backcountry. Now let me down.”

His insults slipped off like she was a duck who had fallen into the Takhini Hot Springs. He was trying to pull a fast one, and she needed to trust him. And help him.

And get them both out of this mess.

Bruce grabbed the net, stopping its steady swing. He twisted the trap until Shaun faced him.

“You’re lying through your teeth. I can smell her on you—hmm, you’re a little taken with the lady. Trying to move up in the world, wolf-boy?”

Shaun glared down at him. “What do you want with Gem?”

“Just doing a job. We caught wind of her arrival the minute she landed in Whitehorse. I hear her family is loaded. There are things we need to do in the next while that require cash. You do the math.”

Gem froze. They were using her to get money? This wasn’t happening. How had she gone from a simple-research-project/spread-her-wings outing to finding her mate and being used as a pawn?

She was not going to let this happen.

Shaun shrugged. “Good luck on that. The finding-her bit, I mean. She’s a wolf, she can shift and go a lot faster than you bears, especially since she knows the territory better than you now. It will be days before you even spot her.” He never glanced her way once, but she’d gotten the message. She could go back to the tent, she could hide and get away—it was true.

But like…hell…was she was going to leave him.

Her mate continued, total indifference in his voice as he baited the bears. “When I don’t call in for the final stages of our flight on time, there will be all kinds of people and pack searching for us. You really don’t want to be doing this.”

“No, I really do,” Bruce insisted. “We need the money, and see, your little scenario with us chasing her for days? Not going to happen. Because I bet she’s watching right now.”


Bruce examined the bush again, his lantern held high in the air. “You want to make this easy, Gem? Come on in, and we’ll go ahead with the next step of the game plan.”

“She’s not stupid. You confessed you planned to kidnap her. Why the fuck should she be willing to come out?” Shaun rearranged himself awkwardly.

“You’re right. Fine. Lower him, boys.”

Vince’s idea of letting him down consisted of whipping out a fixed blade knife and slashing the supporting rope in two. Shaun smacked the ground with a crash, a few choice swear words escaping.

Gem didn’t move. Not when they pulled the ropes from Shaun and yanked him to his feet. Not when Norm and Vince grabbed him by the arms, forcing him forward to stand naked and defenseless before their boss. Not when Bruce placed the lantern at his feet.

Bruce called out louder. “Right. Of course she’s not stupid. Gem, it’s you we want. If you come with us now, your lover doesn’t get the shit beat out of him. Simple.”

He spun and planted a right hook into Shaun’s belly. Fist meeting flesh was stomach-retching sickening. So was the expression on Shaun’s face. He’d turned cold, cruel. As if her Shaun wasn’t there anymore.

Bruce bashed him again, across the jaw. Shaun’s head snapped back with a crack, blood dripping from the side of his mouth. Another blow landed, and another. Shaun struggled against the bears restraining him. He lifted his legs and slammed them at Bruce. The bear shifter laughed as he ducked aside and struck repetitively.

He spoke between blows. “And, Shaun? If you decide…to change to your wolf in the hopes you can escape us that way? Just remember a human body is a lot harder to hide. I have no trouble killing a wolf in an instant.”

Gem hesitated. Maybe she wasn’t supposed to cave. Maybe Shaun had some master plan up his sleeve, but witnessing his torture? She couldn’t do it. There had to be a better solution.

She shifted back to human, crouched low. If they made a run for her, she would change again and escape. “Stop.”

Shaun spoke, the first sound from him other than grunts of pain since the beating began. “Insane.”

She wasn’t going to fall for it—he’d said that on purpose, just to piss her off. Bruce pivoted, the lamplight at his feet smearing the smile on his face into a hideous caricature. “There’s the lovely girl. Come on, dear. So nice of you to join us.”

“You have to promise not to hurt Shaun anymore. He’s my mate. He’s worth money as well.”

The sudden silence in the clearing was deafening.

“Your mate. Damn, that makes a huge difference.” Bruce slapped Shaun on the shoulder. “You hound dog. Well done. I was joking before about moving up in the world, but you really did it.”

“Shut your fucking face.” Shaun’s comment was greeted by a punch to the back of his head from Vince, and her mate fell to his knees as the goons on either side of him released his arms.

“Shaun.” Gem ran forward. The bad guys had all the reason they needed to not kill Shaun and leave his body behind. Either they took her word about the money or they would simply kill them both at some point. She figured she and Shaun had a better chance of surviving this adventure if they were together.

Bruce stepped aside and let her wrap an arm around Shaun.

“You weren’t supposed to do this.” Shaun held her hand as she helped him stagger to his feet.

“I thought you’d figured out by now I don’t always do what I’m supposed to.”

The bears tugged them down the airstrip to where a second helicopter sat waiting next to Shaun’s.

“I suppose I’ll just have to take your word for it about you two being mates. While you stink like each other, that deep metaphysical wolf shit doesn’t register on us bears.” Bruce handed a robe to Gem, and she took it, dressing herself quickly.

“Shaun needs clothes as well.” She crossed her arms and stared at their captor.

Bruce grinned, displaying broken teeth. “I’ll have to charge extra for that.”

Shaun spat out blood before growling, “You can take your clothes and shove them up your—”

“Give him some clothes, or let him get some from his supply. I don’t care which, but you will clothe him properly,” Gem demanded. Then she turned to Shaun and slapped him on the arm. “And you, watch your tongue. I don’t need to listen to that kind of talk.”

Vince snickered. Norm chortled.

Bruce raised a brow. “Henpecked already, I see. You wolves need to learn how to deal with your women better. Vince, grab our guest a shirt and pants.”

Shaun was hauled to the side of the chopper and offered a handful of crumpled garments. Both Vince and Norm watched closely as he pulled on the oversized clothes. Gem wrapped her robe a little tighter, stood a little straighter as she pointedly ignored the bear looming at her side. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing exactly how scared she was.

She was pressed into the back of the helicopter, a sloppily dressed Shaun at her side, his hands tied behind him. This time when they took off there was no protective headset offered, and the noise from the propellers pounded like a hammer on an anvil in her ears. She twisted toward Shaun, pressing one ear against his chest and covering her other with her right hand.

The left hand snuck around his back, and she clung to him, fighting the tears that threatened to fall.

“I’m so sorry. So sorry this happened.” He couldn’t hear her, but she needed to say it anyway. With the whining of the props overhead and Vince staring at them, it was the least likely of places for confessions, but she had to let the words out, in case she didn’t get another chance. “I love you. I mean, I know our wolves like each other. Mine is very put out with me for not marking you and letting her spend time with your wolf. But it’s more than that. I think you’re a very special man, Shaun Stevens, and I’m glad that we’re mates. And if I die in the north, that’s fine, because I’ll be beside you, and somehow that makes even dying okay.”

She hugged him tighter and his chest moved. She wished she knew if it was because he’d heard her confession, or if she’d squeezed one of his sore spots from the beating.

With his hands tied behind him, Shaun was helpless to cradle Gem the way he wanted. The roar from the props increased the pain throbbing through his head. A shift would help him heal faster, but damn if he’d even consider that with the threat of death hanging over him. Instead he ignored his aches and nuzzled his chin against the top of her head, the only thing he could do to let her know he was there. The tear streaks on her cheeks were enough to make his wolf feral, and he wanted to do all kinds of terrible things to Curly, Larry and Mo.

The bastards flew them north and east as far as he could tell. He watched over the pilot’s shoulder when he could, looking for information, hoping that wherever they did land, he could help her escape and he’d be able to steal the chopper or…

Yeah. He was hoping the crew would literally be as stupid as the Three Stooges and fall asleep or some such thing, and together he and Gem would stroll out of this without a worry.

Reality sucked.

When they landed outside one of the deserted DEW Line buildings, his whole perspective changed. This wasn’t simply an impulse nab, although the fact the baddies had a chopper had kinda given that away. Unless someone knew specifically where to look, Gem could have been trapped in there forever. This was a well-executed maneuver to get cash.

The words of the big bear shifter in Chicken came back to him. Money to buy votes in the upcoming bear whoop-de-do. He and Gem had fallen victim to a money grab.

The blessed relief of the cessation of the prop noise was exchanged for increased pain as Norm shoved him in the back hard enough Shaun fell out of the chopper, face first to the ground, unable to break his fall with his hands pinned behind him.

Gem tugged him upward, brushing a hand over him gently even as she aimed the evil eye at their kidnappers. “Leave him be. There’s no benefit in hurting him anymore.”

“Ahh, see that one was for my brother down in Chicken. Your mate should stay out of fights that don’t concern him.” Norm flashed a crooked smile before shoving them toward the building.

Shaun forced himself to stay vertical and take in everything he could. If they were going to get out of this, and he had every intention of damn well making it out with both of them alive and unhurt, he needed to figure out what the hell to do.

Gem’s warm hands slipped around him, helping more than he wanted to admit. Not just the physical strength, but the fact it was her, his mate. Great time to figure out that he was hopelessly in love and would do anything to make sure they stayed together.

Sections of the derelict building’s siding had worked their way loose, hanging in tattered ribbons of silver and grey, the steel building posts exposed to the harsh elements. The Defense Early Warning Line buildings not actively maintained by the US and Canadian governments had been abandoned after the Cold War ended. Some had been adapted to become weather stations, some stripped by nomadic natives and shifters scavenging for building materials. This mid-sized one was in better shape than most, as they discovered after being shoved inside, the door slamming closed behind them with an ominous metallic clink. A bolt slipped into place, a lock attached.

Shaun swore. “There goes the idea of jumping them in their sleep.”

A loud banging rang out—a fist pounding the door?

“You got enough supplies for a person to survive a week.” Bruce’s rasping laugh echoed weirdly from outside. “’Course, since there’s two of you, I suggest you go on a diet or pray for mice. Once we get our money, we’ll let your Daddy know where you are, sugar. And don’t bother trying to figure out who we are. We’ll be going bush for the next while and not even your wolves can track us. Not when we’re in bear and you have no idea of our starting point.”

The ear-splitting rattle resounded from the door again followed by a short silence, then the helicopter props sounded, fading slowly into the distance.

There was a ringing in Shaun’s ears after the volume overload of earlier. A tomb-like hush surrounded them.

Gem clutched his shirtsleeves, her eyes wide as she stared at him. “Are they really gone?”

“It looks that way. Here, untie me.”

She’d already moved to his side, and he twisted to allow her to reach his wrists. The lighting was shitty. There wasn’t that much light in the sky, not even up here where the sun never set. Add to that, most of the windows seemed to be sealed with storm shutters. Only minute cracks in the siding allowed in slivers of orangish light, painting them with freaky stripes.

“This sucks. Sorry, Gem, I fucked up royally back there. I hadn’t considered the idea that anyone would try to kidnap you.”

She tapped his arm again. “Stop that, you’re certainly not to blame. I’d forgotten about the danger myself, not realizing anyone knew who I was. It’s my fault I got you into this mess.”

What a ridiculous conversation. Shaun grinned, his jaw aching. “Well, now that we both got that bit of whining out of our systems… No more blame, except where it belongs—on the shits responsible.”

The pressure restricting his hands vanished, and he brought his arms forward with a groan as the blood hit his fingers and flowed into the fatigued muscles.

“Are you okay?” Gem dropped the ropes to the floor and rubbed his arms gently, avoiding the rising bruises from where he’d been beaten. He’d never been so humiliated. Of course, three on one weren’t good odds, but still.

“I’ll be better once I shift—but first, let’s take a look around. It doesn’t sound as if we’re in a huge rush.” He stopped her before she stepped away. “I meant after I kiss you. Insane woman.”

He caught her cheeks in his hands, cradling her face tenderly before lowering his lips over hers. Gem wrapped her arms around him and pressed closer. Their contact wasn’t sexually frantic, but needy. Wanting. An affirmation of being together and being alive.

It was a heady kiss, and they were both breathing rather hard when they finished.

Gem slipped her fingers into his as they explored their prison. Near black surrounded them, making it tough to see where they were going. They shuffled forward, toes bumping into debris on the ground.

“At least it doesn’t smell too bad.”

Shaun chuckled. “That’s not always a good thing. Means there isn’t enough in here to attract animals, maybe not enough space to get in and out.”

Gem sighed. “Call me a princess if you want, but I’m glad there’s nothing dead and rotting. That would be a more than I could handle right now.”

Shaun gave her shoulder a tight squeeze. “You are more than a princess, darling, but I’m with you on that one. I’m tired enough that not even my wolf is interested in a snack.”

“Ewww, yuck.”

Her disgusted laughter was better than the frustrated one-step-away-from-tears he’d heard in her voice the moment before. Shaun tugged her deeper into the station. “Let’s find somewhere to crash. It’s been a long, long day, and we might have better luck seeing what we’re doing in the morning.”

“You sure we shouldn’t keep going tonight? Because I can, if we have to.”

He peeked around the corner of a doorframe, the second one they’d come to. This time the door was intact and not hanging half off its hinges. A single cot and chair were tucked into the room.

“Ah, the penthouse suite. Here we go.” He walked her forward and checked the bed for strength. “At least the asshats got that part right. It’s built for shifter weight.”

Gem tugged him to the bed beside her. “Are you implying I’m a heavyweight or something, Mr. Stevens?”

He leaned back without protest. He should go look around a little more, but the mattress was calling his name. “Hell no. Only this could even put up with us doing the mambo. Not that I’m saying I want to. In fact, I think for the first time in my life I will honestly say ‘Not tonight, dear, I have a headache.’”

She smoothed a hand over his head, tenderly outlining one of his cuts. “Shift to your wolf. That will let us share the bed better. If you’re sure about waiting until the morning.”

He closed his eyes in relief. “Waiting is fine. We’ve been up twenty hours already. It’s dark, and we’re wearing sunglasses. Hit it.”

There was no response.

Shaun peeled one eye open. “What? You never seen The Blues Brothers? I thought that was like a classic southern movie and all.”

Gem shook her head, but she smiled, shifting into her wolf as she crawled beside him. He changed as well, wrapping himself around her smaller body. The steady pulse of her heartbeat slowed almost immediately, her breathing settling. He forced himself to stay awake a little longer, using his nose, his ears to examine the building as sleep rolled closer.

There was food nearby. Water. Then nothing but dust and the fading scent of bears.

Even as sleep overtook him, he realized the idiots had no idea that they were going to get the butt-whomping of their lives once he and Gem were free. One of their kidnappers was related to a bear he’d fought in Chicken? He had the contacts to take that information to the cleaners. Mess with the Takhini wolves? Mess with a Jacobs?

Hell on earth was coming down on those bear boys in very short notice. And whatever advances they’d hoped to make in their political wrangling was going to the dogs.

Or should he say wolves?

Chapter Fourteen

Caroline dealt with another customer before responding to Evan’s summons. Just because she’d become his main squeeze didn’t mean he could order her around and she’d drop everything and come running.

Although in the bedroom? Holy Toledo, she’d take his orders, with an extra side to go. Sex with a wolf of Evan’s caliber had turned out to be something to truly write home about. It made this façade they were pulling worthwhile on a whole new level.

She knocked on his office door, then walked in without waiting for a response, freezing when she discovered he wasn’t alone.

There were two visitors. One stood against the wall, dressed in a plain dark suit. The guy could have slipped unnoticed into The Matrix. The other man was the center of attention. A Colonel Sanders type, with a neat mustache and beard—traces of silver showing against his dark skin. Even the spectacles were perfect—thin-rimmed, dignified. He rose to his feet, hands remaining folded on top of the head of a polished silver cane.

Caroline nodded politely.

He…sniffed, and she couldn’t stop the smile that escaped. Wolves didn’t seem to realize they gave themselves away in the first ten seconds of greeting anyone. That sniffing thing—it simply wasn’t a human behavior. Not that she was about to say anything to them.

“Mr. Jacobs, this is my personal assistant, Caroline.”

“She’s not a wolf.” The older man narrowed his gaze and examined her thoroughly. “And she smells like you. Whatever did you do to your face, girl?”

Caroline touched her still-swollen left eye involuntarily. Evan sighed as he came to her side. “Internal pack politics. It’s been dealt with.”

One grey brow rose skyward. “I hope the other person looks worse than you.”

Bloodthirsty wolves. Caroline smiled, showing all her teeth. “She’s in a cast, sir. My black eye is significantly less than what she’s wearing.”

Mr. Jacobs gave her a curt nod. “Good for you, then.”

Evan tugged on Caroline’s elbow. “We’ve got trouble, and I need your to help make some contacts.”

“What’s up?”

The wolf in the suit moved to stand a little closer to Mr. Jacobs as she passed him en route to the desk to grab some paper. Everything about the stiff screamed bodyguard, and if they were going for inconspicuous? Major screw-up. Not up north.

“I received a call early this morning demanding money for the return of my daughter.”

Caroline frowned. “But she’s with Shaun, isn’t she?”

Jacobs nodded. “That’s where she’s supposed to be. The caller said they also had Shaun, so it’s possible they were grabbed at some point after Gem’s bodyguard lost them.”

Caroline sat in the desk chair and glanced between Evan and Mr. Jacobs in confusion. She and Gem had spent an entire day together, and she’d never noticed a guard. During their discussion times she’d also learned a few things about Gem’s father that had pushed her hot buttons. The slight dislike factor made her less polite than she probably should have been. “There was a bodyguard? I never saw him.”

“You weren’t supposed to, not if he was doing his job. He was within visual range at all times, until there were a few complications.” Mr. Jacobs retook his seat as Evan came to perch on the edge of her desk.

Caroline started a list of people she’d need to contact even as she listened to the conversation.

“I underestimated my girl. I didn’t think she’d actually leave civilization. Once she and her guide left their second stop, the guard couldn’t find a way to follow them without being noticed.”

Not with them heading to the birthing grounds in northern Alaska, not unless her guard had wings. Caroline opened another screen, sending off an IM. “Evan, I can get Shaun’s flight plans from the airport—there’s a wolf in the traffic-control division. I assume we want to keep this on the quiet, or are we calling in the RCMP?”

The wolf-in-a-suit and Mr. Jacobs exchanged confused glances.

“Royal Canadian Mounted Police—the local authorities. If Gem’s been kidnapped—”

Jacobs frowned. “No police. It’s a shifter situation. I want it dealt with quietly if possible. We’ll go to the humans as a last resort.”

About what she figured. It had to be some shifter-ego-mojo thing, but they never seemed to want to use the proper system. “Then may I ask what kind of manpower you can provide?”

“To assist in recovering them?”

Caroline nodded. “If we’re not contacting the police, I want to know we’re not going into this blind and getting them both killed, not if they have actually been kidnapped. Shaun’s a good friend, and I enjoyed Gem’s company while she was here.”

Mr. Jacobs narrowed his gaze, the sweet old man disappearing and the predator of his wolf showing through. “You think I would do anything to harm my daughter?”

“Caroline…” Evan’s tone warned her off, then he shrugged and that damn grin of his was back in place. In other words, he mustn’t have thought she was in too deep of shit, but she was going to have to talk her way out of this one alone.

Bastard. Another test? She was so going to mix something nasty into his coffee tomorrow morning.

Caroline straightened her spine and maintained eye contact with Mr. Jacobs even though she wanted to duck behind Evan and hide. “Respectfully, I think you aren’t from around here, sir. This isn’t the civilized south, and we’re not talking about hopping on a bus or in a cab to get to wherever they are. It’s not about money, although our pack resources aren’t unlimited. If you’ve got help available—that changes our game plan.”

Jacobs relaxed back, his eyes bright. Feral. “You find out where they are, young lady. I have the wolves, and the funds, to get the damn fools who snatched my girl and make them sorry they ever started anything with me and my kin. You’ll find we’re not all that civilized when it comes to people threatening our families.”

They stared at each other for a moment, and Caroline relented. She’d dealt with enough wolves over the years to know when one was bullshitting her. The old man really was trying to provide what he thought was best for Gem.

“Let me make a few calls.” Caroline tilted her chin at Evan. “I’ve got a list for you as well. You’ll have to speak to the Alpha in Dawson—he won’t talk to me.”

Evan nodded, and the two of them got to work.

Gem woke to see dust motes floating past in horizontal lines, the sun shining in through the tiny slits in the windows enough to show her that she was alone in bed. There was a warm spot where Shaun had lain by her side all night.

Maybe falling asleep last night had been a bad idea, but she’d been one step away from falling over. Not much dignity in that. Although maintaining her dignity was the least of her worries at the moment.

She hopped off the cot, stretching and shaking her fur into place before following Shaun’s scent into the back of the building.

“Well, good morning, sleeping beauty.” He knelt and caressed her, scratching behind one ear, and Gem snorted at him. Wolves were allowed to snort, right?

He looked much better than he had yesterday, the bruises fading, the cut above his eye sealed over and healing already. She butted him with her head, wishing for the millionth time they could speak to each other like a regular mated pair, sharing thoughts mentally.

“I’ve been examining our home. It’s actually quite lovely, and I think I spotted a mistake our kidnappers made. If you wouldn’t mind staying in wolf for a moment?”

She shook her head and followed as he guided her to another section. The corridor led inward, away from the exterior walls. The building was large enough there were no windows in this section.

“I think someone had adapted this DEW Line for science experiments before it was abandoned. The bears who stuffed us in here must be Alaskan or Northern Yukon born. They did an awesome job making sure your average wolf would be stuck like a fish in a barrel.”

Shaun tugged open a half-size door and squatted, pointing into a small square opening.

Gem sat on her haunches. Oh fudge, she bet she knew where this was going. He’d called her insane before. It was his turn for the label if he thought she’d go along with this without some sweet-talking.

She was going to make him say it, because volunteering to crawl into a black, spider-web-filled metal box when she didn’t know where it went?

“I can’t fit. A bear damn well can’t fit, but you can. This is part of the heating system. The central furnace—they simply ran the ducting along the floors. We only need to get to the other side of this wall, and from what I saw as we were entering, there’s a good chance there’s a break in the exterior and you can get outside. Once you’re free, we’ll work on how you can spring me.”

Gem nodded, then ignored him and paced back to the “bedroom”. The duct was a great idea. An awesome idea. She had no issues with any of it.

But first she was going to have breakfast, just to get up her nerve.

She jumped on the bed and shifted before reaching up for a hug. Shaun tugged her against him, his hands nice and warm as they stroked her bare back. “I thought you were going to crawl through the ducting right away.”

She squeezed him hard, then looked around for her robe. It was crumpled and dirty, and she couldn’t be happier to have something to tug on to give her the illusion of protection, at least for a little longer. “No, you suggested I go right away. I want something to eat, please, and maybe a washroom?”

Shaun kissed her nose. “I’m sorry. I was so excited when I started looking around that I didn’t even think—”

She stuck her palm over his mouth. “You know what? You don’t have to do it all—have all the answers, solve all the puzzles. Work with me, just like you taught me on the trail. Right?”

Shaun caught her wrist in his fingers, nibbling on her fingertips for a moment. “My apologies. You’re right. I’m used to being the one in charge—excursions, and all that. But since this is my first kidnapping, I should totally follow your lead—oof.”

Gem shook out the knuckles of her left hand. “You have wonderful abdomen muscles.”

“If you want to examine them, feel free to use your tongue, not your fist.” Shaun pointed behind her. “They left a cooler with food in it. Shall I make you a sandwich while you use the little girl’s room? It’s around the corner to the left. A lovely plastic bucket complete with TP and a squirt bottle of sanitizer.”

She stood for a moment until her sense of the ridiculous hit hard. She’d run for miles in wolf form, made love on the side of a mountain. Sat by a fire under the midnight sun.

This was simply another part of the adventure, wasn’t it?

“A sandwich would be lovely. Is there anything to drink?”

Shaun winked at her. “You’re not going to believe this, but there are bottles of Perrier.”

Gag. “Really?”

She slipped away to examine the facilities. If they were too freaky she’d shift back to wolf and pee in the corner.

His voice carried to her. “Yeah, I guess one of them figured you being a genteel lady and such, you needed the good stuff.”

“Do they know Perrier tastes horrible? And smells like stinky socks.”

A loud guffaw rang out. “No shit?”

A terrible temptation overwhelmed her. “That’s right. Shit is a perfect description.”

She stepped back into the bedroom in time to see his jaw fall open. “Gemmita Ellen Louise May Jacobs, did my ears deceive me or did you just use the word shit?”

Laughter bubbled up, urged on by the expression on his face.

“Poop? Crap? How did you put it once? Bloody fucking—”

This time his hand slapped across her mouth. “Who are you, and what have you done to my Gem?”

She smiled and he released her. “I do know the big bad words, Shaun, I choose not to use them. But I think in light of our circumstances, there’s a few choice swears that need to be aired.”

“As long as your father doesn’t think I corrupted you or something.”

Her father. “Oh boy, I bet he’s not happy right now.”

Shaun handed her a sandwich as she sat on the lone chair. “You get kidnapped often? Just so I can make plans and such.”

The ham and cheese was delicious after having had nothing but rabbit for the past however many hours. “First time. Maybe that’s part of the reason I was kept protected. It’s a bit of a problem of my own making, leaving the easy-to-protect zone.”

Shaun finished his first sandwich and dug into another. “Love, if people want to grab you, they’re going to try if you’re walking the streets of Whitehorse or hidden away in a cloister. It might be tougher for them to succeed in the second case, but that’s not a great way to live, now, is it?”

Gem chewed thoughtfully. He was right. She was enjoying being out and about in the “real world”. She watched him as he watched her. There was something there, more than the mate bond. For a moment she considered repeating her words from the plane, making sure he heard her this time, but this wasn’t the setting for confessions of love and forever.

She’d been frightened back before they started the return trip to the chopper. Scared by how much she’d come to care for him, and how close she’d come to giving over control to him. Allowing him to make the decision of where they would live, and what they would do.

There had to be the balance, between them being a partnership and being individuals with ideas of their own. It wasn’t about getting what she wanted anymore, but making sure that she didn’t give up on herself in the midst of becoming one with him.

None of that seemed the thing to share while they were locked in a prison.

But once they were free? Look out.


Gem glanced up to see Shaun’s face contorted into the most awful grimace. “Are you okay?”

He pointed at his mouth and wrinkled his nose. In his hand he clutched one of the distinctive green bottles and she giggled. He swallowed hard, the exaggerated movement making her laugh even harder.

“I warned you!”

“Actually, I’ve tasted worse.” Shaun winked at her before taking another swig, his expression thoughtful. He shook his head. “Nah, I’ll take a double shot of Sourdough Toe any day.”

Sourdough Toe? She patted her mouth against her sleeve and stripped off the robe. “I guess it’s time to pretend I’m a mole instead of a wolf.”

His gaze followed her as she stood. She bent to drop a kiss on his cheek then walked out the door back toward the open vent. If she happened to let her hips wiggle extra hard, it was his own fault.


“Uh-huh.” Gem darted a glance over her shoulder to see him following along, eating her hungrily with his gaze. “I hope you don’t have to crawl any time soon, because you’re not going to be able to get that weapon to remain concealed.”

He grinned at her. “Kidnapping has done wonders for your sense of humour.”

Gem had to agree. “I think it’s the whole northern air. I must be allergic.”

She shifted, paws slipping out of her outsized shoes. Shaun moved the door aside farther, and she stuck her nose in as far as she could without actually putting her head into the duct.

“I did brush it out with a stick earlier,” Shaun boasted.

Her hero.

Gem dropped to her elbows and crawled forward an inch at a time, following the fresh air coming from in front of her. Crawling was slow going, the duct squeezed tighter in places where there must have been outside damage to the casing.

Oh God, she’d better not get stuck. She wasn’t claustrophobic, but it would be almost impossible to get out without help.

“You still moving?” Shaun called, his voice echoing strangely in the tight metal quarters.

She yipped confirmation. Crawled another couple inches. Sneezed.

“Bless you.”

She really shouldn’t laugh—it was tough enough already to breathe in the dark with four sides closing in around her. But common everyday politenesses like a gesundheit?

She must be getting giddy. Or steps away from hysterical.

The panel on her right wiggled, and her hopes leapt. She leaned to the side harder, and a gust of fresh air hit her in the face. She howled, and from a distance Shaun’s voice rumbled back with delight.

“You there?”

Not yet, but close. She snuck forward a little more, pushed hard with her nose, and with a crash, the flap beside her fell away and she rolled free.

She shifted and clapped her hands in delight. “I’m out. I did it. Shaun, I did it!”

Even as he crowed back at her, praising her loudly, Gem examined the new room she’d discovered. There was no door on the outside wall, but the window let in a ton of light—more of the storm shutter was broken away in this section.

“Can you see a way to outside?” Shaun asked.

“Maybe. Give me a minute.”

She picked a careful path over the dirt-strewn floor, cold rocks and stray bits of garbage poking into her less-than-wolf-proof arches. But what she discovered more than made up for the aches and pains.

“There’s a fresh breeze blowing in. The window is broken, Shaun, and I’m sure I’ll be able to get out.”

“Awesome. Take your time. Don’t rush. Use whatever you need that helps.”

Gem stopped. While she wanted to race forward and try the shutters, there was too much broken glass to go anywhere fast. She needed some thing to step on, or a broom. There was a desk in the corner, with a chair leaning against the frame. From the dust on the floor showing her steps, the kidnappers had never even entered this section of the building. Boxes of electronic equipment lay piled in heaps beside one wall, along with a discarded lab coat and rubber boots.

Saks Fifth Avenue, it wasn’t, but as if she was going to complain.

As she slipped on the coat, one of the objects piled in the chaos caught her eye. “Shaun, can you hear me?”

“What’s up? You find a way out?”

“Haven’t checked closer yet,” she confessed. “I was putting on some clothes I found. I think there’s something in here you need to see.”


She laughed as she tipped the boots over and crashed them together to remove any spiders or little critters making their home inside. Peering in didn’t help, so she gathered her courage and slipped a hand in. Slowly. Very slowly.

When all she hit was sole, the sense of relief was powerful.

Of course, she wasn’t as lucky in the second boot.

Her scream died away in time for guilt to descend as she heard Shaun’s frantic yells.

“Gem. What the fuck is wrong?”

“It’s okay. I’m okay.” Her skin crawled as she pulled out a dead mouse from where it had been jammed into the toe of the boot. “I was having a girly moment. Sorry for scaring you.”

The banging died down, and even through the walls his sigh was audible. “Princess moment, eh? Is something dead?”

Poop. “You know me too well.”

“Not nearly as well as I plan to. So what’s the thing I need to see? And I’m not trying to rush you, but I’m getting hoarse from yelling. Is outside a possibility?”

“Nag, nag, nag.” Gem grabbed the curly cord she’d spotted poking from the box and gave a light tug. A microphone pulled free, followed by the corner of a boxlike object. She shoved aside the rest of the pile and rescued her find.

With her treasure under her arm, she made her way to the window.

“Good news, I can do this. Give me two more minutes.”

Shaun chuckled. “It’s not like I’m going anywhere…”

Gem wiggled boxes closer, making a platform under the window. As she hauled one away from the wall, she spotted a fire extinguisher and fire axe, nabbing the latter happily. “Okay, I’m making some noise. Don’t worry, it’s demolition time.”

“Have fun!”

There was something freeing about swinging the axe, forcing the few remaining struts on the one side to bend enough she could reach the outer layer. After spreading what was left of a rotting blanket over the glass shards, she shoved the far-left section of the storm shutters away, the loud screech of metal on metal ringing through the room.

The bright morning sunshine matched her mood as she dropped both her discovery and the axe to the outside ground, crawled up on the window ledge, and wiggled her way out.

Intense satisfaction sparkled like tiny bubbles inside. She didn’t want to shout, she was too full of pride and happiness. Instead, she grabbed her supplies and walked cautiously around the perimeter of the building. On the off-chance there was someone hiding in the area, she wasn’t going to walk into another trap.

Nothing but fresh air, the gentle noises of the tundra, and after her second corner, the front door with a deadbolt lock hanging from it.

She emptied her hands and knocked.

Shaun’s soft response came from just on the other side of the door. “I knew you’d do it.”

That he was already there, waiting for her, was huge. The impulse to burst out with a confession of love was so strong—but she still wanted to wait. “Thank you. Now, I need to get you out. Let me try this. Careful, it could get noisy.”

She swung at the lock, the first couple blows going off-angle and accomplishing not much more than making her ears ring. Then she turned the axe around, using the blunt backside of the head, and the metal twisted.

“It’s working, Shaun.”

“Woohoo, break me outta here, love.”

Another half-dozen blows were all it took. The lock fell into two pieces with a satisfying crash. She opened the bolt and drew it back. The door swung open, and she found herself lifted high into the air, spun in circles as Shaun squeezed her tight.

Then his lips were on hers and they were kissing. Mouths locked together, tongues tangling. She clutched his broad shoulders and smiled against him.

They drew apart, both grinning like fools.

“Well, so much for being trapped.” Shaun examined her carefully, his fingers skimming over her. “You okay? Nothing happen when you screamed? No cuts, no…”

“I’m fine. But thank you for asking.”

She cuddled to his side as he twisted to take in their surroundings. “Well, at least I don’t have to worry about getting shot or beat on again. Man, they did abandon us.”

“Probably figured I’d be trapped and why bother to stick around.” Indignation rose. “I wish I could give them a piece of my mind. If they’d been wolves…”

Shaun hugged her again. “I’m pretty sure that’s why they were bears. You and I together can do a lot of damage to another pair of wolves, just by how strong we are. But all the hierarchy power in the world doesn’t work against different breeds of shifter.”

Under her ear, his heart pulsed with steady beat. “I’m ready to go home.”

He lifted her chin, smiling even as he shared the bad news. “Sorry, but that’s going to take a bit of work. The markings on the station give me a rough idea of where we are. I know from my days plotting trips up to Old Crow we’ve got a ways to hoof it. Still, in wolf we can do it. You okay with that?”

Gem batted her lashes at him. “You don’t want to call for a ride?”

Shaun raised a brow, and she snuck out from under his arm, grabbed her discovery and held it out to him. “Of course, I’m not positive this works, but I’m pretty sure I saw a flashlight in the prison room, that will have batteries. Plus, there were a lot of other wires and things in the room I broke out of. I figured a smart guy like you would totally be able to make this work.”

Shaun accepted the box from her, delight on his face. “You found a bloody ham radio.”

“Is that what this is?”

He nodded. “Damn, you scored big. Come on, I think we should order in room service with this thing. You want anchovies on the pizza?”

They moved back into the station. Gem buzzed with excitement to have been able to play a vital role in saving not only herself, but him. They worked together well as a team. And as he pulled apart the flashlight and twisted wires, Gem watched her mate, content to be at his side.

Chapter Fifteen

Waiting for the rescue team to reach them took less time than Shaun expected. Then again, he should have been suspicious when he used the ham radio and discovered word of their kidnapping was already common knowledge, at least in the wolf-shifter world.

When the first person out of the chopper was Caroline, Shaun wasn’t surprised. She was Evan’s assistant after all. But the tall, slender man who crawled out after her made his fur stand on end.

Gem squealed. She raced forward and threw herself at the man Shaun assumed was her father. Oh boy. On a scale of one to ten, running away was looking like a twenty-seven. The stern look the dude tossed his direction was pretty damn clear in showing what the old man thought of his baby girl’s choice of companions.

Good thing Gem’s mate selection wasn’t up to her father. Shaun smiled broadly.

Caroline made her way to his side. The most extraordinary colours decorated her face. “What the hell happened to you?” he asked.

She tossed him a grin. “You seen your face in a mirror lately?”

Oh, right. “There were three of them. They caught me from behind. They used laser beams and rancid pudding.”

“You forget to duck?”

He couldn’t get over her bruises. “I’m serious, Caroline. Has the world gone mad?” He sniffed. “Holy shit, you’ve been fucking around with Evan.”

She was laughing too hard to be offended. “No, the world isn’t mad. Or no madder than usual. Yes, Evan and I are seeing each other. Get over it. I’m here to escort Mr. Jacobs ‘to the rescue’ since he refused to remain behind. Evan is already working on getting a bead on the guys who jumped you—thanks for the note to start looking in Chicken. The bear shifters we talked to in Dawson were outraged that any of them would stoop to kidnapping—we have their full co-operation as well. Anyone laying a hand on Gem in the future will be given clan discipline, which I hear is actually tougher than what wolves hand out. Go figure.”

Shaun blinked hard. “Can you repeat that last part?”

She frowned. “Which part?”

“I kinda got stuck when you said you and Evan are seeing each other. What the fuck is he thinking?”

He didn’t see the blow coming, and by some freaky circumstance, she slammed him right on the most tender section of his ribs, and he folded like a card table. The ground hadn’t gotten any softer since the last time he smacked into it. He rolled to stare up at her, the bright sky haloed around her pretty blonde head.

“Dude. I speak wolf.” Her sweet smile belied the steel in her tone. “You know the rules. I’m with Evan. Next time you bitch at me, I kick you in the nuts. I would imagine you’d like to keep them intact, having found your mate and all.”

He accepted her outstretched hand and crawled to his feet. “Yup, got it. Congrats, etc. etc. Good to know. The chicks hanging all over him were driving the old guy a little insane.”

She muttered something that sounded like “you’re telling me” as she gestured him forward to where Gem stood speaking with her father.

The props on the chopper turned slowly, the sound barely disturbing the air. It was quiet enough that the lecture Mr. Jacobs delivered carried on the breeze far too easily. Gem waited in front of him, hands tucked in front of her, the rest of her body rigid and erect as if she wore a corset and had a book balanced on her head.

Shaun cleared his throat. Their gazes swung his direction. He wiggled his fingers. “Ho.”

Gem bit her lip, fighting back a smile.

Shaun stepped forward, hand held out to her dad. Only one way through and that was full-speed ahead. “Mr. Jacobs. Great to finally meet you. Thanks for coming to escort us home.”

“And you are…?” The long, slow perusal up and down was followed by sudden comprehension. “Oh yes, the guide. Good to meet you as well.”

Then he turned his back and attempted to steer Gem toward the chopper.

Shaun tapped him on the shoulder. “Sir?”

Mr. Jacobs paused. “What? Oh…of course.” He dug into his pocket and pulled out a wallet, grabbed a couple bills and pressed them into Shaun’s hand. “Here you go.”

Shaun closed his hand around the man’s fingers. “Sir. No. You need to listen for a minute.”

“Shaun, allow me.” Gem’s sweet voice snuck into his ears and tickled him into submission. He let go and raised his hands in surrender. If she wanted to do this, he’d let her.

Then she slipped under his arm and cuddled in close, and Mr. Jacobs’ jaw dropped.

“Daddy, I’d like you to meet Shaun Stevens. Yes, he’s my guide, but he’s also my mate.”

Wind swept over the North Pole and rattled in his future father-in-law’s open mouth. “Mate?”

She nodded.

Jacobs raised his head and narrowed his eyes. “Is this some kind of post-traumatic induced psychoses? Because I would understand—”

“Use your nose, dude,” Shaun blurted out. Oops. Forgot the polite bit. “Sir.”

There was no denying the dismay on the old man’s face this time. “Well, damn.”

“Daddy!” Gem stood to one side.

“Well, darling, it’s a little unexpected. Why didn’t you tell me?” He peered at them. “You aren’t marked. Why aren’t you marked if you’re mates?”

She wrinkled her nose and shifted uneasily on her feet. “It’s…complicated.”

Shaun snorted—he simply couldn’t stop it. Complicated? That was one way to describe their relationship.

Caroline stepped forward. “If I could make a suggestion, we should move this to the chopper. We need to get back to Dawson and the rest of the search crew.”

Gem shook her head. “I don’t want to go back to Dawson.”

She didn’t? Shaun waited with bated breath to see what was next on the agenda.

Gem faced her father. “Thank you for coming and getting us.” She turned to include Caroline in the conversation. “We really appreciate it. And I do hope there’s a group going after the kidnappers. But what Shaun and I need is a ride back to his helicopter, or better yet to somewhere close to our abandoned campsite.”

Caroline nodded slowly. “I believe we can arrange that. I’ll have to double-check with the pilot.”

She took off toward the helicopter.

“What you doing, love?” Shaun smoothed a hand down her back and she melted against him. She was perfect there, and it was so right to hold her in his arms. There was another option—and while it wasn’t what he wanted, he had to offer her the choice. “I can go get the chopper if you want to go back to Dawson with your father.”

“I think that’s for the best,” Jacobs interjected. “We can meet in Whitehorse and discuss the rest of—”

“No.” Gem stared at her father. “Did you not hear what I just said?”

“Darling, you’ve had a traumatic experience.”

“Darn tootin’, I have.”

Shaun fought to hide his grin as her father’s eyes widened. “Gem!”

“Daddy, Shaun and I need to go back. We have to retrieve the equipment we abandoned. I have my research notes to gather. If you’d like to wait for us in Whitehorse, you’re welcome to—Evan Stone seems to be a very accommodating Alpha. But I, and my mate, have some other business to attend to first. I hope you understand.”

Shaun was so proud he wanted to howl. Instead, he kept rubbing her back, letting her know he was there if she needed him.

Mr. Jacobs folded his arms across his chest. “I see. That’s the way it’s going to be, is it?”

Gem nodded curtly, then softened. “Thank you for coming. I love you, Daddy.”

How could any male resist when she pulled that sweet, innocent face on him?

“I love you too, pumpkin.” Jacobs stared at Shaun for a moment. “You. We’ll be having a long talk the next time we meet, young man.”

Shaun resisted temptation. Oh, the things he could say right now. “Looking forward to it, sir.”

Crossing the short distance to the helicopter and finding places for everyone was bizarre in its normality. Anticlimactic even, like they were out for a sightseeing tour.

The chopper was full and noisy, jammed in with the pilot, this weird dude in a suit, Gem’s father, Caroline and him and Gem. But the way his mate curled against his body, and settled his hand over her warm belly made the discomfort of being squeezed into one seat more than tolerable.

If he could just figure out what the hell was going on.

He really could nab the chopper on his own. She could spend some time with her father, have a hot bath and return to civilization. Of course, the chances of her deciding to stay with him in the north grew dimmer by the minute.

Their entire relationship had been a comedy of errors, and it was only by sheer chance that the kidnapping hadn’t turned out any more violent and bloody. The north hadn’t shown itself in the best light.

Gem, however, had shone like a diamond. It was clear his fragile princess had a rock-solid core, and a lot more inside her head than he’d given her credit for at the start. And a lot more than her father understood.

They were dropped off an appropriate distance from the tent. Caroline tapped him on the shoulder as Gem said her goodbyes to her father.

“I can make sure he stays distracted for a while, or send him home. Which do you prefer?”

Shaun sighed. He knew what he wanted, but Gem hadn’t said a word. If she decided to return south, she should travel with her father. Safety in numbers and all that. “Distract him. We’ll only be four, five days, at the most. The herd should be gone by then, and we’ll grab our stuff and return.”

She nodded. “For what it’s worth, I hope she stays.”

“Me too.” Very, very much.

Gem ran, working her shorter legs hard to keep up with Shaun. She liked that he didn’t slow down for her anymore, that he pushed on and found a comfortable tempo to run. She was able to maintain the pace better now than when she’d started this adventure.

That’s what she needed to let him know. While seeing her father had brought up some doubts and concerns, it had also made one truth that much clearer. She and Shaun belonged together. Figuring out where to live was the least of their worries.

If her daddy had any idea of taking her back south against her will? There would be none of that. Plus, the one detail she and Shaun needed to complete? It was going to happen soon.

Her wolf shivered with anticipation.

They slowed as they reached the outskirts of their campsite, her heart pounding from the exertion and from the thrill of her secret plans. She tossed back her head and breathed deeply. The caribou were still in the area, their scent strong in her nostrils, but not as strong as she anticipated.

Ahead of her, Shaun had shifted back to human. She joined him, checking the landscape from their lookout perch.

He pointed to the side. “There. The caribou have already changed location. Not much, but enough we can get at our things.”

She squeezed him briefly before they shifted and returned to the tent.

They made quick work of packing, silent for the most part, talking as they gathered the scattered objects. Even a single night later, the animals and winds had begun to take their human possessions back to the wild. Gem smiled as she examined the chewed toe of a sock, the fabric shredded to fuzz, some no doubt stolen away for a nest or a burrow. She carefully pulled the rest of the sock apart and deposited the scraps into the scoop of a hollow at the edge of a bush. One of the small creatures of the tundra would find the supplies soon enough.

Pulling her hiking boots back on was painful, yet not as bad as she expected. The happiness she experienced every time they bumped elbows or rocked into each other in the tent…there was no containing how much she truly enjoyed being with him now.

They hit the path, and once they’d walked far enough their voices wouldn’t disturb anything, conversation began again.

“I’m sorry if I blew it with your father.”

Gem laughed. “He should be apologizing to you. And to me. That wasn’t what I expect of him.”


Well… “Okay, yes, he’s very decisive about what he wants for me, but I didn’t think he’d question if we really were mates.”

Shaun fell silent. She understood his reticence. There wasn’t much he could say. While neither of them had ever denied their mating, they hadn’t been shouting it out to the world either, had they? She hadn’t marked him, she hadn’t confirmed they would stay together.

A string of swear words bubbled inside, wanting very badly to escape. Northern air getting to her again, or simply what really needed to be said.

Gem paced closer to Shaun, to make sure he heard her question. “We going to camp one night on the way back?”

“I think so. You good to hike for a little longer tomorrow?”

Definitely, since she had plans for tonight. “That’s fine.”

They fell silent, the rhythm of hiking smooth and almost hypnotic as his feet hit the path ahead of her again and again. Thoughts raced through her mind in an endless loop.

North, south, north, south.

She had no idea, no way to know which was better. The only thing she knew for certain was that she had to be by his side.

They set up the tent again, got a pot of water going. Shaun sat across from her as she leaned away from lighting the stove, the most peculiar expression on his face.


“You look… No, it’s silly.”

Gem knelt back and planted her fists on her hips. “What?”

“You look good.”

Lot of work for a little compliment, but she’d take it. “Thank you.”

He didn’t stop staring. And she couldn’t stop staring back. Her wolf bumped her, hard. Really hard, and she swallowed with need.

Screw supper, she wanted her mate.

She turned off the burner and his brow rose. When she stood and reached down a hand to him, he smiled. “Are we fasting?”

“Shut up.”


The tent was small and cozy after the cold metal of the DEW Line building, the light making the blue nylon fabric glow above their heads. She scrambled out of her clothes, reaching to find he’d already joined her.

They tumbled together onto the sleeping-bag-covered Therm-a-Rests.


What to say? Or should she simply do? The questions disappeared when he rolled her to her back and lowered his head to kiss and suck on her breasts. He held her, cupping and supporting her as he drew the tips into his mouth and made her crazy.

There was a physical addiction happening here, and Gem had no intention of attempting to find a cure.

She scratched her nails down his body, pulling a groan of happiness from his lips. As she sat upright, he wiggled away, until with very little effort she had hold of the base of his cock, a trembling note of approval breaking free.

“What are you doing to me, love?”

Gem licked the salty seed from the slit, wetting the heated head of his shaft with her tongue before pulling away to respond. “If you have to ask, I must be doing it wrong.”

“No, no, totally right. Totally, oh my fucking—”

She’d enveloped his length completely, taking as much as possible, as deep as possible. The continued happy noises escaping him pleased her. Made the tingling and aching between her legs increase as well, wetness brushing her thighs. But she didn’t want to rush this. It had been a long time coming, and she was going to do everything right.

Slow drag up, quicker plunge down. She wrapped her fingers around the base of his erection, letting herself descend that far on each bob, her saliva coating him and easing the way. When she pressed her tongue hard along the underside of his shaft, he jerked his hips, catching hold of her head and freezing her in position.


Gem pulsed her lips and sucked.

“Arghhh, don’t do that either.” A series of short pants burst from him as he pulled himself free, lifting her from his groin.

She turned her most innocent face his direction. “But I wasn’t finished.”

He blew out a slow stream of air through pursed lips as he tweaked her nose. “We were nearly done before we began.”

“I wanted you to come.”

He grinned. “Oh, I will. But ladies first.”

Okay. She could work with that.

Somehow he flipped them around, and instead of her on top, giving to him, it was all about what he could do to drive her crazy.

He teased her nipples with his fingers. Trailed kisses down her belly, and licked the inside of her thighs. When she giggled, he planted his palms on her legs and pressed them apart, staring down at her sex with craving in his eyes.

And then…the things he did with his tongue were indescribable. Her mind went foggy right about the time he slipped a finger into her core. The first orgasm went off and she sighed.

He didn’t stop. A second finger joined the first, pressure building rapidly without a break as he licked and sucked, tossing her over another peak, and another, until she lay quivering with the excessive pleasure driving through her veins.

She pulled together enough strength to force herself vertical, crawled into his lap and with one sure motion, joined them.

They both clung tight, as if afraid the other would disappear. Vanish like a dream upon waking. Gem didn’t want this to end. She belonged with Shaun, and if she admitted the truth to herself, the idea of living in the north didn’t scare her anymore. Not like it had at first.

Because she’d have him.

She rose and fell over him, a constant, rhythmic dance that increased in tempo and pressure until she pounded down, his hips canting upward to greet her on each movement. Her fingers tangled in his hair, tugging him closer, and she took a deep breath, her nose buried right beside his ear.

Her wolf howled with delight as she opened her mouth and caught hold of his shoulder muscle between her teeth.

Shaun froze, his cock sunk to the root in her core. “Gem?”

She closed her lips, added a slight pressure. Asking permission without saying a word.

“Oh hell, love, yeah. Bite me.”

He grabbed the back of her head with one hand and pressed her harder to his shoulder. At the same time he drove his hips upward like a mad man, his erection pistoning in and out, thrusting her over into a climax just as she bit down. Marking him. Making him hers.

He threw back his head and damn near screamed. Gem laughed, her orgasm pulsing on and on, then igniting into something out of this world as he yanked her closer. He fastened his mouth on her neck, and a second later, stars were all she saw as his teeth pressed into her flesh.

“I love you.”

Sweet mercy. She’d heard him. In her head, just like that first time they’d made love.


She wanted to try again, wanted to see if it was real, but the pleasure streaking through her couldn’t be denied, not even to experiment with their potential mate connection. She held on tight and rode out the storm.

When she could think again, it was to discover him stroking her back, fingertips gentle along her ribs, dipping down her waist before cupping her butt then rising up in endless circles.

“I’ve waited my entire life to experience this.”

Shaun kissed her temple. “I have to agree.”

Tears rushed into her eyes. “It’s real then? You can hear me?”

He nuzzled her neck, licking where he’d marked her, and a shiver shook her against him, rubbing their skin together. “You’re in my soul, love. Hearing you this way is just the icing on the cake.”

Chapter Sixteen

Shaun stared across the Moonshine Pub at Gem, wondering how it was possible for them to be so connected, and him still have no bloody idea was going on in that pretty head of hers.

Odds were he was simply too stupid to read the signs.

A couple of women from the pack wandered over and joined the table, leaning in to chat with Gem and Caroline. The four ladies laughed freely, their heads close together. To their left, Gem’s father sipped from a large brandy glass, a group of old-timers gathered at his side shooting the breeze and trying to one up each other with fish stories. The stiff in the suit leaned on the wall, a dark pair of glasses covering his eyes.

Shaun shook his head and turned his gaze back to his mate. She was far more interesting to look at, even if the secretive glances being tossed his direction from the four women made him nervous.

“You going to tell me what’s got you looking so constipated?” Evan slammed a new beer on the table in front of him, then propped himself up on the tall stool to Shaun’s right.

Shaun took a constitutional swig of the brew before pointing the mouth of his bottle in the direction of the ladies. “I don’t understand what you’re doing with a human who’s not your mate, but hell if I’m going to give you shit when I’ve got a mate and don’t quite know what I’m doing either.”

Evan lifted his drink and saluted him. “Women. Can’t live with them, can’t find the car keys without them.”

They set down their bottles at the same time, simultaneous sighs escaping as they stared at the women.

Shaun shot a glance at Evan.

Evan snorted.

Then the laughter set in for real, and they were lost. Shaun had tears streaming down his face right about the time Evan fell off his stool. Things kinda went downhill from there.

Every time Shaun managed to catch his breath, Evan started up again and set him off. Shaun clutched his stomach, the pain almost as bad as being beaten black and blue. Somehow they were both on the floor, dragging themselves up against the wall and hoping for a reprieve.

“Do I need to come and rescue you?”

The sweet touch of Gem’s voice in his mind hadn’t grown old. Not as they had traveled from the camp to the chopper, not over the past couple days as they’d shown her father around Whitehorse.

It calmed him and excited him all in the same breath. She was in his core, and he couldn’t imagine living without her.

“Nah, we’re okay. You having fun with the girls?” He tried poking his head around the barstool legs to spot her face again.

“Yes, but what I’d like is…”

When she stopped, a touch of longing in her tone, it was enough to sober him up from his giggle fest. He groaned as he slapped Evan on the shoulder, his stomach protesting as he sat up. “On that note, I’ll be back. My mate needs something, and your ugly mug just don’t cut it anymore.”

Evan waved him off as they both rolled to their knees.

“Now you should know better than to stop in the middle of that kind of a sentence. Me being the hound dog I am, I could find all kinds of fascinating ways to finish that thought.”

She watched as he approached, her dark lashes fluttering over her bright eyes. Her mouth curved in a smile meant all for him. “That sounds more interesting than what I was going to ask.”

Shaun stopped at her side, nodding politely at the rest of the table. “Ladies. If you don’t mind, I’d like to borrow Gem for a few minutes.”

For a bunch of grown wolves, there was far too much winking and nodding happening as she took his hand. Shaun’s face grew hot at the blunt stares from Caroline and the other girls. What the hell had they been talking about, and holy shit, was he actually blushing?

This night got weirder by the minute.

Gem squeezed his fingers. “Where we going?”

Shaun tugged her close, his hand slipping to her lower back to keep them close. “Dance floor for now.”

They swayed easily, the music nice and slow. Gem draped her arms around his neck, the move lifting her breasts against him.


They danced, bodies comfortable, in harmony. Part of what he’d longed for was right there. Complete connection, total belonging. There was no question about that truth—he and Gem were together.

“Shaun, we need to make some decisions.”

He turned her slowly, holding on to the peace for one more moment. “There was only one decision that had to be made, love, and you already made it when you marked me.”

Gem stiffened. “When…I marked you?”

Shaun nodded, attempting to guide her from the dance floor toward the open patio. “Come here, let’s not do this in the middle of the entire pack.”

She resisted. “No, this is as fine a place as any.”

Somehow she twisted from his arms and took a spot a few feet from him. He missed her warmth immediately, and the sadness in her eyes haunted him. “Gem, what’s wrong?”

“Just because I marked you, and you marked me doesn’t mean you get to make all the decisions. I thought you understood that. I thought that was clear when we worked together, on the trail, when we escaped from being kidnapped.”

Complete confusion swirled around him. “Gem? You lost me. I just meant that—I mean, all I wanted to say, is that I love you.”

“I love you too, but…” She sighed, an aching, lonely sound, enough to break his heart.

Shaun scratched his head. “There seem to be whole gaps missing from this conversation. I’m not making any decisions. I’m telling you I’m willing to move south. Check it out for a while. Shit, maybe I’ll learn how to windsurf in your ocean. And I’ll take ballroom-dance lessons, or whatever the hell else you do for fun down south.”

Gem stared at him.

The entire bar seemed to hold their breath. The music faded, the flap flap flap of the overhead fans loud in his ears.

She tilted her head to the side. “You…want to move south?”

Shaun caught her hands in his. “I want to be with you, wherever you want to be. If that’s back in Georgia, I’m not that old a dog. I can learn new tricks.”

She swallowed hard, her lower lip trembling. “You mean it?”

He nodded. “Of all the things in life I’m willing to give up, you’re not one of them. I need you, Gem.”

Gem threw her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. “I don’t know what to say. Really? You would give up your life here to be with me…?”

Her voice tightened, the words dying away.

He kissed her cheek gently. “Really. Why is that so hard to believe?”

“Because you love the north.”

Moving wouldn’t be easy, but it would work. He’d make it work.

“I love you more,” he vowed.

She melted, her expression of complete adoration making his heart pound.

“I need time to settle details with Tad, and the business end of things. But other than that, I’m good.”

“That’s a fine young man you’ve got there.” Mr. Jacobs’ voice interrupted them, the swirl of others discussing his confession filling the air.

Gem turned to face her father, tucking herself against Shaun’s side in her usual position. “Daddy?”

Jacobs lifted his glass at Shaun. “Nice to see that not all you young’uns are hoodlums and miscreants. Love to show you the place. You play golf?”

Oh boy. Chasing around a little white ball that had never done him any harm and beating it with a club. Exactly how he wanted to spend his days. Not. He took in a deep breath, and Gem’s scent filled his head.

That’s why he was doing this.

He smiled politely at her father. “No, sir, I don’t, but I’m game for poker.”

The colonel’s brow rose. “We’ll see about introducing you down at the club, but I doubt we’ll have time to do it all while you’re visiting. I can’t imagine it’ll take Gem that long to pack.”


Gem tugged him. “Oh dear, look at the time. We need to go—”

“Pack?” Shaun tilted his head at his father-in-law, wolf-style. “Why does Gem need to pack?”

The old man grumbled for a moment. “To get her things together to move up here to be with you. Since she told me that’s what she’s going to do.”

Gem stopped pulling. Shaun’s grin grew wider by the second.

“Oh, that reason for packing. How could I forget? Yes, we’ll only be down south for… How long did you say, love?”

He turned and batted his lashes at Gem. She answered sheepishly. “Three weeks. Isn’t that what we had talked about?”

“Of course. Silly me.” He nodded at Mr. Jacobs. This conversation was finishing elsewhere. “Excuse us, sir, things to organize.”

“No problem, I’ll be here with the boys. We’re going to a cancan show later.”

Shaun tugged Gem by the arm and ducked into Evan’s office. Privacy, now, was required. He let his happiness show as he leered at her.

“I’m not even going to mention the fact you made plans without me.”

She lowered her chin, but maintained eye contact. “Tell me you’re disappointed I want to live in the north. Go on, tell me, so I can call you a liar.”

His heart pumped like a jackrabbit in the midst of pursuit. “I can’t support you the same way that you’d be living at home. I’m willing to make some changes in career, so I’m not off flying as often—but once you’ve got your degree, I bet you can get a position with any of the environment groups here in the north. They’d love to have someone with your enthusiasm and background.”

Gem nodded. “I’m not too worried about finding work, Shaun. My hesitation has been trying to figure out where I belong. I like being with you, and I like trying new things. I loved running in my wolf, and I don’t ever want to give that up.”

Thank God. “I’m serious though, we can go south if you want to.”

Gem smacked him on the chest. “What part of ‘I like the north’ did you not understand? There’s a lot here for me to experience. I’m sorry I pulled a fast one on you with my father, but I decided it was easier to simply let him know what I wanted.”

She snuck into his arms, and he held on tight. “Don’t think I’m going to be too upset about you going around me, not when it means I get to keep the two things I love the most.”

Shaun lifted her chin and kissed her again, the deep layers of having a mate settling around him and filling him with contentment. She was there for him, she encouraged him. Didn’t seem to mind his rough edges.

Enjoyed spending time with him in the outdoors—he was in wolf heaven.

The kissing got a little rougher as she grabbed him by the jean pockets and tugged him closer. Just as it got real interesting, there was a knock on the door.

“Go away,” Gem growled.

Shaun laughed. “Gem, this is Evan’s office.”

She rested her forehead on his chest. “Shoot. Forgot about that part.”

He opened the door to discover Evan leaning against the doorpost. “May I come in?”

Shaun gestured to him magnanimously.

Gem had smoothed her skirt and stood politely to the side of the couch. “Sorry, Evan. I was a little distracted.”

The Alpha shrugged. “Changes in circumstances can do that to you. Congrats, I heard you’re planning on making the move permanent?”

She nodded. “If that’s okay with you.”

Evan dropped into his recliner. “Maybe.”

Shaun kicked Evan’s foot. “Maybe? What kind of bullshit answer is that?”

There was a pause as Evan tilted his chair back. “I just want to make sure I’ve got the whole situation in the right light. You moving to Whitehorse permanently means you’re either in my territory and pack, or you’re in the Miles Canyon pack. Shaun is strong enough to be Alpha if he wanted to. Am I looking at needing to fight the two of you in the next couple years?”

Shaun couldn’t believe the turn in this conversation. “Why the hell would I want to take over the pack?”

“Because once you see something that needs to be done, with Gem chatting you up, you’re going to find that you’re doing the right thing all the time and suddenly it’ll be work, work, work for me to keep control of you.”

Gem laughed. “You’re pulling our leg. You don’t really think we’re going to take over the Takhini pack, do you?”

Evan smiled broadly. “Actually, I was kind of hoping you’d become Betas for the pack. Saves us fighting and all that.”

It was like a curtain lifted. Somehow Shaun had known this was coming. “Betas? For Takhini?”

Evan shook his head. “You have this issue of repeating everything I say. I’m using small words, Shaun. You want to help lead or not?”

Shaun stared across to where Gem leaned on the back of the couch. She had a secretive little smile on her face, and he paused. Holy shit. “You knew. You knew about this too, and you didn’t tell me?”

Gem shrugged. “Caroline approached me earlier. She wanted to be sure I was okay with a human being a part of the pack.”

Damn, he was the last to learn anything. Still, ego aside for a minute— “Do you want this? You’ve given up your home in the south for me, do you really mean to give up your personal freedom and help run the insanity?”

“There’s a difference between not having something because it’s taken from you and offering to give it up. Huge difference.”

“Yes or no, love?”

Gem nodded. “I think it would be a lot of fun to try as new experience.”

Shaun shrugged. “Can’t be worse than hanging out with Evan like I used to.”

They grinned at each other. Shaun wanted to race over and pick her up, carry her all caveman-like down the hall to one of the back bedrooms. His wolf approved of both ideas. Damn thing was already preening from being given the Beta slot.

Evan rocked forward and shot to his feet.

“Drinks all around to celebrate.” He hung his head out the door and hollered. “Caroline, bring in the hootch. They said yes.”

A loud cheer poured in the open door, and Shaun rolled his eyes. “The pack knew? Fuck it, Evan, everyone in the pack knew before me?”

Caroline walked in and winked at him, the moonshine in one hand and a glass of white wine in the other. “A few of them were taking bets how long it would be before you figured it out.”

Sheesh. “Nice. Nice to know I’m starting with them all shaking in their boots over my mighty authority.”

Caroline handed Gem the wine then passed Evan the bottle. “You’re not the one they want to impress. They’re hoping Gem thinks they’re special.”

Oh, they did, did they? Shaun sauntered over beside the couch and faked a menacing glare as he stared into Gem’s eyes. “I know she’s something special, and that’s more than enough, right?”

Gem winked at him. “Right.”

Shaun sat next to her, the girls continuing to chat. Evan passed him a tiny glass of something that smelled familiar.

His wolf twitched.

Shaun raised his glass as Evan proposed a toast. “To the Takhini pack’s new Betas. May you find happiness in serving the whole crazy lot.”

The instant the glass touched his lips, something tight wrapped around his throat. A loud cry of surprise rose from Gem, and Shaun whirled. He fell to the floor, trapped in his clothes.

He’d shifted to wolf without meaning to and the tight collar of his T-shirt was choking him.

“Shaun? What happened?”

He tugged on the clothing awkwardly with his wolf teeth as Gem attempted to help him, Evan laughing mercilessly in the background.

“I’m not sure, I’ve never had that happen before.”

“You shifted when we first met, remember?”

Dangerous territory. Here be monsters. “Umm, frankly, no, but I’ll explain about that later…”

Shaun took control of himself and shifted back, his shirt tangled around his head, the rest of his clothing a mess.

By now Caroline was giggling as well.

“Sure, laugh at the sickie. What the hell is up?”

It took a couple minutes to get himself back together. Gem very sweetly refrained from laughing. He picked up the shot glass from the ground.

“Sorry about the mess.”

Evan shrugged and reached forward with the bottle again.

Shaun’s belly quivered and his wolf howled in dismay. The world spun again.

“Shaun? Holy shit.” Evan pulled the moonshine away, and Shaun stared up at his Alpha from his haunches, back in wolf form.

“This is getting really boring, really fast,” he complained to Gem.

Evan sat uneasily, shaking his head from side to side. “Oh man, I don’t believe it. Sorry, dude, but I think I know the cause of your problem.”

For the second time in less than five minutes, Shaun adjusted his T-shirt over his human chest. “Tell me, because flashing to wolf while I’m at twenty thousand feet could be more than awkward.”

Evan placed the moonshine bottle on the side table away from Shaun then pointed at it. “You must be having a reaction to this.”

Shit, no. “To your hootch?”

Evan nodded. “It’s not your typical Jack and Coke. I’m not saying you can’t drink, just not my special family blend. Your wolf is trying to stop you from getting looped again.”

“A reaction, eh? That would explain why I had that hangover.” Among other issues. Gem was giving him this very concentrated stare, and he wondered how much it would hurt when she found out about his little memory faux pas. He really needed to tell her the whole story as soon as possible.

His Alpha looked apologetic. “Sorry, man. I had no idea. It’s not that common a reaction, but looks as if you won’t be swilling the ’shine with me anymore.”

“No, I don’t think he will either.” The precise princess tone in his mate’s voice snapped Shaun’s attention to her face.

The uber-polite smile she wore was…kinda scary. He swallowed hard. “Gem?”

She batted her lashes a couple times before delicately laying a hand on his arm. “Darling. So. You have no memory of shifting to a wolf the night we met? But you remember everything else, don’t you?”

Oh boy. Damn those gods of karma—as soon as possible didn’t mean right here, right now. Caroline suddenly got very busy doing something, but Evan happily stared, his gaze darting back and forth between Gem and Shaun as if he was watching a Wimbledon tennis match. Shaun wondered if having an audience was safer than dragging her from the room to complete his confession.

He motioned with his head for Evan to turn away. His Alpha shrugged as if confused, but his smile got wider. Asshole.

So be it. Time to man up—or wolf up. Whatever.

“No. I don’t remember anything between talking with Evan—”

“—and drinking my hootch,” Evan cut in.

Shaun squeezed the bridge of his nose. What a great thing, having a helpful friend in an already tough situation. “Yes, and I was drinking his hootch. The next bit I remember is waking up with you in the morning.”

Gem patted his arm gently. “That must have been simply terrible for you.”

The softer her voice, the more frightened he got. “It was. Wait…I mean it wasn’t. I mean, I loved finding out we were mates, at least once we got past the fighting bit, and I have treasured every touch and every minute since… Oh shit.” The longer he spoke, the higher her right brow rose. So much for sweet-talk—this conversation had gone south faster than an out-of-control tailspin. He cupped her face in his hands. “I was going to tell you, but…”

Faint music drifted through the shut door. Everything else went absolutely still as Shaun scrambled to find the best way to beg for forgiveness.

Evan’s loud burst of laughter cut the silence. “Shaun, you mean you can’t recall your first kiss with Gem? That’s terrible. I remember kissing her in perfect detail.”

This time both Gem and Shaun stiffened. Shock rolled through him as he watched her eyes widen. “You…you kissed Evan?”

Evan shot to his feet. “Oh dear, cat’s out of the bag. Caroline, maybe we should—”

Shaun flung out a hand. “Whoa, puppy. You aren’t going anywhere. You kissed my mate and you didn’t tell me?” He turned to Gem in consternation. “You kissed him and never said a word?”

She gave him a dirty look. “You’re really going to give me heck for not sharing that tidbit of information when you can’t remember the first time we made love?”

Good point. Backing down immediately seemed vital to his continued health and happiness. “Right, you’re right. I mean, it was only a kiss, and not anything else, but I’m still surprised…”

He stopped, distracted by Gem’s reaction. She had flushed red, her mouth opening wide before she slammed her lips together.

Evan snorted.

Shaun spun to give his friend the evil eye. “What else did you do to her, you bastard?”

Caroline snickered in the background, and when all three of them pivoted to face her, she raised her hands in protest. “Sorry, just reacting to the sheer wolfishness of the moment. Let me summarize. Evan kissed Gem, Gem mated with Shaun, Shaun can’t drink Evan’s hootch. Sounds about typical for a day with the Takhini pack. You guys want to return to celebrating becoming Betas?”

Evan lifted his glass in the air in agreement before tossing the evil liquid back. Shaun discovered Gem nestling herself tight to his side. She smiled up at him as she tangled her fingers in his hair. Her lips twitched with amusement as she spoke quietly. “I think we can leave the rest of this discussion for later, don’t you agree?”

“You’re going to kick my butt, aren’t you?”

The innocent delight in her eyes said more about forgiveness than pain coming his direction. “Most definitely. But we can do it in private. Don’t you think you deserve to grovel for a while?”

Shaun breathed a sigh of relief. Groveling in private could be enjoyable. He’d have no problems letting her chastise him for his mistake in keeping secrets too long. Hmmm…punishment. “I definitely deserve whatever you want to hand out. You should make it real official and dress-up for the occasion. Any chance you have thigh-high five-inch-heeled leather boots and a whip somewhere in your luggage?”

Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. “Shaun!”

He grinned. Oh yeah. Apologizing was going to be a ton of fun.

Shaun led her back to the couch and tugged her halfway into his lap. The light brush of her lips across his cheek reassured him as he turned to speak to Evan. “So…where’s the rule book for being Betas? My mate and I have to check to see what regulations we can break first.”

Gem leaned against his chest and sighed, her fingers curled around his thigh. Something caught his eye, and he laughed as he lifted her hand into the air.

“You have pink nails.”

The bright flash of her smile warmed him more than any hootch ever could. “And toes. I found this great little shop downtown that does fabulous manicures and pedicures. I have a standing appointment every week.”

Caroline and Gem high-fived each other, and Shaun stared across the room at Evan. A deep sense of family rolled over him with a satisfying thud. Maybe this wasn’t what he’d been looking for, but in the end? All of it was exactly what he needed. The pack, his mate.

In spite of looming bear wars, an overzealous father-in-law and more responsibility than ever before—his life was damn near perfect.
