Chapter Thirteen

Orestes watched the beautiful creature in his arms while she slept and marveled again at how weak that simple act made him feel. She was gorgeous, even more beautiful than her mother, though he’d never say that out loud. How he could help create something so perfect eluded him but he was eternally grateful.

“What will you name her?” Haldor asked.

Orestes shrugged without moving his gaze away from his daughter. “As soon as Astrid wakes, we’ll discuss it. For now, she needs no name.”

Haldor chuckled while he moved closer to inspect the tiny bundle in Orestes’s arms. “She’s so small.”

“Good thing too or she might have done more damage to her mother,” Bastien said while closing the distance.

The wizards had left the room shortly after ensuring Astrid was healing in order to restrain Albain. He was now locked in the dungeon where they had found their human staff.

“Have the others been made ready to travel?” Oretes asked.

Haldor nodded. “We found wagons in Albain’s barn and they were just big enough to fit everyone. Goran and I will lead them home while the wizards wait here for their brethren.”

“The Twenty are coming here?”

“Well, it will be the fifteen, but yes,” Bastien said with some amusement. “We will mete out Albain’s punishment and then report to the king.”

Orestes nodded before looking over to where Astrid slept on a bed nearby.

“You three can stay here as long as needed, though she should be healed by the time she wakes,” Bastien said.

“Thank you for healing her,” Orestes said. “And for safely delivering my child.” He looked down at the miracle in his arms again and smiled. “I never would have thought…”

“Nor I,” Bastien said. “Nor any of the Twenty, though we didn’t prevent the possibility in your creation. I hope you don’t mind if we watch her progress from time to time. It will be interesting to see what traits she takes from her father.”

“I nearly expected her to be stone when she was born. Considering how hard Astrid’s belly was when we arrived.”

“Yes. That was my fear also. I don’t think a human woman would survive that. However, to the best of my ability to discern, I’d say she was stone until the birthing time for her own protection. Then when Astrid began to push, she reverted to a fully human body. There were no traces of stone in Astrid’s womb. Her body was soft to the touch almost immediately after.”

Orestes growled at the memory of Bastien’s hands all over his woman. At the time, he’d been too concerned for her health to protest but he clearly remembered the sight. Bastien had the nerve to laugh.

“I assure you, Master Orestes, that these old bones couldn’t handle a human woman like Astrid. Or any other for that matter. It’s been nearly two hundred years since I’ve touched a woman for pleasure and I don’t see that changing any time soon.”

Orestes blinked when he realized the ridiculousness of his jealousy.

Haldor chuckled. “You look so good for your age, Bastien, we often forget it.”

Bastien made a noncommittal noise before turning away. “We’ll be waiting for the others in the courtyard. The Wizard’s Stone should be safe again but you may consider moving it or adding other protections just in case.”

The gargoyles watched him walk out of the room before facing each other again.

“Will you be all right with Wynn or Steinn carrying part of your precious cargo home?” Haldor asked.

Orestes started to nod before stopping himself to think it over. “I honestly can’t say which I’d be willing to put into another’s arms.”

He looked between the two females with equal parts fear and awe.

Haldor chuckled and clapped him lightly on the shoulder. “I understand… Well, not really. But I can sympathize. Perhaps you should carry your woman and one of the others can carry the babe. Small as she is, there is no danger of them dropping her and she won’t know the difference anyway. If Astrid wakes mid-flight she might be fearful.”

Orestes hesitated a moment before nodding. There really was no question of his staying in Albain’s home for any length of time. His anger with the wizard made it impossible. Plus he wanted his daughter under the protection of the Wizard’s Stone as quickly as possible.

“All right. Steinn can carry her with Wynn flying directly below him…just in case.”

Haldor chuckled and left the room.

Astrid woke slowly and stretched her sore muscles. For a moment she didn’t know where she was but felt certain she should be frightened. She opened her eyes to the sight of Orestes’s bedroom around her and smiled. No need to be frightened.

As she lay there, her memories of waking in Albain’s home surfaced. Then his threats and her pain, Orestes and the wizards’ arrival and the birth of her child. She sat up with a gasp and looked around frantically. All was as it had been the day Orestes left her. She threw off the warm covers and looked down at her body. Her stomach was flat, though not sunken in like before, and her breasts were a bit larger. She ran a hand over her body and rubbed her thighs together. There was no pain but every movement proved her breasts were tender.

“Was I dreaming?” she asked the quiet room.

Flames crackled in the fireplace and a tray of bread and cheese sat on a nearby table. She slid off the bed and found one of Orestes’s shirts on the floor. Pulling it over her head, she went to the tray of food.

If it had all been a dream it was one of the most vivid she had ever experienced. Though she was fine now, she could still remember the pain of having a gargoyle’s babe in her womb. She ran her hand over her belly again and sighed. Would Orestes enjoy having a baby? Would he even want one…with her?

She shook away her thoughts and finished eating, determined to keep any sadness at bay. He hadn’t made any promises and she would be a fool to look for a future that wasn’t there. For now, she would just be content with the care he gave her.

She washed her face and hands and then donned one of her pretty new dresses. They were still in the crate they’d arrived in, but Orestes had promised her a new wardrobe. She didn’t plan to hold him to that promise. For all she knew, he would tire of her long before a wardrobe could be brought in. Just as she was slipping her feet into another new pair of shoes, the bedroom door opened.

“You’re awake. Thank the Goddess.”

Her head shot up at the sound of Orestes’s voice and she flew into his open arms. He laughed and lifted her off her feet, holding her tight to his chest. She gasped at the soreness of her breasts again but didn’t relinquish her hold on his shoulders.

“I missed you,” she said.

He gave her an odd look but then smiled and kissed her lips. “I missed you too. I was worried when you slept so long. How do you feel?”

“Now that I’ve eaten, much better. How long did I sleep?”

His humor disappeared. “Three days, my love. I was beginning to fear for your health, but the wizards said your body was merely healing. I was able to get broth down your throat but you never opened your eyes.”

Elation filled her at the endearment but she frowned and looked down at herself again. If anything, she looked healthier than ever before and felt just fine.

“Well, I’m all right now.”

His smile returned. “Good. Are you ready to meet your daughter now? Poor thing is still waiting for us to name her.”

She stilled in shock and her mouth dropped open.

His smile disappeared again and he watched her warily. “Astrid?”

“It wasn’t a dream? I really had your child?”

He grinned and gave a nod. “Yes, you did. And she is the most perfect, most beautiful creature ever created. We did a spectacular job.”

Astrid laughed both in amusement and relief while Orestes finally set her back on her feet. Her heart was racing and tears burned the backs of her eyes but she was elated. If he was truly happy about the child, maybe he did plan to keep her around.

“We did, did we?” she asked.

“Yes. And though you’ve slept, she has been able to feed from your breasts. The wizards say she is in perfect health for a human or Gargoyle.”

“Well then. Let me see this perfect creature for myself.”

He took her hand in his and led her from the room. They descended the many stairs and made their way into the dining room. All eleven of his brothers were seated around the table, but there were also humans in abundance. Many of the servants were standing between the brothers while everyone spoke at once in excited voices.

“Here, here. She is awake,” Orestes said.

His booming voice hushed the others and all eyes turned to watch him lead Astrid into the room. A blush heated her cheeks at all the attention, but everyone was smiling at her. She had never had so many people look at her with approval in their eyes. It nearly brought her to tears again.

“Ah good. She can settle the argument then,” Kephas said.

Orestes led her to the only empty chair and sat in it before pulling her onto his lap. Her attention went to the center of the large table where blankets were piled beneath a sleeping baby. She was glorious. A full head of dark hair gleamed in the torchlight. Her skin was tan like her father’s and smooth as silk. Even in sleep she smiled and puckered her lips into a perfect bow.

“Oh, Orestes, she is so wonderful,” Astrid said on a sigh.

There were murmurs of agreement from all around the room.

“Yes, she is wonderful but she’s also nameless,” Haldor said. “Now that you’re here we can fix that and give the poor child a proper name. I’m tired of saying the babe all the time.”

The brothers all chuckled, including Orestes.

“Well, what do you have so far?” she asked.

They all began calling out names in no particular order. Even the humans chimed in, seemingly no longer afraid of the Masters. Astrid was amazed all the raised voices didn’t wake her daughter, but the babe slept on in peace.

“What would you name your child?” Orestes finally asked. “If there were no other voices adding to the mix?”

She thought it over for a moment, staring at the beautiful little girl before them. Then she looked at the man she loved with all her heart. If the child had been a boy she would have insisted he be named after his father. But Orestes wouldn’t do for a girl.

“What about…Ourania?” she asked.

There were some murmurs around the room but no one spoke out against it.

“Ourania?” Orestes asked. “Where have I heard that before?”

“It’s Greek. A muse of astronomy, I believe,” Craig said.

“It means heavenly. Which in her case fits quite well,” Nel added.

Astrid turned to give him a smile of thanks and was surprised to see a woman on his lap. No one else seemed to think it odd, so she turned back to face Orestes.

“It’s the closest to your name I could think of. Unless you like Ophelia,” she said.

He immediately shook his head and placed a swift kiss on her mouth. “No. I prefer Ourania to Ophelia.”

“Well then, Ourania it is,” Kephas said.

A cheer went up and finally woke the subject of the celebrations. To Astrid’s surprise, little Ourania didn’t cry. She shuddered when she woke and looked around the room with large gray-blue eyes. When her gaze finally landed on her parents, she smiled.

“Oh, I absolutely must hold her,” Astrid said. She leaned forward and pulled the blankets until she could lift her daughter into her arms.

When she sat back against Orestes, he wrapped his large arms around both of them, protecting them and making her feel cherished.

“See,” he said in her ear. “I told you she is perfect.”

Astrid laughed and ran a finger over her baby’s cheek. It was as soft as she expected.

“Yes. She is.”

A feast was served and the humans sat down with the Masters for the first time ever. Orestes looked around the table at his brothers and the two women who would now be considered family. Then he looked down at the small bundle in Astrid’s arms and was nearly overwhelmed with tenderness. The Twenty had ensured the Masters would have sympathy and empathy, but they had never mentioned love. Looking at his new family, Orestes knew he truly felt love for them in a way he didn’t love his brothers. Keeping them safe and happy were his new priorities, even before the safety of the kingdom. He might never say these things out loud, but he knew Astrid and Ourania were now the center of his world.

Little Ourania allowed Astrid to eat two bites before she let her own hunger be known with a loud wail. Everyone laughed at the tiny, screwed-up face that was too adorable to be annoying. Orestes sent Astrid ahead of him to their room so he could gather their food. Then he carried a large tray laden with a little of everything up the many stone steps.

He walked into his room and froze at the sight of Astrid breastfeeding Ourania on their bed. His heart swelled and an ache formed in his chest. Had there ever been a more beautiful sight? He thought not. After a moment, he remembered himself and took the tray of food to his table. Then he shut and locked his bedroom door. The sight before him was for his eyes only.

“Is she well?” he asked.

Astrid smiled up at him. “Yes. She’s perfect.”

He chuckled and closed the distance. “I told you so. Want me to prepare a plate of food for you?”

She shook her head. “You needn’t serve me, Orestes. Eat. I’ll take care of myself when we’re done here. I ate the bread and cheese when I woke.”

He hesitated even though he knew she had indeed eaten when she woke. He had left the food just in case and was glad she had grown comfortable enough with him to help herself. He looked around his room and began to imagine the changes needed to make her feel welcome. He had promised her a wardrobe, and a smaller desk would probably fit beside his. As much as she loved books, he thought squeezing in a small shelf would be good too. And for the babe?

He frowned at them this time when he realized lovemaking would be on hold for a while. Even once Astrid had healed, he couldn’t make love to her with Ourania in their bed too.


The concern in Astrid’s voice pulled his thoughts away from her delectable body. She was frowning at him.

“Yes, my love?”

“Is there a problem? Should we…do you wish to be alone?”

He immediately put down his plate and went to her. “No, of course not. Why do you ask?”

She hesitated, watching him warily, and he cursed under his breath. What had he done to upset her?

“Well…you were frowning…when you looked this way. If you’re tired and wish to sleep peacefully—”

He silenced her with a kiss, the only way he knew to apologize fully. It wasn’t as passionate as those in the past due to Ourania still feeding in her arms. But it was enough to clear the concern from her beautiful face.

“I never wish to be without you again,” he said. “Our little Ourania either. Both of you are always welcome in my bed, my room and my heart.”

Tears moistened her eyes but didn’t fall while she watched him. He sat beside her and ran a finger down her cheek. “You are a miracle to me, Astrid. I plan to keep you here with me so long as you’re willing to stay.”


“Truly. You know I’m not human. But if you prefer to have a human marriage ceremony I will gladly do that. I will make you my wife and let it be known to all you are mine.”

Her tears fell even while a smile spread across her face. “I would like that very much. I love you, Orestes.”

His heart beat faster but he felt no fear when he said, “And I love you, Astrid.”

The smile that graced her face eased his tension and concern. Everything would be okay now. She was willing to stay with him and that was all that mattered.

He kissed her again, leaning in without touching any more than her lips and taking care not to crush their daughter. When he finally pulled away, Astrid’s eyes were glazed with passion, making him groan.

“The wizards said you need at least two weeks to fully heal. Then one of them can examine you again or we can seek a midwife. Until then, our lovemaking must wait.”

Astrid laughed and placed another quick kiss on his mouth. “One of the Twenty will examine me? Like a common doctor?”

“Midwife. I’ve had enough of other men seeing what should be for my eyes only.”

She kissed him again. “As you wish, my love.”

He truly liked the sound of that.
