Frantic, Thane checked the entire house, misting through the walls. Two human adults and two human children were inside, but not Elin.

Try this location. The warrior rattled off another address.

Even more frantic now, Thane darted across the night sky. The apartment was close to the college, and young partygoers were spilling from the building. He performed the same visual sweep, scanning every face in every room. Still no sign of Elin.

Not here, either.

Where was she? At this late hour, demon activity was always heavy. But here, it was heavier than usual. At least thirty viha, ten envexa, fifteen pică, and forty slecht slithered over the walls, searching for potential prey. Whispers meant to elicit whatever emotion the creatures fed upon soon rose. Any humans who responded drew the notice of other demons.

Any other time, Thane would have shot into battle. Now, he just wanted to find Elin. He’d misjudged her terribly. She might be part Phoenix, but she wasn’t evil. In fact, she had reason to hate the Phoenix more than he did.

She’d told him about the murder of her father and husband, but not the abuse her mother had suffered. Chained in a tent, given to multiple warriors every day, until she became pregnant. Then Elin was forced to witness her death—and the death of her babe—while she was tied up, unable to reach her, unable to help, forbidden from speaking.

Afterward, Elin was denied the right to mourn.

She had been utterly friendless. Trapped. Scorned, mocked. Beaten far worse than he’d suspected. Treated like an animal. And yet, knowing she could be treated far worse if she were caught, she’d helped Thane escape the camp. And then, when she finally had begun to feel safe, he—her protector—dumped her on the floor and threatened her.

He was so ashamed.

I’ve tried to initiate contact, Xerxes said, but I can’t get through her mental shield.

Impossible. She couldn’t have learned to block so quickly. Not as open as Xerxes claimed she was, and not against a centuries-old warrior. So, a block must have formed on its own. And there were only two ways that could have happened. Through fear...or through pain.

Bust through the shield, he commanded.

I would cause her untold anguish. Perhaps even permanent damage.

There’s a chance she’s already suffering. And he couldn’t make it stop if he couldn’t find her.

True, but I told her I would never use force.

And a Sent One would not go back on his word.

Thane had to do this on his own, then. As he darted through the town, staying low enough to see every face he passed but high enough to cover more than a block at a time, he tried to calm his raging emotions. He noticed hordes of demons headed in the same direction. Racing, really. Laughing, excited.

Clearly, they were on the hunt.

Dread filled him. Demons could scent Sent Ones, a single whiff causing the demons to scurry away in fear. But there was an exception. When the demons realized the scent was mixed with a human’s. After what had happened in the elevator, Thane’s scent was most definitely all over Elin.

He followed the trail to a little park at the edge of town—

And that was when he saw her.

His heart withered, forever useless. The demons had cornered her atop a child’s wooden fort. A pile of rocks rested at her feet, and she tossed what she could. The strength of her fear gave the demons the strength they needed to materialize. From spirit, unable to touch her, to to destroy her.

Claws had already shredded her jeans and left her calves bleeding. Fangs had already punctured her neck and arms. Her eyes were glazed, and she was wavering, about ready to tumble over.

A war cry burst from Thane. He shot toward the ground. The demons were too frenzied to notice him. He summoned a sword of fire the moment he landed and began hacking through the masses. Flesh sizzled. Heads rolled.

A heavy weight on his back. Fire-tipped claws digging into his neck.

Thane slammed his sword overhead, then tilted it back, the flames pressing against the spine of whichever demon had thought it would be a good idea to jump on him. The weight fell away, and Thane swung the sword forward, from left to right, right to left, his motions never ceasing.

Demon after demon died.

He spread his wings and rose to the same height as the fort, maneuvering his big body in front of Elin. “Put your arms around my neck,” he commanded, killing the four demons that dared edge too close.

He expected resistance. But she must have been more afraid of the demons than she was of him, because she obeyed without hesitation. He shot into the air. Higher. Higher still. He wanted her safe and well more than he wanted to kill the enemy.


Her hands fell away from him, and she plummeted, screaming. Thane switched directions, his heart leaping into his throat. He caught her just before she hit the ground and jerked her against his chest, leveling out, then angling up, once again moving away from the grasping demons. Tremors racked her small body.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “This is my fault.”

“Yes. A-all y-your fault,” she agreed with chattering teeth.

“I’ll make it up—”

“Sh-shut up,” she whispered. “Just...shut up. Don’t want right now.”

Very well. When he reached the club, he carried her straight to his private suite. But the moment he realized he was headed toward the room where he’d once kept Kendra, the room where he’d had sex with the Harpy, he paused.

He didn’t want Elin in the same bed Kendra and the Harpy had used. He didn’t want Elin in the same bed he’d taken countless females. Hurt countless females. Didn’t want her to look at the shackles and think about what he might have done to her. Especially now, while she was cut and bleeding. So, he had three options. Take her to her own room and leave her with the barmaids, put her on his couch, or put her in his bed, where no other female had ever been.

He put her in his bed. And he liked that she was there, he realized.

He looked her over. She was in worse condition than he’d suspected. The cuts were deep. Bone deep. Black already oozed from them, indicating a poison had been injected. If left untreated, she would die the worst of deaths.

My fault. All my fault.

Working swiftly, he removed from the air pocket his last vial of Water of Life, and forced a mouthful of the clear liquid down her throat. She coughed and sputtered, and then her entire body bowed, a high-pitched scream ripping from her.

His chest constricted with another bout of self-hatred and guilt. “The pain will pass, kulta, I promise you,” he said, brushing his fingertips across her fevered brow. “The Water is fighting the toxin inside you, helping you heal. Sometimes it hurts more than receiving the injuries. Just a few seconds more and... There, see? The pain is already fading.”

She sagged against the mattress, her skin glistening with perspiration. Watching him warily, she reached up with a trembling hand and pushed a damp lock of hair from her brow.

He couldn’t stop himself from cupping the back of her neck, lifting her head and lowering his. “I’m sorry,” he said, and kissed her. He had to make her understand. “I’m so sorry.” He kissed her again. She stiffened and bit at him, but he never ceased his apologies. He had to win her forgiveness. “I’ve never been so sorry in my life.”


Another kiss. “Please,” he said, willing to beg.

“No.” Scowling, she pushed at him. “Stop that. Right now.”

He straightened but didn’t leave her side.

“That’s not happening. That part of our relationship is over.” She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, as if she’d encountered something foul.

Words could be weapons, as powerful as actions, and hers were a direct hit. I earned that and more.

“I don’t want to be here,” she said, and tried to sit up.

“Too bad.” Gentle, gentle. “You’re here, and I’d like you to stay.”

“No way. I’m leaving. But I’m not leaving with the Phoenix, and if you try and make me I’ll scream until your head explodes.”

“You’re staying,” he said. “And the Phoenix are already gone.” He held her down with pressure on her shoulders, peering at her intently. “Close your eyes.”

“No, I—”

“Do it, Elin. Please. I’m not going to hurt you.”

She huffed and puffed at him, only to finish with, “Why do I need to close my eyes?”

“I don’t want you to see....” The blood. “Just do it. Please.”

Comprehension dawned, and her shudder rattled the bed. She closed her eyes.

“Don’t open them until you have permission.”

Her lips pursed. “I’m not one of your sex-slave girls in chains, nor am I your employee. If you missed the memo, I quit after I was thrown out. So, you don’t get to tell me what to do anymore. And FYI, I’m only doing this because you got me away from those...those...creatures.”

“Demons,” he said. “They were demons, and I’m proud of you for fighting them to the best of your ability.”

“Well, you can take your pride and shove it.” She laughed bitterly, but the laugh quickly turned into a sob. When she calmed, she sighed, and it was clear she was racing from one emotional extreme to the other. “Even a dog fights when it’s cornered.”

“No. Some run. But you aren’t a dog. You aren’t an animal. You’re...precious.”

At first, she gave no reaction. Then she slapped him. Hard. “How dare you say that to me!”

“Why?” He hated the sting. Hated what had driven her to such violence. “It’s true.”

“It’s not! I’m not precious to you. I’m disposable. I’m tainted.”

“No.” What a fool he was. He’d once relished pain, and considered whips and chains the height of exquisite punishment. But this...this was pain. And the blunt instrument delivering it was regret. He’d lost a prize worth more than gold. He’d lost Elin’s trust. “You’re precious,” he insisted.

“Well, I think you suck,” she huffed, “and kind words aren’t going to change my opinion.”

“You’re right. No, you don’t need to accuse me of lying. I have never lied to you, and I won’t start now.” His voice was soft, as if he hoped to soothe a frightened kitten from a tree. “I do suck. What happened shows my worthlessness, not yours.”

Silent, she looked away from him.

He tried to ignore his hurt. Surely I’m bleeding inside. He stalked into the bathroom to wet a rag with warm water. He cleaned the blood from her skin. Her expression softened, he noticed, and he took heart. He was also pleased to note the worst of her injuries had already knitted together. The only lasting wounds she’d have to deal with were the ones left in her mind. Those, however, he couldn’t heal for her.

She cleared her throat, and when she next spoke, the anger was gone. “Why did the demons come after me? I mean, they mentioned some kind of prince, but—”

“Prince?” The fiend had clearly made his first move.

The fiend would pay.

“Yes. And even though, according to you, I’m some kind of moneygrubbing gold digger, I actually have no desire to be a princess.”

The tidal wave of guilt was inescapable. “You aren’t a gold digger. And the demons struck at you merely to strike at me,” he said. He draped one of his robes over her body, knowing it would clean her clothing. “You may look now.”

Her lashes fluttered open. Looking anywhere but at him, she said, “Nothing’s changed. I’m still the dreaded enemy. So why did you help me?”

“You are not my enemy. I reacted poorly to your origins—”

“Poorly? Ha!” she interjected. “That’s the understatement of the year.”

He continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “And I will never be able to articulate how sorry I am. It was wrong of me to blame you for the sins of another woman.”

She opened her mouth, closed it. Her gaze landed on the robe covering her, and she sighed. She eased to a sitting position, her head bowed, and her knees drawn up.

A position of shame.

One he knew well. One he’d vowed never to be in again, and yet, he’d driven another person to it.

He was the one who should be ashamed. “I am so sorry, kulta.”

“Fine. Apology accepted. You’re forgiven. And you’re not worthless,” she added grudgingly. “I can be reasonable and let go of resentment.”

She wanted to mean those words. He could tell. But she wasn’t quite there yet. “Are you cold? Hungry? Is there anything you need? Anything I can get for you?”

Eyes narrowed with suspicion, she nodded. “My bag of clothing and jewels, if you can find it. They’re mine. I earned them. Although, someone’s probably picked it up by now. Dang it. Oh,” she added, clearly speaking as thoughts came to her, “before I go back, I’ll need a new ID.”

Go back? “I told you. I want you to stay here, at the club. Where we can be...friends. I need help with the rest of my weeds.”

“No, absolutely not,” she replied with a shake of her head. “I’ve realized I don’t like being dependent on you. Because, let’s face it, Thane. At any moment you could change your mind about blaming me, and then where would I be? Staked to the courtyard?”

“I won’t. I will never hurt you.”

“I’ve heard that before.” Fatigue settled over her features. “I’m glad you believe that, I am, but it’s time I was responsible for myself.”

He had to fight a wave of despair. Her precious trust was ruined, and all because of him. “Stay. Please.” Begging again? For friendship? He just... He couldn’t stand the thought of her out there, alone, defenseless. In danger. Or, worse, in lust with another man. “Work here, or not. Either way, you’ll be safe.”

Again she denied him, shaking her head.

Stubborn female. He studied her, trying to figure out his next move. The length of her hair spilled over his pillows, a dark cloud—he liked that. Smoked-glass eyes that had once sparkled up at him were now guarded—he didn’t like that.

“I will get your new ID,” he said. “However, it could take several weeks. Maybe even months.” Because I don’t plan to begin the process anytime soon. Meanwhile, he would do everything within his power to rebuild her faith in him. After a while, she would want to stay. Surely. “You can make more money while you wait.”

She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. “Okay,” she finally said with a nod. “I’ll work here while I wait. I’ll be able to build another nest egg, at least.”

“Yes. A nest egg. Exactly.” He sifted a lock of her hair between his fingers, marveling over the softness. “I’ll make sure you have the best tables.”

“No. No special treatment. The girls shouldn’t be overlooked just to appease your guilt.” She yanked the strands away from his grip and threw her legs over the other side of the bed, rising across from him, putting as much distance between them as possible.

The robe fell to the floor, pooling at her feet. Thankfully, the material had done its job, leaving her bloodstain free.

“I’m going to my room,” she said, once again unwilling to meet his gaze.

He fisted the sheet to keep from reaching for her. “You may have this one for the duration of your stay.”

She eyed the undecorated walls, the sparseness of the furnishings. Hurt bathed her expression.

Hurt? Over this? An offer he’d never made to another female.

“No, thank you,” she said, lifting her chin. “I like staying with the girls.”

Another rejection. One he should have expected. But the clenching in his chest returned, sharper, stronger than before. “Bellorie should arrive in an hour, just in time for tonight’s shift, as promised.”

“Thank you.” Head high, she strode from the room.

* * *


What was she going to do with that man?

Two weeks had passed since the demon attack. Both weeks, Thane had sent her a basket of chocolates, a vase of roses, and a box of books. Each gift had come with an “I’m sorry” card. Even though he’d already begged for her forgiveness. Which had been nice, she could now admit, and completely out of his ice-king character.

He sat at a table next to a horribly scarred but seriously rocking warrior she’d heard him call “Lucien,” the two locked in a heated conversation about a missing warrior named Torin, a girl named Cameo trapped in some type of rod, time delays, Bjorn and shadows.

Not that Elin had been eavesdropping...more than a little... Okay, a lot.

Through it all, the Sent One’s attention returned to her again and again. And he seemed to grow angrier by the second.

As if he had any reason to be angry with her!

She, however, had every right to be angry with him. He had men following her everywhere she went. And let’s not forget the “we can be friends” line he’d dished, and yet she, the lowly human-slash-disgusting-Phoenix, wasn’t worthy of staying in his precious sex room. Instead, he’d offered to put her up in what amounted to a prison cell. Stark and empty and devoid of any of the luxury he was only too happy to heap on his other lovers.

And yet...

He’d battled demons for her and taken care of her, feeding her some kind of healing liquid. Then he’d tenderly cleaned every drop of blood from her, so that she wouldn’t show her cray-cray side. He’d apologized for treating her cruelly, and she was certain he’d meant it. He’d invited her to stay in his home for the rest of her life.

Leaving him on that bed, without throwing herself into his arms, had been the hardest thing she’d ever done. But she wasn’t falling under his sexy-sexy-boom-boom enchantment a second time.

New life goals: resist Thane, make bank, open a shelter for immortal halfings, and hire a chef to feed them.

That way, people like her would always have somewhere to go.

“Elin,” Thane called, jolting her out of her thoughts.

Not good for the first goal. The sound of his voice still had the power to make her shiver.

She dragged her feet to his table. “What?”

The scarred man smiled at her before standing and leaving the club. Thane remained in his seat, peering at her; she thought she saw longing in the soulful depths of his ocean-blue eyes. Longing her body responded to, her nipples puckering...her stomach quivering.

“You look beautiful,” he said, a husky edge to his tone, making her shiver all over again. “You always look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” What you need, Vale, is distance. “Is that all, boss man? Because I’m, like, superbusy.”

Not necessarily a lie. Pondering all things Thane was demanding work.

He frowned. “No. That’s not all.”

“Well, too bad,” she said, and the people at the table next to his gasped at her daring. Obviously, eavesdropping was the special du jour. “I’m taking off anyway.”

She turned away, but he latched on to her wrist, keeping her in place. The point of contact burned in the most delicious way, and she experienced her third shiver. Something had to be wrong with her.

“Are you cold?” he asked. “I can have a robe fetched.”

Why did he always want to give her a robe? “I’m fine.” Can’t let his concern screw with my emotions.

A pause, as if he searched for the right words to say. Then, “Has anyone given you any trouble?”

“Yes.” She glanced over her shoulder, saying, “I’m looking at him right now. Let go.”

Another gasp from the neighboring table.

A muscle twitched below Thane’s eye, but he released her wrist.

Why am I striking at him like this?

But then, she already knew the answer. The nicer he was to her, the harder it was to remain detached from him. She had to provoke his temper.

“I’m sorry, okay, but I’m gonna go now,” she said, and walked away. Her knees knocked all the way to the bar. One of her customers flagged her down, and she rushed over.

“Yes? May I help you?”

May I.

The words got stuck in her head, reminding her of the erotic game she and Thane had played in the elevator; she...freaking...shivered.

Rather than place a drink order, the female, a siren, said, “I heard Thane rescued you from a Phoenix camp.”

“You shouldn’t believe everything you hear.” Rescued was not the word Elin would use. Not anymore.

“Hmm” was the reply. Somehow, the brunette managed to put a wealth of disapproval in that one sound. “Well, I’m much prettier than you, so I should have no trouble getting him to rescue me from my orgasmless situation.”

The ensuing scratch of jealousy left a raw, angry wound in Elin’s chest.

Jealousy? No! She refused to feel it.

She killed a nasty reply. I’m better than this.

No, actually, she wasn’t better. She offered the girl a double-birded salute. Then, donning an expression she’d often seen on Bellorie, she said, “News flash. No one’s prettier than me.” And it felt good.

The girl hissed at her.

“You want a go at me?”

Before the girl could reply, two wolf-shifters jumped to their feet at the table to her left, chairs skidding backward as they growled obscenities at each other. Both males looked ready to fight each other to the death.

Get in line.

Adrian walked over and casually announced, “There’s a new house rule. Shed blood inside the building, and get staked immediately. Who wants to be first?”

The males glared at each other but eased back into their chairs.

The girl wilted in her seat, now unwilling to spar with Elin.

The Harpies at the table across from the shifters—well, well, Blondie had come back for more Thane-and-chains time—groaned with disappointment.

“What are we supposed to do for fun now?”

“Why can’t we shed blood? Huh, huh? Tell!”

Yeah. Why? Because... Oh, no. Had Thane put the rule in place for her?

He must have. There was no other explanation.

Beautiful warmth spread through Elin’s entire body.

Not going to fall under his enchantment, remember?

But she should definitely be nicer to him.

Maybe it was even time to baby-step again. He wasn’t a bad guy. He’d just made a bad choice. A really, really bad choice. One she’d said she’d forgiven him for. Am I all talk, or am I action, too?

Action. Definitely action.

Feeling lighter than she had since the start of her shift, she skipped to the bar to gather another round of drinks. She watched as Thane rose. She had a smile waiting just for him, but he never looked her way.

The sirens began to act upset over the “close call” with the shifters. He sauntered to their table and offered what might have been a few words of comfort. The girls thrilled at his attention.

Thane leaned down and kissed Prettier on the cheek.

Somehow, Elin managed to maintain a neutral expression. He was making out with someone right in front of her? Forget the baby steps. She’d give him one giant kick.

He held out his hand; Prettier twined her fingers with his and stood.

He was going to... Oh! How dare he!

Bellorie approached Elin’s side, her gaze following the same path. “Oh, Bonka. I’m so sorry.”

He’s not mine. He wasn’t ever mine. “It’s fine. I’m honestly fine. And I’m sorry you were sent away.”

Bellorie gave her a small smile. “You keep saying that, and I keep telling you it wasn’t your fault. Axel told me Thane is fighting his feelings for you, and that makes him volatile and unstable. Axel also told me we have to treat him like a wounded animal if we have any hope of surviving.”

“Clearly Axel is an idiot. Thane does not have feelings for me. Obviously.” Elin gestured to the display of pure male hobaggery taking place before their eyes. “Now, be quiet. I’m trying to listen to their conversation.”

“When did you become so bossy?” Bellorie grumbled.

“Today. Now, hush it.”

Thane and the girl were close enough to hear...would pass her at any moment.... Can’t attack. Really can’t attack. Besides, after her spanking in Arizona, Elin had no desire to ever fight again.

“Told you,” the girl muttered, flicking her dark hair over her shoulder and giving Elin a proud smirk.

Thane noticed and stopped in his tracks. “What did you tell her?” he asked the siren.

“Oh, uh...” The girl stumbled for a response, perhaps knowing she wouldn’t get away with a lie. “Hmm. Did I tell her something?”

Here, let me help you with your memory problem. “She said she’s prettier than me, and she would have no trouble getting you to nail her. Looks like she was right. But then, you aren’t exactly a man with discriminating tastes, are you?”

An insult to Thane...and herself. Ouch. She’d do better next time.

He dropped his hand from the siren as if he’d just discovered she liked to bathe in toxic waste and said, “You need to leave. Now.”

“No, I—”

“This isn’t a debate,” he said. “Leave.”

Hated hearing that before. Kinda sorta love it now.

“Surely you don’t mean—” the girl continued.

“You disrespect my human, you leave,” Thane snapped.

Funny. Thane had been about to go off and have sex with a siren, disrespecting Elin far more than mere words ever could.

“You don’t talk to her like that,” he continued. “Do you understand?” He spun, shouting, “That goes for all of you. Forget, and you die.”

“Does that go for you?” Elin muttered.

His gaze swung to her and narrowed. She turned her back and walked away.
