Kaleb Krychek, cardinal Tk and the newest member of the Psy Council, terminated the call and leaned back in his chair, hands steepled in front of him. “Silver,” he said, activating the intercom with a negligible use of his telekinetic abilities, “find all my files on the Liu family group.”

“Yes, sir.”

Knowing the task would take her several minutes, he mentally reviewed the call. Jen Liu, matriarch of the Liu Group, had made her thoughts clear.

“We have a mutually beneficial relationship,” she’d said, green eyes unblinking. “I’m certain you would do nothing to jeopardize that. However, I’m not so certain of your colleagues on the Council. We’re still paying for their last decision—Faith NightStar’s prices have almost doubled as her family seeks to regain what it lost.”

The NightStar Affair, as that particular political debacle was now called, had come about immediately prior to Kaleb’s ascension to the Council. Faith NightStar, a powerful foreseer, had chosen to drop from the PsyNet and into the arms of one of the DarkRiver cats. Two Councilors had made the hasty decision to try and recapture her, putting her life at risk and alienating not only her family, the powerful NightStar Group, but also all the businesses who relied on Faith’s predictions. Businesses such as the Liu Group.

Now, Kaleb stared thoughtfully at the transparent screen that had moments before held Jen Liu’s face. The matriarch had been correct in her estimation of his loyalties. He valued the alliances he’d built up on his way to gaining a Council seat. Those alliances had been nurtured with cold-blooded precision—he had known that a Councilor who had the support of certain sectors of society would wield far more than his share of power. And Kaleb appreciated power. It was why he’d made Councilor at a bare twenty-seven years of age.

He tapped at the screen, switching it from communications to data mode, then pulled up files on the rest of the Council. Putting the bio files on one side, he accessed the ones on the NightStar Affair. Beside that, he left an empty space for the information Silver was collating.

Finally, he brought up a highly confidential file titled “Protocol I.” Right now, all he had on that matter were suspicions, but that would change. The Liu issue would do for a first strike. He saw no need to draw blood…yet.

Kaleb was nothing if not patient. The same way a cobra is patient.
