Chapter Five

Holy shit, Adrian thought, staring down at the woman sleeping on her stomach beside him. If he’d known sex with a mate would be like that he would have gone looking for her a hell of a lot sooner. He’d never come so hard in his entire. Fucking. Life. And there were so many more things he wanted to do to her luscious, creamy body. For instance, he still hadn’t sucked those peach-colored nipples, or grazed her belly with his teeth. He hadn’t lapped up her cream, something he planned to do as soon as she was conscious again. He wanted to leave the mark of his teeth on one of those perfect ass cheeks, or maybe on the inside of her thigh just before he ate her until she screamed his name. There was no way in hell she could deny the mating.

If she left him in some misguided attempt to protect him he’d either die or go insane.

No. He’d hunt her down and bring her back to his den where she belonged. Then he’d tie her down and fuck her until she couldn’t move.

A thought that had some appeal even if she didn’t try to leave him.

He’d left bruises on those pretty ass cheeks and scratches on her hips from his claws. He resisted the urge to kiss those marks better, knowing by the way she breathed that she was exhausted. That bastard who’d been chasing her would pay for making her so afraid she couldn’t sleep. He’d pay double for hurting her, leaving a mark on that perfect skin.

He resisted the urge to throw up his head and snarl his challenge to the world as thoughts of Parker intruded on his lovely afterglow. He wondered if the bastard was in town yet, and what he’d try to do if he found out Sheri was mated.

He thought of his Mustang out in the driveway and decided it might not be a bad idea to move it into the garage. He got up carefully, not wanting to disturb Sheri. His princess needed the sleep. He had plans for her once she was awake again. Going to his closet he pulled out a worn pair of jeans and slipped them on, then threw on his oldest sneakers and his warmest flannel shirt. He picked up his shredded pants and carried them down to the living room, pulling his keys out as quietly as he could, then went to the closet and pulled down his father’s old service revolver. He’d checked the gun carefully the day before, taking it out to the shooting range to make sure everything still worked properly. It did. He tucked it into the back of his jeans, covering it with his shirt. He went into the garage and opened the garage door.

Fuck. Looks like Parker’s been here, he thought as he stared at the four flat, obviously shredded tires.

He pulled out his gun and closed the garage door, eyes peeled to see if the bastard was still out there.

When nothing happened he tucked the gun away and went back inside to call Gabriel Anderson, Max, and Simon.

He looked up just as he hung up with Simon to see Sheri wrapped in one of his shirts standing at the top of the stairs, her pretty blue eyes full of regret.

And that pissed him off.

“Don’t even fucking think it,” he growled, bounding up the stairs two at a time.


“No.” He took her in his arms, her head resting in the cradle of his shoulder. Compared to him she was so small and delicate he felt like a caveman. The urge to protect his mate was so strong he trembled with it. “You’re not going anywhere.”

“I have no clothes,” she said, smiling softly. “I have to go and at least get those.”

He pulled back and looked down at her. “I think you look beautiful.”

She rolled her eyes. “What happened to your car?”

“Someone decided to sharpen their claws on my tires.”

Her jaw clenched, her eyes flashed red and her back stiffened in anger. He could feel her claws digging into his back.

“That is so fucking hot.”

She frowned. “What is?”

“Watching you go all Xena on me. Makes me want to dress you in leather and bend you over a tree trunk.”

She raised one brow, the regret gone from her eyes as she glared up at him. “Pig.”

“Didn’t we already have this discussion? Oink oink, baby.”

Her lips twitched.

“Go on upstairs. I have a long robe you can wear. It’s hanging inside the bathroom door. You’ll have to come down and talk to Gabe and the others, but then we should be able to get some sleep.”

“What about your car?”

“Max and Simon can help me replace the tires first thing in the morning. Belle can walk with you to work.”

“I repeat: in what clothes?”

He frowned thoughtfully. “Good point. Let me call Max back. Emma can get some of your clothes from your hotel room.”

“If Rudy knows I’m here, that might not be safe for Emma.”

“Another good point.” He pulled out his cell phone and dialed Max’s number. “Hey, Max? I need you to bring Emma with you. Sheri needs some clothes from her hotel room.”

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Max replied. “If he’s already been to your place odds are he knows where she’s staying. He might have the place staked out.”

“Yeah, she mentioned that. I was going to ask you to go with her. If Parker can take on both of you we’re in more trouble than I thought.” He tried to ignore the nagging thought that he should be there, as well. His place was beside his mate, protecting her, not his Alpha. That was Gabe’s job.

“I can pick out stuff for her. I think I know what to grab. Shirt, pants, underwear, right?”

“And makeup,” Sheri said, knowing Max would hear her.


“And Jerry’s dog food, and his bowls,” she added.

“Anything else she needs?”

“Probably, that’s why I said to take Emma.” He put his hand over the receiver, knowing Max would hear him anyway. “Emma’s the smart one in that relationship.”

“Asshole,” Max grumbled.

Adrian could hear Emma in the background. “Give me the phone, Lion-O. Hi, Adrian. Everyone okay over there?”

“Other than my poor Mustang, everyone’s fine.”

“Ouch. Did he scratch the paint?”

“If he did, it just ups the level of hurt he’s gonna feel.”

Emma snickered. “We’re on our way. I’ll find out what Sheri needs once I get there, okay?”

“Okay. Bye.”


He hung up the phone and tugged her into his arms, then rubbed his hands soothingly down her back.

“See? All taken care of.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips before stepping back. “Go grab that robe, sweetheart. Gabe should be here any minute, and he doesn’t need to see you looking so damn sexy.”

He could see the worry was back in her eyes just before she turned away and headed back into the bedroom.

Oh, yeah. Parker was in for a world of hurt.

“So are you and Adrian mated?” Belinda asked as they walked to Wallflowers the next morning.

Sheri tried not to grin smugly. Leaving him, denying the mating, no longer seemed to be an option. He’d made it clear, after everyone had gone the night before, that if she left he’d just follow her, muttering something about handcuffs and bedposts as he’d carried her back to bed. “He bit me right through my shirt.”

Belinda whistled. “Rumor has it he carted you right out of the store, threw you in his car and took off into the sunset.”

“Pretty much. The dork.”

Belinda laughed. “What?”

“It’s freezing out, and he left my coat and my purse behind.”

“He left your purse?” She shook her head in disbelief. “Men are idiots.”

“You said it.”

“So whose coat are you wearing?” The laughing, knowing look on Belinda’s face said she already knew the answer.

Sheri stroked the dark leather jacket Adrian had draped over her before kissing her goodbye, the smug smile she’d been fighting firmly fixed to her face. “His.”

“It’s his favorite.”

“I know. He threatened me with severe bodily harm if I let anything happen to his jacket.”

Belinda put her hand under her elbow as they approached the intersection. Just as the two women began crossing the street a black car screeched around the corner and barreled towards them at top speed.

Belinda gasped, pushing Sheri back to the sidewalk just as Jerry began backing up, the signal for an oncoming car. She lost her balance and fell, banging her head on the pavement as the car clipped Belinda, throwing her a good ten feet.

Sheri’s glasses flew off her face, blinding her in the harsh sunlight. Jerry was whining and licking her hand as the car, a dark sedan, hurtled down the street, narrowly missing another car before it turned another corner and was lost to sight.

“Belle?” she slurred. She was surprised at how hard it was to speak.

No answer. Or if there was one, she didn’t hear it. The pain in her head blossomed as she tried to lift her head to find the other woman, and the world went black.

Adrian stared down at his mate and felt a depth of rage he’d never before experienced. He literally trembled with it. He had no doubt who was responsible for his mate’s condition.

Rudy Parker was a dead man.

“Belinda’s going to be okay. They’ve had to operate on her broken hip, and she has a broken arm and a concussion. The docs say she’s lucky, it could have been a lot worse. But she’ll be okay,” Simon said quietly as he entered hospital room. He sounded both shaken and furious. “Gabe interviewed the eyewitnesses, and he’ll be in to talk to Sheri as soon as she wakes up.”

“I’m going to kill him.” The lethal softness of his voice echoed oddly in the darkened room.

Simon looked at him strangely but nodded. “Max and I will be there.”

Meaning that, if for some reason or another Adrian couldn’t finish off Parker, one of them would do it for him. He already knew there wouldn’t be a need for that.

Adrian could feel his Puma growling and pacing underneath his skin. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from his mate. “I want protection here twenty-four seven until I get her home.” The command in his voice was unmistakable.

Simon frowned. “Already taken care of, but you might want to watch your tone.”

Adrian looked at his Beta and knew his eyes were gold with rage. He could feel himself straining against an unseen barrier as he and Simon stared each other down.

He’d never pushed the boundaries, never once tried to see which of them was the stronger Puma. He’d been perfectly happy with the status quo. He’d never felt the desire to lead, only to protect. But if the only way to ensure his mate’s protection was to face down Simon, possibly losing his best friends in the process…

No contest.

“Stand down. Both of you.” Max’s voice was filled with quiet authority. Adrian and Simon both turned to find the Alpha standing in the doorway, the light from the hallway filtering through that strange mist that enveloped him whenever he needed to enforce his will.

Adrian felt strangely detached as that mist touched him. Simon flinched slightly and backed off.

“Sorry, man. I know you’re worried about her. Christ, we all are.”

Adrian nodded, his eyes glued to Max’s. The strange smile the blonde man wore was beginning to grate on his nerves. “Protection?”

“That’s for you to decide. What do you suggest?”

Max’s tone was bland, the mist still surrounding him. It was clearly an order.

Adrian frowned, surprised, but answered anyway. “Twenty-four seven protection while she’s in the hospital. Two Pumas on the door, two down the hall. Move her to an end room, have at least one of the Pumas keep an eye on the stairwell at all times. Males only, don’t risk the females. No one enters this room without you, Simon or me approving it. One of the women stays in here with her while she’s unconscious, in case of emergency. One we trust.”

“I’d suggest putting the same precautions around Ms. Campbell,” Gabe Anderson said from behind the Alpha. “If Parker decides her interference cost him his shot at Ms. Montgomery he might decide to retaliate.”

Adrian’s frown tightened. “There’s no one in the Pride I trust with Belle’s safety right now.”

“I’ll deal with it.”

Gabe’s determined voice held a note similar to his own; he wondered briefly if the other man realized it.

Max nodded. “Good. Take care of it. Assign who you trust, both of you. Work together on it. Before they leave the hospital, I want suggestions for the protection of both women once they’re back home.

Simon, I need you and Becky to head up to the Poconos and talk to the new Alpha of the Pack there.

His name’s Richard Lowell. He’s agreed to give us a hand with Parker. It’ll take you about two hours to get there, barring changes in the weather. Emma’s got the store covered; Marie agreed to fill in for a few days while Sheri and Belinda get back on their feet.”

“I’m on it.” Simon clapped Adrian on the shoulder, then did the same to Max in passing. He left without a backward glance.

“Maybe we can gather a hunting party, find this son of a bitch and end this.” Gabe’s low growl echoed the one Adrian could feel building inside of him.

“Do you have his scent?”

“I got a whiff, yeah, but not enough of one to track well. I’ve got partial plates and a description of the vehicle that I’m running through channels.”

“Then we wait.”

Gabe nodded, accepting Adrian’s pronouncement without a fight.

Max’s odd smile was still in place as he listened to the conversation between Gabe and Adrian. “Your mate’s starting to wake up.”

Adrian turned, all of his attention focused once again on Sheri. He bent low over her so that she’d get a clear look at him. “Hey, princess.”

She opened bleary blue eyes and stared up at him. “Sorry.”

“For what? Nearly getting run over?” He forced his tone to be gentle when he felt anything but.

“Scratched your jacket.”

A slow grin crossed his face. “Fine. I’ll spank you for it later.”


Her pained whisper was driving him insane. It was intolerable to him that she felt any discomfort. “She’ll be okay. Don’t you worry about her.”


“Yeah, baby, she’s alive. She has a broken hip and arm, and a concussion, but she’s alive.”

“Saved me.”

“I know, baby. I know.” And she’d earned his undying loyalty with that one act of self-sacrifice.

He couldn’t resist touching her for one more second, brushing her platinum blonde hair back from her face as gently, as lovingly as he could. “Sleep, sweetheart. I’m here. I’ll keep you safe.”

When she nuzzled her cheek so trustingly into his hand and fell instantly asleep, two things happened. His heart broke in half, reforming with her as its core.

And his resolve to kill Parker before he could lay another finger on her blossomed into something more.

The man hadn’t just hurt his mate, he’d hurt his Pride. Looking into the dark blue eyes of the sheriff, Adrian finally understood what had driven his father to be a cop. Because the same fierce need to protect that haunted him burned in Gabe’s eyes, too.
