Chapter Twenty-Eight

The last rays of golden sunlight disappeared behind the horizon. Bright orange faded to coral, then to pink, until the night swallowed them all. It reminded me of Tane, my personal demon turned…into what, a friend? I wasn’t sure anymore, yet he engulfed my life just like the night.

Kam, Gwen’s brother, walked ahead of me, searching the manicured garden for any would-be attackers. The ass refused to tell me where she went, but I was sure she was hot on Colby’s trail. He disappeared shortly after destroying Luckard’s remains with Tane.

From the look on Gwen’s face the last time I saw her, I think he may have broken her heart. God help him.

I wandered, unable to sleep, searching for a cure to my torn heart. Bel’s grotto came into view and I approached. White, translucent curtains hung in the doorways as if someone had closed the small building in mourning. Stepping inside, I found it empty so I flicked on the dim light and settled onto a plush beige pillow. They filled the depression in the center of the room so I stuffed a few under my knees and back.

Kam peeked in. “I’ll stay out here. Shout if you need something.”

I nodded as he left. The cool night air played with the curtains, something by the doorway drew my attention. I crawled onto my stomach to get a better look in the poor lighting.

Sitting in the corner of the mural away from all the predators, I found a treasure. A grey rabbit painted by the exit, balanced on its hind legs, ears forward, nose sniffing the air. It watched whoever came into the grotto. Next to the rabbit, huddled at its side, was a small field mouse.

Belatia must have painted it after the party. Everyone judged her as simple yet she saw through the bullshit. Her mural showed insight.

She was a killer and I should hate her. Instead I sympathized with her. The hunger took control and she became its puppet. I exhaled a trembling breath. Like it or not, Bel and I were similar. I hoped not to experience the same fate, and would fight with my dying breath before allowing the hunger to get the better of me. That meant I needed to stay close to Tane.

What if Luckard had never abducted me? I wouldn't have found out my true blood bond was with Tane. The hunger would have driven me insane. What if Tane went missing again? It’s what happened to Bel with Archios.

A cold claw of dread clutched at my stomach. The Master of all vampires had a target painted on his back.

I reached and touched the mouse at the rabbit’s side. Tane entrapped my soul, and Rurik my heart. Caught between two vampires, I sure could use a friend right about now, even a crazy one.

A brush to my mental shield, like a soft caress, told me Tane was awake. He usually didn’t sleep, but after his injuries, the fight and having to heal my wound, he decided to take a nap.

I touched the underside of my arm where Luckard sliced me open. Not even a scar.

My bald vampire took care of it.

The curtain moved, this time not from the wind. Tane stepped inside. He called over his shoulder, “Kam, your off duty. I’ll be with Rabbit.” It appeared he didn’t bother to dress before finding me since he only wore his pajama bottoms. He padded across the tile floor barefoot and stepped into the pile of cushions. “What are you up to?” He eyed me, suspicion clear in his expression.

“Nothing. Why?”

“You’re concentrating very hard and that bodes for bad times.” He crawled onto his stomach next to me. For the first time, I had a clear view of the dark tattoo on his back.

A large circular design covered his pale, translucent skin. It was made of sharp angular lines that reminded me of Inca or Aztec drawings. A black sun sat in the middle of it. “It seems odd you would choose a sun on your tattoo.”

He glanced over his shoulder at it. “I didn’t decide what was placed on my back.

None of us do.”

Skeletal wings were drawn to sprout from his shoulder blades, and extended to curl over his arms. “Who does?” I traced a finger along a curving line down his flank.

A shiver coursed through his muscles.

I withdrew my hand as if burned and glanced at him. His dark eyes dilated with hunger, but I didn’t think my blood was on the menu.

With a slow gesture, he brushed some hair from my face as if afraid to startle me.

“Connie.” He whispered my name and drew closer until his lips met mine.

I should have pulled away. I should have slapped him across the face, or better yet, kneed him in the balls. I should have hated the way his lips felt on mine nevertheless I didn’t. Oh, I didn’t.

With ease, he melted me into the cushions. His firm lips caressed and teased mine until I finally opened my mouth to invite him in. I drowned in the wake of his desire as the weight of his body pinned me. He felt so right. I explored his back with my hands and finally slipped them under the waistband of his pajama pants. His hard ass clenched as I cupped it and pulled him closer to me.

He groaned then dragged himself away. With a struggle, he lifted the hem of my summer dress over my head and tossed the light material aside.

I lay under him, naked except for a pair of lace panties, as he straddled my waist. If I let this go any further, there would be no turning back.

His cock tented his pants as he slid the waistband to his hips.

“Wait. This is wrong. I can’t.” I rose to my elbows as shame tore its way through my heart and soul.

“You belong to me. I lend you to Rurik.”

“It doesn’t stop the fact I still love him. I can’t.” No matter how Tane worded it, if I fucked him it would tear my relationship with Rurik apart.

Tane pulled his pants back up and threw himself onto the cushions next to me.

I reached for my sundress, except a cool hand around my waist prevented me from getting it.

“This isn’t over.” He twisted me around to face him. “You want Rurik and you want me.” A brush of his fingertips over my nipple made me gasp. “I want both of you.” He rolled it between his fingers and gently pulled.

An arrow of pure pleasure shot straight to my groin. I grasped his shoulders and dug my nails into them. If he kept touching me, I’d lose all sentience and tear his clothes off like a wild animal in heat.

He hissed and shrugged off my hands. “No nails.” With a soft shove, he pushed me away and ran both his hands over my breasts. “I’ve been dying to do this since the day I walked in on your bare ass to heal you.” He squished them together and bent down to suck on the left bud.

Arching my back, I tried to fight my awakening arousal. He pissed me off, but damn, I liked it. I ran my hands over his smooth head until I reached his chin and lifted it to meet my gaze. “Not without Rurik.”

A malicious grin spread across his face as he released his hold on me. “I thought you’d never ask.” He knelt beside me and slipped my panties off. “He’s already on his way.”

I glanced over my shoulder at the entrance and placed a cushion over my lap. My heart raced. I didn’t know how Rurik would react. He’d been lovers with Tane, however that was hundreds of years ago. There had to be a reason for them not getting back together before now.

Not a moment longer, my lover strode into the grotto. He stared from me to Tane and back again. His brow furrowed as he frowned. “What’s the explanation this time? Your dress flew off and you forgot to wear underwear?”

I smacked Tane on the shoulder. “I told you this was a bad idea.” Me and my stupid libido, why didn’t I make Tane buzz off when he kissed me? I stared daggers at his tattooed back as he approached Rurik.

My blood bound vampire grasped Rurik by his messy dark hair and embraced him in a heated opened mouth kiss.

All the air left my lungs.

Rurik didn’t struggle like I expected. Instead, he wrapped his arms around my master, like he’d done to me a thousand times, and returned the passionate kiss as if tasting something he longed for.

I wish I could say jealousy didn’t raise its ugly green head, yet it peeked out. Not for the obvious reasons, though. Rurik and I loved each other. In the past, he and Tane had shared a relationship, which left me wondering what could I and the Nosferatu have?

My breathing became heavier as I watched Tane reach inside Rurik’s shorts and stroke his cock until it strained against the material. I couldn’t believe how tormented I felt watching them touch. How it made me ache with desire.

At that moment, my gaze met Rurik’s. His ice blue eyes had gone from furious to enflamed. He retreated from Tane and flung his dark hair out of his face and glared.

“Maybe we should set some ground rules. I don’t want any regrets.” He glanced at me and his gaze traveled down my body. His chest heaved as if he were trying to catch his breath. He pointed at Tane. “You command outside of the bedroom, but when the three of us are together, I give the orders. I won’t participate otherwise.”

I patted the cushion next to me, eager to touch Rurik, someone I knew and was familiar with.

He smiled as he settled next to me. “Are you okay with this?” With a gentle hand, he tilted my chin to look me in the eye. “I don’t want you to feel pressured.”

Glancing at Tane, I was surprised to see him still standing apart from us. His arms crossed over his chest as he stared at his feet. It dawned on me then the gravity of this decision. One or all of us could get hurt and destroy the delicate balance we already had.


At the sound of his name, he glanced up with a scowl, except it was a mask he wore like the ones on his wall. Something he could hide behind.

I reached out my hand.

The scowl melted, replaced by a more vulnerable expression. “I don’t—” He cleared his throat. “I don’t want to be a third wheel or an extra body part. I want the whole package.” With a small sigh, he took my hand. “Friendship, love, all of it.”

My heart fluttered at his words. Could I love two men? God, could I deal with their egos?

He sat next to me and clung to my hand.

I squeezed and remembered how worried I’d been about him last night. How he’d done his best to protect me against the pain. I did love him. It was different from the way I felt for Rurik, but it was love nonetheless. “Okay.” Twisting around, I faced Rurik and waited for his answer.

“We always loved each other. It was just bad timing and wrong partners.” He laid his hand on ours. “The sex should always be together. Otherwise, someone will eventually feel left out. I don’t want to walk in on both of you in compromising positions anymore.


Tane nodded as he slid closer to me. “What about you, Rabbit?”

Sandwiched between them, it didn’t take me long to decide what I wanted. “Don’t ever make me chose between you. Whatever happens, don’t make me the one to decide.”

“It won’t come to that.” Rurik removed his shirt and shorts. “Take your pants off,”

he ordered Tane.

I blinked and watched in amazement as Tane removed his clothes without an argument. He had more bulk to his muscles than Rurik, yet they slid under his skin with just as much sensuality. “If I knew you could follow orders, I would have asked for me to be the boss when we’re alone too.”

He grinned, his sharp fangs reflected the dim lighting then he snatched my ankles and pulled so I fell backwards onto Rurik’s lap with a squeak. “Never. Can I have my way with her now?” He glanced at Rurik.

Chuckling, my dark lover repositioned himself behind me and cupped my breasts in his hands. “Be my guest, but let’s start slow. I want us to share her at the end.”

“Share?” My voice raised an octave. The muscles in my thighs tensed as Tane spread my legs open and crept forward.

“Don’t worry,” Rurik whispered in my ear. “It will feel good. I promise.” He traced his tongue along my earlobe before nibbling.

It sent shivers down my spine. I relaxed against him and closed my eyes as fingers wandered over my nipples—pinching, twisting, pulling. Strong hands spread my legs farther apart.

“A natural blonde.” I heard Tane comment before sensing his tongue lick between my folds. The duel stimulation set me on fire. In a few slow strokes, he found my clit and latched onto it. Sucking hard, he reduced me to a wanton, moaning beast.

I would have offered him anything to not stop. “More.”

With Rurik’s assistance, he lifted my legs over his shoulders and slipped a finger in my back hole.

Gasping, I clenched at the unexpected sensation, yet with each slow stroke I relaxed enough for him to use two fingers and stretch me. I rocked my hips in time to his rhythm, the delight growing with each touch of hands, fingers, and tongues. The ecstasy sent me over the edge. I arched my back and leaned hard against Rurik.

“I haven’t fed from you in days.” His voice deepened with hunger that sent tingles of pleasurable anticipation through me. He entwined his fingers into my hair and exposed my neck.

Sharp pain pierced my skin and heightened my passion. I cried out, unable to contain it anymore, not caring who heard me out in the gardens.

My new lover left a trail of kisses as he made his way to my navel, never withdrawing his fingers from my ass, as Rurik stopped feeding.

Blood trickled along my skin from the bite. It rolled over my collarbone and slipped in between my breasts. I tried to sit, but Tane’s intense stare snared my attention.

He withdrew his fingers as he lapped at the red, life-bearing stream. “Mmm, Rabbit.”

The comment slid through my mental shield and purred in my head. Following the path to my neck, he licked on the small wounds until Rurik grasped and lifted his chin so they could kiss.

Sandwiched between them, I caught my breath as I watched their caresses with fascination. So engrossed in the show I was startled by a slight movement behind me as Rurik used the wetness from between my legs to cover my back hole. With a gentle pressure, he slipped his fingers inside and continued to relax those muscles.

Now I understood what he meant by sharing me. Discomfort turned to pleasure and grew into longing. I did everything I could to keep from coming too soon. Thought about my laundry pile, my credit card bills, even tried to picture Red naked, but my vampires were both more experienced and would outlast me.

With desperation, I ran my hands over Tane’s bald head, down his strong back, then around to his groin. His hard, thick cock pulsed in my hand as I stroked it and he broke off the kiss to moan my name. Why was I only pleasuring one of them when I had two hands? Twisting my hips slightly, I reached behind and fondled Rurik’s cock too.

“So eager.” Rurik purred in my ear.

A moan was the only response I could manage. Wrapping my legs around my bald lover’s narrow hips, I invited him in by guiding his excited cock to my entrance.

Rurik pulled my hands away from caressing them. “Easy.” He lifted both my arms above my head and shifted me onto Tane’s lap. “Let me go first so I can ease in.”

On my knees, I straddled my new partner on the cushions. Once I thought his eyes dark and soulless, but tonight they filled with passion.

He pulled me into an embrace while he leaned back into the cushions. The motion brought me forward and allowed Rurik access from behind.

I returned Tane’s tender kiss, so different from Rurik’s demanding ones. He took his time to explore with my mouth, to savor my taste, and draw me in deeper.

It slowed my breathing and helped me unwind as Rurik pushed his hard cock into my anus. Slow and steady, he eased inside. His grasp on my hips tightened. “Tane.” His voice sounded strained.

Lost in our kiss, he didn’t respond right away.

“Tane, we’re going to finish without you.” Frustration apparent in his rebuke, he slid in and out of me.

I broke off the kiss, unable to catch my breath.

Our master positioned his cock to the entrance of my wet pussy and thrust inside.

Frozen in a sea of sensation, I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak or think. Just be. My vampires moved as if choreographed. They stroked in opposite tempo. In and in and in, until the world exploded.

Rurik’s grunts mingled with my cries. White light blinded my mind as waves of salacious euphoria cascaded over my body. Strong hands supported me as they pumped and took their pleasures until they filled me with their seed.

When it faded, flesh dug under my nails. My eyes fluttered open. Sweat beaded on Tane’s smooth head. Blood oozed from the scratches I’d left on his shoulders. “Sorry.”

He ran a fingertip over my cheek to my lips. “No problem.”

“Did you come?” He never made a sound.

“Oh yeah,” he whispered. “I’m just quiet about it.” He grinned before giving me a soft kiss and flopping back onto the cushions. “Hot damn, I’m a little dizzy.”

Rurik helped me withdraw from them and hugged me close to chuckle in my ear. “I think he’s satisfied.”

I glanced at him. “And you?”


My thighs quivered from the exertion and I crawled next to Tane. “Why am I not surprised?” I sank into the cushions and never wanted to move again.

Rurik joined us, sandwiching me once more. I ran my fingers through his hair. A few stuck to my hand and I shook them free. Odd, I didn’t think vampires could shed.

His ice blue eyes met mine as he kissed the tips of my fingers.

Tane rolled over and pressed his face into the nape of my neck.

We didn’t need to say we loved each other because we already knew. The sacrifices we’d made for one another spoke more than words. My heart wasn’t torn in two anymore. Their love for me was real.

I closed my eyes and reached out my hands to touch them and never let them go.

This adventure I called my life had just begun.

The End
