Chapter Nine

“Easy.” Derrick pushed the slender plug in slowly, letting her grow accustomed to its fit. He continued to talk to her, asking her how she felt as he inched it in further.

“It’s too big,” she complained and squirmed, which only seated the plug deeper. “How the hell is you ass-fucking me showing me you love me? This isn’t a porn movie.”

He chuckled. Sex with Sydney was never boring. It was always fun, and it just kept getting better. “Quit making me laugh. And don’t move. If you think this is too big, wait until I’m inside you.”


Yet she didn’t beg him to remove the plug or stop. She wanted this, wanted him. He just had to figure out a way past her defenses. This wasn’t a bad way to start.

Sydney needed to feel important, the center of his world. And she’d only ever responded to him wholeheartedly with sex. Their nonsexual time together had been fun, exciting even. But she’d always held a part of herself back. He’d felt it, and he didn’t like it.

He still had a hard time believing that he—Derrick Warren—had fallen so hard for a stubborn redhead out to refuse him. But he couldn’t help it. She was beautiful, lived life to the fullest, and had a generous heart. Loyalty to her friends ran deep. And she had confidence, which he found so sexy in a woman. She didn’t take any shit from anyone. Including him.

But fuck it all, the woman also annoyed him more than any woman ever had. Yet instead of turning him off, she turned him way on, physically and emotionally. If he couldn’t have her in his life, he didn’t know what he’d do.

Petting her thighs and back, her stroked her as he fitted the rest of the plug into her ass. Small, no wider than his index finger, the thing was only four inches long. Yet Sydney squirmed and moaned, adjusting to its size.

“I can’t wait to take you here,” he murmured, staring down at her beautiful ass. “You’re so sexy, so round and virginal, aren’t you baby?”

She groaned. “Stop trying to seduce me. You already have me tied up.”

“Yeah, and you love it.”

Dark blue eyes flashed at him. “So what?”

“Just one more reason I love you.” He hated the doubt he saw in her expression but ignored it. “Yeah, a woman who loves sex as much as I do. Who comes when I touch her, and who has the best body I’ve ever made love to.”

“Gee, Derrick. I thought you loved me for my mind.”

He laughed. “Not your mind—your mouth. I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman who needed a spanking as much as you.”

She turned her head away, yet he heard the smile in her voice. “Please.”

“Turn back. I want you to see how hard you make me.”

Her head whipped back over.

“You’re so easy.” He grinned and stripped out of his clothing. Then he held out his cock, pumping himself for her. “This is going to be in you soon. I can’t wait to feel that ass hugging me while I come inside you.”

“No way is that going to fit,” she choked out.

“Oh yeah. So tight. Let’s see how you’re doing, hmm?” He joined her on the bed again and touched the end of the plug. Just seeing it there kept him hard as steel. Damn.

He pulled it out a little, conscious of her pain threshold. Then he started to play with her, pulling it out and pushing it back in, letting her get used to the feel of it.

He spent time with her before pulling the plug completely out. Then he lubed his finger and inserted one inside her ass, groaning at the fit.

“It feels strange,” she said on a breath when he added a second finger slowly to stretch her. “It burns, but it kind of feels good in a weird way.”

“Yeah.” He cleared his throat. “You have no idea how sexy you look, me playing with you like this. Fuck, I’m not gonna last at all.”

“Good. Serves you right for torturing me.”

He grinned. “See, that mouth is going to get you in trouble every time. Now hold on.” He stepped away to clean up his hands, then returned with the bag he’d stashed there earlier. “See this?” He pulled out a dildo. “This is for your pussy. That way you won’t be too empty while I’m fucking your ass.”

He reached down and fingered her, not surprised to find her wet for him. With a quick movement, he eased the dildo inside her sex. Then he put on a rubber and lube, making himself nice and slick.

“I’m going to fuck you now, baby. Nice and easy, okay?”

She swallowed hard and tugged at her restraints. “Take them off.”

“Okay.” He released her wrists and gently turned her onto her back. “I want to watch you while we do this.”

The confusion on her face earned a kiss. “What?”

“You’re so cute.”

“Derrick.” She flushed. “Why am I lying this way? Shouldn’t I be on my hands and knees?”

He shook his head. “No. It’ll be easier missionary. Trust me.”

She stared up at him. “I do.”

No two words had ever meant more. He leaned down to kiss her again, and his cock brushed her clit. She shivered, and he knew the time had come.

“Now watch me, Syd. I don’t want to hurt you, but the truth is, this won’t feel that great at first.”

“No shit.”

The fiery redhead made him laugh, and she stole his heart with that tough exterior hiding the soft woman inside. “God, I love you. Now shut up and let me in.”

He rotated the dildo inside her and she sucked in a breath. Then he pumped it a few times and she moaned.

“Now me.” He spread her legs wider and slowly pushed the tip of his cock into her ass, stopping when he met resistance. “Push out and let me slide in.”

“You’re too big. I’m stretched full.”

“Stop whining. Do it. Push out.”

She did, and he slid inside, slowly, a little at a time as she caught her breath and accepted him. The sensation was indescribable. He concentrated on watching her for every flinch and reaction. The way she bit her lip, sucked in a breath or moaned his name guided his movements.

Finally seated all the way inside her, he leaned up on his elbows and stared into the face he wanted to wake up to every morning for the rest of his life. “Okay?”

She wiggled her hips, and he concentrated on not thrusting harder. He wanted to fuck her, but he deliberately kept himself still.

“Move,” she ordered.

Like he needed to be told twice. Carefully, he pulled out and slid back in. Little by little, he started to make love to her, thrusting in a slow, sure pace. Attuned to her every movement, he caught her enjoyment, and it increased his own. He slowed and reached between them to touch her clit, and she jerked hard.

“God, Derrick. Don’t stop.”

“I want you to come around me.”

“I don’t know if I can again. You wore me out.” She bit her lip as she watched him, and he began taking her again, wanting to claim her, to tie her to him with each push and pull.

“Touch yourself. Come with me, baby.”

Her hand disappeared between them, and that sexy move increased his need to come. Everything about Sydney turned him on, but this… Her acceptance, her willingness to try something new with him, to give him pleasure, such selflessness made it impossible not to love her all the more.

Her breathing increased, as did her moans. “Yes, Derrick. Oh, God. Yes. Now.”

He fucked her harder, and between one breath and the next, his orgasm slammed into him. She cried out and clamped down on him, coming at the same time. He swore as the seed burst from him in a rush, filling the rubber right up.

He couldn’t stop thrusting until finally, sated, he stilled and tried to catch his breath. Bent over her on his elbows, he finally managed to open his eyes, not sure when he’d closed them. When he blinked, he saw her watching him, her eyes wide and lit with wonder.

“Syd?” He sounded hoarse.

“Oh my God.” She reached up and cupped her hand behind his neck, pulling him down to kiss her. “That was incredible.”

He rested his forehead against hers, aware she had to be uncomfortable. “Yeah. Hold on and I’ll clean you up.”

Sucking in a breath, he slowly withdrew. She hissed, and he wanted to cradle her to him. Instead he disposed of the condom in a nearby trashcan and returned to take the dildo out of her. She groaned and lay there, utterly spent.

“I still love you.”


He grinned. “I’m all dick, aren’t I? Big and manly. And I had that ass. Two points for Derrick Warren.”

“Shut up.”

He chuckled. Gathering his strength, he scooped her into his arms and carried her into the bathroom. “Now time to clean up the princess. Come on, honey. Let’s get you soapy and warm. Soothe those tired muscles.”

He washed her with care, making sure to clean her all over. She winced when he tenderly washed her ass, but he wanted to make sure he hadn’t hurt her. Once he’d seen to every part of her body, he cleaned his own while she watched with sleepy eyes, the water running all over her. She should have looked like a drowned rat, but instead she looked like a sexy siren. A tired, sexy siren.

After the shower, he dried them both off and carried her back to the bed.

“I can walk,” she tried to protest.

“And I can carry you. I’m bigger; I win.” He snuggled them under the covers.

She yawned and closed her eyes, asleep before he knew it. He hugged her close and fell asleep, at peace for the first time in forever.

When Derrick woke, it was to empty arms. The room remained dark, and he could see by the clock that midnight had just come and gone. Where…? He heard the sound of the toilet and the sink before Sydney returned to bed. To him. He feigned sleep, more than satisfied when the stubborn woman snuggled back into his arms and sighed against his chest. Oh yeah. I am all the way gone.

The next morning, he ordered room service while she sat in a robe and glared at him.

“Don’t think that just because I let you get away with last night, manhandling me is going to become a trend.”

He raised a brow but said nothing. His silence seemed to annoy her, so he continued to watch her, wondering how best to handle her this morning. She seemed defensive, no doubt worried about the bomb he’d dropped last night. Most women would have died for a tender confession. Not Sydney.

He figured he’d have to undergo a few tests and couldn’t wait to meet and conquer each one.

Sydney sniffed. “Sure, the sex was great. I wanted to try anal. I mean, I had once before, but it wasn’t that great. Last night was… I liked it. A lot. But we’re done now.”

Linking his hands behind his head, he sighed and closed his eyes.

“Derrick. Did you hear me?” People in China probably heard her. “I said we’re through.”

Someone knocked at the door. He didn’t open his eyes. “Hey, Syd. Could you get that?”

She muttered, “Jerk,” and stomped across the room. Then the door opened. After a moment, the door closed and the smell of bacon and fresh coffee filled his senses.

He opened his eyes and saw Sydney staring down at him, lust, affection and annoyance darkening her gaze. The woman loved him. She just didn’t know it yet.

Grinning up at her, he blew her a kiss and scooted around her to the table where the breakfast tray sat. “Come on, baby. Let’s eat. I’m starved.”

“You should be after all the screwing we did last night.”

He tsked. “Now Syd. You know that was making love. I love you.”

She glared. “If you say that one more time, I might smack you.”

He feigned hurt. “But it’s the truth. How could I not love you?”

“Oh, let me count the ways.”

“You’re beautiful.”

“Shallow, but there is that.” She took a bite of toast.

“Smart, successful.”

“Okay, now I get it. You want me for my money.”

He ignored that. “You go after what you want and don’t let anything hold you back. I remember all those calls we shared. I like how you sell yourself, how you can convince anyone to believe in you.” Hmm. “So Sydney, tell me what I have to do to sell this relationship to you.”

She paused around the next bite of her toast. “What?”

“Pretend you’re me. Now sell Derrick to Sydney. What would you focus on to get your attention?”

“I’m confused.”

“No you’re not. Annoyed, scared, in love, but not confused.”

She snorted. “You’re delirious.”

“No, I’m right. But that’s another discussion. So sell me.”

“You’re just fishing for compliments.”

“Fine. Don’t sell me. Sell the perfect man.”

“He doesn’t exist.”

“Sydney, humor me. Remember, I’m the man with the magic tongue.”

She snorted. “Okay, Romeo. Hmm. The perfect man? Well, he’d have to be funny, smart, not threatened by my success. He’d have to have stamina. I have a healthy sex drive.”

“Yes, you do.” He smiled.

Her cheeks turned a sexy shade of pink. “He’d have to be in shape. And he’d have to appeal to me. We all have our definitions of beauty, but if I’m committing to this man, I have to like the look of him.”

He wiggled his brows and she rolled her eyes. “And,” she continued. “He’d have to be loyal. That said, I’ve never met the perfect man, and I doubt I ever will.”

“Twist the knife, why don’t you.” The woman could be brutal. “Sydney, don’t you get it, baby? You just described me. Loyal, handsome, wealthy.” Hell, he must be desperate to play the money card. He never did that.

“You said you were a small fish, remember?”

“Yeah, but in such a small pond like Augusta, I’m really huge. All over.” He gave her a rakish smile that thankfully sparked one out of her. “I’m financially stable, own my own home, and know the difference between a Pinot Noir and a Cabernet.” Thanks to some quick tutoring from Dylan. “Sure I had a few girlfriends, but I never cheated on any of them. Loyalty’s big with me. And I know what love is, because I grew up with two people so in love it made every relationship pale next to that. Until I met you.”

Her eyes were wide, and he thought he might have finally gotten to her. “Oh wow. That was actually beautiful. Are you Derrick, or am I talking to Dylan?”

“Smart ass.”

She smirked.

He paused, then said, “So you know, I don’t expect you to say it back right away. I figure you’ll say it when you’re ready.”

“Say what?”

“That you love me. I mean, we both know you do, but it’s natural to be scared of such an intense emotion.”

The woman looked hunted. Perfect. If she hadn’t cared, she’d have dismissed him with one of those Oh?’s that annoyed him.

“You— You’re— I don’t… You’re crazy.”

“And that’s why you love me.”

She glared.

He grinned. “Now eat your breakfast. We’ve got a busy day ahead of us.”

“I have things to do.”

“I know. Hailey told me. We have to get ready for your mom’s visit.”

She blinked. “Huh?”

“Your mom. Hailey told me she’s coming to visit. What do we need to do?”

“You want to meet my mom?”

He shrugged. “If she’s important to you I do.”

Sydney’s eyes narrowed. “I’ve barely talked to your mom.” A definite challenge.

“Oh, didn’t I mention that?”


“We’re having dinner at Mom’s tonight. Gage and Hailey will be there, Dylan too. We’re supposed to be bringing the wine, since you’re the expert.”

The annoyance on her face changed to alarm. “I don’t want to meet with your mom.”

“You don’t think you’ll like her?”

“No, no. Hailey says she’s terrific. But, ah, I have a lot to do to get ready for my mother’s visit next week.”

“Right. So what’s first on the agenda?” He watched her flit about the room, the robe she wore gaping with each step she made. The next time she passed close to him, he yanked her down onto his lap.

“Derrick. Cut it out.” The flush on her cheeks entranced him.

“You still haven’t kissed me good morning.” He kissed her before she could argue, and the gentle exploration turned carnal in a heartbeat. Already hard from watching her storm around the room, he didn’t have to do much to get ready for her. He parted his robe and settled her astride him. To his delight, her pussy was hot and moist. It took little work to slide inside her.

He nudged her robe aside and sucked her breasts, one by one, until the woman was panting and moaning on top of him. “This is how you say good morning to the man you love.”

“But I don’t…”

To his immense satisfaction, she didn’t complete the sentence. Instead, she kissed him, so passionately, so deeply, he lost himself in her embrace. She tightened her legs around him, riding him so that each push of his cock inside her bonded them tighter and tighter together. His groin rubbed her clit as she rocked over him, and she came right as he spilled inside her. Shuddering with his release, he hugged her tight and sighed.

“See, Sydney? That’s how you take care of your man every morning.”

She groaned. “You’re going to be impossible, aren’t you?”

“Every damn day for the rest of your life. Yeah, I promise. Completely impossible.” He slapped her ass, still inside her and loving every second of it. “So, baby, what’s first on the agenda? We going to your place or mine? Don’t forget, you have to pick a good wine for tonight.”

Don’t forget,” she mimicked under her breath, but he heard her anyway. “How could I?”

Simply put, he wouldn’t let her forget. The woman belonged to him, plain as the cute little nose on her face. Now he just had to get her to admit it.
