Chapter Six

Adam was furious when Ethan and Ryan arrived with a visibly shaken Holly. He scooped her up in his arms and hugged her tightly against his chest. His eyes flashed over her head, demanding to know what happened from his brothers.

“Her h—the bastard was in town,” Ethan spat.

“Did he hurt you, baby?” Adam demanded.

She shook her head against his chest.

He looked up to his brothers for confirmation.

“He didn’t see her,” Ryan said. “At least we don’t think. He was parked on the street. Holly saw him from the store window.”


This certainly complicated things. He exchanged glances with his brothers. All silently agreed. Something would have to be done about the bastard. They couldn’t allow Holly to be terrorized any longer.

Adam pulled Holly away from him slightly and framed her face in his hands. “Listen to me, baby. We won’t let him hurt you, I swear it.”

She stared at him for a long moment then slowly nodded.

He let out a growl of satisfaction. “Go run some bathwater, Ryan.”

Ryan left for the bathroom, leaving Adam and Ethan in the room with Holly. Adam ran a hand down her cheek, down the curve of her slender neck and down to the neckline of her shirt.

“Let us take care of you,” he murmured. “First a bath…” He let his voice trail off suggesting there was more to come.

She shivered in his arms. But she didn’t look at all worried about the idea of more to come.

“Adam, there’s something…there’s something you should know.”

He lifted his brow at her nervous statement. He looked over at Ethan who shrugged.

She pushed away from him, and he allowed her space. She stood up and moved several feet from both him and Ethan.

“I feel so stupid saying this,” she began. She wrung her hands in front of her, her agitation increasing.

“Holly,” Ethan said. “Whatever it is, just tell us. It can’t be so bad, no matter what you may think.”

She took a deep breath and looked between them. “I thought you should know, I mean I don’t even know how this whole thing works. Between us, I mean. About sex.”

She broke off, her cheeks pink with a blush.

Adam waited patiently for her to come around to her point. The fact she was entertaining thoughts of sex was promising, but she wasn’t sure how it would work between them. He smiled. She was delightfully innocent.

“It’s just that I’ve never done this before,” she said awkwardly. “I mean sex in general.”

Not that innocent surely! His head jerked in surprise, and he looked at Ethan to see the same surprise blazoned on his face.

“Say that again?” Ethan said.

Her blush deepened.

“But you’re married,” Adam began.

“I left him on our wedding night,” she mumbled.

A slow smile spread across Ethan’s face, and the same sense of satisfaction took hold of Adam. She was going to be more than just theirs. She would only belong to them. They would be her first. And her last.

“Maybe you should explain, baby,” he said gently. They needed to know all they could about her. The more they knew, the better chance they had of keeping her. And letting her go wasn’t an option.

“Water’s ready,” Ryan called from the door.

“We’ll let you talk in the tub,” Adam said. He stood and closed the distance between him and Holly. She stepped back slightly when his hand slid under her shirt.

“Trust me, baby. I won’t hurt you. We need to get you out of your clothes.”

She licked her lips then captured her bottom lip between her teeth and nibbled furiously. She was, in a word, adorable.

Holly glanced between the three men in front of her and nearly hyperventilated. She wanted them, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to be naked in front of them. The mere idea had her wanting to hurl.

Adam’s hand slid underneath her shirt, his fingers brushing the underside of her breast. The thin material of her bra did nothing to muffle his touch. She felt the scorching blaze of his heat to her very depths.

Feather light, his fingers brushed across her skin, around to her back and to the clasp of her bra. With a flick of his hand, the clasp broke free.

Another hand slipped underneath her shirt, shoving it upward. She gave a startled gasp as she realized Ethan had joined Adam.

Ethan pushed her shirt to her neck then Adam gently tugged it over her head. She self-consciously covered her chest with her arms.

“Don’t,” Ryan said huskily. “You’re beautiful.”

She looked up to see him staring at her from across the room, his eyes burning into hers.

Slowly she let her hands fall away until she stood in front of them in only her jeans.

“Jesus,” Ethan breathed.

Adam undid the fly on her jeans then slid the zipper down.

“If you don’t hurry, the water is going to get cold,” Ryan drawled.

“We can’t have that,” Adam said in a voice that sent spasms from her belly to her pussy. Her muscles clenched in red hot need.

He began to peel her jeans down her body until she stood in only her panties. Ready for the agony to end, she hooked her thumbs in the waistband and quickly shimmied out of her underwear.

“You’re perfect,” Adam said.

She found herself lifted into his arms, and he carried her into the bathroom. He lowered her into the huge tub of foamy suds, and she moaned in pleasure as the warm water lapped over her body.

“We’ll give you some time to relax,” Adam said as he stood back up. He dropped a kiss on top of her head. “I’ll be back to wash your hair and dry you off in a few minutes.”

She watched as they filed out of the bathroom, and she sunk lower into the suds, closing her eyes. Would they want to have sex with her now that she had told them she was a virgin? She was nervous about the whole idea. Not only had she never done it, but she had three men wanting to make love to her. And she had no idea how they planned to go about it. But damned if the idea of it didn’t have her toes curled.

* * *

“This changes things a bit,” Adam said as he faced his two brothers in the bedroom.

“What are you talking about?” Ryan demanded.

“Holly’s a virgin,” Ethan said.

Ryan lifted a brow but said nothing more. He merely pinned Adam with a questioning stare.

“What?” Adam asked, sensing there was a lot on his youngest brother’s mind.

Ryan sighed and shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

“How do we know she won’t change her mind? How do we know she didn’t have cold feet and take off from her husband?”

Ethan started to protest but Adam silenced him with a look. He could see the uncertainty in Ryan’s eyes, knew of anyone, Ryan would be the most distrustful.

A twinge of pain squeezed his chest. Would he ever know what Ryan had endured in Iraq? Sadness weighed heavy on his mind. God knows he and Ethan had tried to get Ryan to open up, but ever since his return a year ago, he hadn’t uttered a word about the time he spent in captivity.

“Ryan, she needs us. I’m not saying it’ll be easy. Hell, she’s married. She’s scared to death, and she’s confused over what she’s feeling for us. All we can do is protect her and show her how very good it can be with us.”

He turned to Ethan. “She trusts you. She’s already established a bond with you. I think you should be her first.”

“She’s not a piece of meat to decide over,” Ryan said in disgust.

He turned and walked out of the bedroom before Adam could respond.

Ethan chuckled softly. “He’s right, you know. You don’t have to control everything, Adam. No need to orchestrate the entire act of sex. I think we can handle it on our own.”

Adam didn’t respond. That wasn’t what he meant, but maybe they were right. He was trying too damn hard. He rubbed a hand through his hair and massaged the back of his neck.

“I’ll be out in the barn,” Adam said. “You can see to Holly.”

Truth was he needed some fresh air. Needed to think.

* * *

The water had grown tepid, and Holly wasn’t going to wait on the men any longer. Hell, it wasn’t as if she couldn’t handle herself anyway. Yet, she sat docilely in the tub like an obedient stooge.

She stood up, water running down her body. She reached for a towel that hung on the rack beside the tub and began drying off.

“Let me.”

The towel slipped from her fingers as Ethan took it and began rubbing her back.

“I can do it,” she said, more sharply than she intended.

She reached for the towel, not liking the fact she stood naked before him.

He probed her with his stare for a second then let her have the towel back.

“I’ll be in the living room if you want to join me,” he said as he walked out of the bathroom.

She took her time, her mind a mass of confusion. She was seriously deluding herself if she thought it would be as easy as setting up a new life here with the three brothers. She knew nothing about them, had no idea what she would do here, and there was the little matter of her marriage to a vile, sadistic monster.

Oh, he hadn’t shown himself for the asshole he was until their wedding night. She’d been starry-eyed and all agog that he had chosen her to be his wife. She’d quickly learned that behind his charming exterior lurked a controlling, abusive man.

Would things have been different if she hadn’t witnessed him killing a man in cold blood on the day of their wedding? Probably not, after all, he’d had no difficulty raising a hand to her. No regret, no emotion had crossed his face as she’d laid there crying.

She shuddered and shook her head to rid herself of the memory. Never again would she put herself in such a position. If she remained here, it would be because she wanted to, not because Adam dictated it.

If she remained here. Was she contemplating? Really?

“You’re out of your mind,” she muttered to her reflection in the mirror.

You want them as much as they want you. Maybe more.

Her nipples puckered as she imagined them making love to her. She felt an unbearable tightening in her groin. It spread throughout her pelvis, and her clit pulsed in reaction.

She may be a virgin, but she wasn’t an idiot. She was as horny as a priest in the Playboy Mansion.

Rolling her eyes heavenward, she dressed and slipped out of the bathroom. She meandered down the hall and, for the first time since her arrival, took stock of her surroundings.

The cabin exuded masculinity. All the rooms were sparsely decorated in earth tones. The living room was dominated by the stone fireplace, and the glow spread warmth over the rustic wood floors. It was, she imagined, just as a cabin may have looked a hundred years ago.

Ethan sat at a desk several feet from the fireplace. He was concentrating on a computer screen and occasionally tapping on the keyboard. Did they have internet access here in the middle of nowhere?

She looked around for the others, but the house was silent. Taking a deep breath, she crossed the room until she stood behind Ethan.

“Ethan?” she asked, damning how quivery her voice came out.

He swiveled around in his chair and looked inquisitively at her.

“Can I ask you some questions?”

“Of course,” he replied.

He stood up and tucked her hand in his then pulled her over to the couch.

“Let’s get comfortable.”

She sank down beside him, careful to keep a safe distance from him. One touch from him and she was likely to throw herself into his arms and beg him to make love to her.

She stared at him for a long time then gathered her courage around her. “Is this for real?”

His gaze softened, and he sat back as if realizing she needed the space.

“This must be difficult for you.”

She nodded. She swallowed back what she wanted to say then hesitated. Holding back her emotions wasn’t natural for her, as problematic as it may be. Something told her she could be honest with Ethan.

“It’s difficult, but not in the way you’d think.”

She promptly blushed and looked away as she spoke.

He didn’t prompt her to say more, he merely waited.

“I don’t understand,” she began again, trying to formulate her thoughts. “How can you all want me? I mean I can understand wanting me, wanting to have sex that is, but Adam said… He made it sound like you wanted me to stay.”

Ethan nodded.

“But how? You don’t know me. How can it be any more than lust at this point?”

He smiled and reached over, curling his strong fingers over her palm. He picked up her hand then turned it over until her palm faced up. Bending his head, he pressed his lips to her skin.

She shivered in reaction, a chill racing straight up her arm.

“Lust? Oh yeah,” he said, lowering her hand. “But it’s more than that.”

Her hand fell to the couch, but she wanted to press it back to his mouth. The curl of urgency between her thighs had her shifting to alleviate the discomfort.

“If you’re asking me if we’re in love with you,” he began, “well, I can’t speak for my brothers, but I don’t think it’s that simple. As you said, we don’t really know you. But we recognize you. Does that make sense?”

She shook her head wordlessly.

“Put it this way. I recognize you as the woman I will fall in love with. Maybe I’ve already started down the path. I won’t know until we’ve had more time to explore each other.” He flashed a wicked grin at her. “And explore, I plan to do.”

For some reason, his simple honesty comforted her more than a declaration of undying love and devotion. She’d gotten those from Mason, and they certainly hadn’t done her any good.

“What do you want?” he asked softly.

“I want never to have gotten married,” she blurted out, allowing her regret to pour out of her soul.

Tears stung her eyelids and she looked away.

“Ahh, doll.”

He scooted forward and pulled her against his chest. He tilted her chin up until she looked him in the eye.

“You don’t have to stay married to the bastard.”

Sadness swelled in her chest. “I don’t think he’ll let me go. I know…I know too much,” she said.

He arched his brow.

“What do you know, doll?”

She closed her eyes. She needed to release the heavy burden she’d been carrying for the last two weeks.

“I saw him kill someone,” she whispered. “On our wedding day.”

Ethan’s grip tightened around her.


She pushed away from him, gritting her teeth to keep the tears at bay.

“You see, that’s why I can’t stay here. He’ll find me. He’ll kill you. It’s nothing to him.”

Ethan released his breath then looked over her shoulder.

“You hear everything?” he asked.

She swiveled around until she saw Ryan leaning against the wall behind her.

Ryan nodded, his eyes glittering dangerously.

“Did you email Cal?” Ryan asked.

She looked back at Ethan in confusion.

Ethan nodded. “Yeah.”

“Who’s Cal?” she asked.

“He’s a lawyer,” Ryan said.

Her eyes widened. She looked between the brothers, checking their expressions for something, some clue as to their intentions.

“He’s a good friend of ours. He practices law in Denver. I emailed him about your situation. Asked him how best to proceed with terminating your marriage.”

She stood up in agitation, shrugging off Ethan’s hand.

“You can’t tell him where I am!”

“No one’s going to tell him where you are, doll.”

“Don’t you want to be rid of him?” Ryan asked.

She looked up to see him studying her, probing her as if measuring her reaction. Her eyes narrowed. Did he think she wanted to stay married to Mason?

“After what you heard, how can you doubt that?” she asked, staring back at him just as intently.

They squared off, neither backing down as they burned holes through each other with their eyes.

He relaxed his stance then crooked his finger at her.

“Come here.”

It pissed her off that she found herself crossing the room to stand in front of him.

He pulled her roughly into his arms and melded his lips to hers.

She moaned low in her throat. God, he felt so damn good. She threaded her arms around his neck, and in that moment, she didn’t give a damn what he thought about her. She wanted to rip his clothes off.

He sucked her bottom lip between his teeth and nipped erotically. He wasn’t gentle, his touch was demanding. He slid his hands underneath her shirt, upward until he cupped her breasts in his palms.

She flinched when his thumbs flicked her nipples. She arched closer to him, wanting more.

Her breath came in ragged spurts as his mouth left hers. He burned a trail down her neck then sank his teeth in the curve of her shoulder.

She cried out, her legs collapsing beneath her.

Something caught her. Not something. Someone. She found herself rocked against two hard chests. One in front. One in back.

Gentle kisses rained where before Ryan’s teeth had seared her skin. She leaned back, wanting more of Ethan’s touch.

Ryan shoved her shirt upward, baring her breasts. He bent and sucked one nipple into his mouth. God, he was hot. No preamble with him. No teasing. He went for it. Hard and fast.

“Do you want it?” Ryan murmured.

Did she want it? If she didn’t get it, she was going to kill someone.

“If you don’t want this, now is the time to say so,” Ethan said as he rocked her ass against his rock hard erection.

“No, don’t stop. Please.”

“Never let it be said I could refuse a lady,” Ethan said, his voice thick with desire.

Ryan pulled the shirt the rest of the way from her body and tossed it on the floor. He hooked his finger in the waistband of her jeans and pulled her hard against him.

He devoured her mouth with his as he fumbled with the zipper. In a few seconds, he was shoving her pants impatiently down her hips.

“You’ve got too many clothes on,” she protested.

Ryan’s eyes flashed. “In the bedroom. Now.”

She slipped past him and walked on shaky legs down the hallway toward Adam’s bedroom. She was clad in only her panties, but for some reason, she couldn’t bring herself to be the one to divest herself of that last barrier.

She turned around as Ryan and Ethan walked through the door. Ryan yanked his shirt from his jeans while Ethan slowly unbuttoned his.

Her eyes were drawn to Ryan’s groin as he unbuttoned his jeans. He let his pants drop then pulled his cock from his underwear.

He was magnificent.

“Come here,” he said, as he fisted his cock in his hand.

She knew what he wanted, didn’t need further instructions. She went to him and knelt on the floor in front of him.

He grasped the back of her head and guided his cock into her mouth. He let out a harsh groan as he slid into her throat.

He smelled musky and wild, tasted exotic.

“Goddamn,” he muttered.

She didn’t wait for him to set the pace. She was eager to explore him on her own. She made light sucking noises as she took him deeper into her mouth.

He was big and hard. She couldn’t take him all, but damned if she wasn’t going to try.

Ryan’s hips rocked forward and he thrust with more urgency.

“You feel so damn good,” he said.

Ethan’s hand tangled in her hair, and she felt her head pulled away from Ryan only for Ethan’s cock to replace Ryan’s.

She opened her mouth obediently to accept his larger circumference, and he slid rapidly back and forth.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” Ethan said in a tortured whisper.

She felt the light seep of fluid in the back of her throat. Tangy, slightly salty. She swallowed, expecting more, but he pulled away from her.

Ryan lifted her to her feet and walked her backwards to the bed. The backs of her knees pressed against the mattress, and he laid her back until her legs dangled from the bed.

He leaned over and pressed his lips to her belly just above the band of her underwear. Then he began pulling them down her legs, his lips burning a trail in the same direction.

When she was free from the panties, he tossed them over his shoulder and nudged her knees apart. He knelt between her legs and ran a finger over the soft folds of her pussy.

She jerked in reaction. God, she was wet. Her clit hummed, waiting for him to touch her there.

He spread her wider then teased her entrance with one finger, two fingers. Then he bent his head and flicked his tongue over her clit.

She nearly shot off the bed. Ethan gently pushed her back down. The mattress sank under his weight as he sat down beside her and began rolling the tips of her breasts between his fingers.

Ryan swirled his tongue around her tight button then lapped downward to her opening.

Ethan’s mouth closed over her nipple. Then her other. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth in a silent scream.

Ryan slipped a finger inside her, then two. He slid them back and forth as he sucked her clit into his mouth.

Her entire body tightened, jerked, then the world exploded around her. She lost the battle to remain silent, and she cried out as her orgasm racked her body.

She felt a gush of wetness between her legs, but still Ryan continued tormenting her with his mouth. Ethan sucked one nipple and pinched the other with his hand. Unbelievably, she felt the slow crawl of her release build again. Not again. She couldn’t.

Suddenly Ryan pulled away, and she felt her legs spread unbelievably wide. Ethan moved his lips to capture hers in a breathless kiss.

“Relax, doll,” he whispered.

And she knew what was coming. Craved it, wanted it more than anything.

Ryan’s cock nudged her entrance then in one firm push, he slid all the way in.

Her eyes flew open at the myriad of sensations accosting her. Pain, incredible pleasure, longing, want, need. She needed badly.

He remained still for a moment as her body adjusted to his invasion. He was big. He wasn’t all the way in. Could he fit?

“I can’t hold on anymore,” Ryan said through tightly compressed teeth.

He pulled back then surged forward, more powerfully than before. She gripped Ethan’s head, yanking him down to her mouth. He held her tightly as Ryan began thrusting between her legs.

She’d never felt anything like this before. Ryan leaned forward and jerked his hips powerfully.

“Oh!” she exclaimed as he seated himself fully within her. She could feel his balls nestled against her ass.

“Am I hurting you?” Ryan gritted out.

“God no, don’t stop,” she pleaded.

Her words seemed to shove him right over the edge. He began tunneling into her, his hands gripping her hips.

In her haze, she registered another presence. Adam. The bed dipped again.

“It would appear I’m missing all the fun.” His deep voice washed over her, nearly sending her over the edge.

Adam put a hand behind her neck and pulled her head up far enough that he could slide his cock into her mouth.

She closed her eyes and sucked him deep within, in matching rhythm to Ryan’s thrusts.

Adam gripped her head tightly and thrust hard, not allowing her to control the tempo. He paused to let her catch her breath then began stroking to the back of her throat.

Ethan’s mouth closed over her nipple once more, his teeth grazing the sensitive tip. Then he sucked it into his mouth, and she nearly lost all sense of time and place.

She couldn’t think, she could only react. She could feel Ryan’s urgency mount, and he shook the entire bed with the force of his thrusts. Then he tightened between her legs, and she felt the hot jets of his release.

She whimpered in protest. She wasn’t ready yet. She was close, so close. She didn’t want Ryan to stop.

Adam slid all the way out of her mouth and paused a moment. Then he curled his hands into her hair and thrust all the way into her mouth, his cock sliding down her throat. His balls rested on her chin, and he kept her still, allowing himself to fill her mouth completely.

Ryan pulled out, and she felt the loss keenly. Adam withdrew and began pumping in and out of her mouth. He was close to his release, she could tell. He’d tightened, swelled, become even harder in her mouth.

Precum filled the back of her mouth, and she swallowed quickly as he thrust faster.

The bed dipped and her legs wobbled and fell as Ryan left her. Before she could utter any sound of regret, her legs were spread wide once more.

Ethan slid into her. She moaned around Adam’s cock. Ethan felt so different yet every bit as good as Ryan had felt.

Ethan began a slow in and out motion, gentle, deep.

She gagged slightly as Adam’s hand gripped her neck tighter and he surged forward again.

“Oh God, baby, I’m coming, get ready.”

The wet sounds of her sucking filled the room as he fisted his cock in his other hand and forced himself deeper.

Hot liquid filled her mouth, jetted against the back of her throat and spilled down her chin. She swallowed as fast as she could but it kept coming. He thrust one more time and held it deep, holding her against him as he finished in the back of her throat.

Slowly he let her head down until she was flat against the mattress again. She opened her eyes to see him staring down at her, desire and approval in his eyes.

He lowered his hand to caress her breasts, feathering his fingers across her taut nipples.

Ryan took the position vacated by Ethan, and he turned her head toward him. He was already hard again. He slid his cock into her mouth and groaned. He was surprisingly gentle, much more so than when he’d fucked her.

Ethan stroked between her legs, the soft smacking noise of flesh meeting flesh filling the air. He pressed a thumb to her clit as he thrust deeper, and she began to squirm restlessly as her orgasm built, fanned out of control.

Ryan’s cock in her mouth, Adam’s hands on her breasts, Ethan deep within her pussy, it was all too much. She’d held on as long as she could.

As Ryan filled her mouth with his cum, Ethan sank deeply inside her and poured himself into her. She bucked wildly beneath them, spasms rocking her body.

Ethan slipped from her and leaned heavily on her belly, his breath coming in ragged bursts. Ryan eased his cock from her mouth then gathered her in his arms.

She closed her eyes and sucked in deep mouthfuls of air, trying desperately to calm her raging senses. She shook from head to toe from the force of her orgasm. In short, she felt like jelly.

She felt her legs lifted then separated. A hard cock slid into her, and she moaned. “I can’t,” she whispered. She couldn’t take another orgasm like she’d just experienced. It would kill her.

Adam chuckled, the sound husky and erotic to her ears. It was the laugh of a predator. One who knew he had his prey right where he wanted.

“Oh yes, baby. You can. Just lay back and feel.”

She was impossibly sore, and yet as he pushed into her, lapped her legs over his shoulders, she felt her body react.

“That’s it, baby.”

Ryan and Ethan ran their hands soothingly over her body, feathering over her soft belly, her ribcage, then to her breasts. Both dark heads dipped and sucked at her nipples, lavishing them with attention.

Her body shuddered as Adam drove powerfully into her. He was so hard, so big.

He withdrew and she opened her eyes.

“Turn over,” he commanded.

Ethan and Ryan helped her turn over, their hands warm and comforting.

“Up on your knees,” Adam said.

She shook in reaction. Was he going to take her from behind? This was by far the more erotic of her fantasies. The thing she’d wanted to try most. It was the one position guaranteed to turn her on.

He gripped her hips in his strong hands and with his thumbs spread her buttocks until she felt cool air wash over her ass and pussy.

He ran a finger over the seam of her ass, pausing at her back entrance.

She flinched and tightened reflexively. Surely he wasn’t going to…

He chuckled again as if reading her thoughts.

“Not yet, baby. But soon. Very soon.”

Chills dotted her entire body at the idea of him fucking her ass. Would it feel as good as she imagined? Or would it be one of those things better left in fantasy and not in reality?

She didn’t know, but she wanted to find out.

He positioned himself behind her then surged forward, nearly rocking her off her knees.

She screamed as a wave of pleasure, so sharp, raced over her. He was so deep. Deeper than she imagined he could go. He rocked forward, setting an insane pace, driving her forward. The slap of his thighs against her ass ricocheted through the room, the sound incredibly erotic to her ears.

Ethan knelt on the bed and positioned himself in front of her. His cock stood erect mere centimeters from her mouth. She opened her mouth obediently and he thrust inside.

Ryan’s lips slid across her back making her shiver. His hands curled around to tweak and pinch at her nipples.

“You like this?” he murmured.

She nodded, unable to speak around Ethan’s cock shoving impatiently into her mouth.

“Imagine how it will be when you are taking all three of us,” he continued, his voice raspy with lust. “Would you like that? Adam in your ass, me in your pussy, Ethan in your mouth.”

She shuddered and bucked in reaction to his provocative words.

Adam thrust harder in response, making her cry out.

“I think I want to fuck you again,” Ryan whispered. “Would you like that?”

She let Ethan’s cock slide out of her mouth long enough to shout yes before Ethan reclaimed her lips.

Adam withdrew, but he hadn’t come yet. Ryan took his place and slid his hard cock into her quivering pussy.

“Oh yeah, you feel so damn good,” Ryan said with a groan.

He fucked in and out, his fingers digging into her hips as Ethan continued his assault on her mouth. Never had she felt so powerful, so desirable and so in control of her own destiny. She reveled in it, giving as good as she was getting.

Ryan stopped all too soon, but Adam was there to take his place. They began taking turns, driving her up the peak to her release only to stop before she catapulted over the top.

Three, four, five thrusts, then another would take his place.

She sucked Ethan’s cock with all the intensity of her raging desire. She wanted to come damn it. She needed to come.

“I’m coming, doll,” Ethan said hoarsely.

He shot into her throat, thrusting forcefully. She swallowed as she bucked back into the cock impaled in her pussy.

Finally she felt Adam tighten against her ass. She raised up on her hands as high as she could and pushed back against him. He gripped her shoulders with his hands, pulling her back as hard as he could.

He shot cum into her pussy until she felt it run down the inside of her thigh, but still she hadn’t found her release.

He pulled out and Ryan quickly grabbed her hips and plunged into her. The fire in her pussy burned out of control. It ballooned into her pelvis, into her stomach, tightened her legs until she feared she would collapse.

He fucked her harder, knowing what she needed.

She closed her eyes and screamed as his hard thighs slammed against her ass. He reached underneath and pressed his fingers to her clit.

Black spots filled her vision. The world blurred around her. Her pussy felt as though it exploded as her orgasm finally burned over her.

Behind her, Ryan cried out. He thrust forward and convulsed against her.

She collapsed forward, no longer able to bear her weight with her hands. Ryan came with her, his big body covering hers, his cock still buried deeply within her.

She couldn’t catch her breath fast enough. She panted as the aftershocks rocked her limp body. Then she simply blacked out.
