Chapter 6

Katie paced back and forth by the kitchen table, her mind whirling. She and the men had all showered and cleaned up quickly. For once the calm tones of her apartment failed to provide comfort. Even the handmade tablecloth lovingly stitched by her mother appeared odd with the pictures spread all over the lace. Thank God her mother was safely away on a cruise right then. Millie would be furious somebody was stalking her daughter—and would turn all feline and protective—probably insisting Katie hide while she hunted the threat. For now, Katie would protect her mother and keep her away from danger.

Katie turned toward her friend. “Frank is dead, too?”

Lance nodded, hanging up the phone. He frowned, his tone gentling. “Car accident two months ago. The police report said there was alcohol involved.”

She bit back a sob, dropping into the chair next to Baye. “Frank didn’t drink. Said he had an allergy to alcohol.” The accountant was a nice guy she went on two dates with. Once to a movie and the other time to a festival in the French Quarter. Unfortunately, they’d spent most of the time talking about his ex-girlfriend until they both realized he should go win the woman back. Now, because he’d hung out with Katie, he was dead.

Jordan leaned against the refrigerator, a scowl on his face. “That makes three.”

The third man, a police detective from up north, had died on the job two weeks previous. They’d only gone on one date. Lance had promised to investigate further to see if that was what really happened. Katie knew deep down the cop died because of her, too.

Lance rubbed his chin, blue eyes flashing. Most tigers had green eyes, but not Lance. Bluer than blue, the color had made many a woman sigh when the squad had been out enjoying a drink after work. Or rather, before work while they waited for the moon to rise. He shook his head. “I’m not doubting your abilities or trying to diminish your strength. But I think we should get you out of town until we figure this out. Just like we would if someone stalked Baye.”

“Baloney.” Katie ran her finger along a picture taken of her shopping for apples. First Brent, and now Lance. Somehow she had to conceal her panic and fear from her friends. If they had any clue how badly she wanted to go and hide under the bed, all three men would try to shield her. While she might be ill, for now, she was still a warrior. She needed to be a warrior. “Baye wouldn’t hide from a stalker. Neither will I.”

“I didn’t mean hide. Just move to an undisclosed location.” Frustration lined Lance’s face. “We’ll come up with a plan, find this guy, and destroy him. Together.”

Jordan smoothed the photographs into a pile. “No. Call it hiding, call it moving ... either way, you’re flying to headquarters in an hour.”

Anger heated Katie’s ears. Her squad understood her ... they trusted her. Jordan wanted her to run without even discussing the matter. “I’m not afraid of this guy.” She kept her tone level as she told the lie.

“Don’t care. Until the next full moon, I’m your Alpha, and I’m ordering you to Realm Headquarters.” Jordan tossed her a notepad and pen. “Write down anyone you’ve spent time with the last few years. Mainly men, but we don’t want to rule out women. This stalker might not be selective.”

His absolute refusal to listen wiped away the anger, leaving hurt. Yet she still owed him, and would go to Realm Headquarters in an effort to help him find a way to beat the moon. Then she’d return to hunting down werewolves until not one remained. “A werewolf stalker.” She shook her head. “How is it possible Brent killed these people? I mean, how could he have gotten to the cop?”

Lance flipped open his phone to read. “Police report. Says there was a firefight in a northern bayou, bodies fell into the marsh. Animals tore up the detective pretty good by the time the authorities found him and fished him out.”

Bile rose in Katie’s throat. She gagged and swallowed repeatedly. Torn up by animals? Damn Brent. “I don’t believe this.”

Fury lifted Jordan’s lip. “Either Brent or his picture-taking buddy has to be responsible.” The lion gestured to the neatly stacked pile of photographs. “All three men who died are in those pictures.”

As were several other people. Katie sucked in a deep breath to keep from puking.

Lance eyed the photographs. “Realm Headquarters is too obvious. We need to get you somewhere off the grid while we figure this out.”

Jordan kept his gaze on the photos as if by staring the answers would come clear. “No. Headquarters is secure ... and we need more blood tests. Katie goes with me.”

“You mean the headquarters in Oregon? Not exactly a big secret.” Lance reached to pat her hand, his palm warm and comforting. “Besides, the virus in your blood makes you unstable, Jordan.”

Jordan pushed off the fridge, his lids lowering.

Panic swept down Katie’s throat. “Jordan’s fine. Emma will cure him and that’ll be the end of the virus.”

“Right.” Lance tightened his hold. “We’ve fought together, Katie. We’re a team. Baye and I can keep you safe.”

Jordan snarled. “You and Baye didn’t even know she was being followed, much less stalked and photographed. How the hell can you keep her safe?” His hand swept the photographs, sending several flying.

Katie swallowed. Lance had saved her butt, more than once. They were a good team. For the first time, indecision regarding her path had her faltering. She was a good hunter. But she’d wanted Jordan her entire life. If nothing else, she owed him and would try to help him survive the virus.

Baye watched the interplay, no expression on his face.

Lance released her, standing to glare at Jordan. “How safe is she with you?”

Jordan’s nostrils flared. “I won’t hurt her.”

Disbelief had the tiger’s brows lifting. “Really? Why do I find that hard to believe?”

Jordan charged, hands fisting in Lance’s shirt and shoving the man against the wall.

Face-to-face, furious, both males snarled low. Raw energy and power vibrated around the apartment. Panic rushed to Katie’s legs.

She jumped toward them, slapping a hand on the biceps of the deadly cats. “You knock it off, right now.” That was all she needed. The men in her life coming to blows. There were too many Alpha males in her business. Damn heroes thought they could control the world and keep her safe. She cast a frustrated glare at the one not involved. “Do something.”

Baye shrugged. “Let them fight it out.” He yanked a beer off the counter and took a deep swallow. “They both want to protect you, and neither has figured out they have the same goal.”

Sometimes he was such an asshole.

She tightened her hold on the vibrating muscles beneath her palms. “Please stop. Lance, I appreciate you’re trying to protect me, but I need to go to headquarters. Jordan, release my friend.”

For two beats, nobody moved. Then Jordan unclenched his hands, backing away.

Lance straightened his shirt, his gaze on the lion. But he directed his words to her. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’ll call when we get there.” She’d miss her friends. But she had a plan.

Lance nodded, finally turning to face her. “We’ll trace the rest of these people, Kate. And we’ll go after Brent at the same time. The bastard only has four nights until the full moon, and we’ll be ready. Trust me.”

“I do.” Fear welled up in her along with the bile. If anything happened to Baye or Lance, she didn’t know what she’d do. They’d bonded in fear, fight, and survival. “I’ll miss you.”

Jordan cleared his throat. “Time to go.”

Katie clutched the armrests of the small private plane, her heart beating so fast her breath caught. After a tearful good-bye with both Lance and Baye, she’d silently headed to the airport with Jordan. Guilt from the deaths kept her quiet. Logically, she knew her dates’ deaths weren’t her fault.

Guilt defied logic.

Jordan lifted an eyebrow across from her. He had no problem facing backward as they rose into the air. “You still hate flying?”

“Cats shouldn’t fly.” No way would she land on her feet if they dropped from the sky. Not this far. Attempting to force a smile, she tried to relax her shoulders from solid rock to liquid cement ... without success. “I’m surprised you’re okay with flying considering what a control freak you are.”

“How many men have you dated the last ten years, anyway?” He grimaced after saying the words, as if he hadn’t meant to let them out.

“Enough,” she said softly. She’d compared every single man to Jordan, and not one had come close to being what she wanted. “Of course, I hadn’t thought dating me would be a death sentence.”

“Not your fault.” He’d tied his thick hair back at the neck after his shower, and her fingers had the oddest urge to yank the strands free. “Date any shifters? Or just humans?”

The conversation made her twitchy. “Both.”

“Get serious with anybody?”

“Does it matter?”

He sighed. “Yes. I don’t want your dating life to matter to me, but it does.”

She blew out a breath. “Is it just me, or was that a, ‘Gee, your ass doesn’t look as big as usual in those jeans,’ kind of compliment?”

He grinned. “Sorry. You know what I mean.”

Actually, she didn’t. Not really. But she nodded anyway. “I dated my History of Warfare professor for quite a while last year.” She’d graduated from the university with a knowledge necessary for her squad. Even if she couldn’t fight like a healthy shifter, the battle plans she created bordered on brilliant, according to Baye.

Jordan quirked a lip. “I hope you got an A.”

“Of course.” They hadn’t started dating until after the class had concluded, but Jordan didn’t need to know the details. “I also took a cooking class.”

Humor flirted with Jordan’s full lips. “Did you ace the cooking class?”

“No.” In fact, she’d been asked to leave after she’d set the kitchen on fire for the third time. She and the professor agreed she’d take a C and never return.

“I’m not, er, surprised.” Jordan glanced at the clouds whirling by outside the small windows.

“Maggie took classes at the same time and majored in philosophy.”

“Does she help fight?” Jordan cracked his neck.

“Not usually.” Someday maybe Maggie would be well enough to fight, but that day hadn’t arrived.

Katie’s head settled against the back of her chair, and she studied Jordan from half-closed lids. Concentrating on his symmetrical face was a lot better than imagining herself dropping a zillion feet to hit concrete. A slight purple bruise from the fight with Brent covered the right side of Jordan’s jaw, emphasizing strength and muscle. The cords of his neck were all male, so masculine she’d imagined running her mouth along the firmness many times. In fact, she’d like to take a bite right where his prominent jaw met the sweet spot under his ear.

As if he could read her mind, his eyes flared with heat. “What are you thinking about?”

“The kiss in my apartment.” The moment hadn’t left her thoughts much. And now she wanted to think about anything but the trail of death she’d left in New Orleans.

He licked his lips in thought. She fought a groan in response. Desire began to shove fear of flying out of her consciousness.

The plane leveled off.

“Yeah. The kiss was probably a mistake.” He met her gaze squarely, his stunning eyes devoid of expression.

She’d known Jordan most of her life. When he lacked expression, it wasn’t lack of interest. He often made a calculated effort to hide his current thoughts or feelings. Interesting. Her fingers found the clasp of the seat belt, and she freed herself.

He lifted his chin. “What are you doing?”


He settled into his chair. “Kate?” His voice held bite this time. “Have you been sleeping with Lance?”

The question jerked her head back. How could he think she’d sleep with someone in her squad? She and Lance were friends—the best of friends. The cat had saved her life numerous times, and she kept him safe, too. Jordan had no right to question her about the tiger. “None of your business.”

“Oh, I think it is,” he said softly. Too softly.

Temper stretched awake inside her. “Well, I wouldn’t call what we do sleeping. Especially when Baye joins in.”

Jordan blinked. Then a slow grin spread across his face. “Into ménage now, are you?”

“Yep.” She lifted her chin. “Especially since Baye always brings bullwhips. I do love a good bullwhip.”

Jordan threw back his head and laughed. “That’s a good one. Okay. You’ve made your point. I’m sorry for questioning you. I shouldn’t have.”

She wished he had the right to question her—that he wanted the right. “What about you? Have you been dating anyone?” Her shoulders stiffened for the blow.


“Why not?” Now her voice lowered to a soft tone.

His grin hinted at sin. “Dating isn’t as much fun since you’re not there to sabotage me.”

The breath strangled in her throat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Crap. Had he known? She’d messed with his dates the second she became a teenager, once even spilling ice cream down a panther shifter’s silk dress to make her leave a party.

“You weren’t exactly subtle.” Jordan grinned again.

“Well,” Katie sniffed, “you’ve had terrible taste in women, anyway.”

His gaze swept her, head to foot, leaving a flash of awareness along every nerve. “I’d say my taste has improved.”

Heat filled her cheeks. Before she could respond, lightning cracked. The plane bumped, shimmying to the side. Panic prickled the skin on her neck. She clutched her nails into the leather armrests, and the muscles in her legs tightened until becoming painful.

Jordan leaned forward, tugging her hands free. “You’re okay. Turbulence is normal and no big deal.” His thumbs caressed her knuckles in soothing circles.

Her eyes widened, and she shook her head.

The craft lurched again.

Darn it. Many people took sedatives to fly. She should’ve gotten a prescription. Well, she would’ve if she’d had any warning she’d be flying. The plane dipped, quickly righting. A soft whimper escaped her.

Jordan yanked her toward him, settling her on his lap. She tucked her face into his neck.

He held her tight. “Just hold on, kitten. We’ll be through the storm soon.”

Her body coiled. She closed her eyes, breathing in his familiar scent. Minutes passed. His warm hand caressed her spine. More bumps had her panting, tensing as she waited for each lurch. Finally, as the way stayed calm, her body relaxed.

Exhausted, frightened, she dropped into an uneasy sleep.

Hours later, a slight change in cabin pressure filtered through her dreams. Slowly, awareness had her eyes opening. They were descending ... going to land. Then she came fully awake. Her butt perched on incredibly hard thighs. A warm chest cradled her in safety. Jordan’s heart beat steady and strong beneath her palm.

She’d slept on his lap for the entire flight.

Giving in to temptation, she wandered her mouth up his jugular to behind his ear.

He stiffened. “What are you doing?” He sounded sleepy. Maybe he’d slept, too.

For answer, she nipped his jaw.

“Katie—” His voice came out hoarse. The low timber danced down her spine as if he’d traced her vertebrae with his tongue.

She leaned back. “What?” They had so many issues to deal with—from trust to death. Yet she wanted another kiss from the lion. Just one more before all hell broke loose. Before the plane landed and reality slapped her in the face.

Maybe she was still dreaming.

Smooth, slow, she slid her hands up his neck to tangle in his thick hair. The sleep cleared from his eyes. They narrowed, but he didn’t stop her. She tightened her hold. Moving forward, her lips wandered against his.

The lion’s sharp intake of breath made her smile. She flicked her tongue along his lower lip, a soft sigh escaping her.

The tension in his body increased.

“Jordan. Kiss me back. Just one more time.” They had a few minutes until the plane touched down. A few more minutes to pretend.

Denial was blinked away in his eyes. Frustration and a glimmer of anger replaced it. Finally, want. Maybe even need.

His mouth slanted over hers. Taking, giving, his lips firm and demanding.

She’d been kissed before. Jordan didn’t kiss. He consumed. Sliding into arousal wasn’t an option. Her body shot from slow burn to inferno in a heartbeat.

He cupped the back of her head, holding her in place. His talented tongue slid past her lips and he explored her mouth as if every crevice was his and his alone. As if he had every right to do so ... as if she were his.

The kiss declared possession. Demanded submission. He tangled her hair in his fist, plunging deeper. She whimpered against him. Needing more. Needing everything. Her nipples pebbled to true pain. Her sex softened in absolute demand.

Wheels touched down with a small bump. The brakes engaged with a hiss.

Jordan tore away, his five o’clock shadow scratching her face. Desire burned hot and bright in his eyes. He took a deep breath. “I need you, Kate.”

She nodded. Even after the kiss, she knew what he meant. “I know.”

“Be strong. Help me figure out how to keep the nation together.” Pain and absolute determination settled across his face. “Help me leave you whole. I have to know you’re going to be okay if I—”

“I’m not giving up.” There had to be a way to cure him—to keep him from turning.

Desperation curled his lip. “Okay. But I need you prepared. I need you to be okay.”

She wouldn’t be. No way would she be whole if he died. She forced a smile, trying to keep her lips from trembling. “I’m strong, Jordan. You made sure of it.” For so many years, he’d trained her. “I’ll be fine.” She didn’t bat an eyelash as she told the biggest lie of her life.
