Chapter Twelve

Doug settled into the job. As his knowledge grew, so did his duties. He was already going to meetings on his own without Gorden there holding his hand. One Tuesday afternoon, Harper knocked on Doug’s open doorway.

He looked up from his computer. “Hey.”

She stepped in and closed the door behind her. “Any plans for tonight?”

“No, why?”

“I want you to accompany me to a Chamber of Commerce meet and greet after work. Starts at seven o’clock, so we need to leave here by six thirty.”

“Do I need to change clothes?”

“Nope, you look fine. We’ll leave from here.” She grinned. “Your first chance to get out and meet people. Time to plant the first seeds. You’ve been working here over four weeks. Time to start showing you around.”

He smiled. She couldn’t get over how sad he sometimes looked. She wished she could walk over and hug him and make him feel better. He was such a sweet guy.

“What about dinner?” he asked.

“We’ll eat there. Lots of goodies to suck up. Cash bar, though.”

He shrugged. “I’m not much of a drinker.”

“Yet another thing I like about you. We’ll take your car.” When he gave her a quizzical look, she added, “I want people to see me getting out of your car.”

“You don’t think that’s giving people too much credit to notice something like that?”

“You have no idea. The speed of gossip in this group is pretty much the same amount of time it takes people to start bitching about Facebook changes. I have no doubts my father will ‘coincidentally’ drop by tomorrow to check in. ‘And, oh by the way, guess what so-and-so called me today and told me.’” She laughed. “And it’ll make it even better when Rebecca Castor starts trying to feel you up after she’s had a few appletinis and I elbow her out of the way.”

That earned her a genuine laugh from Doug. “Sounds like I need hockey gear to survive this.”

“Don’t worry. I’m a damn good goon. I’ll protect you.” She left the office to the sound of his laughter. She liked that she could make him laugh. That was good, especially since he’d seemed so sad the past couple of weeks.

He was ready to go a few minutes early. She also liked that about him, that he didn’t keep her waiting, yet he wasn’t trying to suck up by beating her to work by an hour. They rode the elevator down to the parking garage in companionable silence.

Yet another thing she liked about him, that he didn’t nervously chatter to fill dead air. He talked and asked questions if needed, but he didn’t have to.

He had a soothing presence to him, a calming presence she also relished. Gorden gave her the same feeling of serenity.

She told him where to go, a clubhouse at a ritzy golf club in New Tampa. They walked in together, and she immediately felt swarmed upon by people. She reflexively grabbed Doug’s elbow, and he offered no complaint or resistance as she steered him around the room and through the throngs of people.

* * *

Doug couldn’t help but notice how Harper’s anxiety ratcheted up from the moment they walked through the door and she was besieged by people. It startled him at first. Then, as she grabbed his arm, he realized another role he was playing for her whether she’d admit it or not.

I’m her security blanket.

He didn’t mind. He liked being useful like that to her. It made him feel less like a lying shit. After their first circuit of the room and making a run at the buffet table, they found a relatively unoccupied corner.

“So,” he said, “how many of those people are hoping for donations from you to their favorite charities?”

She snickered around her carrot stick. That was another thing he liked about her, that she took care of herself and ate healthy but wasn’t some sort of proselytizing bitch about it with everyone else. “Bingo.”

“On the nose, huh?”

“I hate to say it, but yes. The few that aren’t are either looking for some sort of corporate sponsorship for something or other, or they’re wanting an in with our company as a vendor or supplier.” She shook her head and lowered her voice. “I hate this part of the job.”

“You do?”

“I despise it with a passion.”

A little more of her mask slipped, allowing him to glimpse the vulnerability she took great pains to hide behind a concrete veneer three feet thick. “Then why do you do it? Why come to these?”

“I have to. Dear old Daddy said that when I took over, I took over. Meaning I have to go to these things. I have to make an appearance, because he used to make an appearance when he was CEO. And since he’s still technically my boss, I have to do it.”

“Feel free to use me as a human shield, m’lady,” he joked with a small bow.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take you up on that more than once, believe me.”

* * *

Harper liked him more with every minute they spent together.

Don’t be stupid. This is business, and that’s all.

But boy, she wished it could be more.

A lot more.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by the sight of a woman making a beeline toward them.

Oh, fuck.

Harper stood, and so did Doug. “Now’s your chance,” she muttered to Doug.

“What’s that?”

“I’ll give you the story later. Just have my back.”

She sensed him step behind her, close enough she could feel heat off his body through her clothes. Well, okay, she hadn’t meant it literally, but whatever, she’d take that, too.

Julia Carson put on a viper-worthy smile as she sashayed up to them, a nearly empty cocktail glass in her hand. “Well hello, Harper,” she purred. “Nice to see you here.” Harper didn’t miss the more-than-curious glance Julia gave to Doug.

Harper also didn’t understand why it made her bristle and want to deck the bitch. “Julia. What brings you here?”

“I was hoping to run into your father. Is he here?” She spoke at Harper, but looked at Doug with appraisal.

Harper forced a laugh. “Now, Julia, you know he doesn’t cruise the business card–exchange circuit anymore. That’s my job. Quit pissing on my leg, honey.” She heard Doug choking back a laugh behind her.

Julia sneered at her. “You never did like me, you spoiled, little daddy’s girl,” Julia slurred. “He told me when we broke up that you were more important to him than any woman ever could be. What kind of sick freak are you?”

Harper started to step forward when she felt Doug’s hand on her shoulder, not just holding her back, but moving her out of the way and behind him as he stepped forward.

“Listen, lady, you are way out of line,” he said in a deep, dangerous-sounding voice that instantly made Harper’s panties wet. “Just because Mr. Wells figured out you’re a drunk, gold-digging bitch and kicked you to the curb is no reason for you to go all boiled bunny on Harper. So why don’t you just trot your little Botoxed face out of here before you end up looking like the sloshed little tramp you are.”

If Harper had an empty bed within reach, she’d have Doug stretched out on it. Julia’s mouth flapped open and shut a few times in indignation before she turned on her heel and stormed out of the room. Doug didn’t move until she’d left. Fortunately, only a few people had been close enough to hear the exchange.

* * *

When Doug turned and looked at Harper’s stunned face, his first thought was, Oh, crap, I just lost my parents their house.

Then Harper threw her arms around him and kissed him, on the lips.

Not wanting to be rude, he kissed her back.

I kissed a girl and I liked it…

When she finally looked up at him again, he couldn’t read the expression on her face. “Thank you,” she whispered. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to say something like that to her! I don’t need to give you the backstory, because you pretty much pegged her dead-on.”

“Playing slap-a-golddiggin’-ho is just one of the many services I offer.”

She laughed and kissed him again. This time, he was ready for her and gave her a better one in return. When she melted into his arms in a hug, he kissed the top of her head.

“Not that I’m not enjoying this,” he said, “because I am, but people are looking.”

“I don’t care,” she mumbled from where she had her face pressed against his shirt.

He smiled. “Okay, then. As long as we’re clear on that.” He hugged her to him until she was ready to step back. “I take it this isn’t exactly what you had in mind by news getting back to your dad.”

“No, but it’ll do. Believe me.”

* * *

Boy, would it. In fact, she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket just as they were getting ready to leave an hour later. She’d kept Doug close for the rest of the evening, and he seemed more than happy to fulfill the role. She pulled her phone out to see who was calling.

“Great.” She answered as they stepped outside. “Hello, Daddy.”

“Hi, sweetheart. Anything interesting happen this evening?”

“Oh, you mean like your ex-girlfriend being a royal douchey bitch to me in front of Doug, and him stepping in and putting her in her place? No, just the same ole same ole.”

She heard him sigh on the other end of the line. Doug was smiling and trying to keep his snickering to a dull roar as he listened to her side of the conversation.

“Honey, you can’t act like that in public,” her father gently chastised.

“What? She came over to us. She sought us out. And she’s the one who came fully loaded for bitch slapping. She deserved everything she got and a hell of a lot worse, believe me. She’s lucky we were over in the corner and not in the middle of the room when it happened.”

“What am I going to do with you?”

“Daddy, I’m sorry, but I don’t care who it is. I won’t be treated like that, and Doug isn’t about to stand by and let it happen, either.” She gave him a playful wink that he returned, sending another wave of heat pulsing through her.

“And that’s another thing.” Her father cleared his throat. “Something about you kissing him?”

“Well, he’s my boyfriend, Daddy. And he’d just stood up for me, defending my honor.”

Her heart rejoiced to see Doug’s face light up in a smile.

“Boyfriend? Since when? He’s only been working for us for a few weeks!”

“You were the one who wanted to invite him to the Boca house before his first official day of work. I thought you’d be happy for us.”

There was a moment of silence on the other end. “I am happy. I just want to make sure you’re not rushing into something.”

“Oh, you just aren’t happy regardless, are you?” she teased. “I’m single, you want me to date. I’m no longer single, you think I’m rushing it.”

“That’s not what I meant—”

“When in my life have you ever seen me rush into something without careful consideration?”

Another pause from his end. “I will admit you do have a very sensible head on your shou—”

“Then we’re in agreement that I’m both old enough and capable enough of picking my own boyfriends?” She shot another wink Doug’s way and was happy to see him return it.

Her father sighed, knowing he’d lost the argument from the start. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I am a concerned father, you know.”

“I know, and I love you for it, believe me.” She looked at Doug. “But this is what I want.”

* * *

He’s my boyfriend. He wouldn’t lie and say the idea was abhorrent to him. He liked Harper.

Really liked her.

He just wondered if she felt what her kiss had done to him while she was in his arms. If she hadn’t felt his erection pressing against her, it would be a major miracle. If she had, she apparently didn’t mind.

After Harper finally got her father off the phone, she linked her arm through Doug’s as they walked toward his car. He opened her door for her first. When he turned to walk around the car, she snagged his arm and pulled him to her again.

It felt natural and right to slip his arms around her and kiss her. He stepped into her, pressing her against the back door of his car, and she practically melted in his arms as she ground herself against him.

So, that’s what she likes, hmm? It made sense. She was totally in charge all day, every day. Why wouldn’t she want to give up control in at least this area of her life?

His hands slid down her waist, over her hips, to cup her ass through her slacks. He crushed her lips with his, his tongue tasting and exploring her as her fingers twined in his hair, holding them together as if she was worried he’d let go.

After a few minutes, he finally lifted his head despite her protests. “Why don’t we continue this in private?” he hoarsely suggested. His cock throbbed, pounding, desperate to get inside her.

“Good idea. My place or yours?”

“I live with my parents, so I’d say yours is better.”

She laughed but didn’t let go of him. “Um, yeah, I guess you’re right. Let’s go.” She pulled him in for one more kiss. This one was feisty, demanding, her teeth nipping at his lower lip when he tried to let go of her.

He finally won his freedom, helped her in, and hurried around the car to the driver side. “I need directions.”

“That’s right, you’ve never been there, have you?” She sat back with a playful smile, her hand creeping over to settle on his right thigh.

She gave him directions. It was a nice place, a large, two-story house in old Carrollwood, but smaller than he would have anticipated someone of her stature owning.

She offered him a smile. “Let me guess, you expected me to own a McMansion or something?”

He laughed. “You pegged me right.”

“I don’t need anything that huge.”

He got out and opened her door for her. He wasn’t surprised when she caught his hand and laced her fingers through his. Then a frown crossed her face. “You’re not just doing this because of our deal, are you?”

* * *

Now that they were home, she was beginning to doubt herself. Was this really such a great idea?

The damp spot between her legs thought it was a dandy idea.

He pulled her to him and kissed her, hard and deep, melting her bones all the way to the tips of her toes. “I won’t deny I took the job for the money, but believe me, I wouldn’t be doing this if I wasn’t interested in you. And if you want me to sign some sort of amended contract to that effect, I will.”

She shook her head and kissed him again.

She unlocked the door and shut the alarm off. They finally made it inside before they ended up ripping their clothes off in the driveway for the neighbors to watch. A fit of giggles nearly overtook her when she realized she needed to get a spare key made for him, as well as get him the alarm code.

Shit! She’d also have to figure a way to hide her insulin from him. She wasn’t ready to reveal that to him.

In the living room, she kicked off her shoes and stepped into his arms again. His hands felt sooo good on her. It’d been too long since she’d slept with anyone.

He cupped her ass with his hands, pulling her tightly against him again. In the dim light, his brown eyes took on an even deeper intensity. She draped her arms over his shoulders, his hair soft in her hands as she ran her fingers through it.

“You make it hard for me to say no to you, Harper. Not because I have to say yes, but because I want to.”

She smiled. “Then don’t say no.”

They kissed again. “Where’s your bedroom?” he rumbled against her throat as he picked her up and headed for the stairs.

“Upstairs, first door on the right.”

“I hope you weren’t planning on going to bed early.” He nibbled the side of her neck as he mounted the stairs. She felt pleasant shivers run through her.

“Not anymore.”

He chuckled as he pushed her half-open door with his foot. “Good.”
