Moonsday, Novembros 5

She followed the scent of contamination or the whispers of other hunters or whatever it was that only she could sense—and he followed her until she touched his arm.

she said, pointing in one direction. Then she pointed in a slightly different direction.

She simply disappeared into the woods, became a dreaded silence.

As he moved in the direction she’d pointed out, he heard voices, caught a glimpse of someone who was also moving toward a particular spot. Another Sanguinati?

His brain . . . blinked . . . and he forgot about the battle in the town of Bennett, the battle that had cost him so much. Forgot that he wasn’t whole in so many ways.

He was a hunter again. A fighter again.

Protect is what she’d said. Protect the Reader is what she meant.

The Reader was just up ahead. In danger.

Then he saw them. All of them. And he heard the Reader say, “Crowbones is gonna gitcha.”

He heard the words—and he knew.

Gonna gitcha.

Enemy. Found.
