Chapter Eleven

He swung her up into his arms, carrying her across the room to his bed, lips locked against hers. Heat built in her body.

Why was she responding to him so quickly? He was handsome, of course, but she had had many handsome men in her lifetime. But there was something about the hard tone of his muscles under her hands that made her want to clutch him tightly to her, to open before him.

Truly, he was the god of lust…

From his first kiss she would have thought he'd be rough, yet by the time they reached the bed he laid her down tenderly, brushing the hair away from her face as if she were a fragile and precious creature. He sat next to her, trailing his hands up and down her body over the fabric of her gown, and she twisted.

"This isn't right," she said. "I need to be touching you, too. Otherwise the bet isn't fair."

"We never said anything about the bet being fair," he replied darkly, his face a mask of sensual pleasure. He leaned over her again, and kissed her deeply. He eased his body over hers, rubbing his erection against her through their clothing, and she sighed in pleasure.

Tingles were running through every inch of her skin.

She didn't even notice the silken loops he slipped over her hands until it was too late. He nibbled at her mouth, her chin and her throat. His breath against her ear made her shiver. She reached up to pull his mouth back down to hers, only to discover her wrists were tied.

He must have seen the startled, horrified look in her eyes, because he started laughing—a low, sensual laugh—at the exact moment she realized she was his prisoner. He sat back up, watching her as she struggled against the ties.

"You are far too innocent for me," he said, his face mocking. "Do you really think I'd make it easy for you to win this bet? You're mine, now, pretty goddess. It's going to be a long afternoon."

She glared at him, but her dark looks seemed to amuse him more than anything else. He stood slowly, and stretched.

"You seem upset right now, so I'll give you a little time to think things over," he said softly. "I have some business to take care of. I'll be back within an hour or so. Don't get too lonely without me…"

She growled at him, twisting against her bonds, but it was no good. Whatever they were made of, it certainly wasn't the silk they resembled. Even with her supernatural strength she couldn't budge them.

He laughed again, and strode out of the room. She was alone.

If she ever got out of there, she was going tokill him, she vowed. Bastard.

How dare he treat her this way?

* * *

Kalliara woke slowly, finding herself in Sabiniano's arms. What a night they had had together… She had never felt more wonderful in her life. Every muscle was tight, and she was more than a little sore between her legs, but it had all been worth it.

Of course, she had betrayed her goddess. A wave of guilt washed over her, and she moaned softly. How could she have given up her vows to Athena so lightly?

What kind of woman would do such a thing?

A woman like her mother.

Her mother had given up Athena for Aphrodite, she reminded herself. And she seemed to think it was worth it. The family had only been together for a short time in the underworld, but her parents had seemed very happy there. Irenia, too, seemed to feel that they had made the right choice.

I'm sorry, she whispered in her heart. But I've already given up one life for you. I'm going to live what time I have left here for me…

She rolled over to find Sabiniano watching her.

"How are you this morning?" he asked softly. "Any regrets?"

"No," she replied, boosting herself up to look at him. "No, last night was wonderful. I wouldn't go back and do anything differently. So, what now?"

A shadow crossed his face, but it was gone so quickly that she seemed to have imagined it.

"Now?" he replied lightly. "Now we enjoy what Naxos has to offer. I want to make this day perfect for you."

She laughed.

"But what about tomorrow?"

"Let's just worry about today for now," he said, pulling her on top of him.

He tickled her, viciously, then rolled her beneath him on the bed.

"You're crazy," she said, giggling.

"Maybe," he replied, his face softening. "But I want to treasure this first day we truly have together. Because we are truly together, right?"

"Yes," she whispered, reaching up and pulling his head down to hers for a kiss. "We are together. I've given Athena one life. Let me give this one to you. That is, if you want me. This is more than just a passing fancy for you, isn’t it?"

"Oh, it's more than a passing fancy," he said. He brushed his lips against hers, and she sighed. Tendrils of feeling spread through her body. As if she had been created for his touch alone. He stirred something so strong within her that she was almost frightened by it. Almost.

Once upon a time she would have been. But instead of pulling away, she closed her eyes and allowed the sensation to sweep over her. She concentrated on the smell of him, the feel of him above her. He was warm, and he had a special scent all his own. Rich, spicy. Masculine and powerful.

It made her want to touch him, and with a frisson of excitement, she realized that she could. There was nothing to be afraid of. She had been so frightened of him before, so frightened of so many things. But she was strong now—there was nothing he could ask of her body that she couldn't give. It was a wonderful type of freedom, something so new she hardly knew what to think of it.

But if she didn't know what tothink of it, she did know what todo about it.

She reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulled him close as they kissed. He groaned, the sound little more than a rumble in his chest, and she felt a surge of power and excitement.

He wanted her.

Even though they had made love again and again last night, Even though she knew he must have been with hundreds of other women before her, many of them beautiful and accomplished beyond her wildest dreams, this man wanted her.

She could feel it in the tension of his shoulders, in the tightening of the muscles across his back. He groaned again, and his lips pressed hers open.

Unlike the night before, he was slow and cautious. His tongue hesitated at the entrance to her mouth before pressing in, delicately dancing across her own tongue.

She shivered.

Again and again, he nibbled at her opening like a bee dipping into a flower.

With every touch she could feel the longing within her body growing, and a slow, steady ache was building between her legs. She shifted them restlessly, and he moaned. Intrigued by his response, she shifted again, this time pressing up with her hips.

His erection was massive, pushing urgently between her cleft. He twitched as she wiggled; a smile stole across her face. He lifted his head from hers, a mock scowl marring his face.

"You like that, don't you?" he asked, his voice smooth and silky. She nodded, trying to bite back a giggle. She lifted her hips again, and his face grew pained.

"If you keep this up, I won't have much left to give you," he said wryly.

"Oh, I think you'll have plenty to give me," she said archly. She allowed her hands to play down his back, reveling in the feel of him under her fingers.

Each grazing touch made him stiffen further. A daring idea struck.

"I want to be in charge this time," she said suddenly. He gave her a questioning look.

"Every time we've been together, you've controlled the situation," she said.

"I want to be in charge this time. I want to control you."

"And just how do you plan to accomplish that?" he asked, amused.

"You're going to let me," she said, smirking.

"I doubt that," he replied.

"Oh, yes, you are," she said. "And you're going to do it willingly. Because I have something to offer that you want."

"And what would that be?" he asked quietly. "Unless I'm deeply mistaken, I already have your body."

"Yes, but I haven't had yours," she said archly. "And I think you'd like it if I did. Don't you wonder what it would be like if I took you in my mouth? If I rode you as hard as you've ridden me?"

His face flushed as she spoke; there was no doubt he was aroused by her words. She decided to bring it home.

"I'm going to fuck you until you scream," she continued, her voice barely a whisper. He nodded, not speaking.

She pushed up against him, palms flat across his chest. He rolled over beside her onto the bed. She laughed. How quickly the mighty Sabiniano had fallen…

She sat up, allowing the silken sheets to fall to her waist and revealing her naked breasts.

They were flushed from last night, pink where his face had scraped against him. At first she had been startled by the feel of his stubble against her most sensitive areas. It felt so strange against her flesh…But every time he took her nipples into his mouth she soared so high it made her gasp and scream with pleasure.

Now just seeing the stubble on his face made her wet.

So she kissed along his jaw line, enjoying the rough touch. As she did, she allowed one hand to drop slowly down his chest. His nipples were hard little nubs; would they respond the way hers had? She decided to find out.

She dropped her head lower, flicking her tongue. He was tight, the skin surprisingly soft. He remained completely still as she touched him, but she could hear a catch in his breathing…

Without warning she sucked him into her mouth, hard. He gasped, reaching both hands up to clutch her hair. She stopped immediately, and laid her cheek against his chest.

"Put your hands down," she whispered. "Remember? This is about me pleasuring you."

To bring home her point, she nipped him lightly on the chest with her teeth.

He obeyed.

She resumed her attentions to his nipple, flicking it back and forth with her tongue. He squirmed, and a surge of lust swept through her. She had this powerful man completely under her control. Who would have thought power could be such an aphrodisiac? She allowed one hand to brush against his cock; it leapt in response. Ignoring it, she dropped her hand lower to his scrotum, fondling the loose skin lightly. She took each ball into her hand, weighing it and rolling it about. Here was his seed, the same seed he spewed into her each time they made love.

She wondered what it tasted like.

Without stopping to think, she decided to find out. Dropping her head lower, she came face to face with the long, hard length of his penis. It was enormous—how did it manage to fit into her each time, she wondered? It stretched and filled her like nothing she could have imagined.

Experimentally, she ran her fingers up and down its length, touching only lightly. He shivered. She repeated her actions, squeezing a little this time.

Every muscle in his body was tense and hard; she could see his hand forming a fist on the bed beside her. He definitely liked that.

She slowly started pumping her hand up and down the shaft, amazed at how soft and smooth the skin was. But after a few strokes her hand started to stick a bit. She needed lubrication, she thought. Time to lick him.

Starting at the base, she touched him with just the tip of her tongue. There was a large, pulsing vein running the length of his cock. She decided to follow it, tracing the path all the way up to the mushroom-shaped tip at the top. He gave an uncontrolled moan about halfway through her trip up, and his body clenched.

Once again, she paused.

"Remember, don't move unless I tell you to," she whispered, laughing throatily.

"I can't believe you're the same woman who was so afraid of me," he gritted out.

"People change," she said lightly. "Death will do that to you. I'm not going to be afraid anymore. Of anything."

With that, she lifted her head and engulfed his cock with her mouth, sucking him in as deeply as she could. Impossibly, he grew harder within her mouth. A slightly salty taste filled her mouth.

She moved slowly, bobbing her head up and down as she sucked him. She used her hands to cup his balls, rolling them between her fingers. He was so sensitive down there…

Curious, she allowed her fingers to wander further, brushing the soft skin behind his scrotum. He twitched. Her fingers danced back and forth, intrigued by his response. He tensed, his thigh muscles tightly defined. Another wave of lust hit her. She wanted to fuck him so bad…

Instead, she turned her attention back to his scrotum.He definitely liked that , she thought. She pressed a little harder, and his legs opened a bit. He lifted one knee, and she could see the tight, puckered ring of his ass. Amazed by her bravery, she let her fingers touch it. Once, twice. She pressed against it and he cried out.

"Dammit, woman!" he said. "You're going to kill me if you keep this up. I need more. Either suck me harder or fuck me. I can't take this any longer."

She raised her head, licking her lips and smiling at him.

"Say 'please'," she said pertly. He stared in blank confusion. "Say

'please'," she repeated, keeping her tone light. She could see he was on the edge of his control. She didn't want to push too far. But it was fun pressing the limits, seeing whether he would snap. And a small part of her wondered what it would be like if hedid snap.

"Please," he gritted out, his voice tight. She sat up, and turned to straddle him.

She positioned his cock against the moist slit between her legs, shivering.

She lowered her body slowly, bracing her hands against his chest. Each inch stretched her further, and she stopped for a moment, gasping. Her internal muscles clenched him tightly; she concentrated on relaxing and allowing them to loosen up.

Slowly, steadily, she took him into her body. His cock pushed further inside her body than ever before, as if he were spearing through to the back of her throat. Then she hit bottom, moaning deeply. Each breath she took squeezed him. His face twisted, almost pained, and for a brief second she wondered if she were hurting him. Then he gasped, and spoke.

"That's so fucking good, Kalliara," he said. "It's all worth it. It will all be worth it…"

What did he mean by that? Before she had a chance to ask, he bucked his hips up, seemingly involuntarily, and she cried out. It was so much, he must be at the mouth of her womb. She was going to die…

He gripped her hips firmly in his hands and raised her up the length of his cock, allowing her to fall back down on it. She screamed, and he gasped in agonized pleasure.

For a second, she sat there, willing her flesh to adjust to the sensation.

Then she squeezed her muscles, and he groaned. The sound reminded hershe was in charge. It was up to her to take control, or she might lose it to him.

Bracing herself against his chest, she once again raised and lowered herself experimentally. Beneath her, he gritted his teeth, eyes closed and head thrown back. She loved seeing him this way, completely at her mercy.

She moved up and down more quickly, then one hand slipped and she fell forward against his chest. Her hips, moving in a rhythm of their own, kept going and she made an incredible discovery. In this position, every time she slid up and down her clit rubbed the tight muscles of his groin and stomach.

It was amazing.

Suddenly she found herself moving faster and faster, desperate to see where this new position would take her. Within minutes, her arousal was doubling, tripling. Every nerve in her body cried out for release. She had to have more or she was going to die.

Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she moved faster and faster. She grunted, feeling his hands sliding up to grip her waist tightly. Every stroke was a mixture of agony and pleasure. She was going to explode.

He was close, too.

She could feel it in the clutch of his fingers, in the tensing of his already-taut body. He wanted her—needed her—in a way that she understood all too well.

Then he lifted himself up slightly, and the hard wall of muscle scraping her clit tightened. She screamed as her orgasm hit, hardly able to breathe. Every fiber of her being went tight, and she clenched him so hard within her body he gasped.

Then he was spasming, too. He bucked and shuddered against her, spraying his seed into her body. They collapsed in each other's arms, sucking air deeply into their lungs. Sabiniano wrapped his arms around her, cradling her and dropping kisses on her hair. She could feel his cock within her, softening. It was so intimate, she wanted to cry.

She had never felt so safe and happy in her life. Either of her lives.

"It was all worth it," she whispered, her voice rough from crying out. "All worth it, just for this moment. I'm so glad I died, Sabiniano. Otherwise I never would have been able to come back to you like this."

He stilled beneath her, and she stiffened. He lifted one finger, touching the golden collar around her throat lightly.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing," he replied, too quickly. She leaned up on her elbows to stare intently into his face.

"You're lying to me, something is wrong."

"No," he replied. He turned his head away from her penetrating gaze.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me," she said quietly. "I have a right to know, I think."

"It's nothing to do with you," he replied. "It's between me and my god."

"Isn't he my god, too, after all this?" she asked quietly. "I've given in.

I've become a wanton. I think I rather like it, actually."

"No," he said intensely, turning his gaze back to meet hers. "Dionysus is the god of lust. You follow Aphrodite now. This isn't any kind of ordinary lust, Kalliara. Believe me, it is much, much more. What we have is far too special to call it Dionysus'. "

She stared at him, stunned.

"So you love me, then?"

"Of course," he muttered, shaking his head. "And you love me. We were made for each other. Can't you see that?

"Yes, I can," she whispered, nestling her head against his shoulder. "But until this moment, I wasn't sure if you could. I thought perhaps this was all just a game to you."

"This is no game, Kalliara," he replied, voice sounding heavy and tried. "I only wish it was…"
