"What the hell do you mean, can't get up here?" Cade bellowed into the phone. The deal expired tomorrow. "You're fucking mercenaries; I'm ready to go to war."

"The ice road is completely blown out," Rök said, having to yell over what sounded like gusting wind. "That's the only way from here to there."

"What about heading west, then coming up north?" Cade paced in the snow, winding around spruce trees.

"We could, but we'd never make it in time."

"Trace the distance—"

"We can only trace as far as we can see, which is about two feet right now," Rök said. Cade heard a door slam, and then the background noise dimmed. "The snow drifts have killed visibility. And I've already checked on a chopper. It'd take a day just to get one up here."

Cade punched a tree.

"I'm sorry, friend, but you're on your own. You've got to take your female to Groot to get that sword. You don't have a choice."

I do have a bloody choice. Fuck nobility. Fuck selflessness. This isn't my life. He would turn his back just like before. I want to run with her.

Cade could find another way to free Rydstrom from Sabine. Then his brother would finally just have to learn how to live without his crown.

Rök said, "I'm not suggesting that you should actually turn Holly over."

"If I even bring her near Groot, I risk her life. I can't jeopardize her like this. I won't—"

"Look, I didn't want to tell you this, but there's more on the line than you think. News of Rydstrom's disappearance and your quest has gotten out. Demons in the kingdom are awaiting your results. Cade, they're ready to war again."

"What do you mean?" Their people had been so brutalized that they had no heart for revolutions.

"If you can claim that sword, they'll view it as a sign that a revolt could be possible. The sword has become symbolic now, a rallying point. They want to see that if one half of the Woede is compromised, the other can still take care of business, as it were."

As if there weren't enough pressure…

"And I have to tell you—the betting's rampant over whether the black sheep will come through. So here's the strategy: You'll have to convince Groot that you're only there to drop off the goods, get your pay in return, and get out, or he won't give the sword to you. So convince him, then smite him with his own weapon."

"Do you know how many things can go wrong with that plan?"

"All right, say he gets suspicious and has his guards escort you out," Rök said. "You'll be able to go fully demonic now, changing to protect your female. In that state you could take on an army. You'd be able to get her out of there."

Act like I'm making the trade, get the sword, kill Groot—it sounded so easy. "And if any of this goes south, Holly's going to be the one to pay for it," Cade said, scrubbing a hand over his face. "You would do this in my position?"

"You shouldn't ask me. I can't really comprehend what you're feeling for her that would make you even think about choosing her over a kingdom of people—much less over your brother's life."

Cade had been born to protect her, and yet he was considering placing her directly in harm's way. He was debating the ultimate betrayal.

To persuade Groot that this was merely one business transaction among many, Cade would have to act like a callous mercenary. One who'd tricked a naïve young woman.

Which was true in many ways.

Rök added, "Since your exile, you haven't returned to Rothkalina, but I have. It's…not good. There are a lot of people counting on you."

Cade swallowed. Now, at last, after all these years, is my chance to atone.

"Rydstrom's counting on you, too. Right now your brother's somewhere secretly praying that you'll come through. Even as he's certain you won't."

Unbidden, a memory arose in Cade's mind of a night so long ago—a night of anguish and guilt, of pain as he'd never known.

When Cade had been burying his foster family, Rydstrom had found him. Without a word, he'd taken up another shovel. Shoulder to shoulder, they'd worked together.

Cade had just cost Rydstrom his throne, and yet his brother had silently helped him get through the hardest thing Cade had ever had to do….

When Cadeon returned, he stretched out behind Holly, wrapping his warm, naked body around hers.

He tucked her tightly against him as he always did. Outside, the winds howled down from the Arctic, whipping over their cabin, but she felt so safe, protected by her big demon.

She couldn't imagine ever sleeping without him again. Before she drifted off, she thought, I'm in love with Cadeon Woede.
