Chapter 41

"SOMETIMES I WONDER IF THIS FOG IS EVER GOING TO lift." Kay sat on the corner of the desk, a cup of coffee in one hand, one long leg swinging easily. "It's starting to get to me. The city always feels strange during the Big Gray."

"Think of it as atmospheric," Sierra said.

"Every year I tell myself that, but after a couple of weeks the atmospheric line doesn't work anymore."

"It won't last much longer."

"Let's hope."

"You're just feeling low because all the excitement of the Guild's big drug bust and the discovery of the Alien Oracle has died down," Sierra said.

"I know. It's been a great run. Problem is, Runtley's on a roll. He's gotten used to publishing the top-selling paper in Crystal. You heard him this morning. The ad money is pouring in, and he wants us to keep the headlines coming."

"We'll think of something," Sierra said.

"We always do," Kay agreed.

Elvis floated by in his balloon basket. The rhinestones on his white cape glittered. He chortled a greeting and munched on the bit of doughnut that someone, probably Phil, had given him.

Kay chuckled and reached out to give him a pat. "The fog doesn't bother you, does it, King?"

She gave the basket a gentle push that sent Elvis sailing regally off in the direction of Matt's desk.

"Look at it this way," Sierra said. "Coming up with new stories for Runtley won't be half as tough as explaining my Marriage of Convenience to my grandmother."

"I can see you're not looking forward to that."

The phone rang. Sierra picked it up.

"Newsroom," she said.

"I wish to speak with Sierra McIntyre."

"You've got her. What can I do for you?"

"My name is Harlan Ostendorf. I'm Mr. Fontana's executive administrative assistant."

"Yes, of course, Mr. Ostendorf. Fontana has mentioned you."

"Mr. Fontana is extremely busy today, but his schedule has opened up a bit. He asked me to call you to see if it would be possible for you to meet him for lunch at the Amber Club. He requested that I send a car to pick you up."

"Lunch at the Amber Club?" She glanced at her watch. It was almost noon. "Yes, that will be fine."

"Excellent. The car will be in front of your office building in approximately ten minutes."

The phone went dead. She put it down slowly.

"Did I just hear you say you've been invited to the Amber Club for lunch?" Kay demanded.

"Yes. I'm meeting Fontana there. That was his assistant." She frowned. "Why?"

"Oh, nothing," Kay said airily. "It's just that the Amber Club is one of the most exclusive places in town. I'll bet this is the day."

"What day?" Sierra asked.

"The day he asks you to enter a Covenant Marriage with him."

"No way" Phil said. He cranked back in his chair, twiddling a pen. "A guy might suggest an MC over lunch, but Covenant Marriage proposals are always done over fancy dinners."

Kay glowered. "How would you know? You've never asked anyone to marry you."

"It's a guy thing," Phil explained, very knowing.

Matt looked up from his computer. "He's right. Covenant Marriage proposals are evening events. Expensive dinner. Champagne. There're rules about that kind of thing. You don't do them at lunch."

"Oh, yeah?" Kay shot back.

"Yeah," Phil said.

Kay folded her arms. "So why else would a busy man like Fontana take time out of his day for lunch at a place like the Amber Club unless he's planning to propose?"

Phil and Matt looked at each other.

Matt shrugged. "Maybe he's hoping for a nooner."

Kay yanked the flowers out of the vase on Sierra's desk and hurled them at Matt's head. The blooms struck the target, showering Matt with petals and water.

"Hey," he yelped. "I was just trying to explain a little male psychology."

Sierra ignored the uproar and got to her feet. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to leave now."

"What about Elvis?" Phil said. "You can't take him into a fancy place like the Amber Club. Management will freak."

"I'll leave him here with you." She paused beside the balloon basket and dropped a little kiss onto the top of Elvis's head. "Be good while I'm gone, okay? I'll be back soon."

Elvis rumbled contentedly and went back to eating his doughnut. She slung the strap of her purse over her shoulder and headed for the door.

"Have fun," Kay said. "And don't forget to thank Fontana for me."

Sierra turned slightly to look over her shoulder. "Why?"

"Because he just gave me my next big scoop. 'Guild Boss Proposes Covenant Marriage to New Bride.»

"Hey," Phil said. "Does that mean another night in the mysterious alien temple of love?"

"No," Kay said. "This is a CM. We need a new venue and some new secret rituals."

"I can help with that part of the story," Matt said.

"What would you know about secret wedding-night rituals?" Kay asked.

"It's another guy thing." Matt spread his hands. "What is it with women? You think we know nothing about this kind of stuff."

Sierra went out the door and hurried down the stairs. When she reached the lobby, she looked out through the glass doors. A long, black limo waited at the curb. A dapper-looking man attired in a uniform, black leather gloves, and a cap stood beside the big car. A tiny chill shivered through her. It's the fog. Kay is right. It makes everything seem a little strange.

She pushed through the heavy doors and hurried across the sidewalk. The icy sensation grew stronger. Relax. You're still a little over-rezzed because of all the excitement lately.

The chauffeur opened the rear door for her. She looked into the dark interior. The inexplicable rush of dread brought her to a complete stop. She could not get into the vehicle. A possibility occurred to her. Maybe this was the wrong limo.

"Is this the car that was sent for Sierra McIntyre?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am."

The discordant hum of her intuition was rattling every nerve in her body now. "You're Harlan Ostendorf, Fontana's assistant. I recognize your voice. You called me a short time ago to tell me that Fontana wanted to do lunch."

"Yes, ma'am. At the Amber Club" Harlan checked his watch. "If you don't mind, we're running a little late. Mr. Fontana likes people to be on time."

"But you're an executive assistant, not a chauffeur."

"Mr. Fontana likes me to drive whenever possible." She took a step back and reached into her purse for her phone. "Just a minute. I want to give my husband a quick call and make sure he's still on for lunch."

"Get into the car," Harlan Ostendorf said. "Now." She looked up swiftly. There was a mag-rez gun in Harlan's gloved hand.

"You have caused me a great deal of trouble, Sierra McIntyre," he said quietly. "Get into the car, or I will kill you where you stand."
