Chapter 15

LELANDI WANTED TO SHUT ANGELINA’S MOUTH FOR HER AS she leaned haughtily against the bar. In mixed company, lupus garous were careful about what they revealed. But this woman was too angry to care.

“Three bullet wounds?” a blonde human female asked, her blue eyes round. She wore jeans, snow boots, and a tight-fitting ski sweater that showed off her ample breasts while she sat on a heavy- duty parka—not into the Victorian-era festivities it appeared. “She’s not the one everyone is talking about, is she? The one people said looked like death had claimed her?”

“Superficial wounds.” Lelandi gave the lupus garou bitch a warning look.

“You should have died.” Angelina grabbed a glass of Coke off the counter, and took a seat with Ritka and Hosstene. Guess Hosstene had found someone else to man her costume rental booth for the day.

“Angelina’s a pain in the ass.” Silva left the empty tray on the counter and grabbed another full one. “It’s rumored she fears tackling you again.” She carried the tray to a table.

“My name’s Carol Wood.” The blonde stuck her hand out.

Leiandi’s parents had taught her not to make friends with humans. Close human involvement could cause a world of trouble—period. In all these years, she had heeded their advice and was thankful for it. The woman reminded her of a reporter, eager for a headline that would propel her into an overnight news sensation. Lelandi wiped off her hands on a dish towel and shook the woman’s hand.

“I love your costume. I didn’t realize people were dressing up. Next year. I’ll get something. But an early snow’s coming so I was dressed for that.”

The weatherman had said nothing about an early snow, although Lelandi and her kind could smell it coming. She wondered how this woman knew.

Carol took a seat at the bar. “Chablis, please. So you’re... Larissa, right? The sister of Darien’s deceased wife?”

“Yes, but I’m Lelandi. My sister was Larissa.”

Lelandi moved away from the woman, but caught the eye of a dark-haired guy sipping a soda, watching every move she made. He wasn’t wearing a costume either, just a sweater and turtleneck and a pair of denims. But it was the intrigued way he observed her that gave her pause. She took a deep breath and breathed in his scent. A gray. And he’d been listening to her conversation with Carol.

His expression remained serious, and he finally set his glass down and leaned against the bar closer to her. Joe raised up out of his chair, but one of his companions seized his arm and shook his head. His face scowling, Joe retook his seat.

“Nothing is as it seems, miss. Just watch your step.” The man’s voice was friendly, but dark.

Trevor came up behind him and growled low, “Move along.”

The man’s lips rose in a coy way, then he bowed his head to Lelandi, and took his glass and headed to one of the tables.

‘Who is that?” Lelandi asked Sam in a hushed voice.

He glanced at the table where the gray sat. “Chester McKinley. He’s checking out our town so he can make recommendations to his mayor of Green Valley. Why? Was he bothering you?”


Chester still observed her with a cool, appraising expression. As much as she tried to ignore him, even when she went back to filling another tray of drinks for Silva, Lelandi noticed he was still studying her.

Trevor had moved to a position near the restrooms and watched the tavern’s patrons. Mitchell stood near the front door doing the same thing as if he and Trevor were bouncers who usually served on duty. At any rate, she felt safe.

“So is this your regular job?” Carol moved a barstool closer to where Lelandi worked.

What was she doing here? She was supposed to find her sister’s murderer. Now she’d joined with her sister’s widowed mate and the word would soon spread throughout the pack. She’d intended to find her brother next. But at least Bruin was out of the picture. Or she assumed he was. She knew he’d retaliate against her and her parents when Larissa ran off. But she didn’t think he’d try to take Darien on for mating her.

“I guess you were paying your condolences. I’m so sorry about your sister. I had one who suffered from severe depression. Hers was an organic thing. She finally slit her wrists and well, no more depression.” Carol offered a weak smile, but tears filled her eyes. She stared at her empty wineglass, then frowned. “Sorry. That didn’t sound very nice the way I said it. I loved my sister, but my parents doted on her, trying to ‘fix’ her, trying to placate her. Me, I was upbeat no matter the hardships that came my way so my parents acted like I never needed a support system whenever anything horrible happened in my life. My sister had nothing to complain about. Always ticked me off that she was so jealous of everyone when she had everything. But... I guess I’m still angry with her for ending her own life.” Carol handed Lelandi her empty glass. “Another Chablis?”

“I’m sorry about your sister.” Lelandi poured another glass of wine.

“We were really close when we were little. Then...” Carol hurriedly wiped tears away. “So... what do you normally do when you’re not filling in?”

“Taking care of my father.”

That left a bitterness in Lelandi’s mouth. She hadn’t really considered what she would do beyond looking for her sister’s murderer and finding her brother. If her mother hadn’t worked and needed Lelandi home to take care of their father, she would have worked as a... well, maybe a psychologist. Everyone used her as a sounding board for their troubles. Maybe she would be good at that. Yet, becoming Darien’s mate left her unsure of her next move.

“Oh. Is your father sick?”

Lelandi looked away. “He’s dead.”

She wondered who could be so cruel to send her flowers, saying they were from her parents. Yet a crumb of hope nagged at her. What if they were truly safe? But how?

“Oh. I’m sorry. What are you going to do now that you have no father to look after?”

“I’ll figure it out later,” Lelandi said, not willing to reveal anything else about herself, particularly to a human. “So, what do you do?”

“Ohmigosh, let me tell you.” Carol leaned forward and whispered. “Can you keep a secret?”

Right, as if this woman had anything to tell her that would be worth her time. “Sure,” Lelandi said, doing her faux bartending psychology work and leaned over the counter. “What?”

“I’m psychic, sometimes. It comes and goes,” Carol said, her voice still hushed, then she straightened and grinned.

Lelandi stared at the woman. She didn’t believe in that stuff. Just like she figured the haunted hotel across the street was part of a big hoax, and soul mates didn’t exist. Except after making love with Darien, she was reevaluating her stance on that.

“I don’t know why I mentioned it to you, but you seemed the sort that wouldn’t tell the world. And, well, maybe because we both lost a sister to severe depression. Means we have a connection, sort of. Plus,” Carol said, shrugged, and added, “you’re probably not planning on sticking around. Kind of like telling a stranger on an airline flight about your wildest sexual fantasies, and you’ll never see that person again.”

Lelandi’s mouth dropped open. “You’ve done that?”

Carol laughed. “No, but I’ve wanted to.”

“So what does being psychic mean for you?”

What if the woman could envision humans turning into wolves under the full moon or something else that could really cause problems if anyone believed her?

“I’ve seen... things. Have since I was a little girl. Really strange things. But you don’t want to hear about that. Most importantly, I’m a trained nurse— trained in surgery. But the only opening here is for the school nurse. I want to work at the hospital, except that woman…” She waved her half-full wineglass at Ritka’s table. “... the shorter, fat one. Angelina, she wouldn’t give my résumé to the doctor.” Carol shook her head. “Darien Silver is on the hospital board and apparently he has the final say about hiring staff. Said I could work at the school. Sure enough, they said they’d hire me. That the old school nurse, and believe me she looked ancient, was ready to retire. But I’m trained in surgery. Why would I want to work with kids with runny noses? Waste of my training.”

“The hospital’s staff must be full,” Lelandi said, understanding why Darien wouldn’t hire her.

“Can I see your wounds?” Carol pointed to Lelandi’s stomach.

Lelandi gave her a faked smile. “Sorry. If I begin exposing body parts, the guys will think they’re in a strip joint.”

Carol laughed out loud and slapped the bar. “Strip joint. That’s funny. Here? A strip joint? This place is as backward as they come. I don’t even know why I left Denver after I got my training.”

“Why did you?”

“My parents. I’m the only daughter they have left, and I wanted to be here for them.” Carol finished her drink. “Let me tell you, I’m not easily dissuaded.” She handed her glass to Lelandi, “Another Chablis?”

“Forgive my asking, but do you usually drink this much?”

Carol gave her a lopsided grin. “I missed the fair last year. What are celebrations for if you can’t have some fun? Fill ‘er up.”

Lelandi poured the wine into the glass and deposited the woman’s cash into the register. The tavern was so packed, Silva was getting way behind on service. Hoping she wouldn’t drop a tray of drinks, Lelandi grabbed the next one and meant to carry it to a table full of gray males. Maybe because Darien and his brothers weren’t around or because the five men had a little too much to drink, they were making fools of themselves, trying to get her attention—grinning, wolf whistles, a few comments she couldn’t make over the din of noise in the place. Before she reached the table, Ritka shoved an empty chair Into Lelandi’s path.

The back of the chair knocked the tray into Lelandi’s chest, giving her heart a jump start and a dull thud radiated outward. Before she lost the drinks, Chester McKinley leapt from his chair and seized the tray. He set it on the men’s table, while Ritka gave Lelandi an evil smirk. Lelandi grabbed the chair, her knuckles straining with tension, but fought the urge to knock Ritka’s teeth down her throat. Yet, the male grays waited to see how she handled the situation. Alpha females didn’t back down, although she had to curb her natural Iupus garou instincts because of the humans in the establishment.

“Are you all right?” Chester seized Lelandi’s arm and moved her away from the Impending fight, as she warred with her natural instincts. “Did she hurt your injuries?”

“Thanks, no, I’m all healed.” Maybe a new bruise though. Lelandi cast Ritka a warning look that she’d deal with her later. “Thanks for helping out.”

“I admire a woman with spunk. Your courage reminds me of my sister, around the same age as you. She’s gotten herself into predicaments that have forced me to rescue her a few times.”

Deep inside she wished her brother had been more like Chester and stuck around to help her family. ‘What did you mean about me watching myself?”

“Darien’s too close to this situation concerning your sister. I’ve been there before. He needs an outsider. Someone who isn’t as easily influenced by family or long-time friendships.”

“Someone like you?”

“I’ve been a P.I. for a number of years. The cases I’ve worked I’m not emotionally involved in. That’s all I’m saying.”

“What do you know about this case?” Lelandi hoped he could give her something to go on.

“Nothing. Darien’s people watch me day and night. I’d need his permission to investigate.”

Lelandi folded her arms. “You’ve got my permission.”

Chester smiled. “You’re really cute, you know?” He shook his head. “Darien has to approve.”

“All right then. What do you suspect?”

“Plenty. But I need Darien’s approval. Right now, his brother tells me Darien’s too busy to speak with me.”

Lelandi frowned. “I’m investigating my sister’s death even if he doesn’t like it.”

Chester let out his breath. “Better let the grays handle this. They may not get to the bottom of this as quickly as I might, but you don’t need to get yourself shot up again.”

She hadn’t intended to. But then she realized she needed to find her gun. Where could Darien have secured it? His office? His bedroom? “How long are you staying?”

“I’d planned on being here for just a couple of days and report back to my mayor about Sliver Town. But when I saw you shot to hell, I decided to stick around longer. Maybe you’ll need me. And maybe you can change Darien’s mind in the meantime. In any event, you stay—”

Trevor stormed toward them, gave Chester the evil eye, then continued on past.

Chester raised his brows, his gaze following the deputy out of the tavern. He squeezed Lelandi’s hand. “Get me a beer, will you? I have a feeling I’ll be tossed out of here shortly for being an outsider talking to you. Although I imagine any of the guys in this place who attempt to speak with you would torque him off.”

Trusting her wolf instincts, she felt Chester McKinley might be able to solve the mystery of the killings. What was wrong with Darien to brush his offer of help aside? As soon as she saw Darien, she would try to convince him to capitulate.

Her spirits lifted as she imagined that they might discover the murderer sooner with Chester looking into it. She returned to the bar and got him a beer. Before she could take it to his table, Silva seized it.

“Don’t need any more ‘incident’s.’ As soon as Trevor tells Darien that Chester McKinley was molesting you, there’ll be hell to pay.” Silva gave Lelandi a broad smile.

“You sure know how to do it, sugar. I haven’t managed to do anything with Sam to make Trevor Jealous.”

“Maybe your heart isn’t in it?”

“No... no. Sam was totally agreeable. Said he’d do anything for a good cause, and I do want to give it a try. But...”

“You don’t want to make Trevor Jealous. You’re afraid it may backfire.”

“I guess you’re right. Trevor’s got a hot temper. I guess I’m afraid he might take it out on Sam.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it.” Lelandi brought out some more glasses. She figured Trevor wouldn’t react because he wouldn’t care what Silva did, truth be told.

Silva took the beer to Chester’s table and handed it to him. He smiled and thanked her. Returning to the bar, Silva grabbed another tray of drinks. “Chester seems a likable sort. Hope Darien’s not too hard on him.”

“He wasn’t molesting me, by the way.”

“As an outsider, he was getting way too friendly.” Silva took off with the tray of drinks.

“Another refill?” Carol asked Lelandi, lifting her empty wine glass. Her eyes glassy, she appeared as though she’d had enough, a drink or two ago.

Lelandi handed her a bottle of ice water. “Your head will thank me in the morning.” She hoisted another tray of drinks and headed for a table of humans when Ritka shoved Angelina’s shoulder.

That was all the cue Angelina needed, and she rose from her seat and rushed to get in Lelandi’s face this time.

“Getting all the guys hot and bothered now, eh? Not enough that you’ve got Darien panting for you? Even some damned outsider can’t keep his hands off you. You’re just like your sister.”

If she hadn’t been holding a tray, Leiandi would have slapped the bitch in the face, but the place got awfully quiet. Instantly, Lelandi saw the reason. Darien, flanked by his two brothers, was on the warpath. God, he was gorgeous. Dressed in a coat with long tails and a gold paisley brocade vest, he outshone everyone else in the tavern. But his brown eyes turned even darker when he saw her, his measuring gaze taking in every inch of her bodice—way too exposed.

Now, if nothing else would, the cut of her gown would force him to return her promptly to his secure lair. Fine. She’d search his house for clues concerning her sister’s murder while everyone was enjoying the fair. And locate her gun. She wanted to read her sister’s letter to him also. If she’d thought of it earlier, she could have stayed home and done so already.

Jake targeted Chester, who was promptly asked to leave. Darien motioned to Ritka and the other woman and mouthed the word. “Out.”

Tom yanked Angelina out the door before she could utter a word. Darien took the tray of drinks from Lelandi, delivered them to the wrong table, then led her behind the bar.

Carol rested her chin on her hands. “How romantic. Why can’t I find a hero like you to rescue me? All I need is a job as a nurse at the hospital.” She waved her arm toward the door and nearly fell off the barstool. “Maybe I could replace that nurse who rammed a chair into Lelandi when she was trying to serve drinks.”

His brow furrowed. Darien looked from Carol to Lelandi. “Did she hurt you?”

“Ritka? No.”

He didn’t look like he believed her. “What did Chester McKinley say to you?”

“He wants to aid in the investigation. I said he could.”

Darien’s dark expression lightened, and he even managed a small smile. “What did he say to that?”

“I’d have to talk you into agreeing.”

“Damn right. And it isn’t happening. From now until you want to return home, you’re staying behind the bar. Got it?”

She frowned back at him and towered her voice when she spoke so Carol wouldn’t hear. “If he can help us locate Larissa’s killer, then we should hire him. I know pack leaders don’t like interference from lupus garous from other packs, but if he can aid us...” She gave Darien a look like she meant for him to agree or else.

He rubbed his hand over her bare arm, as though he was contemplating something. Taking her home? She thought so. But then his expression turned devious, his eyes darkening even more, a slight smile curving his lips. He took hold of her arm and led her into the room off the bar and closed the door. “Silva has the devil in her when she dresses you to entice me, but she doesn’t need to make the effort.”

“What do you think you’re going to do?”

“This.” He kissed Lelandi’s ups, hungry, demanding, his hands on her bare shoulders, caressing, and just as needy. He broke the kiss, his breathing and hers labored. “I haven’t told my people officially yet that you’re mine.” He growled under his breath. “Until I have done so, more than half those yahoos out there think you’re still available.”

Although she craved having him, she gave him her meanest glower, wanting the situation with Chester resolved. “I doubt it. Darien. But I still want Chester on the case.”

He growled again and tackled her mouth. “You’re too damned enticing for your own good.” He rubbed his fingers over the satin fabric covering her breasts, let out his breath in exasperation, then reached lower to lift her skirt.

“What are you doing?” she squealed, holding her gown down, startled, but loving how much he wanted her, his wolfish possessiveness, his urgent craving. “I want Chester on the case.”

For a minute, he stared at her, his expression stormy. “Lelandi, this is something I have to do as a leader, and I don’t want investigators from outside our pack. As for you...” He took a ragged breath. “You are mine. I will remind you of this. I don’t want any lupus hitting on you.” He looked down at the cage around her legs. “I have never done this before when a woman was wearing this metal contraption. How do I remove it?”

She seized his hands. “We have to discuss Chester.”

As focused as he was on wanting to ravish her, she realized after his hearing rumors that other lupus were “hitting” on her, he was giving into his more primitive wolf instincts. Compelled to show her he was hers and she was his, that no one else had any right to her, he seemed determined to satisfy this basic need.

She sighed. “We talk about Chester when we get home, or else.”

He gave a sharp nod, although his eyes were so smoky with desire, she wasn’t sure he was listening. But she meant what she said. Either they talked when they got home, or she took the case into her own hands.

He yanked off the lightweight steel crinoline, tossed it aside, then slipped her bodice down, exposing her breasts. Her body heating with the compulsion to mate. the frustration over his leader stubbornness melted. She cherished the sensation of his hands on her breasts, the way he massaged and lifted, bent his head over one and kissed the nipple, making it pucker and tingle. She slipped her fingers through his hair, felt a tinge of icy dampness. Snow.

He slid his hand down her waist and pulled the long skirt up again. He had a one-track mind. But her fingertips chased away the frown across his temple, and she kissed his mouth, stopping him momentarily.

A shudder shook him and he quickly pressed his hand between her legs, finding the opening in her crotchless drawers and gave her a lusty smile. “Hmm, Lelandi, you’re hot and wet for me.”

Always, whenever he observed her with that lascivious look in his eyes. He slipped his arms under her and laid her down on the wooden floor. “Just think, September 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day. You’ll be my sea wench and I’ll plunder your treasures.”

She slid her hand down to his trousers and rubbed the bulge already hard and readied for her. “I’ll be the Pirate Captain, sir, not the treasure.”

He laughed.

“You laugh, but I’m serious. I could be the Viking pirate Princess Sela or Princess Rusla.”

His eyes sparkling, he kissed her again. “You’ve already stolen my heart, princess. Now I’ll steal yours.”

Lelandi tugged at his trousers. Fine. Hurry, Darien.”

His fingers parted her feminine core as his tongue touched hers. “Heaven on earth, love. That’s what you are.”

“It’s not fair that my breasts are bare and my skirts are tugged up to my waist so you can have your fill of me while you’re dressed to the teeth.”

“Complaints, complaints, woman.” He moved her hand from his waist to the crotch of his pants. “Release me and end my pain.”

She unbuttoned his pants and reached inside and touched his rock-hard erection.

“It’s all yours, madam.”

“Then send me to the moon, sir. Make me climb the peak.” She stroked his member, long, hard, faster, soliciting a groan from deep within his throat, his eyes glazed over with lust.

“Enough, you vixen.”

He centered himself between her legs, then entered her, easing in at first, then thrusting hard.

His hand closed on her breast, massaging the mound as his mouth sought her free breast, his lips suckling at the nipple.

She arched against him, reveling in the feel of his hard thrusts, her pelvis meeting his with as much enthusiasm, her eyes closed so she could concentrate on the feel of his penetration, and of his tongue licking at her sensitive nipple. His heartbeat thundered in her ear, mixed with the sound of her own heart pounding. He gripped her bare shoulders as she slipped her hands underneath his waistcoat and yanked his shirttail out of his trousers. His eyes fluttered opened and he grinned, wicked, amative.

She traced his abs, the muscles flexing beneath her fingertips. Closing her eyes again, she breathed in the wild, spicy scent of him, of the piney woods and spruce, and felt suspended in time between now and the past, the centuries bridged.

“My princess, he mouthed against her lips, “my goddess.”

His chest rubbed against hers, the satin fabric of his vest, teasing her nippies, and then the power of Niagara Falls washed over her in a rush of heated passion, carrying her over the edge, sweeping her toward... toward...

She moaned as a second wave stole her thoughts, his hot seed filling her womb. “Adonis.” she gasped. “In the flesh, she breathed in his ear.

He nipped her chin and squeezed her breast with one final thrust. “My... dreams... have… come... true... love.” His head sank next to her face, his hand cupping her breast. “I have died and gone to Valhalla.”

Her fingers caressing locks of his damp hair, she gave a contented sigh. “I never want to move from here.”

He chuckled. “Next time we’ll do it with fewer clothes. I would never have lasted with you in the earlier time. In truth, I’m glad the days of long gowns and the like are gone. He swirled his tongue around her nippie as if he was licking the ice cream on a sugar cone. “Though I like the cut of this gown on you.” His gaze shot up to hers. “But not for everyone in town to see. Silva is absolutely the devil.”

He rolled off her, adjusted his pants, and tucked his shirt back into his trousers. He helped her stand. Pulling her bodice up. he covered her nipples, his thumbs rubbing the sensitive nubs underneath the lace-trimmed satin. Focusing on them, he let out a low growl. “Wear a shirt over them until they settle down.”

Lelandi laughed. “It’s all your fault. Darien.”

He kissed her lips, his tongue penetrating her mouth, his hands wrapped securely around her waist. “I love it when you call me by name. Lelandi, for all the times we made love together, and you didn’t know who I was.” He kissed her forehead and brushed his hand down her waist until his fingers reached the apex of her thighs. He cupped her mound through her skirts and rubbed and let out a husky breath. “Hurry home and I’ll join you.”

“Hmm,” she moaned in response, then smiled and pressed her lips against his, nipping his lower one. “Don’t make me wait long.”

I won’t,” he said with lustful promise and escorted her out of the storeroom.

Sam stopped filling a mug and looked from Darien to Lelandi and gave a knowing smile.

Some difference from the first time she’d been here, sitting at the table in the corner, an outsider in disguise.

Darien kissed her cheek and left her behind the counter. “No more serving drinks to the tables.” He glanced at the table where the grays had been trying to get her attention. “I’ll have to keep you under lock and key,” he muttered under his breath.

“Right.” she said. “As if that’s ever happening.”

Trevor walked back into the place, but Tom and Jake took seats at an empty table also.

“Killjoy,” she said to Darien.

He gave her a smug look. “It’s for your protection, Lelandi. I’ve got some business I have to take care of. Let Jake know when you want to return home.”

The humans talked like nothing had gone on. But every gray in the house watched Darien, and when he left, Tom and Jake would observe them next.

Silva gave her a big smile. Lelandi tried to fill a glass, but it dropped from her grasp and Sam caught it.

“You can put out some chips.” He gave her one of his wolfish grins.

Silva joined her behind the bar and tsked. “Boy, you sure have a stranglehold on that man. I keep trying to learn from your example, but I’m not sure what it is you’re doing to garner his attention. Just when I think he’s going to confine you at home, he takes you in the back room and ravishes you.” She sighed. “Now half the grays in the tavern had their eyes on that door, just waiting to see what the two of you looked like when you came out.”

Feeling sated, Lelandi poured chips into a bowl.

“Darien’s chest was so puffed out, he looked like a peacock strutting out of there. And you, well,” Silva glanced down at Lelandi’s bodice and sighed heavily again. “A fresh bloom to your cheeks and lips, your hair tousled in the throes of passionate lovemaking, and you’ve even lost your hat. In the olden days, that would have been utterly scandalous.” She laughed.

“For humans,” Lelandi reminded her, speaking low so only Silva could hear, although she imagined Sam was eavesdropping as well. “Not lupus garous.”

“Ah, but most of these yahoos didn’t know you and Darien were mated yet. Besides, he’s the pack leader. Whatever happens in regards to him is important to them. When he’s happy…” Silva shrugged. “Makes him easier to live with.”

Lelandi glanced in the mirror on the back wall. Most of her hair hung to her shoulders in curls, no longer bound.

Silva gave her a hug. “I want to know all your secrets. Julia Wildthorn has nothing on you.”

Lelandi smiled, brushed a curl of hair away from her cheek and returned to the counter. Conversation renewed and she could just bet the topic of conversation. Red wolf strikes again!

Silva ran her hand over Lelandi’s arm. “Everyone’s glad for the two of you. Darien’s come out of his dark mood, except for the other deadly business. Soon you’ll be carrying his babies and the pack will be well on its way to mend.”

“Triplets.” Carol raised her nearly empty container of bottled water, eyes glittering, but her expression was deadly serious.

Leiandi stared at her, her heart nearly stopping. What had the woman overheard? Could she really see the future? More importantly, did she know about the lupus garous?
