Part Two

Ye who know the Lone Trail fain would follow it,

Though it lead to glory or the darkness of the pit.

Ye who take the Lone Trail, bid your love good-by;

The Lone Trail, the Lone Trail follow till you die.

Bid good-by to sweetheart, bid good-by to friend;

The Lone Trail, the Lone Trail follow to the end.

Tarry not, and fear not, chosen of the true;

Lover of the Lone Trail, the Lone Trail waits for you.

“The Lone Trail”—Robert Service

Chapter Eight

The hushed voices around them were a good thing. Tyler sat in his appointed section, high along one side of the room, Justin at his right. All around the perimeter were special seats for the nominees to use as they observed the proceedings. The rest of the space was filled with a mass of bears sauntering in to disappear behind the screen and mark their choices in this round of the elections.

“Everyone’s behaving so far,” Justin noted, moving his gaze around the room, keeping alert for any surprises.

“There’s no need to make a fuss at this point. We’re still using approval voting. Out of the eight clans left, there are clearly four who have the power to not be eliminated.”

“Agreed. After this vote is complete, the real juggling begins.” Justin turned to face him fully, his voice lowered. “You done being distracted? Ready to get your mind on the task of winning this thing?”

“Shut up. I’m not distracted.”

Justin snorted, then went back to sweeping the room for trouble. “Sure, that’s why you were singing in the shower this morning. I kept waiting for you to break out into Julie Andrews or something.”

No one was supposed to have heard that. “Mention it again and I’ll shove a spoonful of sugar down your throat until you choke.”

His friend chuckled, but Tyler didn’t bother to correct his manners. He was too busy being distracted by the phone vibrating in his pocket. He whipped it out and snapped to messages.

Oh, yes. Finally, Caroline’s response.

“Does that ‘fuck, yeah’ you just muttered mean you got an answer from the elusive human?” Justin asked.

“She’s on board.” His bear did the equivalent of a fist pump. Tyler glanced around the room. “How much longer do you estimate?”

Justin scratched his side. “An hour until they close the poll. Another thirty until they lock down the official counters in the safe room, and we can leave. Why?”

“She wants to know our plans for the evening.”

Justin whipped out a plain black book. “You are so lucky you hired me. Here. Everything you need to keep you far too occupied until we’re set free.”

“I didn’t hire you, my father hired your father. I inherited you, like the family estate, so don’t blame me. And a black book? How is that—?”

Holy fuck.

Tyler had slipped open the notebook, not expecting the lacy underwear and skimpy bras that assaulted his eyes. He slammed the cover tight and glanced around the room to see if anyone seated near them had noticed.

Good so far. Clan Fairmont on their right were busy chatting, and Clan Riondel on the left were busy moping, utter dejection in their body language and faces. They were certain to be eliminated this round.

Tyler had other issues to deal with. He leaned closer to his friend. “What the hell did you hand me? A Victoria’s Secret catalog or something?”

Justin grinned. “Well, you have a couple of hours to waste. I figured you might want to get started on that ‘sharing the plan for the evening’ thing with your woman.”

“You’re going to get me killed.” Still, Tyler cautiously opened the pages, this time realizing there was a fake cover over the official sale catalog. “Oh, mercy…”

Justin tapped the pages, seemingly uncaring his fingers were covering a mostly naked woman. “Local shop. You can order things, or text in your favourites, and send Caroline to get fitted. Unless you think you know her size well enough to order for her?”

Right. He wished he had more than a rough estimate of her size. Wished he had a much more intimate knowledge of exactly how those breasts of hers looked without any layers between them, even soaking-wet ones.

Holding out his hands at approximately the shape of her ass wouldn’t help her fit into a formal outfit, though. “I should probably warn her it’s a social event tonight.”

He turned the page, and his tongue got stuck to the roof of his mouth. The lingerie bursting from this page included a corset. One piece, barely there, hot pink. All thoughts of warning Caroline about anything fled as he held his phone to Justin. “Take notes for me.”

“Nothing doing. You be distracted, I have to stay alert to keep your ass intact.”

Fine. Tyler felt a touch of guilt at not giving the proceedings his full attention, but this was important as well.

Strange how his conscience was far too easy to appease.

He settled in, his big thumbs hovering over the tiny keyboard as he prepped a greeting message to the shop. Then he flipped through page after page, slightly incredulous at the variety of garments available for a remote location. “We don’t have a shop like this in Yellowknife, do we?”


“Look into sponsoring some eager entrepreneur. This could end up as lucrative as the family business.” He spotted the prices discreetly written in full numbers at the base of each garment’s description. “Correction, they could end up richer than me.”

He fell silent for a few minutes, adding page numbers to the email before sending it off, along with a message to his limo driver.

He’d just tapped out Caroline’s phone number when a rumble began in the line. A bit of push and shove. Justin stood immediately, stepping forward.

“Hello?” Caroline’s sweet voice sent a shiver down Tyler’s spine.

Someone swung a fist, and Tyler swore. “Sorry to call and run, but there’s a fight starting. I can’t explain. Limo will pick you up at the hotel at five.”

A loud clatter rang out as one of those lined up tackled the two bears in front of him, and the entire group crashed into a set of decorative tables at the edge of the room.

“Shifters. Stay safe—I’ll meet you later.” The call ended, and Tyler was so stunned he almost forgot to duck, snapping his head to the side at the last moment as a vase flew past him.

She’d hung up without asking any further questions regarding the time change. Obviously, she did know shifters.

He tucked away his phone and waded forward to help bring order back. “Ten minutes left, you think?”

“Yeah, about the right timing.” Justin slammed a fist into a shifter’s face, and the man teetered on his feet before folding to the floor.

“I’ll take care of these, you make sure the rest of the line gets to the voting booth before it closes.” Tyler didn’t wait for his friend to acknowledge him. Justin would obey. At times like this, the situation wasn’t about protocol and prestige, it was doing the job you were trained to do.

Tyler might look pretty in a suit, but he had a whole lot more to him than a head full of numbers.

He caught one fighter under the ribs with a jab, hard enough to bend the man over and make it simple to grab him by the hair and toss him to one side. An elbow to a chest, a strategically placed foot followed by a sharp uppercut. In only seconds, the troublemakers who’d snuck in to disrupt the final votes were either groaning on the floor or backing away from Tyler, far more wary than they’d arrived.

A shifter stepped down from the opposite side of the room, his expensive business suit perfectly in position as he avoided participating in any of the fighting. Threads of grey in his hair, a sneer on his face, Todd Ainsworth looked as if he’d smelt something foul. “Tyler. Once again your low-bred roots come to the foreground at the most inopportune moments.”

“Ainsworth. You pay these men to come get their asses kicked?”

The bastard shrugged. “Riffraff. Never sure what they’ll get up to next.” He kicked one of the fallen aside. The man groaned and crawled out of reach of the perfectly polished black leather shoes.

Ainsworth stopped directly in front of Tyler, his smaller body made up for with his arrogance.

Tyler held his fists with great difficulty. “Did you get a chance to cast your ballot yet, Ainsworth? The boxes will be closing soon, and I’d hate for you to lose out so soon.”

“I, and my wife, cast our votes this afternoon.” Ainsworth made a big deal out of motioning across the room to someone. Tyler refused to take his eyes off the shifter—he couldn’t trust him to not pull a knife or something equally stupid.

And yes, there he went with the wife thing again. Playing up every advantage possible. Tyler looked forward to rubbing Ainsworth’s nose in his change of situation. “The ladies do enjoy these little get-togethers, don’t they?”

Ainsworth snorted. “Bachelor bears—what would you know of the joys of caring for the tender sex?”

Someone stood behind Tyler, probably someone Ainsworth was attempting to impress with his syrupy gag-worthy bullshit. While the taunting was ignorable, the chance to make an impression wasn’t to be lost. Tyler couldn’t afford to let any opportunity pass him by. “My personal relationship isn’t something I flaunt in public. Unlike some.”

The person behind him cleared his throat, and Tyler twisted, feigning surprise at the appearance of the head of Clan Nakusp.

The elderly shifter nodded politely. “Sounds as if you’ve got a woman hidden somewhere, sir. Why did I not know this?”

Because you failed to listen to the gossip this morning? Tyler kept his mouth shut and held out a hand. “Nakusp. Good to see you again. And yes, there are times I feel it’s prudent to keep my lady out of the spotlight, so to speak.”

Ainsworth narrowed his eyes. “You’ll be bringing a woman to the event tonight, then, will you?”

Both feet forward, all barrels loaded. “Of course.” He turned to Nakusp, ignoring Ainsworth as if he were nothing more than a cub squalling on the floor. “Caroline will be delighted to meet you. And your wife.”

From pounding knuckles into rowdy bears to polite diplomacy in under two minutes. Bear politics were weird to the extreme. Even Tyler thought so as Justin rejoined him, and the two of them made their way back over the bodies struggling to find their feet.

“No one called the RCMP on us?”

“Head of the local division is sitting over there.” Justin pointed at one of the men holding an icepack to his head, a couple of his clan pulling him back to vertical.

Ahh, politics. The sweet scent of chaos couldn’t be finer.

Tyler tucked the black book under Justin’s arm. His friend looked at him questioningly, and Tyler smiled. “I won’t need it any longer. I’m meeting Caroline at the shop in an hour.”

The real thing would be so much better than any slicked-up, shiny magazine images.

He could hardly wait.

Caroline stared at the closet in front of her. There was a suitcase on the floor she should be filling as she debated her options, but she couldn’t seem to make herself move.

“You waiting for something to jump out and attack you?” Evan strolled in and tossed himself on the bed, all long lean limbs and relaxed shifter as he folded his hands behind his head. “Whatever you wear will be fine.”

“I wish I had more of a clue what’s happening tonight.” She pulled out a business suit, pausing as a furrow appeared between Evan’s brows. “What?”

“Not that. That’s a nice outfit for bailing the boys out when they get arrested. It’s not a ‘take notice, I am a woman with balls’ outfit.”

Caroline tossed it on the bed. “And I’m a woman with balls, am I? You make me sound so appealing.”

Evan stared her down. “Don’t go fishing for compliments. You know damn well you’re an attractive woman physically. Your power in the shifter world, though, is your fuck-it-all attitude. Don’t downplay it, or I’ll tell your new beau you need a spanking.”

That suggestion shouldn’t have caused a shiver to race along her spine. “Nasty boy.”

Evan winked. “You have your phone with you, right?”

“Of course.”

He sat up, paying far more attention than his seemingly off-the-cuff self would suggest. “I’ve assigned a wolf to follow you. He’ll stay out of sight—”

“No way.” Caroline ignored the dress clutched in her hands as her fists ended on her hips. “You are not babysitting me.”

“This isn’t up for discussion, Caro. You’re still pack as far as I’m concerned, and someone will be on hand if you need help. Argue if you’d like, it’s your breath you’re wasting.”

She glared, but she understood too well what he was saying. A huge sigh escaped. “Okay, I won’t argue, but what are you going to tell my watcher about us? Because you know damn well if your spy spots another man acting…solicitous toward me, there will be hell to pay.”

Evan nodded slowly. “Tonight, it’s Shaun, so there’s no explanation needed.”

Lordy. “This is one for the diary. I’ve got the pack Beta acting as a mother hen.”

“Be nice, or I’ll make him stick to your side like a burr. Which could make Tyler acting…solicitous toward you awkward.”

Asshole. Caroline stuck her tongue out at him. Then she ignored him and got dressed.

The limo was waiting as promised, and Evan handed her into the back with far more grace than she expected. “Hey—whatever is up tonight, remember what I said. Trust your gut. You’ve got a way with people. Don’t ignore your first reaction. And don’t hesitate to call if you feel uncomfortable.”

She settled into the plush leather and waved as Evan closed the door. It wasn’t her usual tumbled-down jeep, that’s for sure. She relaxed, enjoying the contrast.

She could get to like this kind of lifestyle far too easily.

“Where are we headed?”

The driver tilted his head a touch. “To the central mall. Mr. Harrison will meet you there.”


Distances being as small as they were in Whitehorse, it was only moments later they pulled to a stop in front of the building. The area wasn’t one Caroline usually frequented, and she glanced around with curiosity. The door opened, and an immaculately dressed female attendant waited for her to crawl out. “Ms. Bradley?”


“Mr. Harrison has been delayed. If you’ll come with me, we’ll get started.”

Caroline followed the girl, wondering exactly what she’d gotten herself into. And when they slipped into an elevator, she waited on pins and needles. Having the doors slide open on a room full of mirrors didn’t answer many questions, either.

A lean gentleman with a trimmed goatee stepped forward, hands open in greeting. “Ahh, Ms. Bradley. So good to meet you. I have heard much about you.”

She was captured before she could respond, his elegant whiskers teasing her as he kissed both cheeks. “Umm, hello.”

He straightened, every inch of him screaming high fashion. “I am, of course, Monsieur Stephan. I will be assisting you this evening, and any time you return to us in the future.”

Had she stepped into some kind of transportation device and landed in Paris? “Well, that’s lovely. But, what are we doing, again?”

He held out a soft terry robe. “Strip, please.”

Her forehead cramped, her brows shot upward so fast. “Excuse me?”

Monsieur Stephan wiggled his hand at her. “To your underthings, so I can measure you properly. Come…” he clapped his hands together sharply, “…we have a deadline to meet.”

Caroline held up a finger to motion him to wait as she dug in her pocket and pulled out her phone.

Tyler’s number went to his voice mail, which might not have been a bad thing because who knows what she would have shouted at him at that moment. She switched instead to more feminine help.


“Yes, darling. Have you gotten in trouble already? Shall I alert Shaun?”

“Oh, ye of little faith. No, I don’t need Shaun. I need your diplomacy.” Caroline turned her back on the stripper man and lowered her voice. “I was supposed to meet Tyler, yada, yada…you know this. But instead of the furry brute, I’ve got some guy with a French accent telling me to strip to my skivvies so he can measure me. Is there any part of this that makes sense to you?”

Gem laughed. “How you get involved in these situations, I’ll never understand. You are seriously talented. But yes, I can reassure you on at least one point. You must be in Boutique Boulanger. That was Monsieur Stephan who freaked you out, right?”

Caroline eyed the man who had his arms folded, his foot tapping. “You know him.”

“He’s safe. One of the finest distributors of lingerie and evening gowns in the world, but he’s a mink, and fond of the Yukon, so we managed to score him.”

The temptation to make some comment about Gem being a pampered princess was tempting, but Caroline made a point of not pissing off the people who were helping her. At least not while they were in the process.

Still she wondered. “How is it that you know this, and I don’t? You’ve only lived in town for two months.”

“Caroline, you tend toward the boy’s department of MEC and the thrift shop for your clothes. Do I really need to explain why we don’t go shopping together?”

Not really. The one time they had tried, Caroline had wanted to stab her eyes out with forks before they were done. Gem took on shopping like a professional sport.

“So…I strip?”

“Why not?”

Caroline caught herself growling and made a mental note to stop hanging out with so many shifters. Their bad habits were growing on her. “Because Tyler asked me to join him for some conclave events, right? If he thinks getting the human to wander around in her underwear will be part of the program, I don’t care what Evan said about bears being aggressive. They ain’t never seen me livid.”

Gem made soothing sounds over the phone. “I wouldn’t rip his arms off just yet. I assume there’s a formal event happening, and if he’s any kind of a host, Tyler wouldn’t expect you to splurge for the correct attire. Does that make sense?”

“I suppose.”

“And if he’s buying you a dress at Boutique Boulanger, you are not wearing your Walmart sports bra under it. Trust me on this.”

Blah. Logic. It did make sense. “Okay, he can keep his arms. Thanks, girl.”

“No problem. And now that I know you’ve met Monsieur Stephan, I’ll invite you along the next time I go. We’ll have a blast.”

“Oh, wow. That would be peachy.” Caroline bit back the final words, but it was too late. Gem laughed, then hung up.

Caroline turned to face her soon-to-be-far-too-intimately-acquainted-with-her-anatomy tape-measure-wielding foe. “Hi.”

His long-suffering expression turned more hopeful. “And now, you strip?”

Caroline shuffled forward. “Yes, I suppose. Where should I put my clothes and purse?”

Monsieur Stephan sniffed. Caroline wasn’t entirely sure, but he seemed to have muttered in the trash before pointing to a basket.

There were a hell of a lot of mirrors in the room. Caroline didn’t have much time to feel self-conscious, though. She was tugged here and there, twisted in circles on her raised platform as not only Stephan but his assistant measured and pinched, announcing numbers that were noted down by the woman who’d first greeted her.

A few moments later she was wrapped in the extraordinary soft robe, a warm cup of tea in her hands. “Well, that wasn’t so bad.”

Stephan smiled at her, indulgent now that he’d gotten his way. “I’m so glad to hear it. Please remove the rest of your garments. I’ll have what you need to try on brought—”

“Is there a change room?” Caroline broke in. “Because, I’m kind of used to dressing myself.”

The mink’s lip quivered.

“It’s not that you’re doing anything wrong, it’s all me. You know us humans. Strange habits, things like that.”

“But how can I be sure the items fit?”

Caroline had a brilliant solution to that issue as well, she was sure she did, only the door opened behind them, and Tyler burst in. Any thought of talking sense into Stephan vanished as she took in Tyler’s appearance. “Holy cow, what happened to you?”

She hurried across the room, brushing his hair off his forehead and away from a bleeding gash.

He caught her wrist. “I’ll be fine. Some of the less considerate bears voted after the polls closed, only they used baseballs bats and hockey sticks.”

Caroline snapped out orders. “Stephan, get someone to fetch a wet cloth. And another cup of tea, with extra sugar.”

“Caroline, don’t fuss. I’m fine.” Tyler’s gaze trickled over her, appreciation in his eyes, and her current wardrobe choice snapped back to mind.

She tightened her belt. “You can’t bleed all over the boutique. It’s inconsiderate.”

Tyler smiled, the right side of his mouth hitching upward faster than the left. “Are you having fun?”

Snapping her fist into his gut would be inconsiderate as well, so she kept her hands to herself. “I would have appreciated a heads-up what you were doing. I had no idea why I was here.”

His nose wrinkled in this totally adorable manner, and Caroline glanced away in self-preservation. He was sexy enough without adding adorable to the list of his charms.

She changed the topic. “Is Justin okay?”

Tyler nodded. “He’s headed to the Takhini pack house to get patched up. Your guard is taking a momentary leave of absence to escort him.”

Whoa. “You knew I had a guard?”

“You are a part of the Takhini pack, are you not? I assumed you’d be guarded. Any Alpha worthy of his position would care for his own.”

For someone who prided herself on staying in control at all times of her life and situation, something had gone radically wrong over the past couple days.

She practiced her deep breathing as the staff swarmed over Tyler, wiping his face and knuckles clean. He seemed totally unperturbed by the fawning attention. The short pause was enough to allow her to realign her thinking, and as the area cleared around them she spoke firmly.

“If you tell me more about the meeting at eight, then you can leave, and Monsieur Stephan here will get me froo-froo’d in no time.”

Instead, the annoying bear lowered himself into one of the luxury leather chairs strategically placed at the side of the room. “I’ll stay. In case you need me for anything.”

He had that air about him, the one of I’m in charge, and it put Caroline’s back up far more than it should have.

“You plan to stay while I try on underwear and dresses.”

His eyes snapped with amusement, a sparkle in the depths of the black. “You have a problem with that?”

Yes, but damn if she’d let him take the advantage in this round. Somehow in the past couple of minutes, things had changed. This assignment of hers wasn’t some favour she was doing for him. Or a job that would protect the Takhini pack.

This was a war on a personal level, and Caroline meant to win. Just like she never allowed shifters to know when she was afraid, he couldn’t find out how much having him here freaked her out.

So she did the only thing possible. She lied her ass off.

“No problem. Not for me.”

Then she loosened the robe and let it fall to the floor.

Chapter Nine

It was a good thing he was sitting down or Tyler would have fallen over.

Never in a million years would he have predicted her to be so bold, and yet—perhaps he should have. She’d done nothing but the unexpected since the first moment they’d met.

His bear poked him, eager for a glimpse of something more than her ankles. His gaze had dropped with the robe, so he started at her toes and worked his way up, slowly. Savouring.

She stood like a warrior, not a model, both feet planted firmly. Her strong legs had visible calf and thigh muscles, noted in passing as his gaze landed on the plainest pair of cotton panties ever. Cream coloured, they were thin enough the pale curls over her mound could be seen through the material.

He subtly adjusted position to allow room for his growing erection.

The visual tour increased in pace as his gaze rose past a trim waist he couldn’t wait to wrap his hands around. He barely allowed himself a glance at her chest, because getting lost while staring at her tits might be the equivalent of falling into horizon blindness.

So he ended up at her mouth a lot sooner than he’d expected where her expression could be labeled nothing less than a smirk. Her eyes said it as well. She was laughing at him.

Yeah, he pretty much deserved that. But then again, this was only the beginning of the evening.

“Did you get my list?” he asked Stephan, not looking away from her mocking gaze.

“Of course, sir.”

“Let’s try the blue set first, then, with the full-length gown. That will give you time for adjustments if needed.”

Her mouth tightened slightly as Stephan stepped in front of her and slipped off one bra strap. Then, damn it, there were too many bodies between Tyler and her for more than momentary glimpses. Flashes of naked skin that did more to tantalize than satisfy.

When the proprietor of the shop finally stepped away, Tyler found himself on the edge of his chair, a mere second away from bolting to his feet.

The view was beyond spectacular.

Caroline had been eased into a one-piece outfit with a corset-like top that emphasized the flare of her hips. The cups that held her breasts—he’d never been envious of a piece of fabric before. Only he was, the gentle swells of flesh rising above the shimmering silk moving slowly as she breathed.

Her blonde hair fell around her shoulders like she’d just crawled out of his bed, all soft and warm and satisfied, and damn it—

His bear was really working the imagery.

Tyler cleared his throat. Fought to use his vocal cords. “Lovely.”

It shouldn’t have come out so growly and lust-filled, not if he’d been in control, but that was the issue. He wasn’t in control. Not since he’d met Caroline.

He moved his gaze to the proprietor, catching his eye before flicking a glance toward the door. This probably wasn’t the first time Stephan had been silently ordered out of his own shop. The owner dipped his chin before gesturing to his assistants.

“We will be back in a moment,” Stephan declared.

Once the room was down to just Caroline and Tyler, the classical music playing in the background was softer than his panting, damn it.

Caroline shifted her stance. When she spoke, her words came out low and lusty, teasing his eardrums like they were erogenous zones. “I take it there’s a reason I need to have a fancy dress?”

He didn’t stop appreciating the view. “Next week Tuesday. There’s an event for the heads of the clans every few evenings beginning tonight, concluding in a formal dance.”

She glanced at the door the shop workers had vanished behind, then stepped off the platform and paced toward him. Slowly. Hips swaying as she moved, breasts wiggling just right, her naked flesh pale peach-coloured in the soft lighting. “So this assistant position you need me for. You want me to take notes?”

She was nearly close enough to touch. “No notes. There’s a secretary who does that. I need you to help me impress those clans who think I’m too impulsive because I’m single.”

Caroline planted her hands on her hips before easing her palms upward. He watched, mesmerized, as she caressed her rib cage, along the sides of her breasts, not stopping until she’d threaded her fingers through her hair.

He was going to die of a lack of oxygen. He seemed to have forgotten how to breathe.

When she pressed her fingers to his chest, he swore his heart stopped as well. Yes, he was going to die here and now, one body system shutting down after the other.

His cock would be the last thing to succumb.

Tyler shoved himself back as she wordlessly demanded until he was fully seated on the couch. Then, hallelujah, she climbed on top, her shins resting on the leather on either side of his legs.

“So, this is a date?” she asked.

Tyler attempted to focus on her face. “What’s that?”

“A date. You asking me to join you for the conclave isn’t a political arrangement, it’s a date.”

He’d swallowed his tongue. A second earlier he’d glanced down far enough to notice the material of her outfit, when she was in that knees-spread-wide position, barely covered her pussy. “Not a date. Political. Necessity.”

The words surprised him as they slipped past his lips.


Caroline eased herself closer. Closer. Until her torso rested right against his.

Their faces were only inches apart, the rest of them touching. The warmth of her sex centered squarely over the erection that bulged the front of his trousers. He was unable to resist sliding his hands onto her hips.

She licked her lips. “Political necessity. Good to know.”

He wasn’t sure what he wanted to touch next. Taste next. Her lips were so close. The scent of her attraction rose like a siren call. She undulated her hips, only a fraction of an inch, but it was enough to drag a groan from him as she rubbed his cock.

Caroline brushed her fingers lightly over his forehead, careful to avoid the cut. “Dangerous business, getting involved with bears.”

“I warned you.” He held her hips tighter and ground her over his aching length. So good, yet a million miles from what it was going to be like to sink into her warmth.

She thrust her fingers into his hair, her cheek against his. Her breasts crushed to his chest, intimately close but for the scrap of material she wore and his clothing.

He’d never wished for the magical ability to strip so hard before in his life. Not even the time he’d woken as a teen choking on his own T-shirt after accidentally having shifted in the night.

He moved her again. And again. This throaty little noise escaped her, and lust flared like a white-hot poker. One second more, and he’d forget all decorum and have her naked and bent over the back of the chair. He’d take her and make her scream.

She nibbled on his earlobe, and he fretted perhaps he wouldn’t even make it to the strip them down part. He was about to come right there, right then.

Her regretful sigh surprised him.

“Too bad we’re only getting involved for political reasons.” Another sigh, air brushing his cheek as she sat back, opening a space between them.

His bear screamed nooooooooo. His human mind boggled and attempted to make sense of her comment.

She cupped his cheek. “I understand though. Politics are very important, and you can trust me to do everything I can to help you.”

When she would have wiggled off his lap, he held her immobile. “Where are you going?”

She rolled her eyes. “To try on the gowns and stuff that I need to be a pretty political assistant to you. D-uh.”

Somewhere this had taken a wrong turn. “Wait…”

He couldn’t hold her in position without hurting her, so he released his grip, her warmth fading as she stepped back, hands folded demurely in front of her.

“See, if we were actually dating? Then we might have a few other things to discuss, but since this is all political, well. I’ll just have to keep my disappointment to myself.”

Oh fuck. “It’s not that I don’t—”

“What? Find me attractive? Of course it’s not. We did kiss yesterday, and it was kind of fun, but I find mixing work and play isn’t a great idea. No problem. Glad to have that all straightened up. I’ll be the very best political assistant you could wish for.”

She stepped onto the platform. Tyler dragged a hand through his hair feeling a little as if a train had just hit him. Especially when she squatted, knees wide, finger raised to her lips. Every part of her open to him, her breasts nearly spilling from the corset top.

“And Tyler?”

“Yes?” He somehow dragged his gaze back up to hers.

“Don’t think you can take any liberties while I’m assisting you. No kisses out of the blue, no secret groping. I’m the one in charge of this, and unless I decide I want you, hands off the goods.”

She rose to her feet, one hand presenting herself like the treasure she was. The sexy display ended when she planted her fists on her hips again. The bold move at the finish was racier than she probably realized.

Well, hell. That hadn’t gone nearly the way he’d expected.

The limo brought them up the winding mountain road toward their destination for the evening. The windows of the distant manor glowed amber and gold in flashes through the trees.

On the bench seat to her right, Tyler had remained silent for the past twenty minutes of the ride. After helping her into the limo, Justin had taken the seat across from them, and alternately grinned or fought to keep his amusement from showing.

Caroline ignored them both and folded her fingers together to stop from fidgeting. The dress she wore had a slit up one side that kept falling open if she didn’t keep her knees pinned to the leather seat. The dress itself was gorgeous. Soft silvery silk that clung to her curves, the deep V of the neckline magically staying in position over the bra Monsieur Stephan had fit her in, and she had to admit, the man knew how to make the girls look the best they ever had.

From the elaborate hairdo one of the shop assistants had created for her unruly blonde hair to the tips of her freshly manicured toes, Caroline was a fancy woman. A soft shawl lay over her shoulders to keep the chill in the air at bay. The three-inch heels on her feet were frighteningly comfortable—she would have sworn they were old and broken in, and not brand new from the box.

Yes, in an hour and a half flat she’d been packaged prettily for the evening. Still had no bloody idea what was coming next, though.

After her little ultimatum in the lingerie shop, Tyler had nodded curtly then vanished with a final comment he’d be back for her at six thirty. Even the fact he’d walked out with an obvious erection hadn’t been enough to satisfy the frustration raging through her.

Shifters didn’t think of intimacy the same way most humans did. She understood that. She really did.

Easier attitudes toward sex she could handle. But totally ignoring attraction and making it all about a job? Fuck that noise. Even when she’d gotten involved with Evan, the relationship hadn’t been completely about what they could do for each other outside the bedroom. There’d been an honest attraction between them.

Caroline resisted the urge to swing a fist and thump Tyler on the chest. She’d thought there was an honest attraction between her and the bear as well, but it seemed Mister High and Mighty couldn’t even confess to that.

No. She wasn’t about to become some kind of political advantage and hand over sexual treats on the side. Not if Tyler didn’t man up and admit he wanted both her and her help.

Why couldn’t someone want her for her?

She kept her woe-is-me sighing to a minimum, but the truth remained. After spending so long around shifters, after knowing how she had to act to impress them, she was tired of being taken for granted.

Evan suggested she trust her gut instincts. Right now her instincts told her there was a big big game about to go down, and she wasn’t sure she was up for more playing.

The realization should have scared her out of her mind.

They were still about ten minutes from their destination when Justin broke the silence. “Tyler updated you on all the clans you’ll see tonight?”

Caroline twisted to stare at Tyler. “Gee, no. Was he supposed to?”

Tyler’s gaze narrowed in warning. The rampant who-gives-a-shit rising inside made her glare back.

Justin cleared his throat. “Well, yes. But—”

“Tell her,” Tyler cut in.

Justin held up his hands, eight fingers raised. “The vote today was between eight clans. Four go on to the next round, and it’s almost a given which they will be when the count is completed tonight.”

He dropped one hand and flicked fingertips as he named names. “Harrison, Ainsworth, Nakusp and Halcyon. Each time we vote, the clans who are eliminated become a bigger factor. It makes a difference who they rally behind. Tyler has his supporters, but unfortunately so does Ainsworth.”

“Makes sense. Who will be here tonight?”

“All eight clans from today’s vote.”

Caroline tossed her mad away and focused on Tyler. “You hope to convince some of Ainsworth’s followers to switch sides?”

Tyler shook his head. “Unlikely. Even if they wanted to, he’s got a tight-fisted grip on most of their lives. No one will attempt to rock his boat from the inside.”

She wasn’t getting this. “We are talking Canadian shifters, right? You make it sound as if he’s got his clan in slavery.”

“You think people have to live in foreign countries to be cruel tyrants?” Tyler snapped, and Caroline blanched.

“Gently, Tyler,” Justin admonished. “She’s used to dealing with wolves.”

Wolves who, it appeared, were some of the best controlled in the land. Evan had been doing a wonderful job—she had to remember to let him know that.

Caroline’s doubts rose, yet there was no time to turn the boat around and retreat as the car passed through enormous rock-hewn gates. “Top three people we want to impress?”

Tyler spoke softer than a moment ago. “Definitely Nakusp. He’ll be part of the final four, but chances are high we’ll end up going for a final two, and we’ll need Nakusp on our side. Talk to his wife, get close to her, and see what topics she’s heard him mention as key interests.”

“Liard is a loose cannon—they tend to switch votes in every round and play games until even they don’t know what they’ll do next.” Justin touched the fading bruise on his temple. “They can get rough while playing, so be extra careful around them.”

Tyler nodded. “Also, Halcyon already mentioned he’d support me. I’d like confirmation the offer is still in place.”

The limo pulled to a stop as Caroline tucked the names into her brain. Justin slipped out the door, but when she would have followed Tyler held her back.

“I hope we avoid any wild antics tonight, but in case things go wrong, retreat to a safe corner and I’ll be there as fast as I can to help you. Understand?”

Goodie. They would keep this totally on the professional level. Her disappointment was complete. “Yes, sir.”

Tyler caught her fingers in his, stroking her knuckles with his free hand. “Caroline, I’m sorry for upsetting you.”

Whoa. A guy who apologized? Hope rose slightly that the evening wouldn’t end up a total fail in the personal department. “Really?”

He nodded. “I should have explained ahead of time what was going on. You need to know who to talk to. Who to gather information from.”


Well, yes, that was another place where he’d gone wrong, but the shadow of sadness inside her grew as she stomped her attraction into a tiny little box and duct-taped the lid shut. “I might have good instincts, but information helps.”

She wiggled, heading for the door. He refused to release her fingers.

“Wait.” Tyler paused until she faced him again.

Damn, why did his eyes have to have that mesmerizing quality to them? “What?”

There was no smile on his face, just full-out commanding concentration. “I expect you will behave properly in public.”

Oh no. He did not go there. “Excuse me?”

“As far as any of the clans know, you are here as my date. As such, I expect you to remain by my side when appropriate. If I take you by the hand or embrace you, there will be no negative responses on your part.”

His words rattled in her brain as she attempted to line this up with his earlier comments. The ones he’d pantingly got out about Political Necessity etc. etc. “Are you serious? You do realize I got invitations from damn near every one of the other clans to join them. Are you telling me they expected me to be their dates?”

“I have no idea what their intentions were. These are mine. You will be introduced as my date.”

Caroline caught herself growling. “You didn’t think this was important to tell me back when you were ogling me at the lingerie shop? When you specifically told me this was business?”

“I was…distracted.”

“You were an asshole,” she snapped.

He frowned. “That’s exactly what cannot happen. Do not speak disrespectfully to me while in clan presence.”

“How about I get it out of my system, then?” Temper flaring, she yanked her hand free then poked him in the chest, once for each word. “Make. Up. Your. Bloody. Mind. We’re not dating, but you expect me to, what? Fawn over you like I’m some kind of arm candy for you to show off? You say you want my help and then you basically insult me with your warnings? You’re a jerk, Tyler Harrison.”

He folded his arms and stared her down.

“Justin is waiting outside.” She pointed out. “We should go.”

“You’re deliberately misunderstanding me…” he pulled a box off the back window ledge, “…and we don’t have time for more discussion. Put these on.”

She jerked open the slim case to discover a set of dazzling diamond jewelry. “What in the world?”

“Family workmanship. You will, of course, wear a sample of our craft any time we are in public.” She was still staring at the earrings and ring even as Tyler pulled the necklace free. “Turn your back so I can put this on you.”

Whoa. “Diamonds?”

“I’m the head of Dzinsen Diamonds. I assumed you knew.”

“You assume a lot of things.” Migrating moose on a pogo stick. She couldn’t even begin to estimate the value of what he’d so casually tossed her direction.

The cool weight of the stones landed on her chest, and again Caroline was caught off guard. She ignored the warnings, and the words of frustration she wanted to speak, instead removing her plain pearl earrings and replacing them with the dangling falls of diamonds, long enough they brushed her neck when she twisted her head.

Tyler had her hand, and before she could protest, he slipped on the immense ring that was part of the set. The motion made her uncomfortable for so many reasons.

Tyler’s face was unreadable. When he brushed her cheek she twitched before deliberately relaxing with a long exhale. He nodded in approval, his finger continuing down the side of her neck then along the cluster of shimmering diamonds. The end of the cascade nestled between her breasts, and she skipped a breath as his touch lingered there.

Why did she have to be so attracted to the damn beast when it was obvious he wasn’t a good match for her future?

He lifted his gaze to meet hers, and for a moment, just a moment, there was something there other than professionalism. Then a shadow rolled in, like he’d lowered a curtain, and the cool, collected man without a trace of humour was back.

Caroline pushed her questions aside and exited the limo. The only thing she was sure about was this evening was more complicated than she’d expected, and they were only starting.

Chapter Ten

He’d dealt with Caroline all wrong, but there was no changing the past few hours. No time to thrash himself for being an ass instead of allowing the fascination between them to run its course naturally.

Knowing why he’d been an idiot was one matter. Fixing his mistake was another, and in the middle of escorting her into the presence of his enemies wasn’t the time for self-flagellation.

The cool of the evening settled around them with the warning that even now winter was on its way. Caroline held his arm, but all her focus was on her feet as he guided her up stairs formed from vast chunks of granite.

Tyler tucked his elbow in, trapping her fingers between his arm and his warm torso. Her fingers rubbed the fine fabric of his suit, and he bit back his hum of approval. She was enjoying the intimacy of their position. There was no denying her body’s response. Even though she’d fussed and told him no, she was still interested.

He wouldn’t act on it immediately, but knowing the attraction was still there made him hopeful he hadn’t mucked up beyond all repair. Once they were in a better position to do something about their mutual fascination.

White-suited attendants opened doors and took her wrap. Justin crowded close as they were led out of the grand foyer toward open doors at least ten feet tall.

If an attendant had banged a mallet on the floor and announced their names a la royalty, he wouldn’t have been surprised. Their hosts for the evening had pulled out all the stops to make an impression.

The magnificent hall they entered was filled with delicate music, a four-piece ensemble tucked into the corner providing a live performance. The sparkle and shine of jewels twinkled everywhere. He bet Caroline had never seen a setting like this outside of a movie.

He was right. She whistled softly before muttering, “We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto.”

“What’s that?” Tyler leaned toward her, eager for a closer touch.

Caroline placed her lips an inch from his ear. “This is more elaborate than I expected.”

Tyler rested his fingers on her hand and squeezed reassuringly. “You can handle it. I know you can.”

She was tense, though. He regretted more than ever his screw-up during the planning portion of the evening. His bear snorted, pointing out that so far she hadn’t seemed to fail when it came to going completely on impulse.

“Tyler. There you are.”

Tyler turned them both to face the young man stepping closer, an impeccably dressed redhead on his arm. He spoke softly before the couple could reach them. “Jim and Lillie Halcyon. Our hosts.”

“Got it.” Caroline nodded, her face lighting up with an incredible smile.

Hosts, and his promised supporter. From Jim’s enthusiastic approach, it appeared the positive sentiment was still there. The men shook hands before Tyler introduced her. “Jim, Lillie. I don’t know if you’ve met Caroline Bradley before. She’s also local to Whitehorse.”

Jim lifted Caroline’s hand and kissed her fingers, his gaze pinned to her face. “I haven’t had the pleasure.”

Caroline remained polite, but her gaze darted between Jim’s wife and Tyler to see their reaction to what must have felt like an over-the-top greeting.

Lillie didn’t seem the least bit concerned, and Tyler made sure his own response remained neutral. Old-world charm was another built-in response bears used to stay in control.

In fact, their hostess clapped her hands in delight. “It’s lovely to finally meet you. I have heard your name. You spend time with the local wolves, correct?”

Caroline’s smile now contained a hint of amusement. “The Takhini pack and I go way back.”

Lillie threaded her arm around Caroline. “Let’s go find somewhere to chat, so the guys can do the political wrangling they are longing to get into.”

“They only just got here,” Jim admonished. “We can’t monopolize them this quickly.”

Lillie sighed dramatically as she released Caroline, and Caroline laughed.

Even as he corrected her, Jim made his words softer by pulling Lillie close and kissing her cheek. The honest affection between them confirmed what Tyler had heard. It also made him slip against Caroline, sliding a hand around her waist.

She tensed for a second before adjusting her stance to press closer. One palm skimmed his chest in plain view of their hosts as she adjusted his tie with familiarity. Warmth spread from where her breast nudged his open dinner jacket.

He wasn’t sure he liked how good she was at picking up clues, or if her astute moves would kill him by the end of the evening.

Caroline turned to Lillie. “Tell you what. After we’ve made our rounds, I’d love to join you.”

Lillie smiled. “I’ll be here.”

Jim motioned to the door. “Here, or somewhere close to here. We have more guests. Tyler”—he nodded briskly—“I look forward to visiting later as well. When you have time for a serious discussion.”

Their hosts stepped away to welcome the next couple.

Caroline allowed Tyler to guide her a few paces farther into the room. “That was both painfully formal and strangely comfortable. Nice people, though.”

“Halcyons? Definitely. They’ve been in the Whitehorse area since February.”

“Strange. I’ve never met them.”

Tyler shrugged. Her hand was warm and soft, and he definitely liked the sensation more than as a political necessity. “Not really. Bears don’t usually spend much time in public places. And that’s part of the reason this event is painfully formal. We know how to be brutes, or we know how to put on the Ritz. There’s not much between the two extremes.”

They were nearly across the wide expanse of floor, Justin dogging their steps as usual. Small clusters of people stood with drinks in hand, conversing in low tones. A quick glance showed everyone had arrived.

This was about the time things went to hell, at least historically. Sure enough, the next person to catch his eye was not really who he wanted to inflict upon Caroline.

“This will be unpleasant,” he warned. “That’s Todd Ainsworth waving at us. Wife is Amanda.”

“The enemy,” Caroline whispered dramatically. “Dun-dun-dun duhhhhh.”

Her smart-ass comment meant he wore a far wider grin than he usually could muster in Ainsworth’s presence.

The men shook hands and exchanged greetings, Caroline waiting politely. She smiled at Amanda opposite her. Tyler wasn’t shocked to see the other woman jerk her gaze away and ignore Caroline, all attention focused on the men as they spoke.

Caroline’s smile faded to be replaced with intense concentration.

Tyler debated breaking in and making introductions, but what would be the point? This was a great opportunity for her to witness the Ainsworth charm firsthand.

It wasn’t forever, not nearly as long as it must have felt to her, but the wait was a hell of a lot longer than it would be in normal human society before Todd turned his gaze toward her.

Even then he didn’t give Tyler an opportunity to introduce them. Todd kept talking, his gaze examining every inch of Caroline as if she were the arm candy she’d accused Tyler of wanting.

Tyler figured any second her fuck-it-all meter should kick in.

And there it was. Caroline shot her hand out. “Nice to meet you.”

She stood, hand suspended in midair, waiting for Todd to respond. Tyler figured the only possible thing that could motivate the ass to act out of character would be guilt at confusing the poor human.

Nope. Todd stared at her fingers as if she’d offered him a dead fish.

Caroline glanced at Amanda. Mrs. Ainsworth had pasted on a smile and was looking anywhere but at what was happening right in front of her.

Damn it all. Knowing what he did of Caroline, she was probably ready to stand there like a statue until Todd was forced to deal with her, but Tyler didn’t give her a chance.

He caught her hand and tugged it back to his side. “I see the others have all arrived.”

Todd mysteriously returned to life. “Yes, they’ll call us to dinner in a few minutes. We’ll talk later.”

Todd and Amanda vanished, the swirl of formal clothing gliding away as if jet-propelled.

Caroline sniffed before turning to Tyler. “That was weird. Do I have cooties or something?”

Tyler slowly led her across the floor toward a second set of doors, ignoring all the other couples murmuring madly together. “Todd Ainsworth at his finest.”

“The woman looks like a robot. Amanda isn’t nearly as happy as Lillie,” Caroline whispered. “Who is a more typical clan leader, Todd or Jim?”

“About half and half? Before you ask, it’s not a generational pattern, as far as I know. My father would never have treated my mother that way. Rumour has it Ainsworth makes his woman’s life hell.”

She glanced around the room, her expression thoughtful as she eyed the ladies clinging to their men. Tyler analyzed them as well, noting which of them were smiling mindlessly like a freaking bunch of Stepford wives.

He’d known the way some of the bears treated their ladies was an issue, but it had never registered this hard before. Not only because a bear gathering like this was a rare situation, but because he seldom had anyone on his arm.

Caroline made him more aware. Brought forward exactly how twisted the situation had become.

Caroline jerked Tyler to a stop, reaching down to fidget with her shoe. She leaned a hand on his chest to keep her balance, but the edge of her fist made contact harder than a casual balance situation would require.

He caught her elbow, both to help her and to stop her from repeating the thump. “What’s wrong?”

There could have been steam coming from her ears, but from a distance she probably looked as if she were staring at him in adoration, not one step away from ripping him a new one. “When this evening is over, I am so going to kick your ass for not telling me the things I needed to know. Like that you bears are a fraternity of misogynists.”

“I don’t hate women,” Tyler argued. He definitely didn’t hate this one, even though she made his blood pressure rise and fall like a roller coaster. He opened his mouth to say something else, but his chance was lost as they were summoned by a call from across the room. “And I apologized for not preparing you.”

She patted his cheek in a loving-like gesture that somehow also promised pain and suffering. “If that was your best shot at apologizing, you need to work on the art of the grovel. Don’t worry, I’ll give you plenty of time to practice. After we get through the rest of this oh-so-fascinating evening.”

Oh, shit. He could hardly wait.

Caroline kept hold of him as they moved toward the dining room. So far she’d said an official hello to four people and she was ready to go home.

Bears? Were crazy. Give her a nice wolf rumble any day. All this extreme politeness was getting on her nerves, because other than Lillie at the start, everyone was so painfully fake she was ready to gag.

Her sense of humour tweaked again, and part of her wanted to ignore the fancy setting, the upscale hairdo and outfit, and do something outrageous like pull a cartwheel down the middle of the high-gloss parquet flooring.

Of course the outfit she wore meant handsprings were damn near impossible without spilling tits and ass everywhere, and that wasn’t quite the what-the-hell image she was going for.

Only the prospect of actual food made the next portion of the evening palatable. Caroline was starving. It was hours past her usual dinnertime, and with the chaos of the day, she just remembered she’d skipped lunch.

Lillie caught her arm, snuggling in close and pulling her from Tyler’s grasp. “Come with me until they seat us?”

Tyler smiled indulgently at Lillie, the young woman obviously not considered a threat. “You’re stealing my dinner partner.”

“Only for a few minutes.” Lillie dimpled sweetly. “If that’s okay?”

“Of course it’s okay.” Caroline answered for herself, winking at Tyler in a fit of forgiveness.

He startled upright, blinking hard for a second, then this wonderful smile spread across his face. Anticipation? Hope?

Caroline turned her back and ignored him.

“We really do only have a minute, but come, visit with me.” Lillie led her to a corner of the room where an oversized couch filled the recessed space. Even in her formal gown, the woman curled up elegantly, legs under her. “I thought it would be entertaining to host one of the events, but Jim was right. They’re all boring. And stuffy. Except you and Tyler.”

Caroline’s cheeks warmed at the praise. “Well, I’m glad you like us.”

Lillie caught her by the hands. “Will you live in Whitehorse after you get married? I hope so. I’d love to have—”

Caroline shot up a hand to stop Lillie’s flood of words, because she couldn’t seem to speak through the knot in her own throat. “Married?” she croaked.

Lillie blinked. Then frowned. “Umm, did I make a mistake? I thought that’s what Jim told me…”

What was the correct response here? Caroline was caught between a rock and hard place. Neither response that sprang to mind, i.e. what the fuck? or hell, no! was the right one, not if she was going to knuckle down and help Tyler in spite of himself.

So she didn’t answer. Just took her cue from her new friend’s earlier enthusiasm and damn near instant bear hug. Caroline cuddled into Lillie’s side and looked over the room. “They are a stuffy lot, aren’t they? Here I thought wolves were pretentious at times.”

“The Takhini pack is funny.” Lillie laid her head on Caroline’s shoulder. “I heard the lot of them turned to wolves once and had races down Main Street. Someone had to get them out of the dog catchers after that.”

Yeah, that would have been Caroline, but Lillie didn’t need to know details. “Wolves like dares and bets far too much.”

“Bears like bets,” Lillie added. “I suppose it’s a little like this silly voting thing. It’s safer than people getting clawed to bits.”

She said it so plainly, not as if the alternative was a bloodthirsty option.

Caroline adjusted position so she could examine her new best friend. “You’re a shifter, aren’t you?”

“Of course.” Lillie rubbed her cheek on Caroline’s. “Black bear. Jim wasn’t expecting that, since he’s a grizzly, but for an arranged marriage, I think things have turned out marvelously.”

Caroline’s tongue was tied in a knot. Oh, the things she was learning—the curve balls kept coming. “You two do seem to be compatible.”

Lillie glanced over the room, sighing contentedly when she spotted her husband. “I adore him. And he’s been incredible. And the sex. I mean, bears have that ability to just keep going and going.”

Caroline was glad they were in the shadows to hide her flushed cheeks. She might be used to wolves talking all sex, all the time, but this was different. The way she felt about Tyler changed things, and she hadn’t had a real chance to find out any details for herself yet.

Lillie’s nose wrinkled. “Poor Amanda. I tried to rescue her, but she’s trapped with Mr. Stick in the Mud.”

Caroline followed the bear’s gaze to discover Amanda was indeed, stuck. Clutching her husband’s arm and gazing glassy-eyed around her as he controlled yet another conversation. For a second, their eyes met, hers and Amanda’s, and the utter hopelessness in them made Caroline’s heart ache.

Damn bastard. Tyler hadn’t lied when he’d said the man was a tyrant. His wife looked miserable, beyond being bored to tears.

“She’s on a tight leash, isn’t she?” Caroline asked, staring harder as Amanda’s half-jacket shifted position, and what appeared to be a dark shadow became visible on her arm.

Dammit, dammit, dammit.

“We’ll try to rescue her again after dinner. We might have a better shot while the men go off and smoke. Or whatever they do in Jim’s man-cave.”

“That sounds like a good idea—”

The rest was lost under a roar. The doors that had been partially closed slammed open on one side, an enormous ball of fur flying across the room toward the main gathering.

Holy shit, it was a bear. Caroline scrambled upright, sticking to the shadows.

Lillie sighed.

“There goes dinner.” She turned to Caroline even as she stripped off her shimmering black dress, totally ignoring her nudity. “You should probably stay here and hide, okay? I need to go help my husband.”

“No problem.” Caroline reached under her skirt for the knife holster she’d insisted Monsieur Fancy Pants find a way for her to wear. A switchblade against a full-grown bear wasn’t much help, but it was better than nothing.

Plus, her sister the vet had taught her a couple of good moves.

Lillie shifted, her bear form smaller than the one who’d stormed across the room, but a hell of a lot bigger than Caroline. Somehow even in her other form she was still Lillie, an adorable tilt to her head as she nudged Caroline gently with her shoulder before racing into the room.

Below her, grown men seemed at first to be backing away from danger. Only a closer inspection revealed they were creating distance between each other to rip off the tracings of sophistication. Clothes were abandoned everywhere in the race to shift.

The bear who’d started the violence had a human form under his paws. Caroline waited, her heart in her throat, as she recognized a familiar-looking suit being torn to shreds. Only the flying fabric wasn’t from the attacking bear doing the damage, it was from Tyler shifting. He roared in anger and flipped his attacker to the floor.

Chaos reigned in the elegant room. A mass of furry bodies swiped razor-sharp claws at each other, howls of pain and snarls of rage filling the air.

The servants had retreated to the edges of the room or vanished altogether, fleeing through smaller doors and closing them firmly behind themselves. Caroline eyed the still-open grand entrance and estimated how long it would take for her to sprint the distance. Calculating if it was worth the risk.

So far the fighting remained focused far from her, but she had no guarantees it would stay there. A couple clasped together in a ball of bloody fur rolled toward her escape route, and Caroline’s hopes fell.

A flash of fur appeared to her right, and she swung her knife hand instinctively, jerking the blade back as she recognized the smaller-than-a-bear silver coat.

“Shaun, you idiot. I nearly skewered you.”

He grinned briefly, his sharp teeth flashing white, then turned and stood as a sentinel between her and the bears.

Great. If the bruins did decide to come her direction one of her favourite wolves could get hurt. There had to be another solution. She spotted Tyler systematically working his way through a mass of fighters, headed in her direction.

He’d promised to come for her, and he was keeping his word. In the meantime? She wasn’t sitting on a tuffet and waiting.

The beautiful dress she wore was about to become an issue, as would the shoes. She kicked her heels off then grabbed the skirt of her dress, wrapping the material around her waist to get the long swath of fabric out of her way.

“Once I make it to a safe spot, you get out of here,” she ordered Shaun, returning her knife blade to the holster.

He wagged his tail.

What she had in mind was insanity of a new sort. She put a hand to the decorative brickwork behind her, caught the edge of a protrusion with a toe and made her first move up the wall.

She figured using the light sconce, the bricks and a bit of luck she could make it to the ledge about twenty feet up. High enough no one should be able to get at her.

Caroline reached for a hold when a set of hands closed around her waist, jerking a curse from her lips. She swung a fist, only to have it captured in a huge hand as she was twisted in place, held firmly against Tyler’s naked body.

“You can beat me up later. Let’s get out of here.” A smear of blood on his face made him look like a pirate. He spoke quietly, keeping the attention off them. “I’m going to shift. Climb on my back and hold on as tight as you can.”

Good grief, he was serious. The wall of muscle in front of her vanished as he dropped to all fours and simultaneously shifted. Instead of Tyler’s muscular chest and gorgeous…everything, there was a massive grizzly bear with a thick coat of fur. He glanced over his shoulder as if to tell her to hurry.

The fighting remained loud and violent, and he didn’t have to warn her twice. She crawled onto his back and leaned down, fisting his fur, thighs wrapped around his torso as far as possible. Together, Shaun and Tyler shot forward, headed for the door.

It was a strange sensation, riding a bear. Caroline had ridden horses, but every pace Tyler took involved his torso far more than a horse. As he moved, she moved, the room passing in a blur. To one side, Shaun leapt at an attacker, his teeth sinking into a forepaw and pulling a scream of anger from the bear. Tyler used the distraction to dodge the few bears standing between them and freedom.

Caroline glanced back in time to see Shaun escape through a gap, his smaller body ducking easily around the bears’ larger forms. Tyler leapt over a fighting pair, and Caroline gritted her teeth as she clung for dear life, a grunt escaping her as they landed and Tyler increased his pace.

They were out the front doors and into the darkness. Tyler turned them away from the main road, heading into the trees.

Caroline held on, nestling tighter to the warm fur under her. There was nothing to do except wait and trust.

Chapter Eleven

It was the first time Tyler remembered leaving a fight before it was over. He slowed his pace, working to maintain a level surface for Caroline to rest on as he glided silently through the trees.

He’d never left, but then he’d never had someone to protect before either.

When the bear had charged across the room he’d been distracted, checking to make sure Caroline was still in the protected alcove where she and Lillie had settled. The short lapse of attention had been enough he’d found himself under his attacker, his tie the only thing he’d removed in time.

Blast it. He had really hoped they could use diplomacy to end this thing. Instead, people like Ainsworth were calling the shots. From the bits and pieces Tyler had heard during the short visit, Clan Lucerne was being encouraged to be far too aggressive.

Which put him here, in the bush, a shivering human on his back.

They weren’t far from Whitehorse, not via the route he could take. He topped the ridge and found them a sheltered spot out of the wind, giving her a moment to crawl off before he shifted.

The moonlight shone on the remains of her fancy dress, highlighting her shimmering hair. She was a wood nymph in the beams of silvery light.

Caroline folded her arms. He held her to his torso to provide warmth. “You okay?”

“I’m not the one who was being mauled.” She skimmed her hands over him. A light, delicate touch that turned him on far faster than it should.

“Save that for when we’re somewhere warmer.”

Her expression tightened as she otherwise ignored his suggestion. “Where are you hurt?”

Fuck it. He grabbed her hand off his ribs. “Caroline, stop it.”

Her other hand continued to torment him. “You were crazy. I thought he was ripping you apart. Oh…”

If she wanted so badly to find something that was wrong, he’d help her. He pressed her fingers lower until her palm covered his erection. “This is the only thing hurting. I doubt you want to do something about it here and now. I stopped to find out where you want to go. The hotel, your apartment? Where?”

She softened in his arms, cuddling in as she shivered. “I’m sorry, I should have known. Not the hotel—it’s too far into Whitehorse for you to make it in your bear, or as a naked man. The apartment is against the tree line. You really plan to carry me the entire way?”

He cradled her to his chest, the flutter of her heartbeat making something inside him quiver. “If I head south we’ll be there in no time. The road had to curve around the mountain. We can go straight down. Look.” He pointed through the trees, and sure enough, the shimmer of city lights answered back.

“That’s closer than I thought.” Her teeth chattered.

Tyler caught her by the chin as he held her against him, savouring her warmth and the scent of her attraction that she was powerless to hide. “You’ll be okay. I’ll take you home.”

He should have stepped away, should have moved immediately to shift, but this called him. The wild part inside him needed a taste, and as she caught his shoulders and lifted her head willingly, he brought their mouths together.

Their last kiss had been violent. Rough, nearly a fight. This was surprisingly soft, shared warmth and passion. Exploring and trying to get closer to each other. He held her, his hands full of her ass, tempted to grind her over his erection but the steady thrill of her hands over his shoulders was enough, for now at least.

They pulled back at the same moment, breathless. Panting. Caroline glanced away and brought her fingers to her lips.

Tyler rubbed his thumb over her swollen bottom lip. “I’m glad nothing happened to you.”

He let her go reluctantly, the cool wind whipping around them bringing a familiar scent. “If you get too cold while we’re moving, call out and let me know. I’ll stop to warm you up.”

She smiled. “If you stop to warm me, we might never get home.”

The light in her eyes had changed from the denial she’d given him in the lingerie shop. The passion and the fire were back and not directed at turning him away, but burning him up along with her.

He shifted as fast as possible, the solid weight of his bear mind sending up reassurances that together they’d protect her. Care for her. Carry her to safety.

His human couldn’t wait to get her home.

The trees went dark with shadows, the moonlight playing peek-a-boo through the tall timbers. Somewhere behind him, a set of footfalls hit the dirt in a rapid rhythm. Her wolf guard, the one he’d scented when they’d stopped.

Good to know the man had made it out of the mess in one piece. Tyler had no desire to start a war with the local wolves. He’d actually been glad of the help in getting Caroline to safety.

Only once they reached the outskirts of town, Tyler was pleased their shadow faded away, heading toward the Takhini pack house instead of staying on their tail.

What he had hopes for needed no chaperone.

He paused, not sure where the best place to shift would be. On his back, Caroline lifted herself upright, her warmth vanishing from where she’d been lying. “More to the right. There’s a path that leads to the edge of the yard.”

He followed her directions, slipping farther into civilization than he’d usually go in his bear form. It seemed the lights had been deliberately aimed in this section, allowing him to see his way without being spotlighted.

“Stop beside the garden shed.”

He slowed, reluctant to allow her to crawl off, but eager to get to the next stage of the game. He shifted as she opened the combination lock and slipped inside the small building.

“How do we get into the apartment?”

She pulled a Rubbermaid tote forward, popping open the lid. “Emergency supplies. Here…” She handed him a dark blue robe. “You’ll have to go in bare feet, but at least you won’t be arrested for indecent exposure.”

He slipped on one sleeve before catching her staring, her cheeks rosy red. “Are you blushing or cold?”

She ignored him and fumbled in the bottom of the tote. “Don’t distract me. I need to find the extra key.”

He stepped behind her, wrapping his arms around and pressing their bodies together. “Distract you? How could I do that?”

She had this crazy habit of growling that turned him on. Hard. The wiggle of her hips did nothing to discourage him either.

“Found them.” She lifted a key ring in the air in triumph.

He pressed his lips to her neck as he slid a hand over her belly, loving the way she trembled under his touch. “Congrats. That’s wonderful news.”

She shivered and moaned, laying her head on his shoulder. “God, I want to hit you with something. But I also want you to throw me on the ground and fuck me blind. I’m an idiot.”

He controlled his rush of excitement at her words. “You’re reacting to the danger of the evening and the attraction between us. How about somewhere between the two options?”

“I throw you to the ground?”

He helped her ease the tote back into position, curling his hand around her fingers and the key. “Invite me upstairs. We’ll work out the details as we go.”

For one horrid moment he thought she would refuse, she stood silently for so long, ignoring his caresses.

Then she turned in his arms and smiled. “This might be a huge mistake, but come on.”

Her desire had a flavour. Sex. Addictive sex. The entire way across the lawn to the backdoor entrance of the apartment, Caroline wondered if she’d caught some kind of moon fever.

Silvery light shimmered off his dark hair as he waited for her to punch in the combination to the security door. His hand on her lower back burned, a furnace-like source of heat.

She’d admit it. She’d been scared, but fear had switched far too quickly into resignation. Bears rampaging in a dining hall? Yawn. Simply another situation to deal with.

Maybe her life had held one too many unpredictable shifter event after another. Nothing surprised her for long, not anymore. Nothing shocked her. It wasn’t a human trait to be so nonchalant about death and dying, but she really couldn’t muster anything more at this moment than a pulse of erotic desire.

She was turned on, and that was nearly as appalling as her lack of fear. They’d survived, and now all she could think of was the size of his muscles and the heat radiating from him as they stood nearly skin to skin.

He followed her to her sister’s apartment. Allowed her to open the door. There wasn’t the same kind of instant up-against-the-wall response from either of them like had happened the last time. Instead, he marched in and looked around carefully.

Her feet were sore, she was cold to the core from being outside in a sliver of satin for over an hour, and she still felt as if she were on fire.

He was a rather potent animal.

Tyler turned back to her, his expression unreadable. “This isn’t your apartment. You don’t live here.”

Strange thing to comment on. She flipped a hand in the air. “My sister’s. She’s gone north with her partner. I needed a place to stay, and she won’t mind.”

He stalked closer. “Why do you need a new place to stay?”

“Does it matter?” His eyes flashed, and she hurried to explain, not wanting to lose the edge of passion burning in the air. “I’m not being a smart-ass. I meant that for real. It doesn’t matter why, only this is a safe place. I want to see to your injuries.”

He scooped her up and carried her protesting body into the back of the apartment. “I have no injuries. Between Justin, your guard and a bit of good luck, I’m unscathed.”

When he ignored the bedroom and took the bathroom door instead, Caroline was disappointed. Until he lowered her to the floor and flipped on the shower. “Strip.”

The dark blue robe she’d loaned him was already coming off. Caroline untied the knot at her waist, swallowing hard at the new expression in his eyes. The one that said she was a bowl of oatmeal at just the right temperature.

Taking off the diamond earrings and necklace gave her a moment to breathe. She fidgeted as she placed them on the bathroom counter, attempting to regain her composure. “I’m glad nothing happened to these. I seem to have ruined the gown.”

“You didn’t ruin anything.” Tyler grasped the neckline and ripped the garment the rest of the way so it gaped open at the front. “I like unwrapping my presents.”

Steam filled the small room, wafting past his thick torso and covering his solid body. He pushed the fabric from her shoulders and observed closely as it puddled to the ground.

A delighted grin erupted as she stood in the new panties and bra he’d bought her—was it only earlier that evening?

Instead of caressing the bits of lace and satin still covering her, his fingers trickled over her thigh and the knife strapped there. “A woman of many talents and surprises. I like this, Caroline Bradley.”

She shivered, this time from his touch, not the cold. He dropped to his knees and took his time undoing the buckle on the sheath. He touched his lips to her skin and branded her, a shot driving from where his mouth landed straight into her core.

Before she found the power to speak, he’d removed her knife, laying it carefully on the counter before turning back to examine her.

“Tell me this is a one-night stand.” Caroline cursed the words even as they escaped. If he stopped she’d self-implode, only she didn’t want fancy promises given or assumed.

“This is whatever we make it.” He caught a finger in the edge of her panties and tugged them lower an inch at a time, his gaze fixed on her sex.

Good answer.

Gazing down at him, she was distracted enough to let this happen. Forget being tough and reacting on impulse to fix things. Forget planning and plotting to do the right thing. She wanted to feel alive and excited, and the man kneeling at her feet was sexy enough to have her panting before he’d done more than caress her skin.

He touched his lips just above her mound, breathing deeply. “This is what you want. What your body wants, what I want to give to you.”

Another open-mouthed kiss, this time on her curls, and Caroline caught his head in her hands in an attempt to stay on her feet.

He hummed in approval. “So eager. I am as well, but first things first.”

She stifled the whimper wanting to escape when he stood, but he didn’t leave her. Simply reached around, and her bra vanished.

“You guys are good at that. Undressing, I mean.” Caroline swallowed as he let the material fall to the floor, hands remaining to cradle the sides of her breasts.

“Occupational benefit.” He lifted her breasts, his thumbs teasing her nipples. The tips were already tight peaks, and his caress made them tingle.

She wanted more. Wanted to watch him lean closer and use his mouth. His lips. His tongue. Anything that would increase the pressure building inside her.

What she got was a quick ride through the air into the shower, the heat of the water smarting as it warmed her chilled toes and hands. “Oh, Lordy, that feels good.”

Tyler chuckled as he stepped into the tub beside her, his bulk barely fitting into the normal-sized enclosure. “Those are the kind of noises I want to hear when it’s me causing them, not a simple shower.”

He was a fine, fine looking man. Caroline stepped back to give him room and allow the spray to break over her shoulder onto his chest. The water poured down his torso, rivulets teasing through the trail of hair leading to his cock. His very erect cock.

Tyler outright laughed this time. “You just sighed again. Like what you see?”

She wasn’t going to lie. “You make me crazy, Tyler. I shouldn’t want you so badly.”

“Who says?” Tyler caught her close, water streaming between their torsos. His erection tight to her ass as he turned her and settled her against his chest. “Who says it’s wrong for me to want to admire your beautiful body? Like your breasts—damn, tonight when you walked across the room I wanted you to be naked so I could enjoy these.” He cupped her, this time able to hold her completely, thumb and forefingers playing lightly with her nipples.

Caroline rested her hands on his hips to keep her balance, her head on his shoulder. “You bears are insane. Do you think anyone got seriously hurt?”

His teeth caught the rim of her ear, and she shuddered. “No more politics. Forget them. Tomorrow will be soon enough. Your guard is safe, so is mine. That’s all we need to worry about. Concentrate on us.”

“Forget politics, hmm?” She really shouldn’t interrupt him when he was caressing her breasts so perfectly. Not when he adjusted position to reach farther down her body, no doubt aiming at her sex. She’d never been very good at making herself shut up, though. “Is this Political Necessity, what we’re doing right now?”

He cupped her sex, rubbing lightly. “You’re never going to let me forget that comment, are you?”

“Well, it was kind of memorable. Oh…”

He’d slipped a finger into her. “I’ll have to give you something more memorable to replace it with, then.”

The finger went deeper, spreading her, filling her. “Keep going, you’re doing grand.”

He thrust all the way in, the rest of his hand under her, his thumb centered over her clit. A slow, even rhythm of withdrawing and thrusting made her shake on unsteady legs. Especially when he added a second finger, spreading her wider, his thick digits driving her toward release.

“Oh, Tyler.” She dug her nails into his skin and pulsed her hips against his hand, wanting something more to send her over.

His free hand caught a breast and tweaked the nipple, hard, one side then the other. Caroline moaned as her core tightened on his fingers, trying to hold him in place even as he stroked her through her orgasm.

All traces of cold had vanished. She felt as if she was floating, and maybe she was.

Yes, he was carrying her again, out of the shower and into a huge towel, his touch gentle as he dried her.

She was far warmer and more relaxed than a moment before, but she wasn’t satisfied. Especially not when he dried himself, his cock bouncing against his belly as he moved.

Caroline reached for him, but he caught her by the wrist. “Uh-uh. No touching until we find a bed. Because the next time I start, I’m not stopping until we’re both boneless, and I find lying on bathroom floors highly overrated.”

They caught each other’s gaze, and Caroline smiled at the honest appreciation he wore. “That’s the kind of expression I like to see.”

“Enjoy it, you’ll be too lightheaded in five minutes to see anything clearly.”

“Promises, promises…” She turned and ran for the bedroom, figuring he’d like the pursuit as much as she’d like to be chased.

She made it to the door before he nabbed her. Scooped her up and tossed her toward the bed, throwing himself after her. They landed in a mass of limbs and body parts, rubbing together in a frenzy.

“You’re lucky this bed is reinforced for shifter weight,” Caroline teased.

“You’re lucky this bed is strong enough to take what we’re going to do on it.” He stretched over her, pinning her to the mattress. Caroline found her wrists caught in an inescapable clasp. He pulled her hands overhead, the position stretching her torso and making her arch her back. Her breasts rose and he licked his lips.

Anticipation made her breathing grow thinner, her torso shaking as he lowered his head to suck her nipple into his mouth.

She pressed against him. “Yes.”

He answered with a firmer tug of his lips and a happy hum. He drove her crazy for a while, flicking his tongue lightly over the tip, pulsing his lips closed and drawing harder, before releasing and starting all over again.

And this talented bear? With his free hand he was exploring the tender skin on her hip. Fingers edging in circles closer and closer to her sex.

“I want to touch you,” she complained.

“You will.” He mumbled the words against her breasts as if he couldn’t bear to leave them. “Caroline. Do you want me to use a condom?”

Where exactly could he possibly have such things hidden? And there would be none in her sister’s bathroom either, as both Shelley and her partner were shifters.

Lucky for Tyler, she had it covered. “No need. You’re a shifter—no disease—and I’m on birth control.”

His forehead crashed to her chest for a second as he muttered, “Thank God.”

She laughed. “You didn’t have a condom, did you? If I’d said we needed one?”

He lifted up on his elbows, searching her face, passion heating her even as he spoke. “I promise I will never hurt you, and I’ll always protect you. And that means yes, if you’d said we needed a condom, I would have made you happy but stopped from having sex.”

“Good thing one of us is prepared,” Caroline teased, lifting a leg and running her calf up the back of his thigh. She rocked her hips, bumping his thick erection against her.

His eyes darkened. “And not hurting you means making sure you’re ready.”

“I’m ready. I’m ready,” she insisted.

He licked his lips. “Oh, you will be, I promise that as well.”

A single-minded assault began as he determinedly worked his way down her body. He didn’t have to worry, though; she wouldn’t protest. Oral sex from a shifter was a form of paradise she’d sworn to never deny herself. They were truly talented with their tongues.

“Oh. My. Word.”

He had her pinned with one hand and with no warning had opened her thighs with his broad shoulders, falling on her as if he were starving. Long licks from her core to her clit, a teasing circle then another stroke. Caroline happily widened her legs to give him room to work.

He lifted her to his mouth, lapping intimately, one hand holding her in place. Somehow he got his fingers involved again, pressing against her clit until she gasped for air, teetering on exploding.

He slipped his hand away and covered her clit with his mouth and sucked, and she broke, pleasure enveloping her.

“Tyler, oh yes.”

He was over her before the first peak faded, broad cock at her opening. He held her thigh to one side and pressed in, a second pulse of pleasure accompanying his entrance.

She stared at him, his face tense with restraint; pleasure there as well as he sank deeper one rock at a time. She was being stretched so good, his cock teasing aftershocks from her.

When he buried himself all the way, their groins finally meshed, she squeezed her eyes shut to soak in the sensation.

“Caroline, you’re incredible.” The words whispered beside her ear. He was on his elbows over her, his hips moving slowly as he withdrew his cock then slipped in again. “So tight around me. So wet and perfect. Lift your legs and hold me.”

She obeyed instantly, crossing her ankles and groaning as the new angle moved him deeper.

“Yes.” He swiveled his hips, and a zing of something extra thrilled up her spine. She must have gasped or groaned or hoorayed yes, because his focus narrowed to her and nothing else. “Oh, you like that, do you?”

“Again,” she ordered. Panted. Wheezed. The word was barely comprehensible, but he seemed to know what she was begging for. Because he repeated the move. And again, teasing her inside where she never remembered feeling before. Like he’d found the magic button people always talked about, and she never knew she’d been missing.

Sex before this? She’d enjoyed. She’d enjoyed a lot. But with every thrust, Tyler erased what had come before and made her see stars. Everywhere.

“Breathe, Caroline,” he laughed. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Don’t stop,” she begged, certain if he wavered this magical event would vanish like rain in the desert.

“Don’t worry.” He gave another thrust that made her ears tingle. The next one, the top of her head. “This feels too good to stop any time soon.”

Lillie’s comment about Energizer Bunny Bears echoed in her memory, and Caroline relaxed. Her entire lower body was along for the ride as he worked her over, leaning on one elbow to free a hand.

She was sure he’d go for her breasts, because, hello, consistency in a male was to be appreciated. Then he shocked her by slipping his hand under her head and cradling her neck, lowering his mouth over hers and kissing her tenderly. His tongue explored lazily even as his cock pierced her in two.

Tenderness mixed with incredible passion. A soft kiss pressed to the corner of her mouth as he rocketed his cock into her core, and that extra motion broke her. Her climax hit, washing her with passion as he kissed her one more time then came, his release shaking his torso as he held himself from crushing her.

“Sweet Caroline.” The words whispered against her lips, and she smiled, even as the delight shuddering through her made the room go fuzzy.

Chapter Twelve

When his arm strength gave out, he managed to drop to the side and not on top of her. Caroline cuddled in, resting her head on his shoulder, her fingers moving in small circles as she played with his chest hair.

“That was incredible.” She exhaled in a long, low rush. “Although, I’m still not sure why it happened.”

His bear rolled upward and suggested taking her for a few more rounds so she’d stop with the thinking so much. Tyler kind of agreed with the beast this time. “You need me to explain sexual attraction?”

She leaned up on an elbow, her blonde hair falling in a curtain over her shoulder as her gaze searched him thoroughly. “Oh, I understand sex. I’m still not sure why I wanted it so badly with you.”

A myriad of answers waited to be shared, but none of them were as important as clearing the air. He brushed her cheek with his knuckles. “You’re more to me than a political necessity.”

Some of the softness left her face. “Go on.”

Tyler crossed his arms under his head and stared up at the ceiling, trying to put his thoughts into order. “You saw Lillie tonight.”

“She’s lovely. I hope she didn’t get hurt in the fight.”

Tyler shook his head. “I saw Jim and her ducking out. She’ll be fine, and he’s head over heels with her, so you can be sure he’ll take good care of her.”

“Turned out well for an arranged marriage.”

Damn. “I should have guessed you’d have ferreted out secrets even in the short time before the party blew up. Yes, their marriage was arranged, just like my brother Frank’s.”

She leaned higher, a question in her eyes. “Frank? Really? That must have been successful as well, because I heard he left civilization when she died.”

Tyler nodded. “In the clans, arranged marriages are common. We’re not like packs who gather together en mass. Usually the clans are spread over a wide area, and chances of finding another bear and falling in love are low.”

Her eyes widened, horror filling them. “You’re not engaged to someone, are you?”

Shit. He caught her before she could crawl off and take away her warmth. “No, of course not. I wouldn’t have taken you to bed if I had another woman. I’ve been avoiding making a commitment because I was too busy traveling for the family business and, more recently, running the show.”

“Evan mentioned you had taken over. I’m sorry, did your father pass away recently?”

“Last year.” Tyler paused. “And it wasn’t my father who died.”

She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

Tyler forced out the words. “My mother died. My father has been devastated by her loss. He’s a shadow of the man he was before.”

Caroline sat upright, and in spite of the seriousness of the moment, his gaze involuntarily went to her breasts. She jerked a T-shirt from under the pillow and pulled it over her head while his bear complained bitterly.

“Stop rumbling. We need to talk and eat, and naked isn’t a good idea for that,” Caroline scolded as she scrambled off the bed and headed to the closet.

“Naked works fine by me, although food would be welcome.” He admired her legs and the curve of her ass peeking out from under the tail of her shirt. “Your sister won’t have anything for me to wear.”

“Her partner might, or you can use the robe again.”

“I don’t see what’s wrong with naked,” he grumbled, accepting the pair of sweatpants she thrust at him.

“I’ll make eggs and toast. You can squeeze some oranges.”

She was gone in a blur of motion. Out the door, leaving behind only the scent of their lovemaking.

Tyler sat on the edge of the bed and wondered what had just happened. He’d been all ready to make a full confession about why he’d been an ass, and she’d cut him off. He thought women liked conversations about emotions.

His bear snickered.


By the time he’d joined her in the kitchen, she had a pan heating on the stove and the carton of eggs open. Toaster loaded with bread. “You have everything under control?”

She snorted. “Always.”

He opened the fridge and looked for oranges. “I’m a lousy date. Took you out for dinner and never fed you.”

“Look on the bright side, the entertainment was good.”

He eyed her as she cracked eggs into the pan, studiously avoiding his gaze. Okay, it wasn’t just his imagination. She really was acting weird.

Maybe her blood sugar was low or something. He followed directions as she ordered him around the kitchen, even though he did know how to use both a knife and a hand juicer.

He let her ramble about inconsequential things, answering her generic questions regarding Dzinsen Diamonds. Not until she’d cleaned her plate did he push his own away and lean back in his chair.

“I know we didn’t have much time before things blew up, but what are your thoughts on the gathering tonight?”

“Other than the idiot who turned it into a punching match? Todd Ainsworth is an ass. I think he’s abusing Amanda.”

Dammit. “Chances are, yes, he is. What else?”

She swirled the last inch of orange juice in her glass and stared at the liquid. “Bears are protective of their women. Far more than they need to be, if Lillie’s instant response to the attack is any indication.”

He paused. “I agree with you that we’re protective. It’s in our nature.”

She blew a raspberry at him. “There you go again, blaming it on your instincts. Why do you shifters do that? Everyone who is not broken wants to protect those they love, whether they’re human or shifter. Bears don’t have a monopoly on protective reflexes.”

“Can I blame the overprotective part on being a bear?”

“Nope. You can blame that on being an idiot. I know some women need more encouragement, and even coddling, than others, but then again, so do some guys. By cutting off an entire section of your population, you are losing out big-time in harnessing their skills and enthusiasm.”

Tyler stared at her. “You got all this out of barely forty-five minutes in the presence of conclave members?”

She held up her hand and flicked off fingers. “The party, the limo ride, the lingerie shop, dinner last night, our little meet-and-greet in the hotel…”

Damn. “So what’s the solution?”

Caroline stacked their dirty plates then carried them to the counter. “You need to win this thing, so when you do the territorial fixes, you can smack sense into the guys who need it. Someone like Jim Halcyon—he won’t argue if you suggest he and his clan join the twenty-first century.”

“No, he won’t.”

She leaned a hip on the counter. “Todd Ainsworth, on the other hand, should be locked up somewhere for a very long time.”

“Locked up?” That was a shocker. “I would have thought you’d suggest something painful, or an even more permanent solution to rid ourselves of the wonder that is Todd.”

“I didn’t say where I’d lock him up, did I? Or who I’d lock him up with.”

There was the bloodthirsty woman his bear so appreciated. Tyler took a long slow look, starting at her bare feet and working his way up to her eyes. “I want your help to win this, but I was afraid to let you become more than an assistant.”

“You don’t have to tell me why—”

“I do.” He stood and crowded her, one hand on either side on the counter to trap her in position. “You’re pushing me away when I want to explain. I thought I needed to grovel?”

She avoided his eyes. “I changed my mind.”

“That’s not an answer.”

Caroline planted her hands on his chest and attempted to shove him back. “I don’t want to know why you were keeping me at arm’s length. It’s no big deal. The sex thing is fine, and I’ll help you at the next gathering, but—”

She wasn’t getting it, so he shut her up the only way he could think of. He kissed her. Open mouths together, his tongue stopping hers.

Instead of applying pressure to escape, she was soon sliding her hands around his chest and dragging her nails down his back. They had no difficulties in the physical-compatibility department, that was for certain.

He broke them apart and leaned their foreheads together. “Listen to me. I like you. I want to see where this can go between us, not only for conclave.”

Caroline shook her head. “I don’t want a new boyfriend.”

Tyler hesitated over her word choice. “A new boyfriend? You just broke up with someone. That’s why you’re living in your sister’s apartment.”

She wiggled uncomfortably.

“I don’t get it. If you’re not dating someone, then why not make it official and date me? You like me, right?”

“Of course I do. We had sex. I don’t fool around with guys I don’t care about.”

He narrowed his gaze. “Are you trying to escape someone? Was your last boyfriend more like Todd than Jim?”

Her jaw gaped open before she pulled herself together. “Hell, no. Evan is—”

“Evan? As in the leader of the Takhini pack?” Tyler’s hackles went up. “What did he do to you? I’ll kill him.”

She smacked a hand against her forehead. “What is with you Alpha dudes? Stop interrupting and listen to my words. I do not need you doing anything to Evan. I don’t need you doing anything in my life. Get it, my life. Me, in charge.”

Tyler calmed himself. “Sorry, instinctive reaction.”

She narrowed her glare. “You say the word instinct one more time, and I swear I will hurt you.”

This time when she shoved him Tyler stepped back, setting her free to pace the living room. “I’m sorry for misunderstanding, but what does that have to do with why you won’t officially go out with me?”

Caroline leaned her head on the window, staring into the darkness of the night. “I’ve been a human in a wolf pack for ages. I’ve done things to make myself important. I’ve worked hard and fought for my position, like any wolf would. And I’m tired of it. I want some time to myself. No shifters to make happy, no rules to follow or worry about breaking. I can’t have that, not with you needing my help, but I can certainly avoid being an official girlfriend and all the extra shit that would bring with it.”

“I feel guilty for dragging you into this, but I still fail to see why being with me isn’t a plus. I’m not more work.”

“Ha.” The derision in her tone rippled across the room like a cold splash of water. “You’re one of the worst types. You don’t think you’re a lot of work, but what you really want is everything. All my attention, all my focus. Admit it. At least acknowledging it would be one step in making a difference in this conversation.”

“You want honesty?” Tyler moved in on her. “I didn’t want to ask you to be my date for real because I was afraid I was too attracted to you. If it’s just business, I could tell myself it’ll be all over in a week. That I don’t have to worry about getting attached, falling in love, and then losing you.”

Caroline’s legs wouldn’t hold her any longer. She collapsed on to the couch and stared at Tyler in shock. “Are you ever leaping to conclusions there, bucko. From a date to falling in love in three easy steps. That’s not normal.”

He was the one pacing the room now, frustration in his every move. “Maybe not for a human, but I’m a bear.”

He continued to stride back and forth, much like her thoughts bounced in her brain. That tropical-island beach was looking better and better all the time.

“So…bears fall in love fast?” And why hadn’t she been warned?

Tyler clasped the back of the easy chair, his big hands fisted in the fabric. “We’re emotional creatures. Violence, passion, all shades of the spectrum. It makes sense. And as my family demonstrates, losing our life partner is more devastating for us than most.”

She shook her head. “Let me get this straight. You’re afraid you’ll be attracted enough to fall in love, because when I die in some horrible accident in a few years you’ll go off the deep end, so you’d better not get involved with me in the first place.”

His mouth twisted with resignation. “Not the most logical thing I’ve ever done.”

“I’d say.”

He came around the chair and sat beside her, reaching for her hands. She allowed him to take hold, and that’s when she noticed she was still wearing his ring.

The sensation of him twisting the ring gently made something twitch inside her stomach, and it wasn’t the midnight dinner they’d just eaten.

She cleared her throat. “So. What’s changed between now and, oh…four hours ago when you first decided hands-off was a better policy?”

Because she was getting whiplash.

Tyler lifted her fingers to his mouth, his lips tender on her skin. “I changed my mind.”

Drat. He’d echoed her words from earlier. She couldn’t even snarl at him for being unreasonable. “That quick, huh?”

He nodded, sincerity in his eyes. She blew a stream of air out in the hopes it would clear away some of the cobwebs.

“If we can put the awkwardness behind us, I think we can come to a compromise that suits both of us.”

“You’re back to sounding like a businessman.” Caroline looked him over carefully. In the short time she’d known him, they’d covered a lot of territory. Maybe it was because he was a shifter, and she was so used to spending time with people who were “other” than she was. An internal check put her at the not-mad-at-him and still-interested-in-him stage.

A yawn escaped before she could tug a hand free from his grasp and cover her mouth.

He grinned. “I would take that as an insult, only I’m ready to hit the sack as well. But first, Caroline, I’d like to ask you again. Will you spend the next week with me? Help me politically, but to get to know the real me more as well.”

She leaned into his side, sleepiness rising as she relaxed. “So we’ll date while you’re in town?”

“And longer, if that’s what we decide. I might not live here in Whitehorse, but I’m not that far away. Not with planes, and phones and the internet.”

This was…different. She stared into his face as she considered.

“What’s that expression for?” He cuddled her in closer.

“The last relationship I was in, I orchestrated it.” She paused. “Come to think of it, I probably set up most of my first dates.”

He brushed her hair. “Well, this time you’re being pursued. You’ll have to tell me how I’m doing.”

“Like I have trouble speaking my mind. You’ll know how you’re doing.” She twisted, draping her arms around his neck. “Carry me to bed.”

He kissed her cheek. “Does that mean yes?”

“I’ll tell you in bed.”

Okay, totally wrong of her, since being carried about was the exact opposite of what she’d told him about women being strong and capable. But this was what she wanted, damn it. A tiny moment of being cherished and cared for, in spite of her extreme independence.

Besides, not many guys could haul her around like she weighed nothing, and it had been a hell of a day.

She turned off lights as he made his way back to the bedroom, reaching from side to side and rubbing against him shamelessly at every opportunity. His amusement rose, his expression softening as they approached their destination.

“Which side of the bed do you want?” she asked.

He lowered her to the floor and slipped off her T-shirt, his eyes lighting up. “The left.”

Caroline smiled as she pivoted, giving him plenty of time to admire her as she crawled on the bed and settled.

On the left.

He lost the sweatpants in an amazingly short timeframe. The last thing she saw before he flicked off the overhead light was his have-my-wicked-way-with-her grin.

Evan paced by his unlocked door, his phone in his pocket, one eye on the computer. When Shaun or Caroline called, he would be ready if they needed him.

Sending a guard with her had seemed appropriate after hearing fighting had broken out twice within a couple of hours, during what was supposed to be a peaceful vote.

Peaceful, his ass. Bears had no sense of propriety. Fighting in the hall had been bad enough, but out in the street? And not all of them had stayed human, a faux pas which would end up his ball of shit to deal with.

Rumours were already floating through the human population regarding bears being spotted within city limits. The local news station was broadcasting reminders for people to keep their garbage cans locked in garages until pickup day. Which meant so far the sightings were explainable, but if they kept escalating he’d have to take action to keep the secret of shifters from slamming all over the front pages of the national newspapers.

The computer beeped, and he rushed across to check the email.

Only it wasn’t the hoped for “we’re fine” response he expected. Instead there was a new screen with a blinking line of text. What the hell did Caroline call this? Oh right, instant messaging.

Are you there, Evan?

Oh, oh, oh. The mysterious Miles Canyon member Caroline had warned him about. He sat in the chair and rolled into position, making a rare wish he was better at computers. It took a moment to figure out where to click to add his response. Yes. Who is this?

Amy. Is everything okay over there?

Interesting. She was concerned about them? No problems here. How can I help you?

I’m…worried. Heard a rumour today there’s something big planned by the bears in a couple days. The pack is planning to take advantage of the chaos

The pack. Your pack?

Yes. Tell Caroline I need to talk

Evan cussed. She’s busy. Will you talk to me?

Dead silence greeted that suggestion. Not that he’d expected much more. I can’t risk it. I’m sorry. I want to help, but you understand the problem

Evan could use his shifter power to make her sing like a bird. And he couldn’t even promise he wouldn’t, because the truth was he’d snatch up whatever advantages he could to protect his pack. Then tell me like this. What do they have planned? Can I stop it?

The little curser blinked, then the note Amy is writing appeared. Evan waited impatiently for her to finish.

When she finally hit send, he wasn’t sure what to make of her message.

Details were really fuzzy. I’ll try to get the file I saw and send a copy to your email. It’s all I can do

Evan had never been in this situation before. His protective instincts skyrocketed. Are you in danger, Amy? Because if you get worried about anything, you come on over to the Takhini pack house, or my place. I promise to help you and keep you safe

The flickering line blinked again. Finally, she responded. Well, I didn’t expect that. Thank you

He fumbled on the keys, nowhere near as gifted as most people. Heck, he was crap on the computer—Caroline bailed him out every time he crashed the stupid machine. I mean it. I’m glad for your help, but I don’t want anyone hurt, not in the Miles Canyon or the Takhini packs. The goal is to bring us together without trouble

Caroline told me. I have to go. I’ll try to send information as soon as I can

Then she was gone, and Evan sat staring until the instant-message program faded and a screen saver turned on—a series of pictures of the pack on the day he’d rented the local ski hill for a private event.

Wolves flying down the side of a mountain on inner tubes was something every person needed to see at least once in their lives.


Evan shook himself alert. Shaun stood in the doorway, obviously just shifted from his wolf form as he was stark naked.

“Is everything okay?” Evan asked.

“Bears are crazy.” Shaun strode in and leaned over the back of the couch. “Caroline is fine, but there was a fight at the party. Fur flying everywhere. Tyler and I got her out pretty quickly. I escorted them home, but when she took him to her sister’s apartment I figured they were good for the night.”

“Stupid bears. Wish they’d have picked some other city to host their little jamboree. Guess it can’t be helped. What’s on your agenda for tomorrow? Can you keep an eye on her again?”

Shaun shook his head. “Caroline’s got me flying to grab people from all over hell and back.”

Evan frowned. “She didn’t tell me.”

“She sent me a text earlier today. Suggested if things went ass-up tonight, it might be nice to have a few extra bodies in the area on our side. I figured you’d approved it.”

Evan grimaced. Had he lost all control in the past day with his concentration gone? Or hopefully, it was Caroline being her usual hyper-efficient self. “Who does she want you to get?”

“Her sister and Chase, first off.”

A doctor/vet who knew about shifters, and her partner, who was a powerful shifter in his own right. “Makes sense. Who else?”

“You know Nadia Lire? The lynx who lives in Chicken?”

Evan whistled. “Shit, why didn’t I think of her?”

“Caroline said you’d say that. Her comment was ‘this is why you pay me the big bucks, so I think of everything’. Well, actually she told you to chill out, but I thought I’d be nice.”


Shaun stood and stretched his arms. “So, you approve?”

“Definitely. Bring in the reinforcements. I’ll take over guard duty on Caroline myself.”

Shaun gave a salute and headed for the door. “Sleep tight. My mate is waiting to hear all the details. This night is never gonna end.”

Evan waved his Beta out then sat back to sort through the new information. Having additional visitors in town who were Takhini supporters would be useful. Once again, Caroline had anticipated beyond the call of duty.

She also seemed to be seriously interested in the big bear dude. Which he’d have no issues with, as long as Tyler was good enough for her.

Evan’s skin itched with want for his mate, but he couldn’t afford to be less than on his game. He had to put his cravings out of his mind as much as he could, and focus on the pack during the day.

But right now there was no denying the wolf. It was time to hunt.

Evan shifted, nosing the door of his apartment shut, then headed into the darkened city in the hopes of finding a clue that would put him out of his misery.

Somewhere nearby his mate waited, unaware he existed. The need for secrecy stilled his voice as he padded down the streets in the shadows, but inside?

His wolf howled with longing.
