Chapter Four

Dirk turned Ryann in his arms so she faced him, and deepened his kiss. He pushed his tongue between her lips and bit back the growl that hovered near the surface at the taste of her. He was sure he was going too fast for her, but he couldn’t hold himself back.

He hadn’t meant for it to go so far. He’d only thought to show her ass of an ex-husband that Ryann wasn’t going to be alone for much longer. Dirk had hated the way Mack had waltzed into the apartment, barely being civil to Ryann. He’d seen plenty of men like Mack, who thought they were god’s gift to women, and that the opposite sex was only good for one thing.

Pulling his soon-to-be mate closer to his body, Dirk pressed his erection against her stomach. God, he wanted her. Right here, right now. Having smelled the scent of Ryann’s arousal off and on since he’d arrived at her place, it had played havoc with his control. He was well into the throes of his mating urge, and each day he didn’t claim her as his, it would only increase. He’d also had erotic dream after erotic dream of her during the night. He’d awakened this morning with his cock achingly hard. Even though it hadn’t done anything to relieve him, which he’d known it wouldn’t, he’d brought himself to release in the shower.

Now with his would-be mate in his arms, her kissing him back, he only felt the pounding need to make her his. Dirk rocked his lower body into her, unable to hold back. She fit against him perfectly, as if they’d been made as a matching pair. The scent of her arousal increased with each second that went by. The urge to strip her out of her clothes and lick every inch of her was almost too strong to ignore.

Realistically, Dirk knew he should slow things down. He’d gone from just being Ryann’s boss to getting hot and heavy with her. He bet she thought he’d only put on an act for Mack. To her, this must’ve come totally from left field.

He was about to lift his head, but Ryann had other ideas. She shoved her hands up the back of his t-shirt and dragged her nails along his skin. She sucked on his tongue at the same time, just ramping him up even more. Okay, so she didn’t want to take things down a notch. He was all for giving her what she wanted.

Dirk lifted one of his hands to cover her breast. He rubbed his thumb across her nipple, feeling it grow taut beneath her shirt. Ryann nipped his bottom lip, causing a low growl he couldn’t hold back to rumble out of him. He couldn’t get himself too worked up, he had to keep his head. Fully making love to her now would only make a mess of things. But they could fool around, and bring each other to release another way.

He rested his hands on her waist, then slowly pushed up the sides of her t-shirt. His palms skimmed along her soft skin the higher he went. Once he reached her breasts, Ryann let him go and lifted her arms above her head for him to pull her shirt off all the way.

After doing just that, Dirk paused to look at what he’d bared. Ryann wore a silky-looking white bra that slightly pushed up her more than a handful breasts. He could just see a hint of her rosy nipples through the thin material. His cock twitched as he thought of seeing more of her curvy body.

Dirk looked back up at Ryann’s face. Her eyes appeared heavy and her cheeks were flushed with her growing desire. He reached up and ran his thumb along her bottom lip, which was puffy from his kisses. “I want you to know I’m not taking advantage of the situation,” he said in a husky voice. “What I told Mack is true. I really do want to spend the weekend with you. Take you out for dinner and whatever else you’ll let me do.”

Ryann smiled. “I was hoping you would, though I must admit I thought you were putting on a show for my ex.”

He dropped his hand to one of her breasts and circled the nipple with his index finger. She sucked in a breath. “No, I wasn’t,” he said. “Since I first saw you yesterday in the restaurant, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. I even dreamed about touching and tasting you.”

She moaned. “I’m not going to stop you from doing that. It’s been so very long since I last had a man in my bed.”

Dirk bent his head down and kissed the corner of her mouth. “How long?”

Ryann brushed his lips with hers. “Mack. He was the last man I’ve slept with.”

“Then that’s something I have to remedy.”

He gathered her close and took her mouth in a heated kiss once again. Dirk picked her off her feet and carried her to her bedroom. He didn’t put her down until he had her stretched out in the middle of the bed. He followed her down to the mattress, coming to rest on his side next to her. Looking down at her, he still found it hard to believe she’d finally come into his life.

With feather-light kisses, Dirk worked his way across Ryann’s cheek and down to her jaw and side of her neck. She turned her head away to give him better access. One of her arms came up and she clutched his bicep. Licking and sucking a path to the hollow of her throat, he lingered there for a few seconds longer, dragging her scent deeper into his lungs.

Once again finding himself in contact with her chest, he reached under her and undid the clasp of her bra at her back as he laved a taut nipple through the material. It only took a couple of tugs to remove the piece of clothing and bare her beautiful breasts to his sight. The tight peaks that tipped them were a rosy pink, just begging to be sucked. Dirk flicked one with the tip of his tongue before he opened his mouth and took it inside. Ryann arched her back on a moan, pressing herself closer.

Dirk switched to the other side, showering that nipple with the same attention. His cock pressed painfully against the zipper of his jeans. He was so hard he longed to open his pants to free his erection. Instead, he ignored it, wanting to give Ryann pleasure, focusing totally on her needs.

She shoved a hand up the front of his shirt. “Take this off,” she said in a soft voice. “I want to touch you too.”

Shifting so he knelt while straddling her thighs, Dirk grasped the back of his t-shirt and yanked it off. He tossed it over the side of the bed, not looking where it landed. Ryann sat up and placed a kiss to the center of his chest. He breathed at a rapid pace as she continued to explore him with her lips and tongue. It felt so damn good to have his would-be mate touching him like this.

She licked one of his nipples as a hand dropped to the bulge in his jeans. She stroked him through the material from root to tip. Ryann continued to fondle him until Dirk thought he was going to lose his mind. Then she had his pants undone and her hand was touching his cock with nothing to hinder her.

Dirk had thought to make Ryann come first, but he found it hard to get back on track when she fisted his shaft and pumped up and down, squeezing tight. He was having a hard enough time not pushing her flat on her back, tearing her jeans off and sinking his aching dick into her warm, wet pussy.

Getting lost in a haze of desire, Dirk did nothing to stop Ryann when she shoved his jeans down past his hips. Knowing his eyes had to be mutedly glowing now—something he had no control over when he became very aroused or angry—he shut them, not wanting her to see. But they soon snapped open at the sensation of Ryann circling the head of his cock with her tongue.

“Christ,” he groaned. “That feels so good.”

“Then you’ll like this.”

Ryann took his dick inside her mouth and sucked him as far as she could take him. Dirk’s eyes practically rolled back in his head in ecstasy. He looked down to see her head bobbing up and down as she took him in and out. When she raised her eyes to look up at him, he quickly shuttered his to mere slits.

His cock grew harder, his orgasm pushing ever nearer to the surface. God, he didn’t want Ryann to stop pleasuring him in this way. He wanted to come, give her everything he had. And being a werewolf, he wouldn’t lose his erection after climax. He could stay hard for hours at a time, unlike his mortal counterparts.

Dirk rocked his hips, matching the pace she set. Just before he was about to reach the point of no return, he ground out, “Ryann, you’re going to make me come.”

In response, she sucked his cock harder and used her hand to squeeze him at the base of his shaft. That was all he needed to push him into his release. Moaning at the pure pleasure of it, he came as she kept him inside her mouth.

After the last spasm took him, Ryann released his still hard cock. Her gaze remained locked on it. “No recovery time?” she asked.

In answer, Dirk used his body to push her back onto the bed. He nuzzled the crook of her neck as he worked on getting her out of her jeans. “No. And now, it’s my turn to pleasure you.”

The pants were sent sailing to the floor, and he only took a few seconds to see that Ryann’s panties matched the bra she wore before they too followed. He wasted no time working his way down her body, learning it with his lips as he went. The scent of her arousal drove him crazy. He had to have a taste of her—now.

He used his shoulders to push her legs farther apart as he settled between them. He growled softly at the sight of her pussy all wet for him. He bent his head and dragged the flat of his tongue along the opening to her body. Another growl rumbled out of him. Her taste rivaled her scent, both going straight to his head. He was pretty sure he’d never get enough of touching and tasting Ryann.

Dirk spread her pussy lips and licked her from bottom to top, circling her clit, then sucking on it. Ryann moaned as she raised her hips, rocking against his mouth. He pushed a finger and then another inside her, moving them in and out. He alternated between licking and sucking on the bundle of nerves that were the center of her pleasure. Her inner walls clenched around the digits he used to work her.

“Mmm, yes,” Ryann moaned. She panted, “So close.”

He lifted his head slightly, continuing to move his fingers in and out of her. “Let go. I want to feel you come on my hand.”

Dirk looked up her body to find Ryann had her eyes closed with her hands tightly fisted in the sheets under her. She breathed in short pants. Angling his strokes higher so he hit her G-spot, he pushed her into climax. Her pussy rhythmically clenched and unclenched around his plunging fingers. He let out a sound that was a combination of a groan and a growl, wishing it was his cock that was deep inside her, riding out her orgasm.

Ignoring his dick, which was throbbing once again, Dirk rose between Ryann’s legs and wrapped his arms around her before he rolled to his back, taking her with him. She ended up sprawled atop him. The perfect place where he wanted her.

Slowly, Ryann’s breathing returned to normal. She ran her fingers up and down his sides as she lay there with her head pillowed on his chest. He moved his hand in circles on her back.

Ryann eventually lifted her head and looked at him. “Are we stopping?”

“For now.” Dirk then laughed at the disappointed expression that formed on her gorgeous face. “Don’t look at me like that.”

She wiggled, his erection trapped between them. “Do we have to? You’re still ready to go, if you know what I mean? The oral sex was great and all, but you’re looking at a woman who’s done without it for far too long. You woke the beast up, so you have to feed it now.”

He chuckled. “The beast?”

“Yeah, you know, my urge to have sex. I’ve kind of suppressed it for the last couple of years, being busy raising Tyler on my own and all. But after this, I don’t think that’s going to work anymore.”

Dirk cupped her face in his hands and brought her mouth to his. He kissed her thoroughly before he let her up for air. “Well, the beast is going to have to be satisfied with the taste it got. I want us to spend more of today together, talking, before I take you to bed and not let you out of it for maybe a day.”

Ryann groaned. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me? We’ve done nothing but talk to each other for the last two weeks.”

“Yeah, but only over the phone. Plus, we really didn’t discuss anything personal, mostly about the website. And I still want to take you out for dinner. If I let this go any further, that won’t be happening, I can assure you.”

She sighed dramatically. “All right, you win. What do you have in mind to fill the rest of the time?”

Dirk kissed the tip of her nose before he slid out from under her and got off the bed. He quickly tucked his still hard cock inside his jeans and did them up, then turned to face Ryann. She lay on the mattress in all her naked glory, making him almost rethink what he’d just told her. Almost.

“I thought we could work on some ads for the launch of the website,” he said, doing his best to hide the fact that seeing her like this, stretched out on the bed in open invitation, made him horny as hell.

She smiled coyly. “Are you absolutely sure that’s what you’d rather be doing? We could always work on them sometime later.”

Ryann didn’t know it, but she was playing havoc with his good intentions of easing her into his world first, before taking her as his mate. She had no idea how much he wanted to climb back on that bed with her and finish what they’d started. Already, his mating urge had dug its claws even deeper into him because he’d only come in her mouth.

Instead, Dirk forced those thoughts away. “Positive. I’m not going to mess up what we’ve started.”

“Fine,” she said with a pout as she climbed off the bed. “Have it your way. But all I have to say is that we’re off to a pretty good start, in my opinion.”

He was about to answer her when his cell phone started going off. Dirk reached inside his front jeans pocket and took it out. Seeing the number, he silently groaned to himself. It didn’t take a brainiac to figure out why she was calling.

He hit the “send” button to answer, and said, “Hello, Roxie.”

“Good, you answered,” she replied. “That must mean I’m not too late.”

“Too late for what?”

“To make sure you don’t forget about my rules when it comes to mortal mates. I know Ryann is yours. Since you’re the last of the Protectors to get matched up, I’m going to make sure you do everything by the book.”

He sighed. “So far so good. Okay?” Dirk followed Ryann’s movements as she gathered up her clothes before she put them back on. With each bit of skin she covered, he wanted to groan in disappointment.

“I guess, but the question is, how long will that last?” Roxie asked. “All your brothers-in-arms caved. Are you with Ryann now?”


“What are the two of you doing for dinner?”

“I’d planned to take Ryann out somewhere.”

“Come to my place. Have dinner with Beowulf and me. Jager and Daylen will be here as well.”

“I don’t know, Rox. I promised I’d take her someplace nice.”

He was met with a short silence before Roxie said, “Are you insinuating my house isn’t? Or that I’m not a good enough cook? You’ve eaten enough of my meals to know that’s not the case.”

“You know that’s not what I meant. Gee, don’t bite my head off or anything.”

“Then you two will come over. And just so you know, that’s an order from the foretold one.”

“I guess my answer has to be yes, doesn’t it, since you really haven’t given me much choice. But I’m still going to ask Ryann first if it’s all right with her.”

Dirk covered the mouthpiece of his cell with his hand and spoke to his soon-to-be mate. “It’s Roxie, and she’s invited the two of us to come over and have dinner with her and her husband, Beowulf. I know it won’t be just the two of us going out for a meal, but it should be fun.” Not. He had a feeling Roxie would be watching him like a hawk to make sure he followed her rules.

Ryann nodded. “Sure, I’d love to. I know she’s a good friend of yours, and that she helped you set up Mate Connection.”

He pulled away his hand, then said into his phone, “Rox, Ryann said she’s fine with it. So I guess we’ll see you for dinner. What time do you want us over?”

“How about we have a late meal, say around seven? That way, I can get the baby to bed beforehand, so I can eat with no interruptions.”

“Sounds good. We’ll be there. Bye.”

Dirk ended the call and put his cell phone back into his pocket. He closed the distance between him and Ryann and wrapped his arms around her waist to hold her close. “Thanks for agreeing to go over to Roxie’s. She was really quite insistent about it. Knowing her, if I refused, she would’ve just kept calling until she’d worn me down. She really does want to meet you.”

Ryann laughed. “No worries. So what time are we going over there?”

“She wants us to arrive at seven.”

Ryann went on tiptoes and kissed his chin. “Then we’d better get cracking on those ads you want to work on. And maybe we should have a little something to snack on now to tie us over until then. I make some mean nachos.”

Dirk smiled. “I’m not one for turning down food.”

As he walked with Ryann out of the bedroom, he hoped Roxie wouldn’t hover over him too much this evening. He loved her like the sister he never had, but the state he was in, he’d only be able to stand so much.
