Married. Wedlock. Matrimony.

A union between two people who love one another.

No matter which way it was described or how she looked at it, she was—

Oh, holy shit. I, Rachel Langley—

Scratch that. I, Rachel Madison, am now a wife! And not just anyone’s wife, she thought as she looked over her shoulder to the large bed in her cramped bedroom. I’m Cole’s wife.

Turning back to the mirror in front of her, Rachel examined the woman staring back. She didn’t look any different…well, except for the bright purple streaks she had reapplied last night at Cole’s request.

No, the woman staring back at her was exactly the same. Except now, she felt like she had found a missing piece, a piece that had been so well-disguised she had almost overlooked him.

Zipping up the hoodie she had pulled on to pair with her yoga pants, she walked around to the side of the bed where Cole was lying as peaceful as she had ever seen him. With his eyes closed and his dark lashes kissing his cheeks, his face took on a boyish quality that was lost when those serious magnetic eyes were open and focused.

Awake, he was a powerful force that she couldn’t resist. Asleep, he was a peaceful picture she wished she could emulate.

This weekend had been a whirlwind of emotions for both of them, and just like Rachel, he seemed to be exhausted from everything that had taken place.

* * *

“This is you and Cole when he was five,” Rachel told Lydia as she pointed to the little boy in the image holding a young woman’s hand. He was peering up at his mother with a smile reserved only for the young and innocent.

It was incredible to look at the man standing on the other side of this virtual stranger and realize that the boy and man was one and the same.

“Cole was my son?” Lydia asked her.

Rachel felt a lump catch in her throat as she raised her eyes to silently offer Cole any comfort he might need. He, however, was focused on his mother, and Rachel could see the pain etched across his features.

“I don’t remember,” Lydia confessed, shaking her head.

Rachel watched Cole sit down beside his mom as she turned to face him. Rachel almost fell apart as Lydia voiced her confusion.

“Where is he? Is he okay? He’s so little.”

Cole reached out and took her hand. When he held it firmly in his own, he placed two white wax paper squares in her hand.


“It’s okay, Lydia. He’s okay. In fact, he is the happiest he has ever been.”

Rachel looked over the older woman’s gray hair, and when her eyes met Cole’s, she could sense the heartache, but she could also see the gratitude and love he had for her.

“You like caramels, right?” he asked his mother as he tore his eyes from Rachel’s.

“Yes. Yes, I do. How did you know?”

That was when the mischief came back into his eyes as he winked at both women.

“Lucky guess. After all, who doesn’t like caramel?”

* * *

“Not worrying about tonight, are you?”

Cole’s lazy deep voice jolted Rachel back to reality. Focusing on her—wow, husband, who was now sitting up in her bed—Hang on, is it now our bed?—Rachel watched him run a hand through his messy blond hair.

“Nope, not at all,” she answered.

“You’re a terrible liar, Mrs. Madison.”

Hearing him say her new name out loud sent a shiver down her spine, and looking at him naked in her bed for the first time made her thighs tighten.

“I’m not lying.”

“Yes, you are. When you lie, you get a frown line here.” He indicated the center of his forehead.

Rachel felt herself doing exactly that.

“It’s okay to be nervous about telling everyone,” he assured her as he moved out of the bed and walked toward her. “These are the people you love and care about.”

Scoffing a little at that, Rachel shook her head while she wrapped her arms around his neck as he encircled her waist.

“These are people who are going to not only give me hell, but they’ll also possibly kick your ass,” she said as seriously as she could.

Rachel felt Cole’s chest shake as she looked up into his laughing eyes.

“I’m glad you find this so amusing, husband.”

“Oh, I like that,” he drawled.

“Yes. I can tell,” Rachel sassed, pushing her clothed hips against his naked ones.

“Say it again.”

“I’m glad you fin—”

Rachel was cut off as he slid his hand into her hair and gripped it tightly, pulling her head back. Her mouth parted slightly on an excited exhale.

Oh yeah, there it is—that undeniable sex factor. God, the man has it in spades.

“Not. That,” he said with a feral smile, enunciating each word.

Swiping her tongue across her parted lips, Rachel smoothed her palms down his back, and as the arm around her waist pulled her closer, she let out a soft squeak.

“Husband,” she said on a sigh.

Lowering his mouth to her ear, he lasciviously demanded, “Again.”

Husband.” She panted as the hand at her waist moved between her thighs.


Rachel closed her eyes as Cole stroked back and forth against the flimsy yoga material while his fingers in her hair flexed and tightened. She thrust her hips forward, brushing against his naked cock.

As a familiar piece of knowledge asserted itself in her mind, she took the opportunity to have a little fun with him. “My husband is detaining me, thus making me late for work, which is something he once told me shows such a lack of dedication to my final destination.”

Rachel felt sharp teeth nip her earlobe.

He explained, “I only care about your dedication if I’m your final destination.”

Just as she was about to retort, she felt a low moan bubble from her throat as his fingertips began to circle her piercing.

“Cole, I need to go to work, and so do you.”

“I don’t care,” he mumbled against her hair before he took a deep breath in.

“Yes, you do. You told me last night you had to wrap up a few things.”

As Cole’s lips found hers, he kissed her fiercely, sinking his tongue deep inside her mouth. Rachel tried to hold on to her emotions as they swirled and her desire heightened. She did need to go to work, but right now, she didn’t want to go anywhere, except back to bed with her husband.

As he pulled his mouth from hers, he looked down at her with such intensity and love that Rachel found herself tumbling back as she remembered the way he had looked at her this past Saturday morning.

* * *

“I, Cole James Madison, ask you, Rachel Catherine Langley, to stand beside me through the toughest battles and harshest critics, namely your brother, and to lie beside me through the calmest of nights. I ask you to continue being the exact person you are today and to never be anyone but the woman who turned me into this impulsive man who stands before you here today.”

Cole squeezed her fingers in his, and his gaze stayed locked onto hers. He was intent on only one thing, and that was the woman in front of him.

“I was not expecting you, and that’s what makes me so sure. Nothing this perfect could be anything other than right. So, Rachel Catherine Langley, will you be my wife?”

* * *

Cole could feel his chest rise and fall against the most beautiful breasts he had ever seen, and Rachel—ahh, yes, my wife—was staring up at him, her eyes shining with all the desire and love he craved from her.

“Look, I don’t want you to worry about your brother, okay? I don’t think it’s funny that Mason and Joshua will be upset tonight because I know how that will hurt you. I do find it amusing that you are concerned for my safety.”

Her eyes narrowed quickly, and he was surprised to see the annoyance that flashed into them. The look made him instantly stop what he was doing with his active hand as he released his hold of her hair.

“What’s wrong?”

“You think it’s amusing that I’m worried about you?” she ruminated.

“No, I suppose amusing is the wrong word. I find it endearing but unnecessary. No offense, Rachel, but Mason doesn’t really strike me as the type who fights with his fists. As for Joshua, he pays me, and we have a working contract. I’m far too valuable to him alive, and he needs me on his side, so he wouldn’t beat me up and risk losing my business.”

She remained silent as she stared at him. She was still unconvinced by the looks of it.

“Plus, Joshua knows I am quite adept in martial arts. I could put him down in three seconds flat.”

That’s it. That was obviously what she had either wanted or needed to hear because a huge grin slid across her face.

“Does that mean you’ll come and spar with me at the gym later?” she prompted.

Deciding things were all back on course, Cole made his way to the tiny bathroom connected to her bedroom. When he got to the door, he looked over his shoulder.

“I’d love to spar with you, anytime and anyplace, you choose. Just promise not to damage my pretty face.”

As he continued into the bathroom to take a shower, he was happy to hear Rachel’s carefree laugh.

“Arrogant jerk,” she called out loud enough to ensure he heard her.

* * *

Rachel fidgeted nervously with a piece of string hanging from her bright blue sweater that she had paired with black leggings.

It had just turned seven o’clock when Cole pulled his car into the small parking lot behind Exquisite. As he turned off the ignition, he shifted around to look at her, and she could feel the heat of his stare. Taking a deep breath, she glanced his way. She was about to open the car door and get out when he reached across the console and placed his hand on her arm.

“Wait just a minute, please?”

Rachel froze. “What’s wrong? Did you change your mind?”

He gave her a slow easy smile that seemed to warm her from the inside out.

“Never,” he assured as he reached into his navy jacket pocket.

When he pulled out a small ring box, Rachel’s mouth dropped opened at what she knew was inside.

“You know we didn’t have time to buy rings in Lake Forest.”

“Cole, really, you didn’t have to do this.”

Rachel fell quiet as he cupped her cheek with his palm.

“Yes, I did. Now that my name is by yours, I want my ring on your finger.”

Giving her a swift kiss, he pulled back and snapped open the box.

Rachel gasped as three rings nestled in black velvet came into view.

“Cole,” she whispered, placing a hand over her mouth, “it’s too much.”

“Rachel, it’s hardly enough. I want everyone to know you belong to me.”

With a grin she couldn’t seem to help, Rachel arched a brow. “Do you really think there will be any confusion?”

Cole chuckled softly. “Not if you’re wearing my ring.”

“And answering to Mrs. Madison?”

“Stop it, or you will become intimately acquainted with the interior of this vehicle.”

He placed the box in his lap, and as he took her left hand, Rachel watched with a mixture of awe and excitement. Raising her hand to his lips, he pressed a gentle kiss on the back of her knuckles, and then he raised his eyes to hers as he pulled out the first piece of jewelry. It was a simple platinum ring with four round diamonds embedded across the top of the band.

As Cole slid it on her finger, he whispered, “I want you to be mine. My hope is that you wear this ring first, so it will always be closest to your heart and remind you of how much I love you.”

Rachel could feel a tear slide free and run down her cheek.

His eyes met hers as he asked, “Will you?”

Is there really any doubt? Rachel thought as she stared at the wedding ring on her finger. Somehow, this man had bulldozed his way into her life, and now, only a week later, she couldn’t imagine going minutes without knowing he would be there permanently.

“Yes, of course. Cole, it’s stunning.”

When the ring was firmly in place, he brought it up to his mouth and kissed it where it lay on her finger. He then reached down and pulled out the second ring. This one was a beautiful platinum band that sparkled with twinkly diamonds surrounding the largest cobalt sapphire Rachel had ever seen. Slowly, Cole slid the ring down the same finger until it locked in place with the wedding band.

“This is to remind you that every time I look into your eyes, the color of this stone, I fall in love all over again.”

Blinking back several tears, Rachel wondered how the heck she had ever gotten so lucky. All she’d had to do was say yes, and then she completely belonged to this magnificent man. It was, she realized, simply because Cole had never taken no as an answer.

Leaning across the console, Rachel cupped his face and kissed him with as much love as she could. His lips parted for her tongue, and she showed no hesitation in pushing deep into his mouth.

Nothing could ruin this night, absolutely nothing.


Rachel pulled away from Cole and looked out of the car window. When she could see Mason glaring right at her with a frown, Rachel took it back.

Well, nothing, except for that.

Cole quickly slipped the final band on his wedding finger and unlocked the car doors. “You ready?” he asked.

Before Rachel could respond, the passenger door was pulled open, and he could hear Mason.

“Were you two planning on coming inside? Or were you going to sit out here all night?”

Cole had several retorts just on the tip of his tongue, but he didn’t think Rachel would appreciate any of them. So, he climbed out of the car and shut the door with a firm hand, choosing to let Rachel decide how she wanted to proceed.

“We just got here. Jesus, Mase. Relax, would you?” she grumbled as she slammed the door in the same manner he had.

Cole tried not to wince as he reminded himself the car had been built to withstand much worse.

“Mason,” a soft voice chimed in.

Cole turned to see one of the women Rachel had been with the night they had all met at Whipped. Due to the way she was frowning at Mason, he had to assume it was Lena, Mason’s wife.

“What?” Mason snapped, looking over the car roof in her direction.

As he did, his eyes came to a halt on Cole’s, and as they glared at one another, Cole found himself in a pissing contest with his wife’s brother.

“Excuse me?” Lena questioned in a tone that showed how much she did not appreciate being talked to that way.

As she marched forward, Cole had to admit that he was impressed with the confident, pissed-off demeanor she had going on. This was a woman who knew her mind, and she was certainly not afraid of anything, including her annoyed husband.

“Don’t snap at me, Langley.”

Immediately, Cole noticed Mason’s mood shift. Mason tore his eyes away from him to look where his wife was now standing beside Rachel.

All three of them stood on the opposite side of the car to Cole, and as he studied the close-knit family, he could definitely see the resemblance between the siblings. Although he had spoken to Mason that first night he’d visited Rachel in the restaurant, he hadn’t had long to get a good look at him. Now, as the other man mumbled something to his wife and scowled occasionally at Rachel, Cole could really see it. The dark hair, the blue eyes, and as they all finally turned to look at him, he saw the same frown as well.

Wow, Cole thought, someone in their family had strong genes. These two could pass as twins.

As they all stood silently in the frigid night air, Lena rolled her eyes as she came around the trunk of the car. When she finally reached him, she held out her hand. “It’s time we were formally introduced. I’m Lena, Mason’s wife and Rachel’s sister-in-law. You must be Cole.”

Cole liked her immediately. Her mass of brown curls spilled down over her shoulders, and as he took her hand in a gentle grip, he was shocked at how firm her handshake was. She was definitely confident, just as he had first suspected.

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Cole.”

Cole gave her a genuine smile, and then he realized she still hadn’t let go of his hand.

“It’s not that much of a pleasure,” Mason called out from across the car. “I’m telling you, if she really liked you, she’d be yelling at you right now.”

Cole was surprised when Lena winked up at him.

Then, she turned her head to lock eyes with Mason. “Langley, you know I only enjoy arguing with you. It gets me all hot and bothered.”

As she turned back to Cole, finally releasing his hand, she told him softly, “He’ll come around. Just give him time.”

Cole thought that was probably good advice, but as he looked back to the brother-sister pair glaring at one another, he thought it was a shame he’d never been one to take good advice.

“Well, I hope so since I just married his sister.”

What is that phrase? Oh yes, there it is, Cole thought with a shit-eating grin aimed at the tall Langley currently glowering at him. If looks could kill.
