Chapter Five

Brisa opened her apartment door and stepped back for Darius to come inside. It was a half-hour since he’d called and asked to see her. As she’d predicted, hearing his voice, she hadn’t been able to tell him no. And it hadn’t helped that she’d awoken that morning after having an erotic dream that starred Darius. She’d been so turned-on that her pussy had been wet, aching to be filled.

“Do you want to go out for some breakfast?” Darius asked once she shut the door behind him.

“Actually, I’m not much of a breakfast eater. Give me a cup of tea and I’m fine until lunch. But thanks for the offer, anyway.”

Darius met her gaze. “You’re mad at me.”

She shook her head. “Not really. I’d say it’s more like annoyed. I don’t like being left in the lurch like that.”

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her up against his chest. “I’m sorry. I tried everything in my power to make it, but it didn’t happen. I wasn’t happy about it, believe me. I’d looked forward to being with you again. I missed not showing you my bed.”

Brisa put her hands on Darius’ chest and smiled. “Yeah, you were going to do that.”

He bent his head and brushed his lips across hers. “Do you think you can forgive me enough to come and see it now?”

Her heart rate increased at the thought of what they’d do in his bed. It looked as if she’d get some apology sex, after all. “Hmm, I think I can be persuaded.”

“Maybe this will help.”

Darius took her mouth fully. He held her tighter as he pushed his tongue past her lips, twining it with hers. Pressed against him from chest to knees, Brisa felt how hard his cock was. Her pussy clenched in reaction as a surge of arousal shot through her. She wanted him, there was no denying that.

After another minute, Darius lifted his head. “Well?”

It took Brisa a few seconds to understand what he asked. “Oh, I’d say that definitely helped.”

“Good, because if I have to do more persuading we’ll never get out of here.”

A shiver of anticipation ran down Brisa’s back. “Should I go pack an overnight bag?”

“Make it for two nights.”

Brisa left Darius standing at the door and rushed to her bedroom. She made short work of throwing what she needed into the athletic bag she’d used the night before. She stopped at the bathroom to get her toothbrush before she returned to Darius.

“All set,” she said.

He took the bag from her and opened the door. Darius waited in the hallway as Brisa locked it behind her. He took her hand, linking their fingers together, as he guided her over to the elevators.

Once they were outside, he led her to the visitors parking lot. Not seeing Darius’ car, but noticing he walked toward a motorcycle, Brisa had to force herself to keep following him.

She swallowed when Darius unlocked a helmet from the side of the bike and handed it to her. She gave him a weak smile. “You aren’t driving your car,” she said, stating the obvious.

“With the craziness of last night, the driver’s side window was smashed. I have to take it in to get repaired.”

“Maybe I should drive my car and follow you.”

Darius gave her a crooked smile. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid to ride on a motorcycle.”

“Well, maybe a little. They can be dangerous.”

“Only if you don’t know what you’re doing. You have nothing to worry about. I’m a good driver.”

“What about my bag?”

He took it from her and put the strap over his head so it lay diagonally across his chest. “It can sit on my lap.”

“Darius, I really don’t know.”

He kissed the tip of her nose as he took the helmet she still held. He placed it on her head and did the strap up under her chin. “You’ll be fine, Brisa. Just put your arms around my waist and hold on tight.”

She watched him get the second helmet and put it on. He climbed onto the bike and adjusted her bag so it was in front of him. Darius patted the seat behind him. Taking a deep breath for courage, hoping he was as good a driver as he’d said, Brisa sat at his back. She put her arms around his waist, locking her hands together. He put up the kickstand, and with a press of a button, started the bike’s engine. As he drove out of the lot, she held on for dear life.

After they’d driven down a few streets, Brisa forced herself to watch the scenery go by. Being on the back of the motorcycle wasn’t as scary as she’d thought it would be. Mostly because Darius wasn’t driving like a speed demon.

She soon changed her opinion about that when he sped up and took a corner too fast for her liking. She clutched Darius even tighter, sure she was cutting off some of his circulation to his waist. Brisa didn’t care. She heard him chuckle over the roar of the motorcycle and realized he’d done it on purpose. In case he did it again, she put her face to the center of his back and closed her eyes. Eventually, the bike came to a stop, but Brisa didn’t open her eyes to see if they’d reached their destination, or if they were only stopped at a red light.

Darius patted her linked hands. “You can let go now, Brisa. We’re at my place.” The bike’s engine cut off after he’d said the last word.

She turned her head and opened her eyes. They sat in front of Darius’ large house on the drive by the front door. It took a few seconds for her to unlock her hands, then she swung her leg over the back of the motorcycle and got off. As she removed her helmet, Darius put down the kickstand before he joined her. He took the helmet from her and locked it to the bike as he’d done with his.

The first thing Brisa noticed when they walked closer to the door was the piece of plywood where a glass window had been next to it. She turned her gaze on Darius. “Did this happen last night as well?”

He gave her a half smile. “Yeah. I kind of locked myself out, so I punched out the window to get in. Let’s just say last night wasn’t my night.”

“I guess not.”

Darius let them inside the house. Brisa’s gaze landed on the banister and a small smile played on her lips as she remembered her wild rides down it the day before. She turned to say something along those lines to Darius, but found all the words left her head when she looked at him. He stared at her as if he wanted to gobble her up. Arousal spiked through her, making her insides melt. She wanted the gorgeous man who stood in front of her right here, right now.

Without a word, Brisa stepped into Darius’ arms and met his lips halfway when he lowered his head to kiss her. The passion that had flared to life at her apartment grew ten times hotter. He buried his hand in the hair at the back of her head as he angled his mouth for a tighter fit, nipping and sucking at her lips.

She fisted her hands in the front of Darius’ t-shirt, trying to drag him even closer when they were already as close as they could get. Her pussy throbbed, wetness pooling between her thighs. She moaned into his mouth, loving the taste of him on her tongue.

Darius shifted his hands to her waist and released her mouth. “I think we’ll be more comfortable upstairs.”

“My thoughts exactly,” she said, a bit breathless.

He took her hand and tugged her up the staircase. At the top, Darius guided her down the hallway to the end where they stepped into his large bedroom. Brisa took in the high ceiling, small sitting area at one side and the king-sized, four-poster bed, which was the focal point of the room.

She turned back to Darius at the sound of her bag hitting the hardwood floor. His heated gaze ran over her body. Brisa shivered as if he’d touched her physically. He closed the distance between them and took her in his arms. His cock, thick and hard, nestled against her belly, making her ache even more.

“I think you should strip me naked and have your way with me,” Brisa said in a husky voice.

Darius groaned. “Have to love a woman who knows what she wants.”

He lifted the bottom of her shirt. Brisa held up her arms as he yanked it all the way off. Her bra quickly followed, leaving her naked from the waist up. Darius circled a taut nipple with the tip of his finger before he moved to the top of her jeans. Brisa toed off her shoes and kicked them to the side. He undid the button and zipper, shoving the material past her hips until it fell down her legs to pool around her ankles. She stepped out of her jeans and shoved them out of the way.

Her panties were hooked with a finger and stripped from her as Darius bent his head and sucked a nipple past his lips. Brisa held on to him for balance, pleasure shooting through her with each tug of his mouth. He paid the same amount of attention to the second before running his gaze over her entire body.

“You’re beautiful,” Darius said in a strained voice. “I can’t wait to be inside you.”

Brisa cupped the front of his jeans, squeezing his cock. “I want you, Darius. Don’t make me wait any longer.”

With a noise that sounded partway to a growl, Darius tore his shirt over his head and tossed it away. His pants were jerked down and kicked aside. Brisa watched as each inch of male flesh was uncovered. Darius was all hard muscle without an inch of fat anywhere.

Brisa dropped her gaze to his cock. Fully engorged, it stuck out straight from his body. She licked her lips as she remembered what it had been like to have it in her mouth. She wrapped her hand around his thick length and pumped, loving the sensation of him in her grasp. Her pussy clenched. It would feel so good having him fill her, sliding in and out.

Darius picked her up and gently placed her on the center of the bed before he followed her down. He took her mouth in a demanding kiss while a hand delved between her legs. She spread them wider, aching for Darius’ touch. He caressed along her pussy, a finger dipping inside. A second soon joined it as he stroked them in and out. Brisa clenched her inner walls around the digits working her, pleasure surging through her with each pass of his thumb over her clit.

Brisa broke the contact with his mouth. “Darius,” she moaned. “Now. I’m more than ready for you.”

“Then no more waiting,” he replied huskily.

Darius shifted so he lay on top of her with his hips wedged between her thighs. The head of his cock pushed against her pussy. Brisa bent her legs and matched each of his strokes as he slowly worked his erection inside her. His thickness stretched her, filling her up, feeling as good as she’d imagined it would. Once he was sheathed to the hilt, they were both breathing heavy.

Canting back his hips, Darius almost pulled all the way out before he slid back home. In and out he pumped, driving her ever closer to her climax. It wasn’t going to take much to send her flying, not this first time. His thrusts became faster, harder. The sound of their combined moans filled the room.

Darius lifted his upper body onto his hands, his hips continuing to thrust between her spread thighs. He angled his inward strokes so he hit just the right spot that gave her the most pleasure. Brisa clutched at his arms, matching his pace, feeling his cock grow even harder deep inside her. She was so close. It would only take a few more thrusts and she’d come.

Once, twice he pistoned into her, then she whimpered his name as her body shattered with an intense orgasm. Her inner walls clutched and released his erection, milking it in a tight fist. Darius continued to move until her climax ended.

Having not come when she had, he pulled out and urged her onto her stomach. Hands on her hips, he lifted her up onto her knees. Brisa held her upper body on her bent arms as Darius shifted behind her. He ran his fingers down her back in a caress and plunged back into her pussy.

He set a fast pace, sinking in deeper than he had in the other position. Again, she felt her body coiling tighter, another orgasm building. Brisa pushed back to match Darius’ strokes. He held on to her hips as he took her in hard thrusts.

Her second climax snuck up on her and crashed over her in a torrent. Darius pumped into her once, then a second time, before he leaned down, blanketing her with his body. Brisa felt the scrape of sharp teeth at her back where her shoulder and neck met, but was too lost in the sensations tearing through her body to care. She felt Darius’ cock pulse deep inside her pussy while he moaned and groaned, holding her tightly to him.

Once it was over, he brought them both down to their sides, her head tucked under his chin. She felt completely surrounded by him, his body heat sinking into her skin. She snuggled closer, content just to lie in his arms.

Darius’ breathing slowly returned to normal, as did Brisa’s. He was sated, but he had a feeling that wouldn’t last long. He’d want her again shortly. Deep down inside, he didn’t think he’d ever get enough of her. Sex with Brisa didn’t compare with the one-night stands he’d only allowed himself since becoming one of Anubis’ warriors. The pleasure he found in her arms was more intense, more fulfilling.

The only thing that marred what was otherwise the best sex of his life was what had happened just before he’d come. He’d had an almost overpowering urge to mark Brisa, to sink his teeth into her, then keep them there as he filled her with his cum. As if in response, he’d felt the burning in his gums as his eyeteeth had become longer, sharper, what they were like when he was in his shifted form. But unlike the last time he’d had an unexpected shift, only his teeth had changed, nothing else. And the instant his orgasm had ended they’d gone back to normal.

Darius kissed the top of Brisa’s head as she pressed against him. His cock twitched in renewed interest, but he did nothing about it. He wanted to give Brisa enough time to recover before he took her again.

“You’re awfully quiet back there,” she said, a smile sounding in her voice.

“I’m just enjoying having you in my arms.”

Brisa rolled to her other side so she faced him. “I have to admit I like being in yours as well.”

“Have I made it up to you for last night?”

She kissed his chin. “I’d say that was a good start.”

“A start?”

“Yes. You didn’t think I’d let you off that easy, did you? I have to make you work for it a little.”

“I hope this doesn’t mean you’re going to be a hard woman to please,” Darius said with a grin.

“I’m not hard, but I’m hoping you will be again very soon.” She glanced down pointedly at his cock.

Darius laughed as he rolled to his back, taking Brisa with him so she ended up sprawled atop him. He shoved his fingers into her hair and brought their lips together. He kissed her long and thorough until his cock was well on its way to being hard.

“Is this what you want?” he asked, voice rough with renewed arousal.

Brisa rocked against him. “Mmm, very much so.”

“Then I suggest you use it.”

“Oh, I will.”

She took his mouth this time, all teeth, lips and tongue. Brisa shifted a bit to the side and trailed her hand down his front until she reached his cock. She wrapped her fingers around it and pumped. Darius lifted his hips, pushing himself tighter into her grip. He grew harder, wanting to sink back inside the warm wetness between her legs, but he let Brisa keep the control.

Letting go of her hair, he reached between them and covered her breast. The taut nipple pressed against his palm. He squeezed and plucked at the tight peak. Brisa moaned softly. The sound seemed to wrap around his cock, stroking him along with her hand.

Brisa sucked on his tongue before she released his mouth and straddled him. She lifted onto her knees, still holding on to the base of his shaft. She impaled herself on his erection, taking him all the way inside her pussy. Darius had to fist his hands in the sheets beneath him to stop himself from taking hold of her hips and ramming up into her.

Up and down she rode him, her inner walls squeezing around his cock, driving him mad with desire. Unable to lie still any longer, Darius surged up until he sat upright. He cupped one of Brisa’s breasts and dragged his tongue across her nipple before he sucked on it. She dug her nails into the tops of his shoulders, giving a little bit of pain to go along with his pleasure.

Brisa set a faster pace, her moans filling his head, as she rocked against him. Darius released her nipple and left a trail of wet kisses over her chest as he reached between them and found her clit. He rubbed the little bundle of nerves with the tip of a finger. Brisa threw back her head and let out a whimpered moan as her pussy rhythmically clutched and released his cock while she came.

Feeling the point of no return rushing up to meet him, Darius took hold of Brisa’s hips and moved her on and off him. He looked down and watched his shaft sliding in and out of her pussy. Just as he started to come, he felt the burning in his gums, the telltale sign that his eyeteeth had become longer, sharper. The urge to bite Brisa surged through him. He viciously fought it, clenching his teeth together so hard his jaw ached. He pushed up into her one final time, lifting her knees off the bed, his orgasm taking him over.

Spent, Darius nuzzled the hollow of Brisa’s throat and wrapped his arms around her. She embraced him, stroking his back. That was the second time his teeth had changed, both instances when he’d been about to come. At least he’d been able to keep it from Brisa. But it was something he’d have to tell Anubis about.
