Chapter Five

“Are you finished?” Kaden’s gaze flicked over the food I’d picked at. “You’re expected by noon. You should eat more.”

I sank back into the soft padding of the chair, and a brief burst of laughter escaped me. “I didn’t know you were so concerned about my wellbeing.”

He gripped the back of a chair, his fingers pressing hard into the pale leather. “The First Dragon will put you to work this afternoon. You have to be ready.”

I stared at him, the disbelief shocking me out of my animosity. “This afternoon?”

“You’re a means to an end. The more gryphons he has working for him, the more residual mythoi power his seals can convert for use by the humans.” A wry smile pulled at his mouth and it didn’t reflect in his eyes. “You’re a half-breed. That fact means he already despises you.”

“Way to make me feel welcome.”

“Lord Sinon suffers the diluting of other mythoi, but gryphons?” He snagged a small strawberry from the platter of fruit and pointed it at me before he bit into it. “Interbreeding with gryphons dilutes their abilities. If a gryphon hybrid can’t find power, then they’re useless.”

Hybrid. The word resonated in me and kicked at my memory. Yes, he’d used it about himself. A lowly hybrid. Connections seared in my brain, and I stared at him.

His eyes narrowed. “What?”

“You’re part gryphon.” His features hardened, as seemed to be the case when I asked him anything that could be seen as personal. “You’re part gryphon and you can’t find power. So, what? The First Dragon dresses you up in smart suits and sends you out as his errand boy?”

He threw the half-eaten strawberry back into the dish, but then he stilled, the sudden flare of anger dying away just as quickly as it had appeared. His mouth thinned. “My rank within his organization has nothing to do with you.”

“Touched a nerve?” I wiped my mouth and hands on a linen napkin, folding it before I put it beside my plate. I gave him a short smile and rose from the table. “You’re right. Nothing about you has anything to do with me.”

I turned back towards the bedroom, intent on making myself look more presentable. I had only a few hours before I had to stand before Lord Sinon. Not stand. Kneel. I winced. Yes, a dragon liked to ensure his power over his minions was obvious at all times.

That had been one thing my father had drilled into me. He’d been a chef in Lord Sinon’s country home and learned firsthand the ways of the most senior mythoi. Stupidly, he’d caught the eye of one of the gryphons-and taken it much further than he ever should. I was the disgraced result, presented to him when I was only a few hours old.

Had Kaden had the same upbringing? Farmed out to the offending parent and then brought back to the loving arms of his mythoi family. I snorted. Who Kaden was, what he was, didn’t have anything to do with me. That was a fact I had to plant firmly at the front of my brain.

I ran my fingers through my damp hair, pulling at loose tangles. The dryer was in the dressing room, the small, windowless room an escape from him. Blasts of hot air whipped my hair. The hotel offered all manner of attendants, ones I’d taken advantage of before I went out the previous night, but that didn’t feel right now. I wasn’t primping myself to lure a man to my bed. That mission had already been a resounding success.

Kaden strode across the bedroom and sat on the long, silk-covered bench at the end of the bed. He rested his forearms on his thighs and stared at me, his gaze unreadable.

My head tilted, and I stepped away from the dryer. “Have to watch my every move?”

“Something like that.” He rubbed his palms together, the sound softly rasping. “I’ve been instructed to tell you what’s expected of you as a gryphon in Lord Sinon’s service.”

I wagged my brush at him before attacking the dried tangles. “I will be farmed out. I know my fate, Kaden.”

“And what you don’t do is talk out of turn.” A muscle jumped in his jaw, and the morning sunlight burned over him, throwing his face into angered shadow. “What did your father teach you? He knew this day was coming.”

My fingers tightened around the handle, and the brush stopped in my hair. “My father knew you all too well.”

“Then he deliberately ignored your welfare.”

I gritted my teeth. Was he trying to goad me? I yanked the brush from my hair and breathed past the anger balling in my gut. Well, I tried. It didn’t work. Kaden was projecting onto me, projecting his life, not mine. “Who abandoned you, Kaden? Who didn’t protect you from Lord Sinon?”

He blinked, his face suddenly frozen, and I hated the words that anger made me say. Damn it. I had to face the fact that he had hurt me and I wanted to lash out at him. Letting out a heavy breath, I turned to the mirror built into the wall. I stared into my makeup bag, not seeing the various tubes and bottles. A low curse escaped me, and I pulled out a bottle of moisturiser and twisted the top free. “What do you have to tell me?”

Silence followed my question, and I glanced in the mirror to see if Kaden had stormed from the room. He hadn’t. He still sat on the bench, his gaze fixed on me. I should’ve known better. Kaden didn’t rage for long. He straightened and stretched out his long legs. “All right, if we look at it another way. What do you know?”



My name was almost a rough growl, and memory gripped me. His mouth, wet and hot, slipping over my throat, the sensitive line of my collarbone, murmuring my name with heated promise, listing in breathtaking detail what he and his mythoi had planned for me next. I sucked in a breath, wanting to deny the heat coiling low in my belly. My fingers tightened around the bottle I held, and I willed my heart to calm. “I…” I stopped, swallowed and forced strength and normality into my voice. “He told me stories.”

I pressed a white spot of moisturiser into my palm, dipped a finger into it and started to work it into my forehead, cheek and chin. Focusing on my skin eased the heat from my flesh. I had to ignore my reaction. Kaden was right. I had to learn how to behave-I winced at the word-in the presence of Lord Sinon. I met his gaze in the mirror. “How much do you know?”

“About you?”

The soft question had my nipples peaking. I held down a curse. This was worse than the wild riot of anger. I fought it. “Me. My father. My mother.”

“Your father was a human chef in the Hall of the Gryphons for six months. A young gryphon found him…pretty…and sported with him. You were the result.” Kaden let out a long sigh, and his head tilted. “You were four hours old when he took charge of you. Tiny, with a shock of thick golden hair.” A thin smile lifted his mouth. “Did I miss anything?”

“You knew what I looked like?”

He shrugged. “The register.”

“Which you’re not on.”

Kaden ignored that observation and pushed himself to his feet. He fastened the button on his jacket and smoothed his hand down, easing out the creases. He stopped at the arch leading into the dressing room. My skin prickled. He was too close again. “So he told you stories?”

All right, he wasn’t going to answer that question. I flipped over cosmetics in the makeup bag, hunting out the tube of foundation. The few stories my father had shared unnerved me. Lord Sinon ruled everyone the same way, with a hard, unflinching hand of iron. “I saw his scars. His back was almost silver.” I concentrated on applying the foundation, on easing my pale skin and the sleep-starved circles under my eyes into an even tone. The quick, smooth movements broke the memory. “I know the slightest error can anger him.”

“You must kneel, stay silent, bow your head and expose your neck. You don’t speak until you’re spoken to. Even then, it’s short and to the point. Don’t ramble.” Kaden paused. “Is all that understood?”

I gave him a slow nod and hunted for a pad that would take the shine off my face. The ritual, so familiar that my fingers could move without thought, brought with it a level of calm that I clung to. “And my position as a gryphon?”

“Five nain washed up on a stretch of beach on the Isle of Jura.” Kaden moved into the dressing room, and a shiver ran over my skin. The smooth silk of my top itched against me. He stood beside me and watched the quick, precise movements of my fingers as I applied my makeup. Suddenly, they seemed awkward, gauche. Damn, the man could unnerve me, almost without trying.

“That puts their residual energy under the purview of Lord Sinon.” His voice, smooth, calm, swept an unwanted heat into my flesh. I was being professional, detached. Him? He was fucking with me. “So after you meet with our master, you’ll fly up to Scotland to scout the beach and trace back to where they broke into this reality. Lord Sinon will then apply his seal and make the claim official.”

I found my eyeliner and used it as an excuse not to look at him. “So easy?”

“You’re searching for a patch of residual energy across an open stretch of water.” His finger traced over my shoulder and down my arm. I fought to keep the pencil still, to ease it over my eyelid. “You could be gone for months.”

Months. I moved the pencil away and turned to look at him. I glanced at his fingers still skimming over my arm. My heart hammered. Was he playing more games? Thinking he was playing with me hurt. Thinking it wasn’t a game hurt more. “What is this, Kaden?”

“I don’t know.” His fingers curled away and dropped to a white-knuckled fist at his side. Anger held him, and I didn’t know why. Who was it really aimed at? “Sleeping with you. It was a mistake.”

“A mistake?” Laughter burst from me. “You just have this way of saying all the right things.”

“Well, wasn’t it?” His gaze darkened and the hint of desire lurking there shortened my breath. “I should have resisted you, but I didn’t. My need, the need of the beast within me. I couldn’t stop us. And I should have.”

How to make me feel wanted and special. I returned my attention to the pencil in my hand, the anger tight and hot in my gut. As if I wasn’t dealing with enough confusion in my life, Kaden turned my emotions inside out. Bastard. “So I wasn’t a reward from your…our master. Bring in the chattel, but you can have a taste of the goods first?”

He gritted his teeth, the muscles bunching in his jaw. “We shouldn’t have done what we did.”

“What? For that many hours?”

“Damn it, Jaime.”

I recapped the pencil and dug out my lipstick. The tube pressed hard against my palm. I needed to put him-and all that we had done-from my mind, not dwell on it. “We did what we did. Was it enjoyable? Yes. Am I going to let it fuck with my life? No.”

Kaden blinked. “That’s the proper attitude to have.” Something about my words had closed down his anger. Were they what he wanted to hear? “The…” He bit off whatever he was going to say and took a step back. He smoothed his hand over the front of his tie, and colour darkened his cheeks. His unreadable gaze met mine in the mirror. “One of the fleet will pick us up from the roof of this hotel.”

“Understood.” And then I focused on my lipstick as it ran over my lips, pursing to even out the soft red colour. Fixing on the simple, monotonous action shielded me from hurt rising hot and thick up from my gut. Something about Kaden felt…off. His anger and his desire. Damn, what did the man want from me?

I recapped my lipstick. The makeup hid the tiredness in my skin, but I met my dark gaze and there it still lurked. That and disappointment. I moved away from the mirror. I had to repack my clothes, make certain I had everything allowed, everything they’d let me take into my new life. A brief smile curved my mouth. Of course Kaden wasn’t on that list.

I glanced at him, the shadows falling over him as he stood in the wide doorway. The heat of my gryphon pushed through my flesh, her almost-whisper urging me to close the distance between us, to find the bliss we’d shared through the night. “And this is it?”

His jaw tightened, and he lifted his chin. “You don’t understand the intricacies of our master’s court.”

I obeyed my gryphon, I couldn’t help myself. I’d meant to say nothing, wrap up the hurt and shove it down as I’d pushed down the pain of leaving my home and my father. But my gryphon wouldn’t let me. Sometimes sharing a consciousness with a mythical beast stank. “Then tell me why you’ve been acting like a complete shit since I woke up.”


The soft growl of my name eased under my skin and, damn him, my flesh ached. “You’re supposed to instruct me. You lay in wait, take my gryphon’s virginity.” I snorted. That sounded crazy even to my own ears. But he had. And he’d wanted it, gloried in it. “Held me.” I pressed my lips together, suppressing the sudden surge of emotion that threatened to break my voice. None of it made sense. He was my farewell fuck. I should’ve brought the karkadanns to my suite. It would have been less painful to fight for my life than this. I drew in a deep breath. “And now-” I willed strength into my voice, “-now you’re an insane mix of hot looks and acting as if I’m something you’d scrape off your shoe.”

“You can’t understand-”

I glared at him, regret twisting into pain. “Yes, I can! I am not stupid.”

Kaden’s mouth thinned, and a new spark of anger burned in his eyes, but a bitterness lurked under it. “I said you can’t speak out of turn.”

The fire of need and the wild heat of my mythoi burned under my skin. I yanked at his belt, pulling him hard against me. “Then make me.”

Kaden grabbed my hand, his fingers tight, the simple touch of his skin against mine electric. He tilted his head, and his shadow surged over me, the arch of immense wings dimming the soft bathroom lights. I sucked in a quick breath, my heart beating hard. “This is dangerous for both of us.” His low whisper speared me, and I wanted nothing more than to find his mouth and shove him up against the wall. Fast. My lips were only inches from his, his breath hot against my skin. If I just leaned that little bit closer… “I cannot allow it.”

I stared up at him, his face darkened by the lack of light. Too much like the previous night, holding too much of the mix of his powerful mythoi and desire that made him irresistible. His scent, spiced, warm, slid into my lungs, and the familiar fire of need flickered through my flesh. I knew it was dangerous. My gryphon knew it was insanity. Neither of us cared. We wanted Kaden Rhodes. “What can’t you allow?”

His fingers caught in my hair. “This.” And his mouth covered mine.
