Chapter Five

Time suspended as clothing flew everywhere. She could only focus on his mouth and the hands that sought out and touched every sensitive spot on her body. The feel of his satiny erection sliding over her skin aroused her to no end, like a heady aphrodisiac affecting her with abandon.

“Oh man.” He groaned and shoved her against a wall, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to make her excitement palpable. “I love your tits. They’re so big, so full.”

She couldn’t think to blush, for his mouth stole her embarrassment. He pushed her breasts together and began feasting, latching onto her nipples as he sucked and nipped from one to the other, fueling her rise toward orgasm.

“Gage,” she moaned. “That’s so good.”

“And you know my name,” he teased. “So we’re nearly even. But not quite yet.”

Kneading her breasts, he fused his mouth to hers. The chemistry between them was combustible, and she felt so sensitive she expected to fly apart at any moment. He swelled against her belly, and the more she squirmed, the harder he pressed his thick shaft against her.

“You on anything, Hailey?” he breathed into her ear.

“What?” She could barely think.

“Birth control,” he rasped. “You taking anything?”

She nodded. “Pills, every day.”

“Thank God.”

Without warning, he lifted her off her feet and brought her over his penis, her back still to the wall. Instinctively wrapping her ankles around his waist, she gasped when he suddenly shoved hard up into her.

“You’re so thick,” she groaned, closing her eyes at his intrusion. She felt stretched, full, and incredibly aroused at his hardness.

“And you’re so tight, so hot and wet.” He cursed and began pushing, thrusting deeper and deeper into her. “Shit, I can’t wait. Not the first time.”

Reaching between them, his slick fingers pressed hard, rubbing her clit while he pounded her against the wall. Animalistic need surged within her, as Hailey fought to seek the release just out of reach.

“Gage,” she cried, coming closer. She gripped his head and plastered her mouth to his, becoming the aggressor in their battle of wills.

He moaned and fucked her harder, his penis swelling impossibly large. She felt his balls slapping against her ass and thought it the most erotic thing. She, Hailey Jennison, was having sex standing up, with a man any woman in her right mind would want.

And like she’d imagined, sex with Gage was to-die-for. The pressure building within her grew to unbearable levels. His mouth, the friction of his hard body against hers, the heavenly feel of him buried within her…she felt as if she’d explode in a million pieces.

He pinched her clit and thrust at a new angle, and she came so hard she nearly blacked out.

Crying his name, she squeezed him tight, vaguely aware of his hoarse shout. Still shuddering, she gradually noted the sticky mess at her thighs, the smell of sex that permeated the room. And reality returned in a rush.

“Oh, God. Gage? We shouldn’t have moved so fast. I’m not sure—”

“No, baby, not now. You said yes, and we’re nowhere near to being done,” Gage growled. “You wanted a show? Well, you’ve earned yourself a front-row seat.”

Gage fought the blood pounding through his veins for some semblance of control.

But hell, he’d come so hard he was still seeing stars. And she wasn’t sure? He glared at Hailey Jennison, the woman who, for the past six months, had been driving him to distraction. He couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, hell, he couldn’t even come without thinking of her. Now he had her in his arms, a flesh and blood fantasy come to life. And the reality of Hailey far surpassed his dreams.

From the first he’d been drawn to her. And what man could resist? She had a body built for sex—large breasts, a trim waist, long legs and ample hips that fit the cradle of his crotch as if she’d been made for him. Blonde hair framed innocent brown eyes that made him think of fine Scotch, rich and smooth. And those full, pouty lips…

Hell, just looking at the stubborn woman had him hard again, and her eyes widened as she felt him stirring within her.

“The bedroom this time,” he rasped, not wanting to move, but wanting more from her than another quick fuck. He disengaged and carried her to his bedroom. No lightweight, Hailey possessed the fleshed-out body of a real woman, one with curves and a faint tan line from her bathing suit. He’d memorized every detail of her body when he’d stripped her, and his mouth watered at what she looked like wearing the clever two-piece that made such tantalizing outlines on her skin.

Gage kept waiting to wake up, to find that this experience was just another dream from which he’d soon awaken. But the warm woman in his arms burrowed her head against his shoulder, and far more than lust flared inside him.

He stared as he lowered Hailey to his bed. “So what does a woman like you fantasize about, Hailey?” She bit her lip and looked up at him through her lashes. Then she licked her lips nervously, and he wanted to groan. God, he wanted to feel that mouth around his cock. But he knew if he did, he’d come way too soon, and he wanted this time to last.

“I, ah, Gage, I think maybe you have the wrong impression.” A pink flush stained her cheeks and carried down to her breasts.

“Hmm?” He couldn’t stop staring, completely enthralled with the perfect, round white globes. Her nipples puckered, rose-colored beads of flesh that demanded attention.

“I didn’t mean to, well, okay, I’ve seen you naked. On purpose. But I’d never intended for us to…you know. Be here, together, like this.”

He narrowed his gaze, studying the embarrassment on her face, and marveled at the sincerity there. Hailey really was discomfited by what they’d done. Oh, he’d known some of what to expect. But how the hell did that play into the nymphet he’d wished her to be in his mind?

“So you didn’t like it?”

“I didn’t say that.” Her face turned beet-red and he chuckled.

Joining her on the bed, he straddled her and leaned close, placing his hands around hers that had reached up to stop his descent.

“Hailey, let’s put our cards on the table, hmm?” At her hesitant nod, he continued, “You’ve been watching and fantasizing for months, and now the wait’s over. We fucked and we came. And it was incredible, so much better than I could have imagined.”

He lowered his face to nuzzle alongside her cheek, his hands pinning hers to either side of her body. “And you wanted me as much as I wanted you. Admit it.”

She swallowed loudly and her breathing quickened. “I did.”

“And you want to do it all over again, don’t you baby?” He began stroking himself along her belly, incredibly aroused at the feel of her satiny skin against his cock.

“I,” she paused then swallowed hard as he shifted lower toward the golden curls between her thighs. She closed her eyes and arched into him. “Heaven help me, but I do.”

“Thank God.” Deliberately slowing his movement, he kissed her gently, seduced by the feel of her lips under his. He forced himself to keep the kiss short and leaned up from her. “Let’s suspend reality for a while. Just you and me, two lovers doing whatever we want, with no one to answer to. There’s no woman waiting for me, and I can only assume no man in your life?” He made the question light, but couldn’t help the mad race of his heart as he waited for her answer.

“No. No intimate relationships of any kind. Well, except for you.” She squirmed under him.

Satisfaction warred with arousal as he caught his breath. “Good. Then you and I have nothing to stand in our way. Nothing but time to indulge in some good, old-fashioned sex.”

“You mean to-die-for sex.”

He arched a brow in question, and she grinned, a smile both innocent and naughty that made him imagine all kinds of things.

“I fantasized too, Gage.”

Hailey couldn’t believe what she’d just said, but she knew she’d never have another opportunity like this one. For years she’d longed to be the racy bad girl men drooled over, instead of the awkward woman trapped inside a stripper’s body. For the first time, she felt strangely free of constraint lying under Gage. And, wonder of wonders, she wanted him with her every breath.

His stare darkened as he looked from her eyes to her lips, and his breathing deepened. His shaft stirred against her, and she was thrilled. She made him hard, not a porno, a magazine or another woman, but Hailey. And when he glanced down at her breasts, he groaned.

“You have no idea how much I want to fuck you.”


“Yeah. But if I do what I’ve been dreaming about, it’ll be over in like three seconds.”

He swallowed audibly and stared at her mouth again. “Why don’t you tell me what you like?”

“What I like?” She arched up against him, pressing her erect nipples against his chest, and sighed. “I like that, and I like how you feel against me, all hard and throbbing.”

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, going for the gold. I can do this. I can talk dirty and not sound like an idiot. “I love your cock inside my pussy.”

Gage growled and plastered his mouth to hers, and that quickly, all doubt left her.

His lips sought hers, his tongue sliding along her flesh before delving inside and searching the moist cavern. Her breath left her when he began thrusting his tongue in time with his penis, sliding his thick erection between her thighs but not penetrating.

“Oh…Gage…don’t stop,” she gasped, amazed at the erotic feeling. A huge tease, his erection rubbed at her clitoris, making her swollen and needy in seconds. As if she hadn’t just come with enough force to nearly pass out, she wanted him all over again, deep inside her.

“I couldn’t stop now if you begged me,” he said thickly, gritting his teeth as he rocked into her. “I want to eat you, Hailey, to suck the hard little clit rubbing against my cock.” She shifted, and he cursed. “You’ve got me way too hard.”

He eased off her, and she moaned, unable to help herself.

“Hold on, baby. I’ll be right back.” He dashed off the bed and returned a moment later, a damp washcloth in his hand. As she leaned up on her elbows to watch, she noted his killer grin.

“I can’t believe you’re really here.” He shook his head and joined her on the bed, bringing the washcloth between her thighs. Slowly cleaning her, he began rubbing the course terrycloth in slow circles, staring at her all the while. “Ever since you moved away, I’ve been kicking myself for not asking you out sooner. And then I saw you hanging with your friend Faith one day. It was late on a Friday night, and you two were standing at her living room window staring out at the sky.”

That was the first night she noticed Gage. She and Faith had been stargazing, arguing about Orion’s position in the sky, when Hailey turned to see Gage across the commons, clad in nothing but skin, silhouetted by the moon and the dim light of his apartment.

She’d sworn he hadn’t noticed her, but apparently he had. Thank you, Orion.

He pushed the cloth deeper, entering the mouth of her vagina. She should have felt embarrassed, uneasy that a stranger had his hand between her legs, but Hailey could only focus on his smooth words and the erotic sensation of his fingers under the cloth sliding into her.

“I wanted to call out to you, but hell, I was naked, and you stepped away from her window too quickly for me.” He tossed the cloth aside and lowered his head to her sex.

Spreading her folds with his hands, he blew a warm breath over her clit, making her shiver. “Oh, yeah. I definitely need to kick myself for missing out on you for so long.”

Lowering his face, he breathed in the scent of her and groaned. “So good,” he murmured before putting his mouth over her. He suckled her clit, pulling on the taut flesh with a tightness that made her cry out. “That’s it, Hailey. Give it to me.”

His lips kissed and caressed. His tongue licked and smoothed, and when he added the light press of his teeth, she thought she’d go out of her mind.

“Gage.” She groaned, trying to increase his pace. His fingers moved in and out of her slowly, and he was making her dizzy with the need to hug his thick penis within her slick walls. “I need you inside me.”

“Not yet. Not until you cover my tongue with come.”

His words had her body working to fulfill his demand. Surges of lust overtook all sense. And then he added another finger. Pumping in and out with wicked slowness, he readied her. She could smell the hint of mint in his aftershave, could feel the calluses on his fingers that made every touch, every feel of his skin a tease in itself.

She wanted him so badly she thought she might lose her mind.

“What’s wrong, baby? Too much? Or not enough?”

“You’re a tease. Dammit, fuck me!” Hailey couldn’t believe what she’d just said, but the ache in her womb took away any further protestation. “Please, Gage. You’re killing me.”

Her moans only made him prolong the agony, and as much as she wanted to feel him inside her, she knew she couldn’t wait much longer.

His fingers stretched her, promising more that would soon fulfill her desire. And then he did something that shot any last remnants of her control to hell. He pushed a third finger along her cleft, but instead of joining the other two in her vagina, this one eased toward her anus.

Slowly he began penetrating, and the small shock of pain mixing with the overwhelming pleasure in her vagina pushed her over the edge. She cried out his name as she gushed over his fingers and tongue, and she heard his satisfied grunt as he continued to lap up her cream.

“You taste so good, Hailey.” He licked his lips and leaned up from her curls, staring like the very devil. “God, you have no idea what I want to do to you.”

Lost in a dreamy haze, she said the first thing that came to mind. “Is it anything like what those women were doing in your porno the other night?”

He blinked in surprise, then gave her wide grin as he pushed his fingers deep inside her. “You know about that, hmm?” Finally withdrawing, he slowly slid up her body, resting his erection atop her mound. “Did you know the blonde in the movie looks like you? The one who lets her man fuck her seven ways to Sunday?”

Hailey stared, speechless, into gray eyes so clear they looked like the clouds guarding heaven’s gate. “You’re kidding me.”

“No, baby, I’m not.” Gage shifted, pressing the head of his penis into her moist entrance. “And I’m not going to wait another minute before I take you all over again.”

He slid into her, one glorious inch at a time. And, all the while, he continued to tease her with words and images, making her so aroused she felt like liquid silk around his steel-hard penis. “That’s it, Hailey. Move with me.”

Sweat beaded on his forehead, and he braced himself on his elbows as he began pistoning his hips. “You are so fucking hot.”

Amazingly, he continued to sink deeper and deeper with each thrust, riding perilously close to the G-spot she’d always thought a myth.

“How do you do that?” she gasped, sliding with him.

“I…dream…a…lot.” His thrusts increased. “In…color. About…you.”

She cried out as he hit her nerve center again and again, coming around him as he shot inside her with a feral yell.

They remained joined, linked by lust, and something more Hailey couldn’t understand.

“Hell, I don’t think I ever want to move again.” He groaned.

She chuckled. “Me neither.”

He lifted his head to look down at her. “I still can’t believe you’re here.”

“Ow.” She rubbed her arm where he’d pinched her. “That hurt.”

“Sorry. Now I know it’s not a dream.” His grin made her want to hug him tight, and surprisingly, the intimacy of the moment deepened. “But I have to know. What took you so damned long?”
